4-2: The Difference A Year Makes [For A Better Age]


Senior Member
Their immediate hold on Icehold secure. The Exalted and Dragon King now face a plurality of problems. Problems that would drown lesser beings. Much needs to be done, but only so much time to do it.

The Varajtul continue to raid the countryside. Destroying villages, and occupying Valhal lands. The Exalted have determined that Icehold’s military needs to be reformed. Into that of the Fifth Arm. A series of issues need to be addressed. Legal reforms, dealing with indentured servants, the building up of Icehold infrastructure (the finishing of the manse not being a small thing), and a half a dozen other things besides. Horizon and Maiden seek to consolidate their hold on the local spirit courts, and deal with other spiritual matters. Asyk hopes to revive the Dragon Kings. These and many other problems need to be dealt with. Some from unexpected corners. All while the Deathknights of the Skandir and the Dragon-Blooded of Diamond Refuge breathe down Icehold’s neck. It will be up to the Exalted and Dragon-King to decide how they want to deal with these problems, and how they want to shape Creation. It will be their skills and abilities that will determine whether they succeed or fail.

Alright, free form, time skip time. The last meeting should give you guys some idea what problems are out there, and what issues need addressing. Periodically I’ll also be throwing some other problems into the works to keep things interesting, and reflect the decisions you guys are making. [OOC]

Over the course of several months, Asyk keeps himself busy with many different projects. With the help of scores of elementals, social projects sprout up all across town. A bathhouse is built with the addition of a underground sewer system and running hot water. Repair work done on the city wall to fix what damage was done during the attack of the Varatjul. Drill and training of the Icehold military. A orchard of magic enhanced trees that will grow in nearly any season to boost the food supply of the city. And one of the most visible is the start of Asyk's new Aerie, a massive tower built to please Dragon King asthetics pulled up from the very bedrock. Built to withstand the wearing of time, the aerie is going to house the soon to grow population of Dragon Kings in the city of Icehold. Sections of the lower levels are set aside to house the wild youngsters to protect the people from them until they have a chance to Awaken their Essence, sealed up in heavy stone blocks. Higher up in the tower, living quarters are found, including a series of rooms set aside for Asyk to move into. A bit lonely for him, but the Pterok is confident that he will soon have many neighbors to entertain, along with the occational guest from the city.

While all of this is going on, he is also planing on a expidetion to the island of Dragon Kings, making arrangements for ships, crews, skilled hunters to help him trap his first batch of youngsters, and cages to safely transport them back to Icehold. An expensive undertaking, but one he knows will pay off. Asyk makes the joke to General Rivers that when you adopt one Dragon King as a son, you get a whole new family. He also makes sure to extend an invitation to all the Exalted of the city for them to join the safari out of town. A dangerous trip, but no more so than swimming in the social waters of the aristocracy.

With the new status as the heir to General Rivers' estate, Asyk takes his last name as his own, and spends time with his new father getting to know the man that would have him as a part of his family and learning about his new estate. He blends into the noble life fairly easily, making only a few social faux pas as he learns how to interact with humans of this social class.
Bjarn has one task in the city now- a task his Caste held from the end of the Primordial War to the Usurpation.

He prepares for war.

Drilling the troops, training them with the skill only a Solar Exalt possesses, until they are among Creation's finest. Checking the walls, looking over Asyk's modifications with an eye to strategy. Putting plans in place to provide Icehold with a navy capable of protecting its shipping and projecting force across the sea.

His oaths are in his mind, of course. He is responsible for the Valhals now, and he takes that seriously, leading Icehold's soldiers into battle against the barbarians.

And always, he has one eye on the Skandir, watching, assessing, hoping to return home.
A Season For All Things

The aftermath of the Purge gives Calypso a lot of time to meditate and focus inwardly, especially once it becomes evident that time will give her a reprieve, however long it might last. Each morning, she drifts high above the city, to where the air is cold and the horizon stretches out before her. In and upon itself, she bends her will, until the cycle becomes recursive and her mind opens to new possibilities. The equation becomes just that much clearer.


At the height of summer, the manse is well underway to construction. Calypso sits atop her green discus, overseeing the construction, watching as elementals scurry about and carefully piece the building together. Stone reshapes itself, metal bends, and plants are carefully uprooted and weeded to adhere to the careful geomantic preparation. The people below seem so small; each a beautiful individual but, from up high, she enjoys perspective. There are so many of them, but one of her. She loves them all, but Icehold is but a speck in the great expanse.

To properly fix the equation, she cannot work on this scale, or with these conflicting visions. The answer exists, and it will need to be perfected. She cannot afford distractions.

She must move on.


"I will see you again, some day." Calypso says as her final words to her companions and comrades. She has not made her leaving unexpected, informing everyone well in advance. She has provided several copies of the manse plans and up-to-date notes on her works on the Vitriol Bomb. She has said her goodbyes, not wanting to bother with fanfare. With those final words to those who came to see her off, she steps onto the green disk and sails off into the horizon.


Near the end of the year, a strange miracle happens. From Icehold, it is visible as a distant green flash and a faint feeling of peace; anaesthetizing and warm. Just as the sun sets, the flash lights up the night sky and soars into the sky, before going dark. Creation shudders, as it witnesses the birth of something... New.
Blunt Introductions

The guards huddled in the throne room all had their eyes firmly fixed on the doors. The atmosphere was tense, the air heavy. Each man stood shoulder to shoulder, weapons raised, listening for sounds on the other side of the large portal to the room. It was thick wood, bolted with what amounted to much of a tree, but that had done little to stop intruders in the past.

Soon, the cries of men on the other side of the door went silent. It was quiet. Each man could hear the dripping of his own sweat or other fluids onto the plating of his armour. Perhaps she had been killed; the danger might have passed.

