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Community [2024 Worlds,Combat,High Tier] Quit Buggn Me


One Thousand Club
Mentions: Maxxob Maxxob TheTimePiece TheTimePiece SilverFeathers SilverFeathers saxon saxon Elvario Elvario Rev IX Rev IX Orikanyo Orikanyo
OOC: I took some liberties with the opening narration. Rp will run on a 3 day schedule, so post at least once in the 72 hours. Rounds may go faster if we post faster. Keep in mind advanced rules. Failure to post will be treated the same as a failure to deal with the situation at hand. Ask any questions that need asking, but I can only answer those appropriate to answer during worlds. Conditions for this rp will involve whether or not the hive queen is destroyed and how many participants return alive per faction. Factions with fewer members will receive a bonus throughout the rp to ensure they are not easily outdone by the other factions. Assume ability cooldowns always matter for the duration of this rp.
Time: N/A
Weather: N/A
TLDR: An elite force of pc's and npc's delve the queen hive of the bugs. They immediately run into issues that need immediate solutions.
Post Listening:

Shadow Descent


The tunnel’s mouth yawned wide, a jagged tear in the earth where light barely dared to enter. Inside, the darkness was thick, pressing in on all sides, swallowing sound and sight. The walls, slick with some unknown secretion, closed in as the group moved deeper, the passage narrowing and twisting, a maze of tight turns and sudden drops. It was easy to lose direction here, where every path seemed identical, where echoes played tricks and led them astray. [B Grade Challenge]

Faintly, patches of glowing moss clung to the walls, casting a ghostly light that only emphasized the oppressive gloom. They were too tightly packed and poorly placed to offer much aid as they were, but perhaps some could be harvested to offer a more natural lighting aid to the situation.

Around them, the chittering of unseen creatures echoed faintly through the corridors along with the sounds like flowing water, a constant reminder that the hive was not silent, not empty. Every scrape of boot on stone seemed to provoke a response, a rustle of movement just out of sight. Here, in the heart of the hive, one wrong step, one careless noise, and the swarm would come, a tide of snapping mandibles and clawed legs. The party would need to be stealthy or risk the consequences. [B grade challenge]

The path ahead split again, disappearing into the black, each route as perilous as the last. Every choice a risk, every sound a threat. There was no telling where the next danger would emerge—only that it was out there, waiting, lurking in the dark. Would the party stay together to keep strength up and risk detection or split up and reduce power but also risk of discovery?


Elysia Wentworth from Shiei no Sona-Nyl ~What a beautiful memories~
Active titles: Ophenia Groupie, Ethereal Luminary Student D, Hero of Lodeli, Ally of Goroboch the Fungal Guardian, Etherealness, Plaguebearing Heart Slayer, Novice Academist, Novice Arcanist, Student of Ethereal Magic E, Caster, Spellweaver
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | SilverFeathers SilverFeathers saxon saxon Orikanyo Orikanyo

He was on edge, but why would he not be? It wasn't often that one faced such a terrifying and dangerous mission. A shiver ran down his spines. These tunnels were terrifying, dangerous and frightening and all that. Very far away from anything Ethereal. As they were at risk of getting lost, he'd whisper. “I'll try to use some magic to scout the area, please help me look for tracks. Oh, and if anyone knows how we can go about this more stealthily, I'd gladly hear any advice.”

He'd quietly whisper and chant as a magic circle formed below him, whilst he was weaving his spell together with gestures using his catalyst. The air around him slowly starting to change a little.

Magic Appraisal C – Magic C, Energised C, Focus C, Magic Range D, Magic Targets D, Magic Area of Effect D, Appraisal E, Academia F, Arcana F, Sixth Sense [Spirit] F, Perception E, Nature E – Character focusses and uses their magic and knowledge to scan their natural and supernatural of their surroundings. - Grade Ce – 2 Post Cooldown.
Magic Circle - When a caster doesn't use the move action in a round they cast spells, recites spell incantation, uses a catalyst in hand, and performs gestures to cast a spell in combat, a full magic circle may appear under them or otherwise near them that enhances the spell's effectiveness by 1. In rounds where their Magic Circle is active, the Caster does not benefit from wearing armor.
Magic Weave - While your magic circle perk from Caster is active and you are casting a C grade magic or greater, the mana immediately around you in the circle takes on the nature of the spell you are casting. Healing spells and buffing spells will also target you as if you were the spell target. Debuff and Damaging spells will act as a hazard and inflict 1 point of damage on any object or creature that comes into contact with you. Effect only lasts so long as Magic Circle remains active or spell duration (whichever is shortest).

He's first use his magic to scan the area, both to figure out more about the natural and any possible supernatural presences and forms of it. Then he'd separately check for signs of bug movement with two more simple Nature Checks.

Nature Check E– Appraisal E, Nature E, Perception E – Acquiring natural knowledge - Grade Ee – 0 Post Cooldown.
Nature Check F– Appraisal F, Nature F, Perception F - Acquiring natural knowledge - Grade Fe – 0 Post Cooldown.

Ce = 0/2
Ee = 0/0
Fe = 0/0
Ninelle (#54d1b0)
Cegloth. A name she wouldn't like to remember, and yet every inch of this mission felt startlingly similar to that fateful day. Whether she would die again or not was of little concern. What was a thousand times more terrifying was that... she had a loved one with her this time. Silently, she vowed to herself that above all else, mission failure or success, he must make it out alive.

Silently, the masked fairy nodded at her teammates' words, holding her ire bracer steadily as she cast her magic as quietly as possible. A tiny green arcane circle lit the ground beneath her feet, as she scrutinized and appraised her surroundings for any tell-tale bug tracks or droppings and any plants/weeds squashed or pushed aside, that informed her of the likely trail that led towards the hive queen (Nature's Eye D, Magic Circle [Active], Nature's Eye F).

Unfruitful or unsure of the deductions, Ninelle would also cast a spell that allowed her to see into the past, the rim of her eyes glowing a faint green as her vision shifted to another time. She would try to focus on the most travelled routes the bugs took, their states, and if they were carrying things in or out: simply anything related to her flora and fauna knowledge to deduce the way forward.

