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Fantasy 3 ideas: Dystopian/romance/adventure

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  • 1. Rank

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Senior Member

Rank takes place in a dystopian world where everyone wears a metal cuff with a digital number on it. The number is their ranking.

People's housing, food, education, etc. is based off their rank. Those with a better rank have better opportunities.

Cities are built in a circular pattern with five rings. The rings are labeled alphabetically, being with the center ring and moving outward.

A: Houses the elite, those with a ranking of 1 to 100.

B: Houses the the upper class, those ranking between 101 and 3,500.

C: Upper middle class with ranks between 3,501 and 5,000.

D: Middle class with ranks between 5,000 and 30,000.

E: Lower class with ranks between 30,001 and 50,000.

Each city only holds 50,000 people. Anyone whose rank exceeds 50,000 is thrown into the Wastelands beyond the city. People can move between cities, but their rank will need to be re-evaluated upon entrance.

Once a year is the ranking, a week long event with tests and competitions to re-evaluate the population.

"The great thing about the ranking system is that anyone can work their way up to the higher tiers."
Rank 24 Politician.
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Kibitzer said:
I would be so on board for the Rank idea, not much for the other two though... .w.
Awesome! I'd love to role play with you. I'm hoping to get more people interested in Rank first.

Do you have any ideas for Rank?
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I adore the 'Rank' idea! You could even expand it to cover other aspects of society like businesses can refuse service to anyone rank 20,000 and higher. How would rank be determined for someone marrying a higher rank? Is it a form of currency or just a system based upon someone's wealth?
Agrize said:
I adore the 'Rank' idea! You could even expand it to cover other aspects of society like businesses can refuse service to anyone rank 20,000 and higher. How would rank be determined for someone marrying a higher rank? Is it a form of currency or just a system based upon someone's wealth?
Hi :D I love <3 the idea of businesses refusing service based on rank. That's a fantastic idea. :)

Rank is dependent on many different attributes such as intelligence, strength, influence, attractiveness, productiveness etc.

During the week of ranking people get to choose what tests they wish to take. For example if someone was really good at math they could take a math exam and their score would either help or hurt their overall rank. Another person could try out for an Olympics like event in running. Or a person can be ranked on their attractiveness or likability in popularity contests throughout the week.

Anyone can take the tests, the problem is that not everyone has the opportunities to get an education, etc. People who are old, injured, or have learning disabilities also have a major disadvantage. As well as others who have to work all day to keep up with "quota" or whatever to prevent themselves from being fired. Unemployment can take a huge hit to someone's rank.

People don't earn salaries for their work and there isn't normal currency. People are given "spending points" based on their rank to use throughout the year. People are also ranked at work by their bosses so their productivity factors into their rank at the end of the year.
Protocol said:
Hi :D I love <3 the idea of businesses refusing service based on rank. That's a fantastic idea. :)
Rank is dependent on many different attributes such as intelligence, strength, influence, attractiveness, productiveness etc.

During the week of ranking people get to choose what tests they wish to take. For example if someone was really good at math they could take a math exam and their score would either help or hurt their overall rank. Another person could try out for an Olympics like event in running. Or a person can be ranked on their attractiveness or likability in popularity contests throughout the week.

Anyone can take the tests, the problem is that not everyone has the opportunities to get an education, etc. People who are old, injured, or have learning disabilities also have a major disadvantage. As well as others who have to work all day to keep up with "quota" or whatever to prevent themselves from being fired. Unemployment can take a huge hit to someone's rank.

