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Community [2024 World Low combat] Operation: Rico's Raid


One Thousand Club
OOC: I took some liberties with the opening narration. Rp will run on a 3 day schedule, so post at least once in the 72 hours. Rounds may go faster if we post faster. Keep in mind advanced rules. Failure to post will be treated the same as a failure to deal with the situation at hand. Ask any questions that need asking, but I can only answer those appropriate to answer during worlds. Conditions for this rp will involve how many bugs are killed and how many participants return alive per faction. Factions with fewer members will receive a bonus throughout the rp to ensure the other factions do not easily outdo them. Assume ability cooldowns always matter for the duration of this rp.
Time: N/A
Weather: N/A
Mentions: DragonSlayer57 DragonSlayer57 Giftvi Giftvi Develius Develius Maverick Six Maverick Six Voider Voider Garbage. Garbage.
TLDR: A force of PC's and NPCS are about to breach the bug hive to create a distraction. They immediately run into issues that need immediate solutions.
bug tunnel.jpg

There were two major entrances to the hive that the Fae and Empire had both secured, one for each faction. However, the Fae's hole proved to be better for the mission at hand. The plan for the moment was simple: create a distraction by pushing as far down into the hive as possible to make it easier for the other extermination teams to punch deeper in. The bugs at the surface level around the entrances to the hive have been cleared. The bodies of bugs were slowly getting pulled away from the entrance, as well as the remains of the soldiers that were killed in the fighting.

The operation that was about to unfold was named Rico's Raid. The group's initial push was rather quiet, there was some gunk on the walls and some moss, but this group unlike the others had been supplied with torches. The group came up to a large room that had six different tunnels, though the direction in which they needed to travel was unmarked. They were going to need to figure out which way led to the hive if they wanted to complete the mission. [D grade challenge]

Though there was the sounds of movement slowly getting louder that was coming from one of the tunnels, the sounds of legs hitting stone, and the chittering of a bug was slowly getting louder and then came the cry and the shriek. The group was going to have to decide fast, do they fight now or will they attempt to hide from the bugs and push further in before going loud? [D grade challenge]

Marcus Banecroft
Interaction: Giftvi Giftvi Voider Voider Garbage. Garbage. Develius Develius DragonSlayer57 DragonSlayer57
Titles: Human [Mundane], Hospitaller, Eastern Empire Military F, Abomination Fighter
Language Key: Common | [Terran] |


Optional Soundtrack:
Aparoid Homeworld

"A threat to us all is a threat to the empire." He knew where his loyalties lied. Despite his hatred of the Fae See, he felt as though his love of his own people was greater. And something which needed to be dealt with threatened them both.

"I shall take point until battle begins, as to provide bulwark against ambush."

Marcus' mind had cast any reservations aside. His team was his team and that was that. With them, he would convene with them as if they were his own, for they needed to work together as a unit. Thus he would get to know of them and what they could do. He asked not of their past or race, only their capabilities. And with that, they'd go in. The warrior took point with spear in one hand and torch in the other.

They're everywhere.

The thought obviously rang through his head, and hopefully it was something being kept in mind by the others. He could only imagine how many of his own comrades and citizens have been dragged down here to be eaten. But he could hardly think of what to do. A task lay before them.

"They come. But should know where we are going. Mind your blades if we meet them. Do not hit any allies. We can be of help to others if we go in deep enough." Marcus spoke. The Tunnel was 15 feet/5 Meters in diameter roughly. Enough for them to all claim a little space for themselves. Yet still close enough that someone may get hit if not careful. He choked up on his his Armor Piercing Spear for closer quarters engagement.

Looking about the six tunnels before he, pondered among the group for a moment.

"Let us pool our knowledge. Watching. You know the wilds. Glacier, you've an eye for detail. Snare. You've both senses and knowledge of battle. The empire is thus my home, thus I will try to contribute what I can from the area. The rest of you have senses. Smell. Hearing. The ability to see in the dark."