  1. Nature's Eye D
    • Appraisal D, Nature E, Agriculture E, Animal Handling E, Magic D, Magic Range E, Magic Targets F, Magic AoE F, Energized D
    • Use her eyes from another realm, and her learned knowledge on nature's flora and fauna, to scan and appraise her surroundings for any telling animalistic or nature-related tracks or information.
    • Caster - Magic Circle [Active]
    • When a caster doesn't use the move action in a round they cast spells, recites spell incantation, uses a catalyst in hand, and performs gestures to cast a spell in combat, a full magic circle may appear under them or otherwise near them that enhances the spell's effectiveness by 1. In rounds where their Magic Circle is active, the Caster does not benefit from wearing armour.
  2. Nature's Eye F
    • Appraisal F, Nature F, Agriculture F, Animal Handling F, Energized F
  3. Memoirs of Another E
    • Postcognition E (D -> See Limiter), Magic E, Magic AoE F, Spell Duration F, Animal Handling E, Nature E, Agriculture E, Energized E
    • Gaze 1 day into the past in a 15ft AoE (4 uses), adjusting the time period to focus on any fauna or flora elements seen within that could aid in deducing the path towards the hive's queen, such as the habits and journeys past bugs chose to endure over the past day.
Yukan Koyake

Yukan would keep focused on the task at hand, they were essentially going on a dangerous monster hunt, one which he was fully aware the possibility of death was present. As much ill will as Yukan harbored toward the East Empire, he knew that by helping to take care of this bug problem, innocents lives would ultimately be protected. Given how little light there was, Yukan hoped that his Darkvision would help in some capacity.

Upon hearing Deliverance Yukan would nod, "I'll see what I can do." He'd reply quietly. Yukan would then attempt to assist the others in gaining information about the environment/possible bug threats so that the group would be better prepared for an engagement rather than being caught off guard using the ability Beastial Investigation E and Lesser Beastial Investigation F in an effort to team up and learn what he could with his enhanced senses.

1. Beastial Investigation E
Darkvision F +Sixth Sense Danger F + Heightened Senses E [Smell, Hearing] - Grade E Ability (1 post cooldown)
2. Lesser Beastial investigation F
Darkvision F +Sixth Sense Danger F + Heightened Senses F [Smell] - Grade F Ability (0 Post cooldown)

C (0/3)
D (0/2)
E (0/1)
[Isekai], [Human], [Wanted by Nightshade Guild], Educated [Yakuza], Expert Martial Artist - #b80926

Hiroshi didn't much at stake in this whole mission, well, except for his own life. He didn't much care about the result, but the prospect of giving a nice, thunderous kick into something who appeared to be deadly had found purchase in his mind. So much purchase that he decided to embark into this whole ordeal.

His hands were tucked in his pants, as usual, his sunglasses had been removed, thanks to the poor light that the cavern had. Between his lips, a cigarette was found, white smoke leaving its very tip as it would occasionally brighten up with a strong, crimson amber.

The yakuza's hazel gaze darted around, looking for a moment at the others who were also in the same predicament as him. They weren't his friends nor his comrades, just today's allies. And that was what made him not want to split up immediately. Maybe they could be useful... even though some of them looked awfully tense.

"Lighten up, you look like you have seen a ghost." He told Deliverance, in a low tone, getting his hand out of his pocket to lazily scratch his chin. Hiroshi certainly had no idea what they were doing or using, but that didn't seem to bother him that much. Although, he wondered if any of them had the capabilities to navigate that cavern. The yakuza was more used to urban environments, never have being in a cave in his life! But maybe, just maybe, the winding paths and treacherous turns of this cave weren't much different from the narrow pathways and shortcuts of slums, were anyone could be waiting for you?

With that in this mind, he attempted to use some of his own skills [Street Sense F], to see if there was anything he could learn from what path to take ahead.
"We could always call the slithering vermin to us. Maybe some of the bugs show us the right path to take?" If he was being serious or not was anyone's guess, a long drag on his cigarette followed his words. Bringing his hands up, Hiroshi appeared to be ready to clap, yet hold the thought for now.

1 - Street Sense F, Appraisal F - Hiroshi is attempting to gather some sort of knowledge of what path to take within the treacherous depths of the cavern - Grade F Cooldown 0
Arkham Koenig

Of all the past experiences he's had during his time in this world, Arkham certainly didn't expect his Haeddre Village encounter to cross his path again. But here he was. Pacing down a filthy network of tunnels, along with people that may turn to enemies at any second. The group he did encounter before delving into this hellhole were mercenaries for the most part. Meaning he couldn't fully trust them either. Money was a dangerous motivation. Then again, he was also paid to be here...

Regardless, these concerns fresh in his mind were less relevant at the moment. The tunnels quickly turned confusing, meaning he needed a guide, fast. Under the veil of his mask, Arkham focused his attention on the newer strangers. They appeared more prepared than him when it came to orienting themselves in these tunnels.

Arkham hoped for at least one of the rest of the mercs had decent navigation skills. He didn't fully bet on it, though. With a deep breath, quiet as a whisper lost in the wind, the fledgling assassin erased his presence to the best of his ability, from where he focused on the useful results he got from whatever source he could gather. Those sounds echoing from undecipherable places in the depths ahead meant danger. Danger he'd gladly avoid until it was inevitable.

- Undetected [Sight, Hear, Smell] D, Stealth F - Arkham focuses on suppressing his presence as much as possible, in an attempt to avoid detection - Grade D - 2 post cooldown
- Undetected [Sight, Hear] E, Stealth F - Arkham focuses on suppressing his presence as much as possible, in an attempt to avoid detection - Grade E - 1 post cooldown

- C - 0/3
- D - 2/2
- E - 1/1
- F - 0/0
New Eris.png
Eris Granstone

B Grade Character

Titles: Human, Priest, Holy Smiter, Hero of The Fae See, Mage, Fae, Spirit of the Battlefield Ally F, Faculty of Celestine F, Ordained, Mundane, Caster

mentions: Maxxob Maxxob Novama Novama Rev IX Rev IX Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece SilverFeathers SilverFeathers Orikanyo Orikanyo

1. Appraisal F + Energized F
2. used Retribution - Religion E, Magic E, Magic Area of Effect F, Divine Affinity F, Magic Range F, Energized E, Focus E, Selective E- The caster can call down a beam from the heavens causing radiant damage to the target. The target must be within 30 feet of the caster. - Grade E - 0 Post Cooldown. Sparing party members except for Hiroshi.
3. Attempts to rush to catch up to Finn

Eris looked around at the dark tunnels as she looked down at her robes which created light in dark places, which she hoped wouldn't draw too much attention to herself or the group. The dampness and erieness of the hive only put her on alert mode. The last time she had gone deep in a place like this it didn't exactly go all that well for her, seeing as the group for the moment needed to find the correct path, she used her appraisal skill at E to assist the others hoping there would be relevant information to help with the other's searches for the correct path.