People don't earn salaries for their work and there isn't normal currency. People are given "spending points" based on their rank to use throughout the year. People are also ranked at work by their bosses so their productivity factors into their rank at the end of the year.
Thank you! :D There's probably more things you can do to incorporate rank into day-to-day life but I just can't think of anything else at the moment. As for everything else, I adore it all! More than anything, though, I love the ranking system you have created. Like, there is so much potential for all sorts of lovely storytelling. First thing that popped into my mind was scandals involving some 'higher up' trying to bribe their way into a better rank.
Agrize said:
Thank you! :D There's probably more things you can do to incorporate rank into day-to-day life but I just can't think of anything else at the moment. As for everything else, I adore it all! More than anything, though, I love the ranking system you have created. Like, there is so much potential for all sorts of lovely storytelling. First thing that popped into my mind was scandals involving some 'higher up' trying to bribe their way into a better rank.
Thank you (^U^) I'm really excited. I was thinking that maybe the top ten or so, as the ruling class, would have static ranks that don't change unless one of them dies and everyone moves up a rank. I also imagine that some people would try to assassinate others with a better rank. They also wouldn't have prisons or fines for someone who broke the law. Instead, depending on the severity, the person would either have their rank drastically changed or would be thrown out into the wastelands.
Protocol said:
Thank you (^U^) I'm really excited. I was thinking that maybe the top ten or so, as the ruling class, would have static ranks that don't change unless one of them dies and everyone moves up a rank. I also imagine that some people would try to assassinate others with a better rank. They also wouldn't have prisons or fines for someone who broke the law. Instead, depending on the severity, the person would either have their rank drastically changed or would be thrown out into the wastelands.
Static ranks for the 'Top Dogs' sound great! That also begs the question of having a high-tier political ranking system for them. You mentioned other cities so from my understanding, each city manages their own ranks. Am I right on that part? If so, who would be maintaining the leaders of the cities or the passing of laws that affect all cities? Is their an over-arching world leader or ruling class? Is there a capitol city? Or are all cities acting under their own control with their respective leaders being as high as you can go power-wise?

Sorry for all the questions! ;o; I get really into world-building sometimes.
Agrize said:
Static ranks for the 'Top Dogs' sound great! That also begs the question of having a high-tier political ranking system for them. You mentioned other cities so from my understanding, each city manages their own ranks. Am I right on that part? If so, who would be maintaining the leaders of the cities or the passing of laws that affect all cities? Is their an over-arching world leader or ruling class? Is there a capitol city? Or are all cities acting under their own control with their respective leaders being as high as you can go power-wise?
Sorry for all the questions! ;o; I get really into world-building sometimes.
No, I love questions! I get really into world-building too. I had been thinking that each city is fairly independent, but I like the idea of a capital city. For the most part though each city has its own ruling class and they work kind of like city states, like ancient Rome.
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Protocol said:
No, I love questions! I get into world-building too. I had been thinking that each city is fairly independent, but I like the idea of a capital city. For the most part though each city has its own ruling class and they work kind of like city states, like ancient Rome.
I dig it! I seem to be out of questions at the moment but I'm sure something else will cross my mind. In the meantime, I'll be keeping an eye on this thread.
Oh man, you two have a lot of ideas x-x I was thinking something along the lines of a person's rank determines their living quarters and what kind of resources they can use. Upper middle class and higher have access to more-than-decent necessities, food and stuff. Could some of the lower class be homeless? Especially the ones who near the 50k mark? Would higher rankers be living in mansions, while lower rankers would have to live in cramped apartments?

Of course, there's also the type of job they can get. Higher Rankers obviously would be the politicians, the businessmen, the tycoons. While lower rankers would be more of the hands-on work, the ones we take granted for? What kind of jobs would the middle rankers have?

What about the children? How would children be ranked? Do they wait until a child turns a certain age before they're ranked? And while they're waiting, the child would have the parent's rank in the meanwhile?

And the ranking itself. You say that they would be tested on their skills, on what people want. Do the skills they choose have to be helpful for the community/society? Because what if you're really, really, really, good at balancing rocks? What about the jacks-of-all-trade?

There would be several cities too right? And a capital city? Are the cities themselves ranked?

Military! How about the military of the cities! Would serving the military give you an automatic boost in rank?

Who decides the ranks in the first place? Is there a council of rank-less people who help decide the ranks? Or is it decided by the ruling class?

And... there you have it.
Wow so many questions!

Kibitzer said:
I was thinking something along the lines of a person's rank determines their living quarters and what kind of resources they can use. Upper middle class and higher have access to more-than-decent necessities, food and stuff. Could some of the lower class be homeless? Especially the ones who near the 50k mark? Would higher rankers be living in mansions, while lower rankers would have to live in cramped apartments?
Yes. Higher ranks get to live in mansions in the A ring while some people in the E ring are forced to live in crowded apartments. I guess some of them could even be homeless. That would interesting. People in Ring A can go into any of the other rings, but people from ring C for example can only travel to rings D and E, unless they have a worker's access to B or A.