Marcus sets his mind to this mind and his senses to this task [Well of Knowledge] To try to glean clues about where he might wish to go. Perhaps the nosiest area might yet lead to the hive. Perhaps a particularly putrid scent might be audible in the air. Perhaps in Marcus' knowledge of mountains and forest...he might know what may be a good place that the bugs might nest.

"To you, you alone, O warlike Pallas Minerva, I pray, friend and companion in all my toils; Tamer of Lycurgus, ivy wreathed you crossed the eastern seas, bearing the Thyrsus in your hand; and you divine twins, Apollo and Diana, hear my prayer. Witness my work. And guide my actions." A personal prayer, for all it meant, as Marcus raised torch aloft for more light.

Actions: 1/3

HP: 3/3 (D Grade Vitality)
Armor: 2/2 (E Grade Heavy)

1. Well of Knowledge - Area Knowledge [Eastern Empire] E, Perception F, Religion F - Marcus sets his knowledge and all of his senses towards a task, seeking the correct answer. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown [Decide which way to go]



Note: Marcus is lending his actions to [Team Up Bonus] if applicable.

F - 0 Post Remaining
E - 1 Post Remaining
D - 0 Post Remaining

Resilient Surprise F
Duration Reduction F

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Equipped Titles: [Construct], [Beast], [Glacial Fox], [Ryken Adventurer E], [Snowflake in a Blizzard], [Ryken Adventurer Guild Investigator F]

Interactions: DragonSlayer57 DragonSlayer57 , Giftvi Giftvi , Develius Develius , Maverick Six Maverick Six , Garbage. Garbage.

Glacier calmly observed his allies for the Rico's Raid Operation, having provided a short greeting. Though he was nominally with the East Empire, due to having accidentally gotten involved in the war, Glacier felt fairly neutral to both sides. "I shall support you all, with minions and magic... for unfortunately, my martial experience is limited." As the group entered the tunnel, Glacier would try to remain on the side of the group; avoiding being in the front, but with enough view to actually see ahead.

As they all approached upon a divide in the tunnel, Glacier took a step forward, turning his head towards Marcus. "I will use all at my disposal to analyze the tunnels..." He then turned to the others. "However... assistance will be much appreciated, likely necessary... in order to confirm the correct path deeper." While Glacier knew he could gain a fair amount of knowledge, he was not at all confident in making a correct decision by himself.

Walking up to the six different tunnels, and shoving down his fears from the chittering and shrieks of bugs nearby, Glacier called upon every relevant skill he had. He appraised the darkness of the tunnels, hoping to garner knowledge from them; he changed his vision to thermal sensing, in the hopes that detecting heat could lead them deeper; and finally with his experience in investigation, gained from past adventures, he studied the rock around them, looking for any indications towards the right way forward. [1]

Given the precariousness of the situation, Glacier did his best to remain silent, in order not to disturb the element of surprise the group may currently have. Of course, Glacier had no experience in dealing with stealth, and thus his effectiveness at doing so was questionable at best. [2]

Action [1]: Using Ability [Full Observation E] (Teaming Up), in order to determine which tunnel leads deeper into the hive. (Base 5 Eff. - +3 Int., +2 Ability)
Action [2]: Mundane Action [Being Quiet] (Teaming Up Assistance); Glacier tries his best to remain quiet to help the group avoid bugs at this time. (Base 1 Eff. - +1 Pre.)

E Grade Cooldown: 0/0

HP: 3/3
Armor: 2/2
  • Intelligence - D
  • Full Observation E - Appraisal E, Supersense [Thermal Vision] E, Investigation F, Energized E - Glacier uses every relevant skill gained from his experience, in order to appraise, sense, and figure out a difficult circumstance. - 0 Post Cooldown
(Edited to add Team Up clarification to Action [1]; no practical changes made to post.)​
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Watching of Reflection

