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Fandom ʟᴏᴏᴋɪɴɢ ꜰᴏʀ ᴀ ʀᴏʟᴇ-ᴘʟᴀʏ ᴘᴀʀᴛɴᴇʀ


I find a good song--then I listen to it 1000 times
How is everyone doing? Hopefully Great!

What I'm looking for:
As I get more experience from RolePlaying, my standards slowly rise. But of course, I don't expect each message to be the length of a book page, nor do I expect anyone to write 1-liners. Anyways--onto the interesting Parts..

RolePlaying a Fandom is Great!
I primarily only do BNHA...but if you have something particular that you'd like to discuss with me, I'd be happy to try to learn about it!

If you have an Idea for a Role-Play, then that's great! If I give a Role-Play suggestion and you don't like it--then that's fine! I want everyone that I Role-Play with to have a great time!


M x M : Story Line 1

Male 1 Is a Jock--he's with it when it comes to the popular crowd. He's less of a pain than most people think he is. Male 2 is a `Nerd`, thought he looks like your average teenage male. Male 2 gets great grades in every class--except for PE. Male 1 seems like the perfect guy, until Male 2 finds out his secret. Male 1 finds out about this and is devastated about loosing his ranking for being popular, and loosing his reputation. Due to Male 2 knowing about his secret, Male 1 sticks around to learn more about him, and to try and bribe him from telling anyone. After spending time together..they fall in love ❤️. (things can be changed to your liking.)

M x M: Story Line 2

Male 1 is your average Human, a college student attending a rich school. He gets good grades and lives a normal life. Until, he meets a demon. Male 1 thought this was impossible until he met Male 2, a demon. Male 2 describes his dilemma with Male 1 and persuades him to let him stay there.

Let me know if you have any other RP Ideas!

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