Rank also determines what kind of education a person gets. Higher ranks get university level education and access to internet and libraries, while most of the ring E citizens barely know their letters or basic math.

Kibitzer said:
Of course, there's also the type of job they can get. Higher Rankers obviously would be the politicians, the businessmen, the tycoons. While lower rankers would be more of the hands-on work, the ones we take granted for? What kind of jobs would the middle rankers have?
I was thinking that middle ranks have everyday jobs likes mechanic, shop keeper, teacher. Upper middle would be the doctors and business owners.

Yes, I was thinking that lower-class would do all the jobs no one else wants to.

The character I'm thinking of using works as a freight worker, loading and unloading cargo from a train. She is a class E citizen.

Kibitzer said:
What about the children? How would children be ranked? Do they wait until a child turns a certain age before they're ranked? And while they're waiting, the child would have the parent's rank in the meanwhile?
Oh that's exactly what I was thinking. Yeah children aren't ranked until they reach a certain age. I was thinking maybe eight years old?

Kibitzer said:
And the ranking itself. You say that they would be tested on their skills, on what people want. Do the skills they choose have to be helpful for the community/society? Because what if you're really, really, really, good at balancing rocks? What about the jacks-of-all-trade?
I guess the skills don't necessarily have to be useful, but I don't think they'd have a test for balancing rocks lol. :D People can take as many of the tests as they want, so if someone is a jack-of-all-trades then they are more likely to get a better rank.

Kibitzer said:
There would be several cities too right? And a capital city? Are the cities themselves ranked?
That's something we still need to decide. Should the cities be ranked? With the top cities getting the best resources?

Kibitzer said:
Military! How about the military of the cities! Would serving the military give you an automatic boost in rank?
I imagine that there would be entire cities that are simply military.

Kibitzer said:
Who decides the ranks in the first place? Is there a council of rank-less people who help decide the ranks? Or is it decided by the ruling class?
Oh good point. I'm thinking that there is probably a small group of rankless who go over the points and statics and decide people's ranks. The ruling class would obviously have some sway though.

Each city decides what it views as valuable. So if someone had athletic abilities, but lived in an academic city it would probably be better for them to move to a military city, sports entertainment, etc.
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Another problem I image that would arise is that citizens of different classes can't live together. So if there was couple who were both class C citizens and one of them was demoted to class D, then the class D citizen would have to move to the D ring.
Oh man, I can't wait for the time this takes off.

Protocol said:
Yes. Higher ranks get to live in mansions in the A ring while some people in the E ring are forced to live in crowded apartments. I guess some of them could even be homeless. That would interesting. People in Ring A can go into any of the other rings, but people from ring C for example can only travel to rings D and E, unless they have a worker's access to B or A.

Rank also determines what kind of education a person gets. Higher ranks get university level education and access to internet and libraries, while most of the ring E citizens barely know their letters or basic math.
Alright, cool. Although, wouldn't it pose a problem for the lower rankers who are, let's say, geniuses in a particular subject if they don't have access to much more advanced stuff?

Protocol said:
I was thinking that middle ranks have everyday jobs likes mechanic, shop keeper, teacher. Upper middle would be the doctors and business owners.

Yes, I was thinking that lower-class would do all the jobs no one else wants to.

The character I'm thinking of using works as a freight worker, loading and unloading cargo from a train. She is a class E citizen.
Awesome. Although I reckon teachers would be somewhat in the upper middle class, yeah? I mean, they're basically giving the people the skills and knowledge they need to rank higher. I imagine that would have serious consequences.

Protocol said:
Oh that's exactly what I was thinking. Yeah children aren't ranked until they reach a certain age. I was thinking maybe eight years old?
Let's up it a bit, I think? 12, maybe? Airlines recognise twelve-year-olds as adults.

Protocol said:
I guess the skills don't necessarily have to be useful, but I don't think they'd have a test for balancing rocks lol. :D People can take as many of the tests as they want, so if someone is a jack-of-all-trades then they are more likely to get a better rank.
Imagine 1k+ people in a huge field stacking rocks as high as they can, trying to upstage all the others in the field x) As for the jack-of-all-trades taking as many as they can, I reckon that the higher rankers would try to limit the number of tests they can take. I mean, it would be a huge blow for them because then a lot of people would want to take as many tests as they can.

