2nd ed MA question

Djalan Pride

New Member
as i was paging thru the book, i saw no reference to Hero or Snake style MA limiting the use of armor.  did i miss something?
In First Ed, neither Snake Style nor Brawl had a general prohibition on armor, though some individual charms (e.g. Snake Form) did. These charm specific restrictions appear to be gone from Second Edition, which is interesting.

It could be that, since Snake style was usually considered to be weaker than other celestial styles, this was done intentionally as a way to "un-nerf" it without changing the charms.

Or, they just screwed up.
on hero style

it says that other exalts learn it as a celestial style

but that solars learn it as an innate part of who they are...

the question im curious about is can a golden child learn it.

since solars treat it as simply part of who they are.

(my game is lucky... thankfully none of the players HAD brawl charms)
Could you elaborate? Do they mean the Solar Hero Style Charm-tree is one that Solars can learn innately, without teacher? And the other styles are not?

I know Brawl and MA have been combined (finally!), but I'm still not sure how this works in terms of MA styles. Do you learn MA-styles as specialties? Or are they simply a matter of Charm-trees for the Exalts or flavour for the unExalted or uninitiated into said trees?
Someone described in another thread that each type of Exalt now has a "natural" style, which they can learn easily and create new Charms for. For Solars, this is Solar Hero Style, which is basically all the old Brawl Charms repackaged.

Apparently Exalts can learn the "natural" style of another type, but cannot make modifications to it.

Ok... and the other styles available. Are they "natural" to all then?

How about the Sidereals? Can *they* make modifications to styles that are not natural to them? If anyone, they would be able to... How about creating new styles altogether?
As far as I know, the old rules of creating/modifying styles still apply, except when dealing with a "natural" style.

I don't have the book though, so I could be mistaken.

In the Storyteller's Companion it explicitly states that Terrestial Hero Style and the Immaculate Martial Arts may be used while in armor.As for the Abyssals,there is no clarification about wearing armor when practicing hungry ghost style or the black messiah style which is old brawl charms repackaged.I was hoping at this point that anything that goes for the abyssals could also go for the solars but there is no clarification.As for the violet bier of sorrows style,the book does not forget to mention that the style forbids the use of armor.So the authors point it out when you can use the style with armor or without armor but they say nothing about some of the styles.How to interpret it?By the way the core book also present a fighting in armor speciality under the martial arts ability.So in the end Solar Hero Style and the Serpent style may be precticed in armor, right?
Well the STC is only an interim solution anyway. I guess some of the styles will be usable with armour while others won't. It will be handled on a case by case basis me thinks.
atleast this time the STC is more helpful and full of useful knowledge for 2nd Ed.

I think they are usable in armor. But for Snake style, I could only see light armor if anything.
Solfi said:
How about the Sidereals? Can *they* make modifications to styles that are not natural to them?
I'd say no. Sidereals weren't an exception to the "no modifying MA" rule in 1st Ed, and they're not excepted on p. 240 of Core2..

It doesn't say so in the STC2, but I'd imagine that VBoS is natural to Sids, and they could thus make up extensions to it. btw, VBoS rules hard in 2nd Ed, but so do all the Charms I've seen =)
Also, I dont think solars can modify Solar Hero Style.  I dont remember reading that anywhere.  If they can, can someone reference the page # please.  All I remember is that they said MA style are complete sets and cant be modified.  And Solar Hero is an MA style
Check p.242, in the description of Solar Hero Style.

Page 242.

"For the Solar Exalted, these Charms are ordinary combat Charms--they bring the grace, speed and power of the Sun's Chosen to bear.  Solars can invent new Charms for this tree--such as Thunderclap Rush Attack and Knockout Blow, on page 190.  These new Charms are treated as Solar Charms, not supernatural martial arts: Only Solar Exalted (and Moonshadow Caste Abyssal Exalted) are capable of learning them."
A related question, does the Storyteller's Guide give full trees for Terrestrial Hero and Violet Beir of Sorrows?  I mean, does it actually give full charm descriptions (with or without prerequisites) or do the charms just show up in NPCs' charm lists with their effects already calculated?
:twisted: Oh yeahhhhh....

Thats freakin sweet.  Grappling can be nasty, and I am remembering water's brawl charms.  I dont see why the solars cant do the same.  Using the Solar Exalts anima to hold multiple opponents in place....while still being able to freely do other actions.  

Thanks for the page Still and Jakk
Upaatk said:
A related question, does the Storyteller's Guide give full trees for Terrestrial Hero and Violet Beir of Sorrows?  I mean, does it actually give full charm descriptions (with or without prerequisites) or do the charms just show up in NPCs' charm lists with their effects already calculated?
They have it all in there... minus the trees... ^^;
Haku said:
They have it all in there... minus the trees... ^^;
Excellent... <Tapping fingers...>

Thank you kindly, I look forward to scavenging it for updates.   Now I can just hope some Lunar Appearance charms have appeared already.  8)
Old thread but perfectly placed for a couple of MA questions I've got:

1) Can the Excellency Charms for martial arts, as well as the extra Solar MA Charms (Thunderclap Rush Attack & Knockout Blow), be used in conjunction with any styles and their respective signature weapons?

2) The Terrestrial Hero Style in the ST's Companion states that "It is an unarmed style, but may be practiced while wearing armor." Does this mean that the old brawling aids of cestus, fighting gauntlets and khatars are no longer considered signature weapons? If so, any comments as to why?

I think that's it for now.  Cheers all.

1. Excellencies work with any style and weapon of that style.

TRA and KB are solar hero style charms, they do not work with the signature weapons of other styles.

2. The developers thought it was a good idea to do that.
Safim said:
1. Excellencies work with any style and weapon of that style.
Cool, that's what I thought.

Safim said:
TRA and KB are solar hero style charms, they do not work with the signature weapons of other styles.
Again, something I initially thought but then why are the Charms not in the Solar Hero Style tree itself, and placed in specifically for Solars only?  Being able to use those Charms with all supernatural MA styles would then give Solars one hell of an advantage immediately over other Exalts, IMO.

Safim said:
2. The developers thought it was a good idea to do that.

Cheers dude.

Safim said:
Safim said:
TRA and KB are solar hero style charms, they do not work with the signature weapons of other styles.
Again, something I initially thought but then why are the Charms not in the Solar Hero Style tree itself, and placed in specifically for Solars only?  Being able to use those Charms with all supernatural MA styles would then give Solars one hell of an advantage immediately over other Exalts, IMO.
Well the charms are part of the solar hero style, they are just a part that no other exalts but the solars can access, that's why they are in that section of the book and that is the reason for them being only usable with the signature weapons of that particular style.

And the advantages of solars are already huge enough, easy access to good defenses (something most martial arts styles lack) and excellent die adders.

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