The sound of a tremendous crash against the doors. They bucked, the bolt crunching, before regaining its shape. A second blow deformed it. A third sent the doors flying from their hinges, sailing across the room to smash into the crowd of huddled men. They were blinded by the twilight of the setting sun behind the figure who now stood in the entrance. All they saw was her silhouette.


The throne room was a wreck. Men groaned as they tried to move, strewn haphazardly around the room like confetti, few even remaining conscious. The only people capable of standing were Duke Walks and the woman who stood in the middle of the room, staff in hand.

"Sit, dog." The woman orders the Duke as he moves to stand, her threatening glare and the apparent futility of opposing her keeping him seated. "Good boy."

Turning, she moves to one of the windows and shatters it. She will not be surprised when anyone comes looking for her. And they will. The servants she had sent running, letting them overhear her demands to see one of the people really in charge, would make sure of that. If any of those Solars valued the Duke's life, they would come and see her before dawn. If they didn't, well... There were other things she could do to get their attention.


It is not long before a raven flutters through the broken window and lands on the woman's shoulder. It chatters in her ear, whispering secret things to her. She nods, then smiles, rising to her feet. Walking towards the doorway, the smile blooms into a grin. She pulls back her hood, flares her caste mark, and enjoys the soft golden light.

"My name is Alfrun." She introduces herself. "A pleasure to meet you."

(Alfrun has joined the party!)
Infrastructure of Icehold

Asyk begins to single handedly change the landscape of Icehold with his projects. Along with the new temples, the new marvels of a viable sewer system, bathhouse, and hot water amaze the people of Icehold. The skyline of the city morphs with its new structures dominating it. None the least being the massive Aerie that now looms over the city. Staff is soon hired to maintain these new pieces of infrastructure. Silver from the Rivers Estate paying to help staff of the new Aerie to help train the new Dragon Kings. The people of Icehold quickly start to plant the seeds that Asyk gives them to grow the magical orchards to help feed the city.

Calypso works on her own wonder for the city of Icehold. Slowly but surely the manse is built up, and soon becomes a dominate feature of the city. With it comes continual pleasant temperatures, and an ability to produce goods not seen since the First Age.

Alright, could I get a (Intelligence or Wit) + Bureaucracy roll for the efficient management of resources for the manse. [OOC] [B]Military Preparations[/B] In preparation of the coming conflicts, Asyk and Bjarn trains the Icehold Militia, Valhal Warriors, and Vanessa’s mercenaries to be a premier military force. As a welcome surprised Valhal men and women start to row their way into the harbor of Icehold from the neighboring islands. Determined to help their kin expel their hated enemy. It is quickly impressed on these soldiers what is needed of them and why. If anything, the Age of Sorrows is a time of conflict. Thanks to Asyk elementals, the dock is quickly improved and updated. It’s just a matter of getting and organizing the resources in men, material, and cash necessary for the building of a fleet ready. In a matter of weeks, Asyk and Bjarn have their army ready to strike out against the Varajtul. But the campaign needs to be planned, supplies prepared, and then a thousand problems need to be dealt with once the campaign starts. [OOC] Alright, I’m going to need a roll for the following things. -(Intelligence or Wit) + War roll for the campaign against the Varajtul. -(Intelligence or Wit) + Bureaucracy roll to keep the army sufficiently supplied to fight off the Varajtul and keep the campaign going for a successful conclusion. -(Intelligence or Wit) + Bureaucracy roll to organize the resources to help build a navy.[OOC] [B]Blunt Introductions[/B] Duke Walks Vendel glowers in frustration at the woman who is holding him hostage. “I don’t suppose there is a reason for why you have decided to assault my guards, caused considerable property damage, are now holding my person hostage?†The Duke plans his elbow on the arm rest of the chair, and messages his forehead. “It’s times like this that I wonder if I’ve gone crazy from stress.†“Now what is this ruckus going on,†Alfrun hears as a white raven flies through the broken window. It circles around the throne room before landing on a candle stick built into one of the support columns of the room. The white raven tilts its head quizzically as it looks down at the Alfrun. “Another Solar? Wait? Alfrun was it?†The raven rubs the bottom of her beak with her wing. “Where have I heard…Wait, I’ve heard of you! I think I have anyways. Sorcerer, slayer of a behemoth, dozen other feats to your name? Either that or you are an extraordinarily well dressed charlatan. My grandfather talked about you once about some-such business you had with him,†she says as she points a wing at her left eye. She crosses a wing over her chest, and makes an elaborate bow to Alfrun. “My name is Enlightened Emerald Maiden, goddess of the Valhal, Icehold, and the Fifth Arm. In a strange and unusual situation to meet you.†[B]Expedition to Dragon King Isle[/B] Preparations are made for the expedition to Dragon Kings from the island that the Raven Gods pointed out to Asyk. Ships are prepared, crews assembled, and the Guild hunters. All gathered at no small expense to the coffers of Icehold and the Rivers Estate. Hunters from the Guild with the various skills needed either walk to Icehold, or travel there by ship. Many of them experienced at gathering specimens from the Middlemarches. Though onlookers can’t help but notice that more than a few of them seem to have skills not unlike those of slave catchers. As the small fleet makes its final preparations, Rivers overlooks the docks with Asyk. “Good luck with you hunt. I will pray to the gods that your mission is successful. Besides, I would like to see this extended family you are gathering. I think I have spent enough of my life as a lonely old man,†he says with a smile. “I think we have spent more than enough money on this enterprise to see some sort of return on it don’t you think?†The journey to the island goes smoothly enough. Sailors experienced navigating the area were hired, and were easily able to steer the ships to the island without incident. The various sighting of Pteroks in the sky suggest they near the island after a number of days sailing. The fleet eventually comes upon the large island. It’s overgrown ruins still standing despite the march of time and neglect. “And there it is,†says Horizon as he stands on Asyk’s shoulder. The Raven God having decided to join the voyage. “Not much to look at is it?†The fleet lands on the island, and gets to work setting up a secure camp from which to work out of. Hunting Dragon Kings is a task not without dangers. Especially on an island so filled with them. [OOC] How about I get a Intelligence + War roll to determine how well Asyk manages this expedition? [OOC]

Asyk looks on in pride as the work on the city continues. Not only is the elemental workforce making huge strides in the work, but even the mortal workers are showing how well they can do the job at hand. Every day the city seems to be transformed from what it was to something seen back during the First Age.

