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Realistic or Modern ᴛᴏᴇʟ ᴇɴᴛᴇʀᴛᴀɪɴᴍᴇɴᴛ ʀᴏʟᴇᴘʟᴀʏ


ᴍᴀsᴛᴇʀ ᴏғ ᴀʟʟ ᴛʀᴇᴇs
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My Interest Check




[Male Idol Is Taken By [, Female Slot Is Taken By ]

One's a famous soloist and the other is a normal student who is totally not into kpop and has zero knowledge of the entertainment industry (besides the really famous ones of course). She is a college student majoring in music (Pianist/Composer/Music Teacher/ Etc) but she receives a two-year round scholarship if she works along with the Idol. The idol doesn't notice her at first, but when he gets into deep trouble with a couple of scandals with a singer in a different company, the potato brings up her A-game to help him clear his name so she could get her scholarship opportunity and go back to her normal life again.



[Female Taken By , Male Taken By ]

These two roles will cause a small probability of god-modding, but will only do because of switching roles. I'll give a signal of morning/night and that's when you two will have to change characters and play as them at night only. Inspired by Secret Garden

Everyone says that they're a great couple. They're famous, handsome/beautiful, and have a great reputation among the others. They're constantly having CFs together, always in magazines, and were even in a scandal that they were dating once! But what's the catch? They hate each other to the deepest gut. The two are like yin and yang, oil and water. One person is a perfectionist while the other is a slob. The two may seem to be very loving on-screen, but when they are together, they are constantly arguing and bickering. For some reason, the gods place a horrifying curse on this couple, switching their bodies at night! The only hell can bring what is wrong with the two, but will they be able to understand each other once they learn about each other's background past and situation?



Female Role Taken By , Male Role Taken By

The rookie actor is one of the fast-rising star among the current movies/dramas and the fan was there ever since the beginning. She's quite obsessive and loves him so much, she watched every show he was in, knows his age, personality, and background story. He's the friendliest, kind, and a funny down-to-earth person she has always dreamed of being with. When her best friend jokes around that she should dress up as a boy to sign up as a trainee to see him, she begins to take the idea seriously! Now the fan who is dressed up as a boy really becomes a trainee and watches her fan nearby. The only thing is that everything she thought she knew was wrong about him! Now, with him helping the trainees act along with her, she wishes she could get away from this place. What will she do when she learns that he has a girlfriend?



[ Female role taken by , Male role taken by @Sign]

Inspired by Skip Beat.

The female actress is a strong-willed woman who is on the verge of debuting. Throughout her life, she's always tried to help her "boyfriend" out when he was in trouble and poor, but when she really learns that he was using her for her money since she is rich, she'll do anything for revenge. In order to do so, she signs up to TOEL entertainment and finds the best manager out there to help her be by her side. Her manager, who is an organized, perfectionist who is one of the best in the entertainment is hired to take care of her, he sees her flaming vengeance and doesn't understand why she's so crazy. The manager has gained a fear of woman after his childhood trauma when his mother used to abuse him in an alcoholic state. Since then, he was adopted by another family and taken in. Since then, he has been trying to fight against the fear of woman (especially touching them). When the actress takes on her first main role, the main actor is none other than her hot ex-boyfriend! With the urge of not wanting to kill him, the manager will have to go through his way to help this crazy actress calm down, and on the road, heal his fear of woman by taking care of her.

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. . T i m e . .

Morning [9:00]









Bonding time wth everyone at the beach in two days.

. . S t a r t i n g P o i n t . .
This is the start of your day! Everyone has their own schedule so let's begin!

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