Ambient Vibes

Languages: Common | <Bestial>
Interaction: Voider Voider Maverick Six Maverick Six Garbage. Garbage. DragonSlayer57 DragonSlayer57 Develius Develius
Watching of Reflection had made quite the journey already so far, as it moved from the western edges to Kuridan, slowly heading eastward to the Paizu Mountains to meet new sights in terrain it had never been to before, and then slowly began heading southward entering the country of Ryke as well as the last reaches of Kuridan though it was scantly recognisable to where it called home. And now finally it had reached the See of Chearon. It hadn't gone into this journey at all with the knowledge or intent to end up within this situation. Nor unlike many of the individuals who had begun participating in this there wasn't any nationalistic fevor fueling this critter. Instead, as it made its track through the See of Chearon, hearing of the awful happenings that befell this country through the growing threat. As well as the request for aid from anyone able bodied to do so, it followed suit. For whatever reasons, those were his own, and none other for now as long as it kept them to itself.

Slowly clawing their way into fighting these creatures on the outskirts, before joining one of the most important missions it had ever participated in, something which had stakes it had never truly experienced before. Not the stakes of its own death, there was not a tremble or ounce of fear that any of the other characters could even distinguish had they any experience at gauging the emotional state of those around them. Rather the stakes of the people around it, the stakes of how many more could be harmed as this plague continues for even a day longer.

Being assigned the team that it had been held a quaint surprise, as for some reason the very same young man, which it had met at the Paizu mountains. It would have exchanged a few words with him if possible, talked about how things had been so far, or how his journey till here had been. Before focusing on learning the others of its team, which consisted mostly of those coming from the 'Otenzian Empire'. Making acquaintance, and seeing on all accounts on how each individual would treat it. Though focusing on the mission at hand as they worked to fight their way into the tunnels.

Slowly now delving deeper into the tunnels below ground, quickly they were already met with a conundrum of finding the right passage through. Watching of Reflection would look towards the others who had assembled here, itself not carrying a torch, but using the light from the one held by Marcus to write down upon its wooden board to hold out in front of it for the others to see with a red paint. "I stand ready for combat whenever, for when we get closer to actual hive, please by all respect do let me take the lead on leading us forward in subterfuge when we get there. Unless any of you would say you have more experience in this particularly. First is finding the right path forward of course as you mention Glacier." Afterward it would take the paint soaked rag and wipe it away, before putting the wooden board away entirely, knowing it would not have time in battle to converse like such, and tightening its satchel to not be an actual hassle for when it would have to move within combat.

As they began to inspect the intersection for any clues, knowing that the bugs must have come through here, since they had come out at the surface level where they stepped through. So it began to use its nose, its ears, and experience to slowly piece together whatever clues it could find to aid the others in this first hurdle. After they decided to enter whichever tunnel, whether through success or failure, Watching of Reflection would use a small amount of the paint it had which it used for its wooden board to mark the tunnel with a red cross as a remembrance to itself, or for any who might come after them if anything.

Following such, once they began heading deeper inward it would take charge, asking those who struggled without any light, or who dared not to go further without closer proximity to the light itself to follow at a good distance. Before slowly using its experience within its home as an active predator now, through the use of its darkvision and heightened sense of hearing to have more luck in anticipating the approach of any bugs. But rather using an alternative method to staying out of sight then just walking, using its strength and experience as a climber. Watching of Reflection pulled out two of its Tail Spines, along with the usage of its tail and began to climb the wall until it reached the ceiling. To be above eye level hopefully for the bugs, or at an unexpected height that would give it an advantage to stay out of sight, as it continued forward when needed by using the tail spines almost as if pitons. Their high quality as weapons and solid structure given an ease to stab into the ceiling compared to any normal metal object. As it climbed the higher walls and ceiling itself. As it did so it hoped that any who would dare to help it in this, could offer aid in anticipating the approach of any bugs if possible or through other means they imagined might help as it took charge of this portion.