His work with the Icehold military moves along well, also. Asyk's past expierence with military maneuvers comes in useful as he works to manage the larger numbers of troops than his past commands. While it is never a good thing to have to order men to their deaths, with the drill work that he and Bjarn has put the troops through has transformed them from a bunch of rookies to a team of elite warriors, the equal to any of the troops that he has commanded in the past. In their encounters with Varatjul raiding parties are quick and decisive, with a minimum of casualties on their side. Asyk's only problem with his military service comes in his near complete lack of knowledge of how a navy works. Some of the basic rules still apply, but in war councels he listens more than he advises until he learns more about the details on how to build a ship. He is at least able to make the improvements in the harbor and docks without too much trouble.

During the voyage out to the island, Asyk is fairly quiet, lost in his thoughts about what he might encounter once they get there. He hopes to find others that have Awakened, but he fears the worst. It was a rare thing for one of his kind to do so without help, but it was possible. With his first sight of a wild Pterok, his heart jumps up into his throat, and it took all the self control that he could muster not to leap off the deck and fly up to greet the stranger. Finally, the island slowly comes into view, and Asyk sees the devistation that time has wrought and is nearly brought to tears. He wrestles his spirits up with the thoughts of bringing back his people from the edge and walks over to stand next to Horizon. "I see that we will have our work cut out for us." Asyk goes over to the lead hunter. "Just remember, we are looking for prisoners, not corpses. Obviously, you may use deadly force to defend yourselves, but your commission is based on living Dragon Kings. Even though they are wild, they are still my people." Once on land, he takes time to look over the hasty fortifications of the camp and to touch base with the trackers on what to start looking for.

BTW, does any of the Exalts of the city come along for the trip?

Ok, here comes a bunch of rolls for you.

Int + Bureaucracy for Help with Manse Management: 5xD10: 8 10 10 8 5 - six successes

Int + War for Campaign vs the Varatjul: 7xD10: 6 1 10 9 7 8 2 - five successes

Int + Bureaucracy to Supply the Army: 5xD10: 3 9 4 8 7 - three successes

Int + Bureaucracy to Build a Navy: 5xD10: 9 3 5 5 8 - two successes

Int + War to Organize the Expidition: 7xD10: 7 5 6 9 8 1 9 - four successes
Total lack of inspiration today, mainly because of meatspace Stuff going on and being rather emotionally draining. Here's a Wits+War roll! [URL="http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2856688/"]6 successes.[/URL]

With little warning, giving goodbyes only to Keikan and Sharp Snowflake, Narrante slipped out of Icehold without a fuss. Since the business of the purge, she had been even quieter, if that were possible, off in her own thoughts. She lurked only for a few days, making quiet inquiries among some of the Lost Girls, the Ice Weasel tribe, and Icehold's military. On a cold morning, she left on a small merchant ship she had hired. In tow were about a dozen companions from the various recruitment sources; she had compliantly paid into the military coffers to borrow a fang of soldiers. All of them had been outfitted with what arms they were comfortable with at her expense, and she all but silently led them away from the city.

Narrante had not shared the details of her expedition with anyone; only that she was leaving for a while. The speedy little vessel carried them as quickly as could be hoped through the cold waters North and East, into the glacial realm of the far North. During the travel, she spent most of her time learning how to run the ship from her employees and companions, many of whom were used to plying the seas. When she wasn't learning, she was training herself as usual, or resting on the deck with her eyes ahead. Eventually, they arrived in the Haslanti League.

Narrante had learned of what she sought after the grim discussion between the nobles and Exalts where they practically pleaded for their graves. In the days between the meeting and the purge, she had quietly gathered information around Icehold, and soon decided on her order of business. She needed only a few days in the League to learn and plan.

She and her companions broke into the facility at night. Built into the side of a frozen mountain, the air ship hangar had been the source of much work for months now. Haslanti technicians had been gradually reverse-engineering the magitech used in the construction of a number of air boats and scraped together enough resources to tentatively begin designing their own. It was complete, or near enough to function. This was Narrante's prize. She entered first, daiklave ready for any living opposition, tools ready to bypass any of an inanimate sort. Her retinue followed at a careful distance, warriors and sailors (mostly women) ready to aid her in battle and theft. She had told them to take anything useful that they could carry on their way out. Schematics, tools, weapons, anything that might help their escape and use of the ship.

Archie requested a set of Larceny and Stealth checks for planning and executing the heist, so here we go:


4 3 10 4 4 2 1 = 2 successes


4 5 7 5 9 3 10 7 2 9 = 6 successes

Suppose her plan wasn't especially clever, but hopefully she has the skill to make up for it.

In the aftermath of the conflict, Chain tried to do as much as he could to help. He joined in on many of the raids against the remaining Varajtul, and eventually lead a few himself. As the raids died down, he lent a hand in the reconstruction and construction around the city. All this, completely disconnected from the turmoil of the purge.

Soon, his conscious began to nag at him. He had successfully run away from his problems, but some of them could possibly come to haunt him, and those he has grown attached to. Chain asked Anoké for an audience, and eventually got it. With as much tact as Chain could muster he attempted to explain the complicated situation that had brought him to Icehold, well not all of them. He explained that he had begun mercenary work to attempt to make a way in the world, and that he eventually came upon his first assassination job: A contract on Vanessa Cornia's head, from her half-sister White Star of Diamond Refuge. Chain's personal morales were called into question with this charge, and now that he could bare it all to his new home he felt much better. With this reveal Anoké made it very clear with veiled threats that he was not happy, though his rage was tempered by Chain's forwardness. It would take awhile for Chain to regain the same level of trust from Anoké, but that was worth it to reveal a threat to his newfound people. And this news solidified Diamond Refuge as a threat, open aggression was the next step.