She knew a couple of the individuals that were in the group however there were a few newcomers that were a bit strange, one of them looked to be an assassin and well the other one looks to be a gangster for a lack of better words. keeping her eyes on a swivel she heard what the gangster was saying to one of the other members of the group and how he mentioned bringing the bugs to them and when he brought up his hands to clap, Eris didn't hesitate. "Holfeel merciful goddess of rebirth and guider of souls hear your servant's prayers. For there are those who do not walk the path of your welcoming light and souls are in need of guidance. Please lend me your retribution." She recited as she used Retribution, sparing everyone but Hiroshi. Upon the ability going off she would make the attempt to catch up to Finn at the front of the group.
Mentions: Maxxob Maxxob TheTimePiece TheTimePiece SilverFeathers SilverFeathers saxon saxon Elvario Elvario Rev IX Rev IX Orikanyo Orikanyo
OOC: Can't use selective in darkness you can't see through nor on targets you are unaware of. Appraisal and similar sensory skills don't work as well in darkness that isn't seen through. successful defenses cause damage to attack one way or another.
Time: N/A
Weather: N/A
TLDR: The elite force takes casualties under friendly fire. They alert the enemy to their presence. They must now fight for the lives in the gloom.
Post Listening:

Shadow Descent


The fork in the tunnel remained cloaked in impenetrable darkness, its twisting passages offering no clue as to where safety—or danger—might lie. Finn taking the time to share his knowledge of warfare was informative, but it was unclear how helpful it was in the moment. Whether his teammates absorbed his instructions or not remained as murky as the gloom around them.

Deliverance's spells would cause the air around him to hum with an energy as a sigil manifested beneath his feat. It was something felt more than seen in the darkness, but with it, spirits flickered into his vision. Souls of the dead and spirit like amalgamations of the intense feelings produced by victims of the bugs. Perhaps something else? The dense blackness swallowed all else. The tunnels stretched vast and empty, save for the occasional faint glow of moss. It was difficult telling the difference between solid walls and empty expanse in the gloom. No wandering souls, no hints of movement. The magic, for all its power, could not reveal what lingered in unilluminated dark.

Ninelle followed in kind, her magic reaching out to nature, trying to pierce the thick black. Yet the darkness was all-encompassing, even when she called upon the past. The memories she grasped onto were as void as the present, just shadowed whispers of what had been. Black tunnels that were filled by the echo of the skittering shifting of the bugs and their legs beyond the memory.

Yukan, with his beastman’s sight and sharpened senses, fared better. His eyes pierced the gloom to some extent, and his ears picked up the faint, distant chittering of the hive. No immediate threats stirred, but the sheer number of creatures living within the tunnels was staggering. They were there, waiting—just not yet upon them and perhaps not yet aware of their presence. Ideal conditions for their mission if they could find their way.

Hiroshi, meanwhile, listened to his instincts sharpened from years of navigating dangerous streets, but the tunnels, with their alien design, offered little clarity. His companions murmured support, but without any keener insight, their presence was little more than comfort.

In the shadows, Arkham and his mercenaries had melted away, their footsteps silent as they slipped into the cracks of the tunnel. They couldn’t see either, but their instinctive stealth kept them safe from the chaos that would follow...

Eris, feeling the tension and Hiroshi’s words prickling at her nerves, unleashed a sudden surge of holy magic. The tunnel exploded in light—a searing, blinding brilliance that obliterated the darkness in an instant. But there was no shielding for her allies, and the consequences struck like a hammer. It was not possible to selectively carve safety for all her allies when she couldn't see them. But she wouldn't need to see Hiroshi to bring a holy smiting.

Deliverance was consumed by the blast, his form illuminated for a brief second before he crumbled, the spell he had so carefully crafted collapsing with him. (Deliverance is dead. You may retire here and wait for grade or you may wait for the chance to be resurrected by a teammate.) Ninelle fared no better, her body vanishing into the light as the past, present, and future slipped away in one final breath. (Ninelle is dead. You may retire here and wait for grade or you may wait for the chance to be resurrected by a teammate.)

Finn's strategy lesson would be cut short, the holy radiance tearing into him and sending him staggering back 2 meters, cracks running through his heavy armor. (Finn's heavy armor took 2 points of damage) Yukan, despite his beastman resilience, could not fully evade the strike either—his muscles locked in pain, warped metal burns branding his armor in various places that would make one grit their teeth against the pain. (Yukan's heavy armor took 2 points of damage)

Hiroshi and his companions, forced to act or face obliteration, scrambled for cover. Some dove behind the nearest rock formations, others threw up what defenses they could, shielding their faces from the onslaught. Those who faltered would be scorched, but what would Hiroshi do? [E grade attack]

Eris’s quarterstaff, along with the main arm holding it was crushed by falling cave roof broke free in the blast. The staff made a horrible twisting metal sound as it was flattened which covered the liquid squeltching sound of her hand holding it. She would have been sent flying if not for her arm being stuck under the rock temporarily. Her attack had struck true—but at a cost. (Eris's quarterstaff is destroyed and she takes 1 point of damage.)

In the aftermath, the tunnel lay scorched, its once-dark walls now shining with the residue of holy light. It lasted a moment, but revealed a devasted tunnel that was now wider and taller than it had once been with slimy stone debris on the floor and a dusty haze in the air that would irritate the lungs for a bit. But the brilliance had done more than illuminate—it had alerted the hive. From the deep recesses, the chittering grew louder, and within moments, the monster bugs emerged, their heavy bodies closing in from all directions, pincers clacking and legs scraping against stone. The darkness hid their forms but not their presence nor intentions. Eris had 2 bugs attack her, their hulking pincers coming at her, the glow of her wargown just enough to let her see the attacks coming at her from the darkness. [2x E graded attacks]

Finn would also have bugs close in on him and attack as well from the darkness [?x ? graded attacks]

Yukan was near the opposing tunnel in the tunnel fork to Finn and would handle the bugs coming from that side. His darkvision would allow him to see what was coming and it wasn't pretty. One creature hung from the ceiling and the other crept along the floor. Their thick carapace's looked as sturdy as their legs looked sharp and ready to impale the beastman. [2x E grade attacks]

(The light in the image is not in scene)
[Isekai], [Human], [Wanted by Nightshade Guild], Educated [Yakuza], Expert Martial Artist - #b80926

“What in the actual fuck?!”
The yakuza bellowed, seeing the brightness who had shone through the tunnel in blinding intensity, just after the flat-chested, nun-looking woman spewed some sort of nonsensical words. Was that her doing? What a hell was she thinking? Those questions he couldn’t answer.