Protocol said:
That's something we still need to decide. Should the cities be ranked? With the top cities getting the best resources?

I imagine that there would be entire cities that are simply military.
I think ranked cities would be a kind of great idea. Because then we'd have a bigger scale of conflict on top of the inner struggle within the city. City A wants more resources so they sabotage City B or something like that.

Protocol said:
Oh good point. I'm thinking that there is probably a small group of rankless who go over the points and statics and decide people's ranks. The ruling class would obviously have some sway though.
Of course, I wonder what the higher rankers would bribe them with, however, and how are these rankless-people be chosen.

Protocol said:
Each city decides what it views as valuable. So if someone had athletic abilities, but lived in an academic city it would probably be better for them to move to a military city, sports entertainment, etc.
Aha, so then we'd have a more specific kind of workers for each city. Kind of like... the districts in Hunger Games, wouldn't you say? But instead of the annual Hunger Games, we'd have the test week where everyone participates.

Protocol said:
Another problem I image that would arise is that citizens of different classes can't live together. So if there was couple who were both class C citizens and one of them was demoted to class D, then the class D citizen would have to move to the D ring.
Oh, man. Inter-class relationships. Reckon we'd have a specific place for them? Or maybe they have the option of moving together to the ring of the one with the lower rank?

And there's also the the non-rankers. The ones thrown out of the city and into the wastelands. I reckon a lot of them try to get back into the city and into the ranking system. So despite the fact that the system is tight-knit, there would still be a few who slip through. Because we also have to take into account the deaths within the city. Someone dies, everyone else ranks up, right? What happens to the last rank?

Gosh, I am so pumped up for this idea. x)
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Kibitzer said:
Alright, cool. Although, wouldn't it pose a problem for the lower rankers who are, let's say, geniuses in a particular subject if they don't have access to much more advanced stuff?
I'm not exactly sure what you are asking. I think you mean that their might be genius in the lover ranks who don't have the opportunity to improve their natural talents. I suppose they'd have to have a public library that anyone can go to, but it wouldn't have everything. I imagine that the higher ups have their own private libraries, since knowledge is power here.

Kibitzer said:
Awesome. Although I reckon teachers would be somewhat in the upper middle class, yeah? I mean, they're basically giving the people the skills and knowledge they need to rank higher. I imagine that would have serious consequences.
Yeah. It would make sense for teachers to be in the upper middle. Makes you wonder though how much they really want their students to learn if their is the possibility of them growing up to be competition. I imagine any job that takes a ton of skill or education would be in the upper middle. Such as doctors, professional chiefs, architects, mathematicians, scientists, etc. I sort of imagine that the top 100 is really made up of the top 10, their family, friends, and personal high up servants. Ex: an in house doctor.

Kibitzer said:
Let's up it a bit, I think? 12, maybe? Airlines recognise twelve-year-olds as adults.
Yeah 12 would make more sense.

Kibitzer said:
Imagine 1k+ people in a huge field stacking rocks as high as they can, trying to upstage all the others in the field x) As for the jack-of-all-trades taking as many as they can, I reckon that the higher rankers would try to limit the number of tests they can take. I mean, it would be a huge blow for them because then a lot of people would want to take as many tests as they can.
LOL the rock thing is funny, but I don't understand why they'd have that, lol unless it's just to entertain everyone watching.

There is only so much time to take the tests and taking more tests could actually hurt someone. If they do bad on a test it will affect their overall rank. Kind of like a GPA. Some test also take place at the same time like maybe the race is at the same time as the math exam so characters have to choose which is more important.

Kibitzer said:
I think ranked cities would be a kind of great idea. Because then we'd have a bigger scale of conflict on top of the inner struggle within the city. City A wants more resources so they sabotage City B or something like that.
Yeah. I like that. I imagine that some people commute to different cities to work. Like the higher up cities down ever have to do any dirty work themselves, they just worker come in from a lesser city. Maybe they'd purposely work them really hard so that they won't have time to improve their own city. For example someone is too tired from working to clean up their yard, so the city gets a lower ranking for low aesthetics.