As Asyk gathered troops for his expedition, wind of the endeavor came to Chain. The Dragon King already piqued Chain's insatiable interest, and he would pursue any chance to get closer to him, but the chance to learn more about his people as a whole? That was an opportunity he could not pass up. He made it clear to Graven, and every other official he had befriended in his tenure in the militia that he would like to be a part.
Varajtul Campaign

Their army trained to perfection, the Fifth Arm heads out of Icehold to face the multitude of Varajtul war bands ravaging the countryside and occupying Valhal lands. The campaign is decisive. The various Varajtul warbands are disjointed and isolated. Under Bjarn and his fellow Exalted and Dragon Kings leadership, the Fifth Arm is much more capably led and organized. With Asyk’s scouting, they are able to identify and isolate each force, easily outmaneuvering each warband, and cornering them. In battle, the quality between the two forces don’t even compare to the Exalted trained and led force. Each small battle results in a decisive victory, and one by one, each band of Varajtul is destroyed.

The Varajtul barely have time to fully register the disaster befalling them, they are whipped from the Icehold countryside. Those handful that manage to retreat north back to Valhal lands have scarcely any time to even try and organize their new settlements when Bjarn’s army descends on them like a sledgehammer. Any army put to the field is quickly smashed either by sorcery, arrows, or in melee, and the Varajtul prove ill able to defend themselves in a siege. Soon all of Icehold and Valhal lands are free from the threat of the Varajtul, and none of the cannibals remain on the mainland of Icehold.

But no sooner than the Fifth Arm is finished wiping out the last holdouts of Varajtul then new troubling news comes. From the east comes word of a new threat. A new confederacy of tribes is forming. Fleeing from the Deathknight lead Skandir, this army made of various tribes such as the Raviel, Nohyel, and remnants of the Skandir move in on Valhal lands, expecting an easy target due to the forces in that area being worn out fighting each other. It is up to the Exalted on how to deal with this new threat.

Getting to work on some long overdue posts. Sorry about the delays. I’ll post things up as I type them up. [OOC]
Journey to Dragon King Isle

With a tactical eye, Asyk spots a good harbor to build a base camp from which his expedition can work from. Asyk quickly gets them to work, efficiently setting up the camp. Taking all factors into account, and laying the groundwork for the task lying ahead on the island. Once the camp is set up, the various hunters go out, and get to work under Asyk’s careful instructions.

When Asyk gets around to exploring some of the ruins along with anyone else that comes with him when a male and female petrok descend and land on either side of him and look at him intently. The male speaks first in a chopped up, poorly pronounced Skytongue. “It’s him! One of him. Must be.â€

“Yes, a Sleeper who is Fully-Awake,†says the female. “Not Half-Awake like us, or in the Final-Sleep like the Diseased Ones.â€

The male nods in agreement. “Take him to see the Diseased Ones. He must see them. Speak with each other. Yes, he must come.†The two motion for Asyk to follow them to one of the larger ruins in the city.

Narrante’s Theft

The initial stages of Narrante’s plan go off without a hitch. She and her band sneak into the airship facilities, and get to the newly build airship without any significant problems. Unfortunately, the actual theft does not go so smooth. The liftoff and removal of an airship proves to be much too noticeable to hide, and alarms go off at the facility. Narrante and her crew manage to lift off, but in due time she find more airships lifting off to try and prevent the theft.

Could I get an Intelligence + Sail check for Narrante? That’s it for tonight, but I hope to get more up tomarrow and get myself back on track. [OOC]

The Hearthwarden sends a messenger to the new alliance. The message he sends with his request to meet their leaders is simple.

"These lands and their people are under the protection of the Chosen of the Sun. Join us against the Skandir or leave, and you will be safe. Stand against us and you will feel the weight of our anger."

There has been subterfuge aplenty- now Bjarn feels he can use his strengths. His charisma, his might... One or the other of them will be decisive.

He's sure of it.

With growing excitement, Asyk follows the two Pterok as they lead him to the 'Diseased Ones'. It couldn't be ones infected with the Contagion. That killed far too quickly for a population to exist with it. Diseased? With what? What happened to my people?

Jorik spends his days over the next year smoothing the bureaucracy of the city, working it like a fine grain board, sanding carefully, making it smoother and perfectly shaped. He juggles his business with helping Asyk accomplish his projects with a few of his own.

His own desire is to start a grand Shipbuilding dock in this city, which meant Carpenters, a Massive overhaul of the dock.. and a good steady supply of prime quality wood. At times during the weeks he would go off into the wilderness with just his weasel companion, scouring around trying to find the perfect source of wood for the shipyard. He would go far if he could find quality but best stay close to home otherwise.
(Gonna sort of skip the introduction thing, don't want to drag the thread down. Spoke with Table and Saro about details in this post too)

Getting Settled

"So, this was her workshop?" Alfrun asked as she peered about the room, before glancing out the window overlooking the street. A nod comes from the blond man behind her. "Interesting..." Alfrun mutters under her breath, looking out at the people below briefly, before returning to look at the stone walls, looking like they have been warped like clay. Notes on Essence theory coat the walls, along with arcane schematics for the manse still under construction.

"I'll build it." Alfrun nods, running her fingers along the grooves in the stone. "Her design's not quite perfect, but it's a good start. Give me an hour, I'll fix it." She says confidently, looking back at Anoke with a sideways glance. "This could revolutionize the North." The faintest hints of excitement ring in her tone as she says it. The slightest curl of a smile appears in her lips as she returns to examining the drawings.