For a split second, his hazel eyes could catch that two had fallen against the sudden outburst of light, however there was no point in dilly-dallying, as the blinding light was threatened him and his companions. “Take cover if you can, otherwise try to block it!” He advised, before acting himself.

Bringing his right knee up, he kept it against the lower part of his stomach. His arms crossing in front of his chest. With that, he assumed a blocking position, getting ready to try and withstand the brunt of that attack. With nicotine and adrenaline now rushing through his system with a flurry, if he survived, that woman would get an earful and, possibly, a kick to her stomach. Discipline was necessary, as the gray smoke left the very corner of his mouth.

1 - Block the incoming attack - (Vit C + Natural Heavy Armor E)
2 - Block the incoming attack - (Vit C + Natural Heavy Armor E)
3 - Block the incoming attack - (Vit C + Natural Heavy Armor E)
Arkham Koenig

Unfortunately, shit hit the fan way faster than Arkham would have liked, or even expected. That said, there was no time to lose. The loud and bright explosion that lit the way ahead for an instant was their cue to leave. No use risking their lives on unreliable people who kill each other over nonsense, in the middle of a mission, no less.

Arkham take a good look at the temporarily lit path ahead. He, and his less volatile teammates, moved on in silence. Not wanting the unintentional distraction go to waste. That said, the light could only get them so far. So Arkham focused his senses on the paths that may lie ahead, making sure to avoid paths that reeked of more imminent danger as the group moved with a quiet but steady rhythm. It was marginally better than the group every time the path forked. Arkham hoped they could at least avoid confrontation until they were before their target.

- Undetected [Sight] F, Stealth F, Fast F, Appraisal F, Sixth Sense [Danger Sense] F - Arkham focuses on suppressing his presence as much as possible, in an attempt to avoid detection. While at the same time trying to steer clear of dangers he feels in path(s) ahead - Grade F - 0 post cooldown

- C - 0/3
- D - 1/2
- E - 0/1
- F - 0/0
New Eris.png
Eris Granstone

B Grade Character

Titles: Human, Priest, Holy Smiter, Hero of The Fae See, Mage, Fae, Spirit of the Battlefield Ally F, Faculty of Celestine F, Ordained, Mundane, Caster

mentions: Maxxob Maxxob Novama Novama Rev IX Rev IX Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece SilverFeathers SilverFeathers

1. Block attack 1 (Vit A + Heavy armor D)
2. Used Divine infinity F to create a few seconds of brighter light to search for the catalyst
3. Make an attempt to grab Deliverence's catalyst

Eris cough as the dust and debris were kicked up in the air she winced at the pain from the boulder that had come down and crushed her hand, though she didn't have too much time to think on the matter as there were now two large bugs coming in to attack her quickly getting to her feet. She attempted to block one of the bug attacks predicting it was going to hurt a lot.

She then used her divine affinity in an attempt to create enough light to see Deliverence's catalyst, which she was going to need if there was any hope at this point of defense or healing everyone back up to full. At this point, she would throw herself forward if she had to get ahold of that catalyst. However, she hadn't expected the bugs to arrive as quickly as they had.
Yukan Koyake
Yukan had no idea what just happened other than the fact that magic use had been completely disastrous, and that he had been in pain, but gritted his teeth instead of showing much emotion on it. Some of them had apparently been killed in the blast. Everything was going to hell in a handbasket quickly with the bugs that were approaching. He hadn't seen what caused this strike or what was going on exactly, but he had no intention of leaving this battlefield without drawing the blood of his enemies first at least, if he survived this they'd need to regroup and make use of what they had. Instead of rushing away from the group He'd stand his ground on his incoming enemies, a gaze of steely conviction in his eyes, when they were in striking range to counter their attacks and hopefully finish them off he'd do two do basics probably thanks to the [Always out numbered] he had to hopefully kill the bugs who were trying to use E grade attacks on him.

After Yukan would look around and use Darkvision F and any information available gained from doing so to do a callout about where a usable catalyst had gone

1. Counter Attack Basic attack B strength +C weapon 5 + 4 = 9 on bug above
2. Counter Attack Basic attack B strength +C weapon 5 + 4 = 9 on bug coming below
3. Use Darkvision F to try to call out to help find Catalyst.

C: Ready
D: Ready
E ready next round
F: Ready next round
Last edited:
Mentions: Maxxob Maxxob TheTimePiece TheTimePiece SilverFeathers SilverFeathers saxon saxon Elvario Elvario Rev IX Rev IX Orikanyo Orikanyo
OOC: keep in mind sixth sense has a short range at F
Time: N/A
Weather: N/A
TLDR: party mounts a retaliation and regrouping while one slips far ahead of the rest into the dark unknown
Post Listening:

Shadow Descent


The tunnel echoed with the sounds of flesh and chitin clashing in the dark, broken only by the occasional glint of faint light from the moss on a wall. Finn stood in the center of the fray, his body a motionless statue as the soldier bugs' pincers hammered into him. Each strike landed with a sickening thud, but he held firm, too sturdy to fall but too dazed to fight back. His form staggered under the blows, a ragdoll at the mercy of his attackers, while the blood of his wounds mixed with the slimy stone beneath his feet.

Nearby, Hiroshi and his allies braced themselves as the remnants of the divine light attack washed over them. They staggered backward, scorched and dazed, but they remained intact. Sizzling marks covered their skin where the holy light had grazed them, yet their resolve held. Their defenses had spared them the worst. (-1 damage to Hiroshi's natural armor)

Arkham had already melted into the shadows with his men, slipping away unnoticed. Every step carried him deeper into the labyrinth, evading the soldier bugs with near-supernatural precision. But the deeper they went, the more disoriented they became. The tunnels twisted like a living thing, pulling them into its depths. Arkham’s danger sense, sharp as it was, couldn’t guide him through the dark maze. No creature had yet found him, but the realization dawned—escape might be as deadly as the bugs themselves. The only thing guiding him was the occasional distant glow of moss and the constant thrum of danger just beyond his senses.

