2150 The Update Era (RP)


irl Peter Parker
The year? Oh its 2150. What's been going on recently? Well since 2080 people have been getting 'updates.' Genes have been added to make a person have a certain quality. Anything from color changing hair and eyes to tails and ears. Some people have gotten so many updates that they're barely even human. There are very few normal human's left and soon they wont be. And since 2143 there's been a group of thieves called Rubare, running a muck stealing anything the rich have for a sum. People have also begun to try and kill the rich while the government is killing the homeless for over population. The world has become turmoil.

This is the link to the sign-up sheet: http://www.rpnation.com/showthread.php/4452-2150-The-Update-Era-(Sign-up-sheet)

An now onto the action!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The large city was so much more then just a calm little city. It had its secrets and its mysteries. Many of them are known by few but many of them are passed from ear to ear as rumors. There are two rumors that have specs of lies and truth that are particular in this city. Rubare and Sicario. The thieves and the assassins.

This is what possessed Scarlet's mind as she walked through the darkened home. She slid open a window keeping her bag firmly on her side and jumping out of it. Landing on the roof of another building, she walked along it to a gutter and slide down it to one of the alleys that many of the homeless were forced to sleep and live. She sighed looking to the new faces. She hated seeing those new teens in the gutter with nothing but the clothes on there back. She passed strangers and familiar faces waving to those she knew. She'd come by tomorrow and pass out some bread and soup. Leaving the street she blended into the crowd of millions of people heading to work or home. She opened the door to an orphanage and greeted the children before heading to the second floor where Rubare was. She walked past the other members as they gave nods of respect or waved.

"Hey Gino~" She called walking up to him. "Here's the item!" Takes out the figurine that she just took and hold it out for him to see.
Amber had been walking around all day. No food. She wasn't sure if she needed the skinny update. But she did. If affected her bones to. It made them smaller and closer in ward. That didn't matter. She felt guilty. She had been getting all these updates to make herself an image of beauty while people were starving in the streets. She tied her silk hair into a tight pony tail. "There's food somewhere. Ill find it. Somewhere." She sighed and kept walking.

Her legs were getting tired. She had an update to make them longer and the skinny update didn't help. Her bones were very weak. Very. That's why she became a theif. Free food and no harm done to her body. She took a seat in on a dumpster in an ally and began to slowly eat a chunk of cheese she had stolen a couple days ago. She savored every last bit. She wondered if she would find other members of Rubare.
Gino quickly took the figurine, his eyes shifting from brown to yellow as a smile creeped onto his face. "Great work scarlet! Thought I expect nothing less from our leader." He put the stolen item to his nose to get a better smell of it, "From a very rich family, family treasure no doubt. Should sell for some good chash" Gino stuffed the figurine into his bag while stating, "I will get one of the newbies to go out and sell it in the black market this afternoon. I also sent two others out to just fetch some gems, shouldn't be that hard."

Before he forgot, he asked his good friend, "Hey! You want anything to eat or are you going to go out on another job?" Gino was one of the ones that only bothered to steal if it was worth his time. He also realized that Scarlet, his leader, enjoyed stealing almost anything so if she wasn't busy he would always let her go out instead.
Scarlet saw Gino's eye's change and could tell what he was feeling right away. "I'm starving!" She said smiling widely. "I have another job soon but I'll have to wait a while for the family to leave. How many newbies do we have so far?" She was curious being the leader of Rubare and all.
After the much needed snack and relaxation, Amber figured she should meet up with her team mates. She was a newbie and was ready for her first job. She tucked away her weapon into her bag. In her bag was a couple of stolen jewels she was going to sell, and another price of cheese. She didn't really own much else. Did anyone need anything other than what they needed to survive in this day and age?