Kibitzer said:
Of course, I wonder what the higher rankers would bribe them with, however, and how are these rankless-people be chosen.
I don't know. That's something interesting to figure out. Maybe there is a test for rankless? Like you take it for the option to become rankless? IDK. And where do rankless fit into society? Are they considered above the higher ranks? Below them? Or completely outside the system entirely? Kind of like how jesters used to be outside the social class in medieval times and they could get away with insulting nobles because they neither above or below them.

Kibitzer said:
Aha, so then we'd have a more specific kind of workers for each city. Kind of like... the districts in Hunger Games, wouldn't you say? But instead of the annual Hunger Games, we'd have the test week where everyone participates.
Yup yup! I'm excited. It's interesting that no one's livelihood is completely stable.

Kibitzer said:
Oh, man. Inter-class relationships. Reckon we'd have a specific place for them? Or maybe they have the option of moving together to the ring of the one with the lower rank?
I guess they would have the option to move to the lower ring. It would be interesting, because the one person could still go to C ring and use some of the resources there, but their partner couldn't.

Kibitzer said:
And there's also the the non-rankers. The ones thrown out of the city and into the wastelands. I reckon a lot of them try to get back into the city and into the ranking system. So despite the fact that the system is tight-knit, there would still be a few who slip through. Because we also have to take into account the deaths within the city. Someone dies, everyone else ranks up, right? What happens to the last rank?
when there is an opening, when a city has less than 50,000 people, people can apply to move into the city. (whether that person is a non-ranker or from a different city) Then the rankless would decide who would be the most useful for the city.
Ahh, I'm excited for this even more after reading through what you two wrote. In regards to one thing, who would rank the cities how would the rankless (the ones who determine everyone's rank) be chosen?
Agrize said:
Ahh, I'm excited for this even more after reading through what you two wrote. In regards to one thing, who would rank the cities how would the rankless (the ones who determine everyone's rank) be chosen?
Should we even have rankless? Everything could just be determined by a computer. People could hack it and change their ranks. And I don't know how the cities should be ranked. Would ranking the cities make it too complicated or would it add to the story?
Oh and does this take place in an AR or in Earth's future after an Apocalypse or something. That's only relevant if we want to reference things from history, like literature or something. If it is in the future then what knowledge would survive? And what country does this take place in?

Or is it an AR with a blank slate that we can play around with?
Protocol said:
Should we even have rankless? Everything could just be determined by a computer. People could hack it and change their ranks. And I don't know how the cities should be ranked. Would ranking the cities make it too complicated or would it add to the story?
I think ranking the cities would add to the story as a whole, even if it never becomes a full focus in the game. To combat against anything becoming too complicated, you could always say "because it just is" or something to the effect of "deal with it". That opens up the possibility of characters banding together to discover the truth-- all of it --not just what they are told. That gives you a chance to establish a world-system that would support the society you built without it stopping you from beginning the story. It could be figured out in-game depending on where you want the story to go.
Agrize said:
I think ranking the cities would add to the story as a whole, even if it never becomes a full focus in the game. To combat against anything becoming too complicated, you could always say "because it just is" or something to the effect of "deal with it". That opens up the possibility of characters banding together to discover the truth-- all of it --not just what they are told. That gives you a chance to establish a world-system that would support the society you built without it stopping you from beginning the story. It could be figured out in-game depending on where you want the story to go.
I like of the idea of letting it develop later in the story. Thanks for the advice :D
I have sketches of the two characters I want to play in the game. Tell me what you guys think and what you like/dislike and if you'd be willing to interact with them.

I hope you aren't annoyed with the BBcodes. I like them for my character sheets because it makes everything feel more organized to me.

Shan Glen


Full Name: Shan Glen

Sex: Female

Gender: Female

Age: 25

Current Rank: 45,364

Occupation: Freight Worker

Current Residence: Glassburn, Ring E

  • Hair: Chin length wavy black hair

    Eyes: Sharp syrup/resin colored eyes

    Height: 5'11

    Figure: Lean and muscular

Haven Glen


Full Name: Haven Glen

Sex: Male

Gender: Male

Age: 20

Current Rank: 45,290

Occupation: Janitor for Glassburn Highschool Ring C

Current Residence: Glassburn, Ring E

  • Hair: Curly black hair

    Eyes:Deep black irises, that blend into his pupils.