Eris, her robes shimmering with divine light, stood resolute as the bugs’ pincers fractured against her aura. Their assault rebounded, sending them reeling, but the sudden burst of divine light had shown Eris something in the chaos—Deliverance’s lifeless hand, jutting from the rubble. His catalyst gleamed from his stiffened fingers. With a swift, ruthless motion, Eris was able to cross the distance and tore the catalyst free from Deliverance cooling grip. The bugs were already regrouping, their bodies bristling with renewed fury, and she barely had time to revel in her gain before they lunged toward her again, their enormous bodies rushing forward in a reckless charge. Eris was at risk of getting crushed beneath them. [2x E grade attacks]

Yukan, his vision cutting through the darkness like a blade, caught sight of Finn’s brutal treatment. But the beasts had found him as well, their sharp legs stabbing at him. With brutal efficiency, Yukan struck back, his weapon slicing through joints with precise, surgical strikes. Discolored bug blood sprayed across the stone, pooling at his feet as the creatures shrieked in pain and faltered on shaky legs from their lost limbs. The air was thick with the smell of iron and a sickly sweet decay, the scent almost as nauseating as the relentless assault.

Arkham’s footsteps slowed as the sound of rushing water reached his ears. The tunnel opened up slightly, and the unmistakable stench of something vile clung to the air. His danger sense screamed from the other side of the water, warning of a presence he could neither see nor fight in his current state. He could crouch low and let the foul odor blend with his own scent, a perfect complement to the darkness to aid in his stealth. But the longer he lingered, the uncomfortable he would feel, a suffocating weight pressing down on his instincts. Time was slipping away, and the decision was his—push forward into the unknown or retreat and likely be unable to return to this place of his own will without aid.
[Isekai], [Human], [Wanted by Nightshade Guild], Educated [Yakuza], Expert Martial Artist - #b80926

Hiroshi showed some minor displeasure as the divine light scorched his skin, but it didn't seem that bad at all. His hands would brush his off some imagined speck off his burgundy suit, looking at his cronies companions. "Well, that could have gone worse..." He muttered with a shrug, before putting his next plan in mind.

The yakuza would begin strutting towards Eris, his mind already set to his following actions. That woman was dangerous... too dangerous to be left standing. Both to him and his companions.

Reaching her, he would not think twice before lifting his legs and starting his assault against her. "So sorry about that, can't be having a loose cannon around."

1 - Moved towards Eris
2 - Attacked Eris with Crane's Wing Dual Assault IV- Fighting Style [Whispering Crane Style] C, Penetrating F, Linked F, Blight [Blunt] F, Continuing [Bleed] F - Grade C Cooldown 3 - Hiroshi delivers two swift kicks against a target, one at their midsection and the other towards their upper section - Strength B, Natural Weapons D, Fighting Style C = 5 + 3 + 4 = 12 Base Effectiveness
3 - Attacked Erish with Basic Attack - Strength C, Natural Weapons D = +1 Base Effectiveness

C - 0/3
Arkham Koenig

Things back there were bad, but worse loomed in the shadows in front of him. Arkham held back a growl of frustration. If whatever was on the other side of the chamber was the queen, it was abundantly clear to him that he wouldn't make it by himself, or even with his own squad.

Arkham wasn't risking it. He needed what remained of the trigger happy squad. After a quick non-verbal exchange, Arkham and the group melded back to the shadows without giving that presence a chance to smell them. Making all sorts of marks along the floor, walls, and ceiling of the tunnels they traversed, they expected to be meticulous enough to remain unnoticed while also not getting lost in this repugnant maze. The trip to the ominous presence was challenging, as Arkham didn't have much distance covered with his Danger Sense after all. With these marks, they would at least know if they lost their way in a broader area other than what was pretty close to them.

- Undetected [Sight, Hear] E, Stealth F, Fast F, Appraisal E, Sixth Sense [Danger Sense] F - Arkham focuses on suppressing his presence as much as possible, in an attempt to avoid detection as he moves steadily. While at the same time, attempting to trace back his steps towards the rest of the party - Grade E - 1 post cooldown
- Undetected [Sight] F, Stealth F, Fast F, Appraisal F, Sixth Sense [Danger Sense] F - Arkham focuses on suppressing his presence as much as possible, in an attempt to avoid detection as he moves steadily. While at the same time, attempting to trace back his steps towards the rest of the party - Grade F - 0 post cooldown

- C - 0/3
- D - 0/2
- E - 1/1
- F - 0/0
New Eris.png
Eris Granstone

B Grade Character

Titles: Human, Priest, Holy Smiter, Hero of The Fae See, Mage, Fae, Spirit of the Battlefield Ally F, Faculty of Celestine F, Ordained, Mundane, Caster

mentions: Maxxob Maxxob Novama Novama Rev IX Rev IX Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece SilverFeathers SilverFeathers

1. Block attack (Vit A + Heavy armor D),
2. Comboed with action 1 ) Used in the attempt to stop Hiroshi and rez/heal friendlies Holfeel's Cathedral - Barrier F, Selective Magic E, Magic C, Magic Range D, Magic Area of Effect D, Spell Duration F, Religion C, Divine Affinity F, Healing C, Magic Target F, Focus C- The ground within 1000 feet of the point selected become sacred ground for 1 hour. The caster erects up to a 500ft barrier; it takes the form of a church, and allies with heal significant injuries, including reattaching severed limbs/organs, fix broken bones. The caster can select those who can pass through the barrier. - Grade C - 3 Post Cooldown
3. Used in combination with action 1+2 Holfeels Divine Weapon II - Religion E, Magic E, Divine Affinity F, Energized E, Magic Duration F, Focus E - The user channels their mana into a medium and takes the shape of a melee weapon of their choice on striking a target dealing divine damage to the target the weapon lasts for 1 hour. - E grade - 0 Post Cooldown

Eris took a blocking position as she saw the bugs coming back again and saw Hiroshi start to make his way over toward her. "Book of Icarus verse 16-20, in the beginning, there was nothing, weary travelers rest upon my gentle light. The faithful shall never want for protection, for I am the church and maker of holy ground. The foundation is my very soul; I consecrate this ground!” She recited erecting the cathedral leaving a space around Hiroshi and the bugs so they were not in the barrier hoping to force them to strike that before her using the divine infinity to light up the area to the point she could see everyone. Selecting everyone but Hiroshi and the bugs to receiving the healing and attempting to resurect Ninelle and Deliverance. She hoped the barrier would give her some protection.