Amber was ready to meet her boss. She wasn't really sure of her bosses name. Scarlet maybe? She walked through a small market and examined pretty textiles. She was really at a loss. How was she to find her? She could have been anywhere in this huge city. She was probably going to find her before amber found her boss.
"Oh, Only about three. Maybe less if one of them gets caught...You know the Military these days with their new leader, so hardcore!" Gino laughed and gave her a bowl full of pipping hot soup. He watched his leader contently, making sure she was happy. "What do you plan on steal next? Another family heirloom I hope!" He found the different smells on that kind of stuff intresting with how the scents are so smiliar but different, it gave him good practice for relative dating items.
The soup was much appreciated and Scarlet ate it quickly, savoring every bite allowing it to warm up her insides. She smiled at Gino's joke. "Its a golden necklace that a divorced husband keeps from his first marriage." She told him with a smile. "I'm also going to take some extra gold to pass out tomorrow with the food." She finished off the bowl and handed it back to Gino. "Welp~ I'm out! Peace!" She held a peace sign up and giggled before heading down the stairs and out the door of the orphanage. She followed the crowd with a huge smile ready to sneak into the next house.
Gino hung his leather bag that held the golden necklace on a wall hook before slumping back down in his chair, looking like a old coon dog. "I wonder when thoughs new recruitmens are getting back with out stuff. Im going to need more then one item to sell to the market, they wont be happy with us if this is all we can get..." Gino was use to talk to himself. With his friend/leader always out on work and him holding down the fort, he convinced himself it was normal. "Now lets see here..." His eyes turned to a ebony and he watched the civilians below from his 2nd floor view. Gino always watched people in his passing time to try and see how many rich folks there were these days. Of course, in the darkened part of the city were they lived there wouldn't be many snoby people lurking about.
Amber was getting frustrated. "You'd think theyed be worried about not finding new recruits. She sat and thought for about a minute on how to find them. She finally had an idea. She would scale a building and perch herself. She would get a great view. She found a secluded area behind a vendor. She, being a thief, was obviously a good climber. She scaled to a third story, her legs and arms getting a tad tired. She found a ledge, turned around, and grabbed the ledge above her to keep from falling forward. "Now, where are they...?" She liked being up in high spaces. It made her feel superior.

She couldn't quite tell where they were. She figured they would be in the the area. You'd figured you would see people climbing buildings but the Rubare were stealthy. She sat back and relaxed. "Ill find them sometime." She was mainly just to tired. "Oh what the ****!"
Jade slowly patrolled the streets of the city, looking for and Rubare or Sicario who were foolish enough or new enough to not remain hidden when he was on the lookout. His emotionless blood-red eyes peered carefully down each alleyway as he passed, the sound of his heavy boots echoed off the brick buildings. He was about to give up his hunt for the day when he caught sight of purple tresses in his peripheral vision. His head snapped in that direction and, lucky him, that purple hair belonged to none other than Scarlet, the leader of the Rubare. His mouth twitched slightly, the closest he could get to a smile. His gaze locked squarely on her as he stalked after her, making sure to keep a safe enough distance so as not to be noticed. This was it, he would end the Rubare today.


With a tired sigh, Xandri floated(literally) up the staircase of the orphanage. Her snowy pink hair dragging along the stairs behind her while her feet levitated a good three inches from the ground. A few of the orphan children giggled, watching as her hair collected dirt and dust from the steps, leaving them shiny and clean. Oh how she wished she could cut that treacherous hair. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if she was taller, like her mother had been. Then the hair wouldn't touch the ground and be such a hassle However, Xandri was not tall, she was actually quite short. And the hair was most definitely a hassle. With another sigh, she dropped to the floor and walked into the headquarters of the Rubare. She took the small pack off of her back and set it on the table in front of Gino, noting idly that Scarlet must have gone out. Xandri was pleased with her pickings for today; many small trinkets and the occasional piece of jewelry. The elegant silver pocket-watch was a favorite of hers. --Her father had owned one almost identical to it. Saddly, she had not run into any members of the Sicario, as she had hoped she would, so her bow was unused that day. She looked at Gino, waiting for his appraisal of her gatherings.
Scarlet felt a pair of eyes on her but she didn't move to change her route. She could get away from almost anyone that was tailing her. She smiled deviously and pushed open a man-hole, jumping into it landing in the sewer. She quickly ran to one of the pipes and jumped into it, running down the tunnel coming up under the house she was to rob.
((*Rolls in* I'm back, hunnybuns, and it's time for Sicario to make an entrance! *evil cackling ensues*))

Zephyra packed her briefcase quickly, strapping down the pieces of her disassembled sniper rifle so they wouldn't make noise as she traveled to her destination. Stealth and precision were required for her job, and she wasn't going to let something as little as gun pieces bumping together and making unnecessary noise to hinder her. Buckling down her silencer last, Zephyra snapped her case closed and straightened as she stood up from her seat. She zipped the top half of her knee length trench coat shut to cover her tattoo and made sure her ruby red, crew cut wig was positioned properly on her head. Picking up the wide-framed sunglasses off the small end table next to the couch she was standing in front of, she fitted them on her face, pushing them up just far enough to cover her eyes but not hinder her peripheral vision.

