2nd Edition Charm Cards


New Member
My Project to generate Solar Charm Cards did came finally to an end this week end. I am gonna publish them caste after caste today so if you watch my site you can't miss 'em


The site is in German, but it shouldn't be too hard to find the relevant links

If they prove their worth in our upcoming Exalted campaign, then I might do the charm cards for the other Exalted as well ...
Don't worry Moonsilver, they will be up till tomorrow at latest. The Charm Cards for all the Martial Arts or the other Exalted though will take a while ;-)
Is there any reason you are breaking on each ability, leaving blank space between them? Chances are people will print these out on Avery card stock, and those blank spaces would just be a waste.
Charm Cards

Uhmm that was done for me so that I have an better overview while creating them. But if you give me a few days I could create a file, where all Charms are stacked together for better printing perfomance.

For my group I had the intention to just copy and past the charms that each character has on one page together, so that every player could have his own charm cards without printing out the set several times ...
Relborn said:
The site is in German, but it shouldn't be too hard to find the relevant links
Babelfish for the win.  Of course, a lot of it is garbled because it's not a perfect translator, but it helps enough to follow along if you don't read German. :)

I can't help but giggle over this block of Babelfish-translated text though:

The something older ones among us will perhaps still know the series of Bonanza, with which to Begin each consequence the map of the Pond-pink Ranch with optimum the at that time Special Effects was burned.
Re: Charm Cards

Relborn said:
For my group I had the intention to just copy and past the charms that each character has on one page together, so that every player could have his own charm cards without printing out the set several times ...
That is exactly what I've been hoping to do for my players.  I have even started (twice now  8)  ) to put together a database that would store the basic information and quick summaries of (eventually) all the charms that I could then use to drive either an report formatted for cards or an output that could be run through a merge template to format it for cards based on which charms a character had.

I happen to think what you have put together looks awesome and I expect that I will most likely be using them.  My only concern is that the fancy Exalted themed graphics are really cool though ultimately a little hard on my printer and its ink supply.  I wouldn't count that as a request to change anything though, more of a comment for consideration if you end up finding yourself printing these a lot.
Re: Charm Cards

brennanhawkwood said:
Relborn said:
For my group I had the intention to just copy and past the charms that each character has on one page together, so that every player could have his own charm cards without printing out the set several times ...
That is exactly what I've been hoping to do for my players.  I have even started (twice now  8)  ) to put together a database that would store the basic information and quick summaries of (eventually) all the charms that I could then use to drive either an report formatted for cards or an output that could be run through a merge template to format it for cards based on which charms a character had.

I happen to think what you have put together looks awesome and I expect that I will most likely be using them.  My only concern is that the fancy Exalted themed graphics are really cool though ultimately a little hard on my printer and its ink supply.  I wouldn't count that as a request to change anything though, more of a comment for consideration if you end up finding yourself printing these a lot.
Ahh. Laser printer. I love you.

(You should consider getting one, they're pretty cheap nowadays and the "investment" will most likely repay itself within a year)

I mean, I bought my Samsung (I really recommend Samsung) last year, on March or something... I'm still running on the demo toner, and I wouldn't say I print little.
@ Rhapsody: I would write my blog in german and english, if enough english speaking people would read them ... so just let me know, wether you are interested (and be easy with my english, as I am no native speaker ;-))

@ brennanhawkwood: There are already charm cards in the net which are quite printer friendly (b/W). You might wanna use them if you prerfer an printer-friendliy solution.

My idea was, not to print out all charm cards, but only copy and paste the ones each player has on a sheet. Thus you would save also a lot of printer ink...
Relborn said:
@ brennanhawkwood: There are already charm cards in the net which are quite printer friendly (b/W). You might wanna use them if you prerfer an printer-friendliy solution.
Yeah.  The B/W ones I remember seeing are huge though...like two to a sheet of paper IIRC.  I like the small style like yours and the ones that WW put out this week.
I've never been able to understand the appeal of charm cards...what makes them so desirable to so many? They just seem to be more paper to get lost to me...

Then again, the fact that I have a hard time keeping track of Character sheets half the time, and have a three year old who loves to destroy paper product might be what's making my bias such as it is...but still. Why do people like them?
Dracogryff said:
I've never been able to understand the appeal of charm cards...what makes them so desirable to so many? They just seem to be more paper to get lost to me...
Then again, the fact that I have a hard time keeping track of Character sheets half the time, and have a three year old who loves to destroy paper product might be what's making my bias such as it is...but still. Why do people like them?
Ever run a game at a con with people who'd never played Exalted before, and didn't know how charms worked?

..Yeah. That's why we like charm cards.
Chaka said:
Dracogryff said:
I've never been able to understand the appeal of charm cards...what makes them so desirable to so many? They just seem to be more paper to get lost to me...
Then again, the fact that I have a hard time keeping track of Character sheets half the time, and have a three year old who loves to destroy paper product might be what's making my bias such as it is...but still. Why do people like them?
Ever run a game at a con with people who'd never played Exalted before, and didn't know how charms worked?

..Yeah. That's why we like charm cards.
You can also throw them at the table really hard to make noise FOR ADDED DRAMATIC EFFECT.
Hmm. That would require having the money to go to a con, the free time to go to a con, and the inclination to travel across a few states to get to the con. I've yet to have such inclinations or time...so this might explain much, I guess. *shrugs*

Thanks for the answer, though, I guess I can sort of see why it might be handy... O.o Kinda.
I'm telling you, it's mostly because they want to be like Gambit. ;) A hand full of cards they can throw at people they want to explode into horrible bloody death.

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