    Height: 6'2

    Figure: Tall and skinny. Some might even call him gangly.

    Notes: ---

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Protocol said:
Oh and does this take place in an AR or in Earth's future after an Apocalypse or something. That's only relevant if we want to reference things from history, like literature or something. If it is in the future then what knowledge would survive? And what country does this take place in?
Or is it an AR with a blank slate that we can play around with?
I'd say this depends on what role the universe lore would play, but that is only my opinion. Earth is convenient because there is not too much background to build. Players are also well-acquainted (for the most part) with the history of the world so references would come more naturally. This is a huge advantage when compared to completely original universes because contradictions can easily be avoided (unless that is the type of character you're playing) and keeping track of new lore can be difficult when you have an expansive universe. With original universes, though, you do have the ability to control what made that world into what it is today and there's no preexisting biased towards certain things that would show up when playing Earth-related games.

You could, however, always say it is an Earth-derivative but base it completely off of your own customization. Countries? Who needs them! The world is one giant country now! Or, maybe certain areas of the world are now uninhabitable (that we know of) so the cities are only on one continent. Maybe you could tie in the computer-ruler and say it was the creation of an AI development project. It was coded to act as a protector on humans in hopes of replacing civilians in the line of duty, whether in war or back home in police departments, in order to avoid unnecessary loss of life. Maybe it was too successful and never made it into mass production? To save humanity, maybe it misunderstood what is putting them in danger and began to attack the very establishment that created it? Learning from past mistakes in human history, it erased all that were in the midst of disasters. Governments were replaced by a system it found to be the most capable of upholding peace, pieces of history was removed from the public eye to avoid the development of negative feelings and opinions towards certain topics and people, anything the AI found to be a source of despair and sorrow is removed.

Thus, the world enters an era of censorship, control, and blind servitude all based on some tyrannical computer's need to protect the human race. :D

Like, there are so many roads you could travel with this that it's crazy~

Protocol said:
I like of the idea of letting it develop later in the story. Thanks for the advice :D
And you're welcome!
Agrize said:
I'd say this depends on what role the universe lore would play, but that is only my opinion. Earth is convenient because there is not too much background to build. Players are also well-acquainted (for the most part) with the history of the world so references would come more naturally. This is a huge advantage when compared to completely original universes because contradictions can easily be avoided (unless that is the type of character you're playing) and keeping track of new lore can be difficult when you have an expansive universe. With original universes, though, you do have the ability to control what made that world into what it is today and there's no preexisting biased towards certain things that would show up when playing Earth-related games.
You could, however, always say it is an Earth-derivative but base it completely off of your own customization. Countries? Who needs them! The world is one giant country now! Or, maybe certain areas of the world are now uninhabitable (that we know of) so the cities are only on one continent. Maybe you could tie in the computer-ruler and say it was the creation of an AI development project. It was coded to act as a protector on humans in hopes of replacing civilians in the line of duty, whether in war or back home in police departments, in order to avoid unnecessary loss of life. Maybe it was too successful and never made it into mass production? To save humanity, maybe it misunderstood what is putting them in danger and began to attack the very establishment that created it? Learning from past mistakes in human history, it erased all that were in the midst of disasters. Governments were replaced by a system it found to be the most capable of upholding peace, pieces of history was removed from the public eye to avoid the development of negative feelings and opinions towards certain topics and people, anything the AI found to be a source of despair and sorrow is removed.

Thus, the world enters an era of censorship, control, and blind servitude all based on some tyrannical computer's need to protect the human race. :D

Like, there are so many roads you could travel with this that it's crazy~

And you're welcome!
Man I love dystonia AIs!! Thanks for all the wonderful ideas. :D

Earth it is then. That also explains who is ranking the cities if the AI are incharge.
Yeah so only a handful of AIs rule the world as our characters know it.

Oh another thing the ranking would control is how many children someone can have, because obviously they don't want too many people in the next generation or someone is going to end up being thrown into the wastelands. Or maybe their aren't any laws on how many children one can have, but having more than 2 is taboo.

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