"Book of Icarus verse 9-11, Be my weapon and deliver those to the light for I command you. Take up arms and bet he bear of my holy weapon!" Eris chanted in quick succession to add to her defense for extra measure.
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Yukan Koyake
With the two bugs near him still alive and quite a bit going on the battlefield Yukan would need to act decisively once again, First he'd strike the nearest injured bug with Range F + Penetrating F, before attempting to move until he got a clear line on Hiroshi when he realized that it looked like Eris was attempting to revive those who had fallen, he knew full well that they were going to fail this mission and possibly all die if the healer fell, since it was apparent Finn wouldn't be operable in this operation moving forward with what had been going on.

Yukan knew full well he was assuming some additional risk too on the fact that even if the bugs which he had just fought were both unstable the one which he didn't have time to attack could still try to ram him or something of the like, but he had to focus and quick if he wanted there to be any chance of them surviving, hoping that what Eris had done earlier was an accident.
However, many ft within his move action it took him to get a clear sightline so he wouldn't friendly fire Yukan's eyes glinted with determination as he let loose a [Specialize] Fighting Style [Falling Spear] Greater Transcendent Transpierce
Reach C, Penetrating C, Hot Shot C, Range C C Grade Ability - 3 round cooldown.
Yukan attempts to stab his target up to 1000 ft away with a great traveling penetrating force ignoring up to Four grades of opponent's defensively used item, dealing double damage if successfully strikes a weak spot.
Aiming for the central area of mass to try to give Eris a chance to get the rez off, Yukan knew worst case scenario he could afford to take another hit if it came to it.

1. Penetrating F + Range F on nearest injured bug.
2. Move as many ft needed until clear sight line on Hiroshi to avoid friendly fire.
3. Target Hiroshi with Fighting Style [Falling Spear] Greater Transcendent Transpierce
Reach C, Penetrating C, Hot Shot C, Range C C Grade Ability - 3 round cooldown.
Yukan attempts to stab his target up to 1000 ft away with a great traveling penetrating force ignoring up to Four grades of opponent's defensively used item, dealing double damage if successfully strikes a weak spot.
(Sorry Maxx x_x)

C: Cooldown for 3 rounds
D: Ready
E Ready
F: Ready next round

Mentions: Maxxob Maxxob TheTimePiece TheTimePiece SilverFeathers SilverFeathers saxon saxon Elvario Elvario Rev IX Rev IX Orikanyo Orikanyo
OOC: weak equipment can limit how much stat is leveraged unless otherwise acknowledge damage will result. C grade healing won't resurrect corpses. A selective that is lower than the area effecting skills will not limit a spell's aoe.
Time: N/A
Weather: N/A
TLDR: The party dukes it out with each other in a 3 way battle while Finn and Arkham make new friends
Post Listening:

Shadow Descent


The tunnel filled with the sound of rushing wind, pincers snapping in unison with Hiorshi's lethal kick.

But in that instant, a sudden brilliance flooded the cavern. Eris's whispered prayer to her god bloomed into a radiant light that filled every corner of the tunnel. In an instant, the battlefield was transformed. A cathedral of light materialized, its glowing walls shimmering with divine symbols etched into the stone beneath their feet and the walls. The warmth of the light bathed Eris, healing her wounds and surrounding her with holy power. (+1 HP Eris)

Eris, now radiant, conjured a massive mallet of light in her hands. With a single fluid motion, she swung it toward Hiroshi as Yukan lunged forward, his spear thrusting with martial precision at Eris's attackers.

The combined force of their attacks shattered the bugs' sharp legs with a sickening crunch, sending them sprawling two meters back in the tunnel. Their grotesque forms twitched and screamed in pain, their mandibles clattering as they struggled to regain control of their bodies. Hiroshi was not spared—his leg, caught in the mallet's devastating arc, buckled under the blow. The force sent him flying back four meters into the unforgiving cave wall. He crumpled against it with a thud, gasping as pain shot through his body. (3 damage to Hiroshi's natural weapon)

In the midst of the radiant glow, Yukan’s eyes scanned the battlefield. Before aiding Eris, he had struck at the bug nearest him with brutal efficiency, punching his spear through its exoskeleton and ripping apart its newly regrown pincers. The bug had staggered back, its body spasming as discolored blood oozed from the puncture wound, barely able to stand. But now, under the radiant aura of Eris’s spell, the creature’s wounds sealed themselves. Though its pincers remained broken, the beast’s resolve was restored, and it lumbered forward once more. Its companion, fully healed by the divine light, charged alongside it, both of them rushing toward Yukan with renewed ferocity. [2x E attack (one still wounded)]

Meanwhile, Finn’s struggle continued. The two bugs still battered him relentlessly, their strikes unable to bring him down but his own will to fight too drained to retaliate effectively. They pushed him back, pincers scraping against his armor, but their assault wasn’t enough to end him. Just as hope seemed to flicker, the darkness shifted. From the shadows, something far worse emerged.

The a creature emerged from the darkness that stood taller than the 2 bugs attacking fin, all now illuminated with the cathedral of light, its form disturbingly humanoid, with jagged, insect-like plates of armor covering its limbs. Its torso was broad, with segmented muscles that rippled as it moved, and its legs were twisted, ending in spiked talons that clicked menacingly on the stone floor. Its face, though alien, resembled that of a man—a grotesque mask with compound eyes that glowed with eerie intelligence. From its back, spindly wings extended, but instead of flying, they vibrated, creating an unsettling, low hum that filled the air with tension.

With a sharp, chittering sound, it raised one clawed hand and the weight around Finn shifted violently. The air thickened, a force pulling at him with an oppressive strength that made everything more difficult. An average man would feel like his body was being crushed under an invisible press, pinning him to the ground as the Elite Bug strode forward, each step more oppressive than the last. [B Grade Attack] Yukan and Eris would see the Elite bug but not feel what Finn was experiencing.

Arkham, too, found himself no longer alone. Despite leaving behind the tunnel he had been in previously that seemed particularly dangerous, it was not long of him wondering aimlessly in the dark that something new seemed off. He thought he heard something, or more specifically, he didn't hear what he thought he should. His heartbeat. His breath. The men with them. He heard nothing. He saw nothing (as is the norm currently). If not for his sense of touch, he would have thought he was in a void. His dangersense alerted him to something finally, but was it already too late? [? grade Attack].