  1. Using Heightened Hearing {F}, Survival {F}, and Perception {F} to reasonably aid the group's attempt in going through the right tunnel into the Hive itself. (Team up)
  2. Mark the tunnel which they go into with red paint, as well when they may meet another intersection once more to offer a meager hope.
  3. Hunter's Parkour [Ability] (Team up) - Natural Weapons {D}, Strength {C}, Climbing {F}, Tail {Auxiliary}, Perception {F}, Heightened Hearing {F}, Darkvision {F}, Stealth {F}, Survival {F}
Effectiveness Stealth Challenge: 3 {Natural Weapon}, 4 {Strength} + 1 {Ability} + Variable bonus {Team Up} = 8+

  • Regeneration — 0/0

HP: 3/3
Armor: 1/1

Mentions: Voider Voider Maverick Six Maverick Six Giftvi Giftvi DragonSlayer57 DragonSlayer57 Develius Develius

Snare had constructed a well honed image of his desire, such a pure fragment of want that he had the Jiangs to thank for really. He had always believed the idea of an art gallery dedicated to his macabre tastes was asinine, even his delusions couldn't argue that. That dragon had made it manifest; He knew it was a trap and only showed him what he wanted to see...but now he had seen the very thing his heart had desired. It was possible.
The empire was among the strongest nations this world had seen in some time, at least in his cursory information gathering, and thus when the options were set before him on what faction he could grind his teeth with. He had an affinity with humans, and found the idea of menacing fantasy races exhilarating. There wasn't much of a choice he found. The idea of subterfuge was out simply because he didn't have the talents for it. He was better in a group that could provide specialized roles. If the gods of this forsaken world played this like a game, so would he.
Snare would need to thank Zeke for the pull he had; they didn't have to like what he was, only accept his aide to see a job through. He couldn't think of any better training than war, it was where he knew he would thrive. The leathery skin across his face tightened and shrunk as he smiled, revealing far too many teeth, noting Marcus' tact and attention to detail.
"An incredible deduction, my particulars don't stray much farther than scouting and combat. What I may lack in...stealth, I make up for in killing these wretched insects" He said, pupiless eyes illuminated like the surface of a moon as he removed the shades from his face. "But surprising them will make the kill all the better, hmm?" He mused, agreeing to the strange creature's eloquent understanding of the situation. He found it both awe inspiring and revolting. He would follow behind Watch, peering around him, further ahead of the tunnel.

  • Evil Eye - Perception F, Heightened Sense F, Warfare F - Snare takes stock of his surroundings and attempts to assess a target or location for tactical advantage - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown [Team Up Bonus]

    1 Action
    1 Movement Action
Interaction: Garbage. Garbage. Maverick Six Maverick Six saxon saxon Giftvi Giftvi Voider Voider

“I don’t mind staying in the front with Marcus. I can deal a lot of damage, I’m a heavy hitter.” He would volunteer for this as well, walking up to Marcus with a grin. He had come to this mission because he felt he had a need to. He had not necessarily grown up in the fae see or was born there, but he felt he had a responsibility to help it out in any way he could. Details of the horrendous actions committed against his kind made him want to throw up. How could people be so violent against somebody just because of the way they looked? The tensions were everywhere to be felt, and he just couldn’t stand it anymore, being looked at weirdly or called names. He would help the see in any way he could, even if his reasons were pretty selfish.

His ears would twitch awkwardly from time to time as he tried to sense or hear anything in front of them. He’d be lost in his thoughts as they walked, reminding him of his first ever adventure in a cave similar to this one. He could still feel the icky green goop that matted his hair and the fear he held onto so tightly. He smiled. He had come a long way. As they approached the tunnels his ears started to twitch as he heard the chittering of insects approaching them. He quickly looked at the torch in the mans hand that he held. “Throw the torch into the tunnel! That should give us time to stand our ground. The nest is clearly in the direction in which they are coming so it looks like we may have to put up a fight.” He would grip his hammer tightly at the mention of this. Time to squash some insects once more.

ACTION 1: Using Heigtened hearing F (Team up)

Hp: 3/3

When approached by the Empire to join Rico's daring operation, Baharius was at first reluctant to participate. Despite perfectly representing a prime bestial warrior ready to support his fellow beastman, as well as a fellow warrior of old, the wandering saurian swore no personal allegiance to any faction. He wasn't too willing to participate in a war he felt he had no stake in, let alone understanding the context as of why. Not to mention his utter dissatisfaction with the Empire's legalization of slaves contradicting with his morals. Only through the persuasion of coin, with the added threat of global destruction if they failed, would the spined saurian budge in their direction.

