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Fandom 21+ The Mummy Roleplay!


New Member
I'd better start with some rules!

+Please be 20 or over. I'm 26, and I really don't feel comfortable roleplaying with anybody younger than that -- sorry, that's a strict rule.

+I prefer to RP over PM if possible.

+I'm looking for something pretty active, once a day would be ideal if we're not writing essays but I'm open to options!

+Please be committed, I'm into long-term things generally.

+I tend to really like slice-of-life, and I don't plan things strictly. If you're after action at all times then this might not be for you. I love fluff as well, haha

+ I tend to write a paragraph or so per post, so please keep that in mind. One or two sentence stuff is fine, as long as I can understand what you're saying.

What I'm looking for:

Someone to play Evelyn for my OC male.

He's not really like Rick to be honest, he's a young inexperienced adventurer who often has more confidence than sense.

I believe he'd be a good match for Evie seeing as she can reign him in lol.

Maybe they'll go on different adventures or we can create new ones, it's all open!
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