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Salutations, I am looking for help with a supposedly simple issue. I would like to use some sort of trick that would allow me to centerblock my text on the computer screen, but which would also make the text adjust to fit the phone screen without shrinking.

Is that even possible?

Thank you for any tip in advance.​

hey! here's an easy work-around for centerblock that should fit well on mobile screens!
[border=0; padding:0; width:100%; /*the amount of space it'll take up on larger screens!*/ max-width:550px; margin:auto;]text here![/border]

this is centered with skinny width! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed risus ligula, commodo ac massa a, accumsan dignissim metus. Nulla facilisi. Quisque cursus lectus et ipsum semper, eu accumsan nulla hendrerit. Mauris id est vel odio pellentesque auctor tincidunt nec nulla. Fusce sit amet ex metus. In sollicitudin justo ut ipsum laoreet, et hendrerit ex laoreet. Aenean sit amet iaculis libero.

Vestibulum finibus ante at eros placerat, eleifend sodales nulla dignissim. Ut sollicitudin, odio eget vulputate eleifend, nibh leo scelerisque libero, molestie maximus felis justo vitae tortor. Sed et ullamcorper turpis, id ultricies velit. Etiam gravida turpis at massa scelerisque, at varius magna cursus. Aenean placerat dolor ut mollis hendrerit. Integer eget vulputate mauris. Cras lacinia tincidunt urna at tempor. Vivamus pellentesque mauris eu posuere efficitur. Maecenas ac turpis cursus, volutpat nulla nec, tincidunt turpis. Maecenas sem nibh, semper at tincidunt sed, eleifend in purus.

of course the one difference is that you'll have to use (absolute) px values instead of percentages under max-width, which is basically the value that you place after centerblock, but it won't cause that great of an issue, promise!
hope this helps! \( ̄▽ ̄)/

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