As she turned to walk out of one of the small living rooms of her hideout, she grabbed her briefcase and the open pack of cigarettes laying on the coffee table before heading out and into the hallways of her base. Whispers filled the halls as she passed by some of her teammates, and she smirked as she picked up snippets of their conversations.

"Woah. This must be a big job if Zephyra's heading out," one boy said, whispering more loudly than he should have to a pretty girl who nodded as he spoke.

"Mhm. I heard from my friend who heard from her boyfriend who heard from his best friend's little brother that she's gonna get the head of Rubare jailed today," the girl whispered back and Zephyra's eyebrows rose as she passed. She would have to talk to this little brother of a best friend of a boyfriend of a friend of the pretty girl about keeping secrets. It was dangerous having too many people - even within her own organization - to know about big operations.

Filing away that problem in the back of her mind to be dealt with later, Zephyra entered the elevator that led to the ground floor of Sicario's base. The entire organization was housed in an underground hideout that was approximately three floors underground, and then a few floors after that as the base itself had multiple different levels. The location was the only thing at all fancy about the base; other than its unusual - but rather predictable - position, it was a rather plain establishment with no particularly high class functions. That was fine, though, as it kept attention off of the area. Under any amount of scrutiny by regular police forces, the hideout would most likely appear as nothing more than an extensive basement. The Sicario's only worry was that one of the other two big organizations would find it. If either the army of Rubare found the base, they would probably be able to guess its true nature, but Zephyra put such thoughts out of her mind for now. At the moment, they were safe enough, and she had a job to do.

A very big job, in fact. A spy she had placed in the field had recently discovered the Rubare's hideout and had placed bugs all around the orphanage Rubare was operating from. Generally, Zephyra would opt to leave the thieves alone, but the army had been cracking down on Sicario and Rubare lately, and members - or, at least one pinkette with unusually strong hair - had been attacking Sicario as well, and so Zephyra had decided to act on the information the bugs had been gathering.

Today, the leader of Rubare was scheduled to target a house that belonged to a family of particularly rich means - they were on Sicario's target list, too - and Zephyra was planning to strike. Not at Rubare's leader, but at the family. Her plan was to kill the family as they were leaving their home and call the cops immediately after. Rubare's leader would know when the family was scheduled to leave, as that would be when she went in to steal, and would, therefore, be on the scene when the murder was committed.

The really tricky part of this operation was timing, specifically getting to the house on time. Zephyra was known to be a little...lax and lazy with her jobs, and she was running late as it was. If she didn't reach the house soon, the family and Rubare's leader would already be out and gone by the time she got there. 'At least I'll still get the family,' she thought as she sped to her car - a silver Stingray Corvette - and jumped into the driver's seat, throwing her briefcase in the seat beside her. The rest of Sicario always berated her for her taste in cars, not because her taste was poor, but just because she always drove something flashy, which wasn't very proper for an assassin who was supposed to keep a low profile at all times. But, that simply wasn't Zephyra's style. She was raised in a rich family - showy was second nature to her, and she appreciated outrageous disguises.

Smiling at the thought, Zephyra checked her bright red wig in the rear-view mirror and applied a lipstick of the same shade before pealing out of the parking lot of the skyscraper that was built over her base and driving off towards her next target. 'Let's see how slippery you really are, Rubare,' she thought, a lopsided smirk pulling her lips upwards.
(You made it so....Looooooong Haha)

