
Yeon Joo

Hi, I'm Yeon Joo, not just Yeon but Yeon Joo, it's a full name. I'm new here but I've got over a decade of roleplaying under my belt. I haven't written in awhile and I'm excited to get back into it again. I love modern and realistic, action, and fandom roleplays. My favorite pairing is MxF but for platonics, I like all of the gender pairings. I play male and female characters very fondly. I might use realistic or fan art for their appearances depending on the style of what the roleplay might be.

If you couldn't already tell, I love Korean culture and my favorite kind of music is K-R&B, a bit of K-Pop, and watching Korean dramas; I'm looking to find some good manhwa (Korean comics) too.

Other than having that as an interest, I love playing video games.

I'm off to browse but thanks for having me. <3
Manhwas, you say? I can name a few good ones. ;) DICE, The Gamer, Unordinary. There might be more, but I don't remember right now.
Manhwas, you say? I can name a few good ones. ;) DICE, The Gamer, Unordinary. There might be more, but I don't remember right now.

B-b-but...what about Tower of God? D:

Edit: In all seriousness, I would name more, but I can't remember any, because I've been reading more manhua than manhwa lately. >v>;
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