In the months since her arrival, Alfrun accomplished much. She rebuilt the doors to Duke Walk's throne-room, for one thing, as a sign of good faith; sturdier and much more ornate than the last set. She built herself a cloister for the first time in months, stocking her ambry with every kind of dried herb and ingredient imaginable, and some not, along with filling a workshop with all the tools she would need to craft anything that came to mind. All these things paled compared to the day the capstone was placed upon the manse. On that day, she threw her arms up high and laughed in the face of all who had said that such things were impossible; even the icy storms of winter were rendered impotent before the power of knowledge. The warmth she had felt on that day was more than just physical heat created by that monolithic beauty; it was the satisfaction of accomplishment.

But she was not done yet. There was so much else to do...
Icewalker Confederacy and Unexpected Visitors

After a couple weeks after Bjarn sends his message and decisively finishing the Varajtul campaign, he meets with his commanders and others in a tent to discuss the movements in the barbarian confederacy gathering at the border.

Bjarn and anyone else in the tent hears a disturbance out in the camp surrounding them. Suddenly there is a loud collision from above, and a pair of figures come crashing through the top of the tent. The two land on the table everyone is around, and the legs of the table quickly give out, and the table smashes to the ground with the struggling pair. Everyone can quickly identify the figure on top as Glorious Blessed Horizon. From the looks of the raven god, he has been in a long slugout. Bleeding and bruised from a dozen wounds.

“AH-HA,†he yells out in elation as he raises his spear. “Now I’ve got you, you self serving, backstabbing bastard!†He gives a sanguine grin as he brings his spear down, piercing through his opponents shoulder, and pinning him to the table and ground beneath. Horizon breaths heavily as he slowly brings his talons against the throat of his defeated and helpless opponent. “Now it’s time to finish some long unfinished business.â€

“Horizon,†yells Enlightened Emerald Maiden as she pushes her way into the tent. She is walking with a noticeable limp from a gash along her thigh. “Stop right there,†she demand before Horizon can inflict any kind of finishing blow. “We promised to do this traitor in together if possible,†she pouts as she limps over to the pair.

Horizon rolls his eyes and sighs. “Fine, as we promised then,†he says with annoyed resignation. “I know I’m going to hear about this until the end of forever if I don’t. You know, if limped over any slower you wouldn’t have even gotten to see this grand moment†Maiden painfully kneels down besides the two and smiles as she looks at their victim.

Looking at the avian humanoid down on the ground grasping his shoulder in pain, Bjarn quickly recognizes the figure. Auvir, god of the Skandir. Though now in a pitiful and precarious situation. Auvir looks up weakly at Bjarn, and has a pleading look in his face as the twin gods of Icehold raise their talons for a finishing blow.


Typing typing typing. Should have more up in a few hours. [OOC] [B]Dragon King Island[/B] Asyk and Chain are led to one of the larger dilapidated buildings on the island. Looking at the architecture of the building and the worn away Old Realm script on the building, it was likely some kind of medical facility in its better days. Now sections of it have collapsed, and it is overrun with moss, vines, and other vegetation. The Dragon King and Exalted are led into the building, and down into its basement. The interior shows the same general dilapidation as the exterior. Though the interior sports a handful of dimmed and flickering crystal based lighting, and the occasional long dead Dragon King skeleton lying on the ground. The group ends up in a large chamber. Likely some form of conference room back before the Contagion. “Diseased Ones,†says the male pterok with deference, and it gives a clumsy bow. “We have brought the Fully-Awake one to you. He speaks like you and wears armor of Old Age. Not savage like others, or only Half-Awake.†“We will judge that child,†echoes a raspy voice in the room. From out of the walls form ghostly figures. Pale and translucent, over a half dozen Dragon Kings, primarily pteroks with a couple raptoks. Their skin is covered in weeping sores, and swollen, distorted flesh. Some of the final symptoms of the Contagion, Asyk is able to note. One of the ghosts approaches Asyk and looks him over as he circles around him. “Well he certainly doesn’t look like one of his savage brethren.†“Perhaps one of the subjects of that ill-advised sleeper program further east,†says one of the ghosts as it rubs its jaw. “And a poor choice of a subject I might add,†says one of the Dragon King ghost’s gruffly. “At least if he was intended to work on his own. Figures those fools would pick a soldier to try and save our people when there had to be those more capable individuals for such an important task.†“From what we have gathered, they were intended to reawaken in teams,†adds another. “Shame the system they set up was so slapped together none of them seemed to work right. At least half of the pods malfunctioned before their intended shut down time. More often than not killing those inside. Then most of the rest’s trigger times didn’t even seem to work. Either because of shotty construction, or damages.†“Indeed, any validity to the project was blown to Malfaes when those incompetents soldiers further east couldn’t even build a working clock,†says the gruff pterok. “Now we are left with some youngster, who probably got the job because of whom he was related to or knew rather than his actual skill set. And at least six centuries too late at that.†Another nods sadly. “We have come to hard times if we are even considering such a subject to base any hopes on. I doubt Leeayta would even have an interest in the young man.†“Assuming we could even get her attention,†dismisses one of the reptok. “She is obsessed with Rathess anymore. Well you know what they say about putting all your eggs in one nest.†“How about we at least let him speak for himself,†objects one of them. “We can at least give him a chance to defend himself. Maybe he at least holds some promise. Or at least used for our purpos†The gruff Dragon King scoffs. “Very well,†he says as he turns his head towards Asyk. “Well speak up. We don’t have forever to waste time.†[/SPOILER]

Despite the inexperience of her crew, Narrante manages to use the superior speed of the vessel to outmaneuver and then outpace her pursuers. Her crew cheers in excitement at their newly stolen vessel. “So where to next†asks one of her crew members.