Gino snatched the bag giving it a quick smell before taking all the items out and putting them in the bag he had hung up on the wall with Scarlet's stolen good. His eyes shfted back to a bright yellow color when he turned and smiled to his fellow Rubare member. "Good work! But next time, try to get something gold. These days all the Black market cares about is that pretty metal. They only use silver now-a-days for cheap weapons." He was still please with the loot they recieved today, would pring a pretty penny to them for food and supplies. "Want some soup? Its getting late so it would be the perfect time ot do another job if your up for it. We could always use the extra cash."
Ethan stood up from his vantage point, sensing something. Almost like the anticipation of an approaching storm. He was sitting on the balcony railing of a house, blended seamlessly into the shadows, right across the stage. For him it was a stage anyway. To Ethan, this would all play out as intended. Multiple usage of props, actors following lines, and 'Oooh' -Ethan thought- : the twist ending. The house would be robbed and he would see everything unfold before him like the best seats in an opera house.. He heard the steady rumble of a distant engine. No doubt, Sicario's leader Zephyra. Ethan took out a small plastic baggie filled with all his favorite treats. From pretzels to glazed gummy worms, Ethan was as random and colorful as his snack pouch. He took out a yellow skittle, looked at it, and tossed it down into the grass below. He wasnt quite in the mood for yellow. He tried again and got what he wanted: a miniature fun-sized Snickers bar. He tossed it into his mouth and chewed until it was gone. Ethan smiled to himself once, gathered his sword and pistol, and slid off the balcony into the green shrubs below. He seemed to disappear into the ground with his skin change, before he moved toward the house, cautiously and excitedly. [Guys, are we all meeting here at this house? :D ]
((Oooh, thanks for postin' 'cause I had no inspiration, and had no idea how I was gonna get Zephyra set up, but I've got an idea now. Kinda. Also, it wasn't a planned thing to meet up at the house, if that's what you're asking. Or, something is being said that's going straight over my head. Anyway, here's meh post.))

Zephyra cut the engine of her Stingray Corvette as she parked in the driveway of the house opposite of her target's. The useful part of having the car was that it blended in, more or less, to the rich environment that was Sicario's hunting ground. Snatching her briefcase up from the passenger seat, she exited her vehicle and made her way towards the front porch of the house she had parked at. She had picked this house for a multitude of reasons. First, the family was number two on her hit list, and so it made sense to kill them while completing her job. Second, the balcony on the third floor made for a great vantage point, and, even though it was kind of exposed and out in the open, it was screened in which blurred any bystander's sight just a little. That paired with her disguise gave Zephyra a pretty good chance at succeeding in not being discovered for who she really was. Third, the location appealed to Zephyra's inclination towards laziness. She didn't have to travel far to set up.

Smirking as she went through these points, Zephyra rung the doorbell of the three story house, which was really more of a mansion in all honesty. After she did so, she set down her briefcase and pulled a silencer and one of the two Sig Sauers from her belt that she had hidden under her trench coat and fitted the silencer into place, making sure she was turned away from the street as she did so. "Hel- Oh, God...Please, don't shoot," a woman in her early twenties donning a French maid outfit pleaded as Zephyra stuck the pistol underneath the maid's chin, raising her arm and leaning it against the door frame to block the view from the street.

"Take me to your boss and then round up his family," she instructed and the maid nodded hesitantly, turning towards the staircase and darting up it. Zephyra looked over her shoulder ever-so-slightly before entering, but stopped short as she caught movement from the corner of her eye. Squinting, she noticed a familiar face slithering through the grass and towards her target's house. "What the hell is he doing?" she hissed quietly and quickly checked the rest of the street. Finding it empty, she lifted her arm from the door frame and stretched forward, but her head was still turned slightly towards Ethan and her other arm - the one holding her Sig Sauer, rose so the gun was placed under her arm, shielded mostly by her coat and left forearm.

She shot once, at the ground close to Ethan's feet. The silencer suppressed the noise, and wouldn't alert anyone to the shot, but she hoped Ethan would catch sight of the bullet and back off. 'Did I assign him to this mission?' she wondered, and decided to ask him later. She dropped the arm holding the Sig Sauer in front of her and to the side at the same time she lowered her left arm so she could keep the weapon hidden. With a final pointed glance directed at Ethan, she picked up her briefcase and headed into the house after the maid and hurried up the stairs, leaving the front door open, but without leaving a gap so it looked like it had been shut. If Ethan got the message Zephyra was trying to send, he'd get his ass in the house and follow her plans, but Zephyra worried she hadn't been clear. A gunshot at someone's feet wasn't necessarily interpreted immediately as, "Please, follow me."