Crushing Blow grade D, Fighting Style D, Area F, Penetrating D, Accurate D, Selective D. Targetting bugs ahead of him, avoiding allies, cone shape ahead into bugs
Crushing Blow grade E, Fighting Style E, Area F, Penetrating E, Accurate E, Selective E. Targetting bugs ahead of him, avoiding allies, cone shape ahead into bugs
Magic Burst Versus incoming ?? Spell, Magic skill B + Holy Affinity C (+ Lucky F?). 5 foot range solely targetting incoming spell to disappate force incoming.

1: Ability versus big bugs x2
2: Ability versus big bugs x2
3: Ability versus incoming magic spell to counter


No it wasn't time yet to die.

No matter how much you want it to be over the others will fall due to your inaction, they've already gotten hurt, its time to protect them while you can...

And... once possible...

Bop Eris on the head for being bad.

Returning to the present, Finn planted both his feet and got into stance to fight, unleashing two strikes at the insects ahead of him. Putting extra strength to his blows to try and get them back for their efforts. His next trick would... Be to rely on his more tertiary skill. The creature was coming out swinging, he needex to buy time for the others.

Calling up magic from himself and his catalyst, he unleashed a short blast of holy mana to disrupt the incoming spell.
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New Eris.png
Eris Granstone

B Grade Character

Titles: Human, Priest, Holy Smiter, Hero of The Fae See, Mage, Fae, Spirit of the Battlefield Ally F, Faculty of Celestine F, Ordained, Mundane, Caster

mentions: Maxxob Maxxob Novama Novama Rev IX Rev IX Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece SilverFeathers SilverFeathers

1. Used allowing allies to pass through barriers Holfeel's Judgement done - Magic B, Healing B, Divine Affinity F, Barrier F, Magic Range F, Magic Target F, selective F- Eris channels the ability to resurrect up to 5 targets, creating a 5x5 barrier in a single direction around her using the barrier as a point to create light to light up an area, heal reenvigor, Cure Any disease/ailment/curse/poison, raise dead if they have been dead no more than 10 days. in an area around the caster within 30 ft. Healing and light effect last for 1 round. B grade- 4 post cooldown
2. Canceled Divine Weapon II
3. Used Holfeels Divine Weapon - Religion F, Magic F, Divine Affinity F, Energized F, Focus F - The user channels their mana into a medium and takes the shape of a melee weapon of their choice on striking a target dealing divine damage to the target. - F Grade - 0 Post cooldown

E grade 0/0
C Grade 1/3
B Grade 0/4

Eris let out a sigh of relief as she saw Hiroshi get sent back into a wall and felt the connection of her divine Warhammer against his leg. She knew now was not the time to think about her actions too much, as she knew she was going to need to act quickly and with a purpose. Her healing hadn't gotten the job done she had hoped but it was something though the fact the bugs were healed was slightly annoying.

"Book of Judgement verse 16-19, I have judged thee worthy for the work that has yet to be completed. You have sown the seeds and the reward have yet to be reaped, therefore return to your cycle and complete your divine work by followers. For I walk with you always in the darkest of places." Eris recited as she erected a barrier in front of her facing the direction of Hiroshi which then started to glow with divine light, using the light she targeted Ninelle and Deliverance to be resurrected or attempted to while she still had the light. She then canceled her Divine Weapon II ability before starting to recite again.

"Book of Icarus verse 9-11, Be my weapon and deliver those to the light for I command you. Take up arms and bet he bear of my holy weapon!" She finished the verse as she didn't intend to swing the hammer at anything. She was solely using it for the divine light that was created from the ability to give vision to her allies.
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[Isekai], [Human], [Wanted by Nightshade Guild], Educated [Yakuza], Expert Martial Artist - #b80926

With a sharp grunt of pain, Hiroshi felt his back colliding against the wall with full force. Through the darkness, he had seen the interloper: the rabid raccoon trash, who had intervened in his attempt to finish off that insane zealot. "Shit just keeps getting worse..." He mumbled to himself, getting up, with much difficulty, from the ground.

The yakuza tried to feel his leg for a moment, noticing its weakened state. Only with enough time would he be able to attack again. Thankfully, seeing how busy their little group was, there was a good chance that they wouldn't notice his absence.

Placing a fresh cigarette between his lips, lightning it up, he took a long drag, before starting to move forward. As that was the best course of action.

1 - Moved forward
2 - Moved forward
3 - Moved forward

C - 1/3
Regeneration F - 6/6
Yukan Koyake
There was only so much Yukan could do at the moment given the bugs were attacking him, he had managed to hold off Hiroshi for the time being, even aware that he was still kicking, for now Yukan would have to respond to the two bugs yet again which were still trying to make a dinner out of him from the looks of things. Worse yet it looked like one of the bugs had been healed, Yukan really just had to trust that Eris was in fact on there side at this point with how things were going between her spell apparently vaporizing two allies, to what he hoped was accidentally healing an enemy..

Thankfully whatever had broken Finn for the time being seemed to have worn off as he tried to get back into the fray too..He had to trust that Eris was doing the right thing at this point...

But unfortunately for the beastman suddenly a much larger threat was evident in the space, a large elite bug of sorts who was demonstrating a degree of power which Yukan seldom saw, could Finn who snapped out whatever was taking place help counter it?

Yukan would act quickly once again. He'd attack the Injured bug which was attempting to attack him with Basic attack B strength + C weapon 5 + 4 = 9, thrusting his spear forward violently at it, before attacking the other bug with Range F + Hot Shot F + Penetrating F, Yukan then would attempt to throw a D grade ability attack at the elite bug.

Fighting Style [Falling Spear] Great Transcendent Transpierce
Reach D, Penetrating D, Hot Shot D, Range D D Grade Ability - 2 round cooldown.
Yukan attempts to stab his target up to 100 ft away with a great traveling penetrating force ignoring up to three grades of opponent's defensively used item, dealing double damage if successfully strikes a weak spot.

1. Basic injured bug with Basic attack B strength + C weapon 5 + 4 = 9.
2. Attack other bug with Range F + Hot shot F + Penetrating F
3. Attack Elite bug with Fighting Style [Falling Spear] Great Transcendent Transpierce
Reach D, Penetrating D, Hot Shot D, Range D D Grade Ability - 2 round cooldown.
Yukan attempts to stab his target up to 100 ft away with a great traveling penetrating force ignoring up to three grades of opponent's defensively used item, dealing double damage if successfully strikes a weak spot.

C: Cooldown for 2 rounds
D: Cooldown for 2 Rounds
E Ready
F: Ready next round
Arkham Koenig

Being deprived from more of his senses wasn't a good sign, at all. The moment Arkham noticed it, he brandished his higher quality sword (B Grade), and braced himself for an attack. Arkham tried to gauge the strength of whatever was attacking him as he prepared for a counter attack.