Through the use of geomancy and the labor of elementals, Alfrun is able to create an artificial manse mixing earth and fire dragon lines. In the matter of a couple of months a volcanic pit forms where Alfrun directs the work. Through the power of the demense and the facilities she creates, the people of Icehold are able to pump up the various minerals they need to make a variety of goods. Any shortages or wants for raw ores is now a thing of the past. Soon the Icehold manse is pumping out armors and weapons, and a variety of other needed goods.


Jorik gets to work improving the efficiency of the bureaucracy. There is much work that needs to be done with that system. But such work is trivial to the Chosen of the Sun.

His second major task, the improvement of the docks is another massive project. The docks had long been neglected, and building them back to their full potential is no small task.

Going to need some rolls to see how well Jorik does in his tasks. Bureaucracy + Intelligence for smoothing out the city’s bureaucracy. Survival + Perception to identify quality wood for the ships. Bureaucracy + Intelligence to administer the creation of a good shipyard. I plan on getting more stuff up tomarrow once I have gotten a bit more rest. But feel free to post one what I have written thus far. Hopefully I will be able to get back on posting daily now.[OOC]

As the ghosts of the past manifest themselves, Asyk assumes the Pose of Respectful Waiting and listens as the elders critically evaluate him. Once their critique of his shortcommings is finished, he stands tall. "Well met, Elders. I am Asyk Vasel, and this is my companion, Impact of the Twice Taut Chain, or just Chain for casual conversation. Before the Contagion, I was a Flight Leader of the warrior-priests of Arafel, Goddess of the Northern Heights. It is true that I am not the ideal candidate to bring our people back from the brink, but in the chaos of the final days there really was no good choices to be made." He pauses as the memories of the past wash over him like a tidal wave, bringing up long supressed emotions. "I have asked myself many times why I was chosen for this role, chosen to live, while so many died by the millions. Even the other Sleepers that were supposed to join me in rebuilding did not survive to the day that I was revived. I can only believe that perhaps Fate had some small role in my choice. In the time since then, I have encountered many of the Exalted that have become my good friends and companions, and I have begun the task of preparing a new home for our people to once more thrive and live along side the people of Creation once more in the city of Icehold. I can stand here and sing my praises to you, give you wonderous tales of the great deeds that I have done before and after the Fall, but all that is meaningless in comparison to the larger task at hand of restoring all of the breeds of Dragon King. I am not worthy of such responsibility, but sadly, you are faced with limited choices. Please, let me do what I can."

Raising a hand, the Hearthwarden says, "Hold."

He steps closer, looking down on the two Gods of the Valhal and the Fifth Arm, and the God of his people... looking down on his three gods.

There is authority in his gaze as he says, "Maiden, Horizon, your aid has been invaluable to me and your devotion to your people is a credit to you- but I cannot cast away the God who my people have followed for so many years. You have told me many things- now I wish to hear them from his mouth, hear his side of the story."

His face takes on an ominous cast as he continues, "And you, Auvir- I would have you speak honestly." The words are simple, but filled with power- "These two have told me many things about you, things I would prefer not to believe. I was raised in your ways- honour, loyalty, honesty, and I seek to live my life by them. Whether they are in your heart or not, I believe them."

He pauses, holding the god's gaze, and adds, "And I would know how my people came to be in the thrall of the dead. I would know why I must liberate them."

That's a Presence-based social attack with a compulsion to Tell The Truth plus Irresistible Salesman's Spirit. [URL="http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2874681/"]7 successes,[/URL] doubled to 14.