Zephyra snorted at the thought but brushed it aside. Regardless of what Ethan would do, she would continue as planned. Worst case scenario, she'd only be able to kill the family that lived in the house she was trespassing in, Ethan would alert Rubare of her plans, and the cops - or worse, the army - would end up killing them all, but she'd still be able to get rid of one more rich family, in any case. With that in mind, she hurried up the last few steps and started checking rooms until she found a locked door. 'Damn, spent too much time worrying about Ethan,' she cursed silently, and put a bullet in the lock, effectively breaking it open. Pushing the door open, she kept her weapon raised as she took a tentative step forward into the room. Who she assumed to be the father and head of household was sitting behind a large wooden desk with a phone raised to his ear, the maid at his right and another woman at his left. The second woman stood with her arms wrapped around a young teenage boy who stared at Zephyra with wide, fearful eyes.

"Oh, God, she's here. Please, we're at 101, Fi-" he was cut off as a stream of red ran down his face from the bullet wound just left of the center of his forehead.

"Damn, my aim's off," Zephyra muttered and aimed the gun at the maid next. "Sorry, I meant to kill you first. Didn't mean for the working class to get a fright outta this. The situation called for boss man to kick the dust first, though," Zephyra said with a shrug and she pulled the trigger again, the stunned, horrified expression the maid wore easing as she died. "Damn. I really would've liked to have avoided that. Ah, well. Time's a'waistin'," she murmured and aimed the gun again, this time at the teenager.

"Ah....AGHHH!!" he screamed, and tried to bolt from his mother's arms. The bullet hit the side of his head, and he dropped to the ground. The woman began to scream as well, and the sixth and final bullet hit her square between the eyes, effectively cutting off her scream.

Zephyra whistled, admiring her handiwork. "Now, that was beautiful marksmanship," she commented and spun around, heading back to the stairs and to the third floor. She had killed the father before he had finished giving the police his address, but she was positive he'd been on the line long enough for the police to track the signal. The technology only took a couple of seconds to work nowadays, and so Zephyra knew the police would be swarming the neighborhood in a few minutes. That was fine, though. She only needed a few minutes.

She reached the third floor and stepped out onto the third floor porch that faced her second target's house. She pulled her lazer dagger from her pocket and cut a small hole from the screen, not wanting anything to be between her and her shot, no matter how small. She spent the next few seconds putting together her rifle, wondering if Ethan had entered this house or gone straight to the target's.
Scarlet slid up the pipe smirking and finding another manhole cover. She quickly peeked out and seeing no one slid out running to the house. She was at the house behind her targets. Her dark clothes blending into the darkening night, she began to climb up one of the buildings bouncing from one hand hold to another not wanting to sit still. She reached a window and slid it open peeking inside to see no one in the room.

Smirking she came inside and walked to the jewelry box that she knew held the necklace. She took it and a few other golden trinkets before taking any gold in the room and moving to the next one. Taking any gold she could find, she came to the safe room that the family had. Excellent~ She thought and began to look for a way to crack it.
Xandri nodded, smiling a little. "Soup, and then job." She whispered in her shy, airy voice. She mentally made a note to look out for gold the next time she was on a job. She was thankful to have a place among the Rubare, and she wanted to do her best for them.


Jade growled when he lost sight of Scarlet. Where could she have gone to? She just rounded a corner and completely disappeared! He turned into the ally she went and slowly walked down it. His mouth twitched again when he caught sight of the open manhole. You can't run... He thought to himself as he jumped down the manhole, landing on his feet in the sewer. He went forward, following the only logical path she could have taken, though it got to be a bit tight for someone of his height and build to fit.

((And holy gumdrops, ShizukaAyame.... why do u write every post as, like, a novel?! xD ))
Ethan crept along the bushes that ran along the front yard of the house, slowly and carefully. He had his left hand resting on his back holster, feeling the familiar smooth grip around his kinetic pistol. He held his sword parallel to his forearm with his right hand.

Ethan couldn't contain his excitement. The actors were readying the set. The lights were dimming. The chatter began to die down. Even the smallest cricket ceased to chirp as the show was about to start. The wind danced across the street whipping up leaves in a magnificent tornado. Wind chimes from another house began to ring. This was going to be an excellent performance and Ethan wanted the best seat.

He was about to move from cover to a different spot when he heard the dull sound of a bullet hitting dirt. A bit of grass somersaulted through the air and landed on his shoe and Ethan flinched. He changed from dark blood red, to deep royal purple, and then to sunrise orange in rapid succession. The sudden surprise made his skin flash different colors. His skin began pulsing a steady white before returning to his normal skin color. He turned just in time to see Zephyra's long dark blue hair disappear into the house he was just on the balcony of. No doubt, when they both leaved the premises alive, would she question his presence there.

