360 reputations


One Time Luck
Name: (characters first and last name please take note your name does not have to be by the standards of real names its a diff. world therefore diff. standards or averages)

-Spheres Name: (your sphere or what every you may call it is your whole purpose this is more important than naming your self make sure its original and you will for sure like it)

Age: (do not put date of birth there are no knowledge of caring for time in this world the only thing that defines your age

Life Story: (Important Info previous to how you got to this point you may mention this of your sphere)

Sphere: (take your time to think about this one you must give your sphere a personality and origin and info your sphere can be anything that is about the size you would think of a baseball that is the average size but everyone's is different so do as you please)

Sphere's physical and/or mental abilities or/and appearance and/or originalities: (sphere's everything this is the most important one of all its what defines you and everyone one around you its your life your pride you can make it magic to being alive to being an illusion to being invisible to being able to think to being able to grow to being untouchable to anyone but you or all those things any thing you want be original)

Other: (please take the time to add any other info you want to add of anything be sure to mention what it is your adding though)
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