Could I get an Intelligence + Bureaucrac roll for the changes and reforms Anoke wants to do in order to see how efficiently he can put them into place. I figure I’ll give you the chance to describe the use of your charms before describing how that turns out. If anyone else wants to do an Investigation roll to help hunt down the cultists they are free to do so. [OOC] [B]Asyk[/B] The petrok that seems to be in charge of the group of Dragon King ghosts eyes narrow in a scowl towards Asyk and Chain. “Not exactly a ringing endorsement of yourself young one. My name is Visul Frojtul, I am, was, the Director of this medical institution before the days of the Contagion. Little surprise based on where we are today, my colleges and I were unable to do anything to stop the Contagion. Only our quarantine procedures and artifacts kept the disease outside of the walls of these buildings. But given the widespread death of our people, and shrinking supplies, we were only delaying the inevitable. Too few were left alive to revive our people, and the infrastructure needed for such things. To make a long story short, in face of the utter disaster we faced, the others and I decided the best bad option available to us was to drop our wards, and face the inevitable. Hoping that if enough of us willed it so, we could remain as ghosts to do what we could for our people.†“But things do not go that well, did they Visul,†says one of the other ghosts. “All that we have been able to do is go on like this. As abominations. Not even allowing ourselves to go back into the reincarnation cycle.†“Things have proven…more difficult then we hoped for Griben,†admits Visul as he turns to his fellow ghost. “But we did not exactly have a great number of options available to us now did we? Even the couple of Sleepers who did make their way here were not able to do much before they expired. We have what? No more than a couple score partially awakened, and a pair of fully Awakened Dragon Kings on this island?†One of the Dragon Kings steps up near Chain and looks him over. “And what of these Exalted you are working with? Do you really think the humans can be worked with? The very humans who have all but forgotten our role in bringing them up from simple savagery? Forgotten about us almost completely?†He steps up right in front of Chain, and looks him right in the face. “Is this one of the Exalted you spoke about? Who have you allied with? The Lunars? Who have been reduced to hugging the borders of Creation? Or the Terrestrials? The very ones who turned on their old masters, and have done nothing to help us since then. What makes you think any of them can help. Or this large fellow right here? What makes them special?†[B]Alfrun[/B] After a series of inquiries, Alfrun is lead to a volcano demense by Maiden. “There it is,†says Maiden while standing on Alfrun’s shoulder and pointing a wing down into the pool of lava within it. “Now there is the matter of dealing with Livias-“ There is a tremble, and a pillar of the lava rises out of the pool towards Alfrun and Maiden. The tops off near the two, and a flaming figure comes out of it to stand on the pillar. “Who has come to visit my home,†she asks with an annoyed expression. “Maiden, what are you doing here? And who is this you have here? Some mortal sorcerer? I hope you are not wasting my time little raven. I did not enjoy that little prank you pulled at Calibration a century ago. So my patience is short where you are concerned.†“You could stand to get a sense of humor, and learn to laugh at yourself you know,†objects Maiden. “But that’s not why I, we, are here. Alfrun here has an interesting proposal for you. It was your idea, so how about you explain it,†says Maidenly happily. Livias frowns at the pair. “Make it quick. I do not have time to entertain fools. And I know at least one of you are one.†[SPOILER] [IMG]http://i1012.photobucket.com/albums/af250/TheArchavist/AshlingThePilgrim.jpg[/IMG] [B]Bjarn & Anyone Else At The Meeting[/B] Maiden looks up at Bjarn with a snarl. “Why, so he can turn you against us like he has so many others,†Maiden snaps at Bjarn. Not taking his eyes off of Auvir, Horizon holds his talons to Auvir’s throat. “He is the one who broke Fang’s Compact. Malfaes, he is even bringing an army to conquer our people during a moment of weakness. He can’t be trusted!†Grunting through the pain, Auvir speak in a deep voice. “Nice to know you think so little of Bjarn’s friendship and alliance weak children of Nasamara. I would have thought you would have more confidence in a good man such as him.†Horizon tightens his grip enough to draw blood on Auvir’s throat. “It’s you I am more concerned with then him.†“Don’t I even get a chance to defend my actions,†protests Auvir as stares at Horizon with a glare. “Does justice mean nothing to you? Or are you thrashing out just like a petulant child? Go ahead and strike me down if you are just an angry brat Horizon. Show us all what you are made of.†Horizon holds still for a long moment before slowly withdrawing his talons from Auvir’s throat. “Fine, I’ll give you a moment of mercy. Better then you have given to me. More then you deserve.†Horizon stands up, and places his foot on Auvir’s chest. With a swift, forceful tug Horizon pulls his spear out of the ground and Auvir’s shoulder, and the Skandir god gasps in pain. Holding his bleeding shoulder in pain, Auvir stuggles to his feet on wobbly knees. The Valhal gods staring at him with loathing as they stand to the side besides each other. Auvir turns to Bjarn as he tries to regain his composure despite his wounds. “Thank you for getting those two off of me. When I saw your message and who is was from, I came right away to see you. But Horizon and Maiden attacked me with a bloodlust. They didn’t even try and talk.†Maiden frowns at Auvir. “I would have thought our blatant warnings about what would happen to you if you came back were quite clear,†says Maiden with annoyance. “Perhaps you should have sent someone else to at least herald you coming. At least then you might not be bleeding out like you are.†“There wasn’t time for such niceties,†says Auvir in frustration. “The Confederation on your border isn’t exactly in a waiting mood. Playing things safe to make sure you two didn’t attack like rabid dogs was not much of an option.†Auvir leans against one of the tent poles with a hand to keep himself from swaying. “But I’m not here to argue with you two. We will be here for at least a week if I get into it with you two.†Auvir turns to Bjarn and lets out a sigh. “I suppose those two have gotten to you about our past. In their own, colorful way I’m sure. Those two never could stop talking about anything. It’s like they are afraid they will stop existing if they ever shut up.†Horizon firms his grip on his spear. “Are you going to get on with it, or throw insults at us?†“I don’t know what those two have said about me, so I will start at the beginning,†says Auvir. “I’ve spent most of my existence working under Nasamara and Voharun. Slowly working my way up in the bureaucracy after the Primordial’s were defeated. Eventually getting a nice position as God of Northern Skirmishes. But then the Contagion came, and as a result, those two were born,†he says as he points a talon at the Raven Gods. “Times were rough after the Contagion. Many gods lost their jobs. Those that were lucky enough not to be killed outright by the Fair Folk. A more experience, deserving god should have been put in place as the god of the Valhal. A growing and prosperous tribe. A type of position other gods would have, and did kill for. But Nasamara arbitrarily assigned his two brats to the position instead of some minor job in the Northern War Department more befitting their inexperience.†“They became gods of the Valhal based on nothing more than sheer nepotism. Not many were going to reproach a god of Nasamara’s position. I wouldn’t have cared too much. That is, until I got roped into helping the two mewling’s. Nasamara assigned me to assist the two, considering they were not fully ready for their duties. Far too much human in them for my liking. Nasamara wanted them to grow, to develop, rather than just creating them with the natural abilities to complete the tasks assigned to them. He even arranged for them to be taught how to perform their duties by other gods, myself included, while I did the bulk of the work running the Valhal while they were away learning like school children.†“I was assured that my old job would be open to me once Horizon and Maiden were ready to take over. After about a century I thought they were ready enough to fully take over the duties of the Valhal, they certainly expressed their desires to take over, and I was ready to take over my old position. But I was turned down. Again and again. Nasamara said his children still needed more guidance. Add to that those two had little interest in having me around in the long term. They were anxious to stand up, and do things how they wanted.†“To make things worse, over time I found characteristics that were…wanting. They were unstable, ambitious for being not even a millennium old, and dangerous. I worried about their natures. Of how they were created, and what the meant. Then there was that…incident. Horizon and Maiden came to fight and hate each other in a way I had never seen previously. I’m sorry to say that my own conduct was not what I would have desired. I had been…manipulated by others. My own jealousy, frustrations, and fears were used against me. When Maiden and Horizon needed me the most, I turned my back to them, and let their squabbles escalate into something much more dangerous. Those two were made to work together, and it is their nature to self destruct if they don’t.†“In that state they were in the Valhal were fracturing. Weakness is one thing the North never tolerates. I was advised to and convinced that the best way to handle the situation was to try and take the Valhal away from the two of them, not all that unusual of a thing in those days. Or even today in the Terrestrial Court. If you couldn’t hold what you had, then you didn’t deserve to have it. So in the end I contributed to the division those two likely explained to you.†“Only in time did I come to see how shameful my own behavior had been. But lines had already been crossed by the time Winters Fang prevented us from going at each other’s throats. I’ve honestly been too ashamed to talk about my role in the affair to nearly anyone. In any event, any attempt to approach those two was more likely going to result in me getting my throat getting torn out as accomplish anything positive. All I could do was attempt to guide the Skandir as best as I could.†“Unfortunately, it seems I have failed in my task. A dark presence has taken over the lands of the Skandir. I don’t know how to properly explain this. But there seems to be a new type of Exalted now. They call themselves deathknights. I have seen first hand their power. It is as great as that of the Solars. Only…twisted, perverted. Like a dark nightmare of something that used to be great. They have descended on the lands of the Skandir, and are overwhelming everything before them.†“I’m sorry to say this Bjarn, but one of those deathknights is your brother. Or something that uses his face. He was the first of his kind to rise among the Skandir. Then he brought more, and then others rose among the Skandir. They have since perverted the Skandir and the other people they have conquered. Made them worship the undead, brought the gods under heel, doing things to…change them. Making those gods something else. I tried to fight them with what allies I could. But I failed, they were too much for me, and those who tried toesist them. I could go on and on about the multiple horrors they have inflicted. To make his new capital, your brother slaughtered the entire population of a city, man, woman, and child, to make a new shadowland, and make his City of Bones.†“That is why I have come to Bjarn. Risking the dangers to myself. I beg you for help. To fight off these Deathknights, and liberate the Skandir.†[/SPOILER]