Ethan was not intimidated however. He chuckled at himself as he remembered when he first saw Zephyra. Her commanding poise and her leading streak. She spoke with determination and seriousness, the tone of which displayed the message she wasn't playing around. Ethan was just a newbie then. He still was particularly new to Sicario, but he was in there long enough to learn that Zephyra meant business.

Ethan tossed a Swedish fish into his mouth, where he sucked on it. The unique flavor swimming around his tastebuds. Ethan knew what Zephyra meant by the suppressed shot. He sighed and retreated. He crossed the house back to the mansion he left a few moments earlier. He would meet Zephyra up stairs, knowing her skills as a sniper. He entered as an invisible man, changing his skin color to match the wall behind him. He had no idea why but he decided it would be best to see what she was going to do first.

The dead bodies inside were of no surprise to Ethan. He didn't bother them. He knew anyone in any house Zephyra entered would become her workshop, her domain. He made his way up the stairs. In one room, the phone was dangling off the desk, the dial tone beeping endlessly. The police would be on the way soon. Ethan peeked through the crack of a slightly closed door. He saw Zephyra setting up her sniper rifle.
I can't post at the moment and I'm sorry that I can't explain but I will be gone for a little while... I may be able to post once in a while sorry... If people are asking where I am then please inform them of my absence...))

"Alright then, eat up quick. The night only lasts so long..." Gino's voice trailed off into oblivion when he smelled somthing rather, odd of lack for lack of a better word. he followed the invisiable trail till it led him to the window. Of course out of pure curiosity, he opened it and took in a deep breath of the darkening air. "Oh...how nice." His bright yellow eyes caught sight of a noble men, he was easy to spot out since the rest of the crowd was shadey and rusty. "Quick job before you loose him." He closed the window and pointed to the target through the glass. "If I had guess based on the scent, at least two small rubys on his rings, followed by the same number of emeralds, and quite alot of cash of gold coin on him as well." Of course he was kidding because he knew his nose was right on the dot. "Looks like he cleaned out his pockets shopping!" That was his way of giving the que to Xandri of her new job.
Amber had fallen asleep up on her little ledge. She began to fall forward and luckily caught herself before collapsing into the market below. To catch herself she grabbed onto a window ledge to her left. She dangled there in the window so she quickly lifted her legs and elevated herself again. "Wow Amber, just wow." She knew it was time to descend back into the fray. She lowered her self on the ledge and dropped to the next. She repeated this until she was about 5 feet off the ground and jumped to the ground, feeling slight pain in her ankles. "Stupid update," she mumbled.

The stores were nothing to marvel at but they had valuable items here and there. She was absolutely poor so she did her biding here often. She pulled the two gems from her bag and stopped at a vendor with lots of bread and delectable pastries. She bought a piece of bread and that almost wiped her out of money. She looked at what she had left in her hand and shook her head. She sighed and continued walking. She was pleased to see children playing in the streets. She loved children as she was still young. Clothes were what she needed. The only clothing in her arsenal was the skin tight black suit age was wearing and a black dress, mid thigh length that was one shouldered. She wore this to fancy events where she stole from wealthy aristocrats. She put her money away and continued down the street.

She still hadn't found her leader or other members of Rubare. Since she could not find them in the square, she would go to the hideout. "Why didn't I just go here first?!" She knew she would have to be stealthy. Was she ever not? She snuck into an alley on the other side of the ware house and climbed the piping. She guessed a window and knocked. "Uh... hello," she stumbled in a muffle.
((^___^'' [MENTION=3233]HanaChan13[/MENTION] I didn't actually mean for them to turn out as short novels, they just did. :/ Most of it is stuff you guys can just skim, if you don't want to read all of it. Sorry 'bout that.))

With her rifle now assembled and lying beside her, Zephyra pulled out the pack of cigarettes she had stashed in her pocket and shook it once so that a few of the cancer sticks protruded from the package. She pulled one out with her lips as she pulled her lighter out of another pocket and flicked it open. Nowadays, most smokers carried around lighters that had a small button on the side that you pushed to start up the flame, but Zephyra had a soft spot for the old lighters. She supposed it was because working one was almost like playing a small game. Smiling lopsidedly at the notion, she held the flame up to the end of her cig and gave it a few puffs, closing the lighter after the cig was lit.