As he tried scanning whatever his senses allowed him to, Arkham guarded by putting his sword between the source his senses pointed him to. He took the added measure of enveloping himself in his toxic aura. A dark mist that simply couldn't be seen amidst a darkness much like it. For a moment, he spared a thought for his team. But the brief instant passed, and his mind remained fixated on surviving this mysterious ambush.

- Undetected [Sight, Hear, Smell] D, Stealth F, Acrobatics F, Sixth Sense [Danger Sense] F, Fighting Style [Phantom Blade][Sword][Specialized][Aura] D - Arkham focuses on suppressing his presence as much as possible while trying to dodge to safety, in an attempt to hinder the efforts of the assailant to attack him. As well as injure them should they approach too much to him - Grade D - 2 post cooldown
- Guard
- Sixth Sense [Danger Sense] F, Appraisal F - In a joined effort with his other actions, Arkham attempts to size up what he is facing up against - Grade F - 0 post cooldown

- C - 0/3
- D - 2/2
- E - 0/1
- F - 0/0
Mentions: Maxxob Maxxob TheTimePiece TheTimePiece SilverFeathers SilverFeathers saxon saxon Elvario Elvario Rev IX Rev IX Orikanyo Orikanyo
OOC: Cathedral's cooldown shouldn't start while cathedral is still up. Fighting in the dark without senses to overcome it applies blind hinderance to actions. Deliverance is alive again but missing a leg. Will need to search for Ninelle. Yukan has disarmed himself by throwing his spear down the tunnel at the elite.
Time: N/A
Weather: N/A
TLDR: party faces elite bug, hiroshi retreats, and arkham finds out what happens deep in the hive
Post Listening:

Shadow Descent


The tunnel was a battlefield of mangled bodies and shattered stone, the once dark passage now bathed in the soft glow of divine sigils that hummed beneath Finn’s feet. The metallic stench of bug guts and slime thick in the air. With renewed resolve, Finn raised his sword high and brought it down in a powerful arc, cleaving into the first of the two monstrous bugs before him. The force of his blow cracked its carapace, splattering its innards across the slick tunnel floor. Despite the healing light of Eris’s sanctuary that clung to the bug, trying to knit its wounds together, it could not withstand Finn's onslaught and collapsed in a broken heap.

Finn pivoted, his sword flashing toward the second bug. The strike was brutal, severing its legs and shattering its armored body, but the divine sigils beneath it glowed fiercely, keeping the creature alive just long enough to prevent a swift death. It flailed, its body a grotesque mess of bug guts, blood, and shattered limbs, yet it still clung to life. The tunnel, already rancid with the stench of slime and rot, grew even fouler as its guts spilled into the muck.

At the center of the tunnel before reaching the forked path, Eris stood, her form radiant as she invoked her sacred rites. More holy light filled the chamber, bathing the space in an otherworldly glow. She focused on Deliverance’s visible hand, buried beneath the rubble. With a prayer, she gambled that the rest of him was still attached. The light surged, and Deliverance was compelled violently back to life. His body convulsed, pinned beneath rocks and debris, his breath labored and shallow. He would find his left leg was numb below the thigh, but why was not yet apparent. With little strength he could do little beyond wave his one free hand above the rubble in a silent plea for aid.

Hiroshi, feeling the healing energy from the cathedral, would be restored almost entirely [Hiroshi natural armor is full healed and natural weapon has +2 healing]. With leg restored, he successfully fled to the rear of the combat, limping at first but quickly gaining speed. He would rush past Eris in his flight and his allies would trail behind. He would not yet be out of the scene, but would be a couple movements to the rear of Eris and be on the opposite end of the Elite bug.

The first bug that pursued Yukan was swiftly dispatched, its body pierced through by Yukan's spear with brutal precision, skewering it from head to rear. The second bug, despite being in better shape, was not spared from the assault. Its legs were blasted out from under it, sending it flopping about in a helpless frenzy. The creature screeched and thrashed, trying to regain its footing on its severed stumps, but it wasn’t out of the fight yet.

Finn gathered his mana and unleashed a torrent of raw magic. The spell surged through the air, aimed directly at the elite bug standing before him. But the creature’s power distorted the space around it, warping reality with an oppressive air. The magic collided with the field around the Elite, the air thick with the hum of clashing energies. It seemed as though Finn’s spell would fail, the pressure mounting, but then, a spear shot through the tunnel—Yukan’s spear. It sliced through the air, joining Finn’s magic in a final surge against the elite bug’s power.

The energies clashed violently, the tunnel trembling from the sheer force of the confrontation. For a moment, it seemed like a stalemate, but then Finn’s magic faltered, fading into the air. Yukan’s spear, still hurtling toward the enemy, lost its momentum, embedding itself into the stone floor with a heavy thunk as if driven in by a hammer. [Yukan's spear is driven into the ground by the Elite and lost until otherwise reclaimed]

Above them, the light of Eris’s cathedral began to crack. Fissures spider-webbed across the walls, and the glowing symbols on the floor flickered and dimmed. With a final crack, the cathedral of light shattered, its power dissipating into the air. The radiant glow that once filled the tunnel was now reduced to the dim, flickering light of Eris’s divine weapon, casting long shadows across the ravaged cave.

Finn felt the crushing weight of the elite bug’s gravitational pull bear down on him in full force. The air around him seemed to compress. He was not only fighting the bug’s power but also defending himself from Yukan’s spear, which had shot past him in the chaotic exchange. He knew that if he remained near the elite bug for much longer, the weight of its power would crush him entirely. [Defend against the spear attack the Yukan through and note the B grade hazard Finn is now standing in]

Yukan, now without his spear, stood in the muck of severed limbs and bug blood, weaponless and exposed. The elite bug loomed before them, the humming sound of its gravitational power vibrating through the stone beneath their feet, as though the tunnel itself was bowing under its strength.

Meanwhile, deeper in the tunnel, Arkham and his men were contending with their own nightmare. The unseen enemy struck at them from the shadows, its presence not discernible. The pain was sharp and sudden, followed by an eerie numbness that crept through their bodies. The last thing Arkham saw before everything went black was the gleaming purple eyes of the enemy, staring down at him with cold, predatory intent. (Arkham is dead. You may retire here and wait for grade or you may wait for the chance to be resurrected by a teammate.)


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