OOC I don't know if we are about to engage in a social combat or not. If so, just let me know what to roll and I'll post it right away.

Asyk tries to compose himself, but instead paces back and forth in visible tension as he listens to the elders criticize him. Taking a deep breath, he once more takes to the position of Willing Student Correcting a Superior. “Elders. It is true that I was never intended to work by myself. As one of the warrior-priests of the Goddess Araphel, I was to protect and spiritually advise my comrades, but several other chambers that at one time held others of our kind did not survive the span of centuries, and their bodies were looted by ill-bread criminals before I was discovered by a Solar Exalt. Does that surprise you? Were you not aware that the Solars have returned to Creation, along with their Lunar mates? The city of Icehold now houses the largest concentration of Celestial Exalted that I have ever seen, and they are working side by side with me and the mortal population to make the city a better place. We have the full endorsement of the new gods of the Valhail, Maiden and Horizon, and they have both agreed to assist me in the task of enlightening my people. Already a vast infrastructure exists in Icehold to improve the quality of life for not just the mortal population, but in preparation for scores of younglings to join them and eventually work along-side them as equals. I have shown how effective even one Dragon King can be in combat as we have fought the Varatjul. The locals, in their own words, understand what a horde of magical lizards can do to strengthen the city and improve the way of life for all. I find myself welcomed in nearly all corners of the city as I travel in my true form; looked up to as a savior and a member of the new city nobility, in charge of a large portion of the town militia. Icehold is a place of beauty, and not just because of summoned elementals making pretty towers and fountains. It is a place where all are welcomed, be they Exalted, God, Dragon King, Alchemical or mortal, where they all work together to create something special.

“As I said before, I am not the best one to take on the mantle of this responsibility. I could have paid more attention in school, or done more as a productive citizen, but times for second guessing has passed us by. I am here now, and I am more than ready to start the task of centuries to bring all of Dragon King kind back from the brink and make them a viable contribution to Creation once more.†He drops down to his knee with his bow placed upon the ground in the position of the Humble Supplicant. “Please. Help me help our people. I am not worthy of this burden, but I have the good luck to have friends to help me bear the weight of such responsibility. I am oath-bound to try. Please, help me.†And with that, he bows his head and holds still, feeling the tears of sorrow flowing down his face as the grim reality is once more thrust into his face, making him remember all that he has lost in the blink of an eye. I will let Chain speak for himself. He knows more of his story than I do, and what he can do to help my people.

Alfrun listens to the conversation between the two gods and finds herself greatly unimpressed. Recognizing a liability where she sees one, though, she takes a piece of string from one of the pouches on her rope belt, and binds it around Maiden's beak.

"Alright." She says with her attention back on the volcano god. "Let's talk"

The faint glitter of gold appears on Alfrun's forehead. It would be easily lost next to the bright glow of that magma, but, framed as a silhouette against the night sky, the thin outline of a Solar's caste mark becomes visible on her forehead. As she pulls back her hood, she smiles, and watches for the god's reaction.

(Activated Judge's Ear Technique, 3m Peripheral, causing caste mark to become a faint, glittering shape on her forehead)

Spitting on the ground, Bjarn says quietly, "Damn the day that man was born! He never was fit to lead, and now he has been... replaced? Or given power, like me?"

He shakes his head, and says, "At least you fought."

A pause.

Bjarn's face is still stony as he says, "And you say you are ashamed. A powerful word to come from you, Auvir- never in my life have I heard anything of the like."

He paces back and forth, continuing, "And ashamed you should be, betraying the trust given to you- even for such a good cause. It is well that you have admitted this betrayal, but a betrayal it remains."

He sighs deeply. "And you come to beg our aid. I know what that must mean to you- you are as proud as I am," he says, a touch of a sardonic smile quirking at his lips. "But..."

Suddenly he stops, turns his gaze fully on the god. "Advised, you said. Advised by who? How far back does the blame for our people's strife go?"

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