She breathed in a long drag as she pocketed her lighter, breathing out a jet of smoke as she exhaled. Looking back towards her target's house, she noticed the chauffeur was still waiting in the drive way, and the family had yet to make an appearance, and so she let her eyes wonder around the screened in porch she was inhabiting. It was probably nicer than most of the rooms in Sicario's base, if not all of them. You could tell the furniture was priceless - the craftsmanship was absolutely remarkable, and the cushions on the couches and chairs looked silky smooth and plush - and the area was decorated tastefully. Crystal vases with rose bouquets decorated the end tables on either side of the couch, and a state of the art sound system was set up around the seating area. The porch itself was huge, and it made Zephyra wonder if Rubare didn't have the right idea; stealing from these people - these filthy rich slime balls that she and her precious Sicario were killing anyway - might just be the right way to go about things. She definitely missed some of the fancier aspects of her past life, but, at the same time, she didn't exactly want them back, either. These items, the material goods that weren't really needed by anyone, just reminded her that she had once been an unknowing accomplice to a lifestyle that robbed good people of their money so that her family, and families like hers, wouldn't ever have to lift a finger.

She took another long, deep drag from her cigarette, holding the smoke in as she finished looking around, her eyes finally landing on the slightly ajar door. Releasing the smoke from her lungs, Zephyra turned back to the window and picked up her rifle, aiming it at the front door of her target's house. "Either come in or go away. It'll make me nervous to have you lurking in the doorway like that," she murmured just loudly enough for Ethan to hear. Silently, Zephyra berated herself for being rude to her comrade, but she could apologize later. For now, she had to focus on her job.
((Yay! You're back!))

Ethan opened the door with his elbow. "What, a guy can't have some fun?" Ethan said. "You know, I wasn't here working. I came here by choice." Ethan proceeded to conceal his sword in his sleeve. He sat in chair, the silky smooth leather feeling very nice on his fingertips. The rifle was already set up and Zephyra had lit a cigarette. Ethan hated the smoke. It was a life-wrecking addiction that he once tried but never again. Ethan knew the police were closing in. "This is slow, Zephyra. Maybe I can help." Ethan rested his left hand on his pistol. He could do a number of things that would draw the inhabitants out. It was only a matter of instruction. He got out of the chair and turned towards her, door half open, waiting for a response..
((Am indeed!))

Zephyra smirked around her cigarette. "I might take you up on that offer, but I don't need you to chase any rabbits out of their holes. Rubare's leader is targeting this house, and she wouldn't rob a house with wide-awake inhabitants unless they were scheduled to leave. They should be coming out any second now, and I'll have 'em on the ground as soon as they're out the door. Our worry then will just be getting out of here fast enough. If it comes to it, I need you alert and ready for a shoot-out," Zephyra mumbled, the cancer stick hanging from her mouth bobbing up and down as she spoke. She spared her comrade a glance, her smirk pulling up further into a twisted grin. "You think you're up for it?" she asked as she looked back towards the house.

All the while the sirens grew steadily louder, but Zephyra wasn't panicking. It was far too soon to panic. However, this job was starting to get on her nerves a little. 'I'll give 'em thirty more seconds before I go in guns blasting,' she thought with a small nod to herself. As she finished the thought, the front door of her target's house began to open.
Ethan understood. He chuckled at how things were beginning to come into place. Ethan saw two paths and this was the one Zephyra would take. Walking down the stairs, Ethan never really noticed the detail put into the staircase elegance. There were three paintings placed equally apart. The first was of a man, holding an olive leaf. He had calm, concerned eyes and he had a taut smile. It was a portrait and the colors, bending and joining, were surreal. The next painting was of a woman facing her vanity mirror. She was pale, like the ghostly color of paper, and a soft cherry blush dusted her cheeks. A square piece of paper, perhaps a letter, lay unopened on the bed behind her. Ethan walked a couple more steps before examining the last painting. It was an oil painting of spilled bottle of whiskey. These images were weird to him and he couldn't understand them, but he decided he would try to decipher them later.

Ethan walked out the door, instantly turning into the same color the mansion was. He slid along the side before resting on a garden chair, with a perfect view of the house opposite. Just he sat down, and tossed an M&M in his mouth, the front door opened. Ethan froze. 'this is it' he thought to himself. This is how it would begin..

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