2e Conversions

What, other than War, Integriry, weapon speed, and anything applying to DVs, do you have to change to update something for 2e?

Also how do you update the speed rating, do you do a straight port (because some of them seem appropriate) is there some conversion ratio?
Well social combat is to add to the 1st ed.

And the speed ratings for every weapon are in the books of the 2e.
magnificentmomo said:
Also how do you update the speed rating, do you do a straight port (because some of them seem appropriate) is there some conversion ratio?
No way. In 1E Speed was a weird and hazy amalgam of the speed and reach of the weapon. In 2E, Speed is absolutely a measure of the weapon's speed.

Since the 1E version of Speed was so ill defined, I don't see that there's any systematic way to convert it, other than to compare offical 1E and 2E weapons and pick something that seems appropriate.
I thinking more of some creatures and stuff that haven't been statted out for 2e, that was the point of the speed question. Yeah social-fu needs to be worked into the equation.
In standard 1E, speed was mostly about speed. That is, it was a manipulation of your initiative, and statted such that large, cumbersome weapons gave a penalty and light, fast weapons gave a bonus. So, given that the speed of a basic action is five, you can assume that really high speed bonuses in 1E should reduce the 2E speed by a point while large 1E speed penalties should add a point to the 2E speed. (Keep in mind that, in 2E, a Speed of 3 is an insanely good advantage.)

In 1E power combat, Speed ratings were entirely based on reach and, consequently, aren't as useful for conversion to 2E Speed.

Although part of social combat, Intimacies and Motivation also play roles outside social combat, so should be thought about in any conversion.
Not sure what hasn't been covered yet, but take a look in Scroll of the Monk and Scroll of the Kings, they cover a few of the ones that had been missed.

If thats no good, try looking at the Armorium, hosted on Democritus's site. It has tons of weapons in it as well as revised stats for all the ones from books.
magnificentmomo said:
I thinking more of some creatures and stuff that haven't been statted out for 2e, that was the point of the speed question. Yeah social-fu needs to be worked into the equation.
If it is a physical attack, use the typical claw/bit/tail/bible thump speed values used by most creatures (I think typically a 4).  For special attacks, give it speed 6 if it is like a simple charm or lesser if the attack is supposed to be fast, I would say a 4-5.
When I had need to do weapon conversions I was finding a weapon with the same first ed speed that exists in second ex and use that. Sometimes you find a conflict then you just have to use your best judgment.


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