"Fine." Baharius growled, "But once this is over... I'm taking my pay and leaving. Don't expect me to return for your future skirmishes."

Upon being assigned to his group, Baharius would be surprised to find Marcus accompanying them; having not seen him since they fought together in the Enigma Machine test back in Widersia. While not the only human-esque member in this squad, the saurian didn't expect a non-bestial to join their cause. Perhaps he too was convinced by bribery, or a sense of undying justice to save the world from the swarm they were tasked to help exterminate. Though learning later that he was born on imperial soil would extinguish any thought or theory. Still, Marcus was a fellow warrior. And having seen him in action, the saurian still respected him as a comrade.

As they descended down the tunnels, Baharius was near the front of the group; representing a sturdy first line of defense in the event they came across incoming resistance. He was generally quiet, carefully watching for any signs of danger and clues regarding the bugs' whereabouts. Though it wouldn't take long until they heard one coming this way, just as they approached a six-way intersection. He felt Marcus' remark on not hitting their allies lightly scathing his thick hide - even if it wasn't intended to be - but he wouldn't let it get to him. The saurian grumbled quietly as he grip firmed against his great sword, expecting a fight.

However, the rest of the party appeared to have other ideas, the majority preferring to go through one of the six tunnels to avoid the threat. Marcus called for everyone to utilize their senses to quickly pick their next path forwards. Baharius rose his croc-like snout and sniffed the air via [Heightened Sense (Smell)], dipping his head towards each tunnel to see if he can pick up anything useful of note.

HP: 5/5 [Vitality B]
Armor: 3/3 [Heavy Bronze Armor D]
= 8 Total


  1. Utilize [Heightened Sense [Smell] E] to smell out the best tunnel to go forth. - [Team-Up Bonus = Marcus]
  2. -
  3. -
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OOC: I took some liberties with the opening narration. Rp will run on a 3 day schedule, so post at least once in the 72 hours. Rounds may go faster if we post faster. Keep in mind advanced rules. Failure to post will be treated the same as a failure to deal with the situation at hand. Ask any questions that need asking, but I can only answer those appropriate to answer during worlds. Conditions for this rp will involve how many bugs are killed and how many participants return alive per faction. Factions with fewer members will receive a bonus throughout the rp to ensure the other factions do not easily outdo them. Assume ability cooldowns always matter for the duration of this rp.
Time: N/A
Weather: N/A
Mentions: DragonSlayer57 DragonSlayer57 Giftvi Giftvi Develius Develius Maverick Six Maverick Six Voider Voider Garbage. Garbage.
TLDR: A force of PC's and NPCS are about to breach the bug hive to create a distraction. They manage to solve the tunnel conundrum however stealth wasn't exactly their strong suit. Combat has begun!
bug tunnel.jpg

As the group put their heads together, upon further inspection of the tunnel, they saw markings of things coming and going. For those with the scent, the tunnel at the center had the most potent smell, the same tunnel from which the chittering sounds were coming. Thankfully, there was still light enough to determine that the tracks belonged to the bugs. The other had some wear and tear; however, they didn't have as much foot traffic but led somewhere.

However, the stealth check failed, and the chittering now-given body appeared as 6 smaller bugs rushed out of the tunnel, and another large one shortly followed. The bugs wasted no time in their assault, 2 of the smaller bugs attempted to bite Marcus (2x E Grade attacks), and another one went to bite Hunter (E grade attack), One attempted to rip off Snares leg (E grade attack), The big bug and one of the smaller bugs attempted to bite into Baharus (1x E grade attack and 1x D grade attack), and the last one attempted to pinch Glacier with its pinchers (E Grade attack)

Marcus Banecroft
Interaction: Giftvi Giftvi Voider Voider Garbage. Garbage. Develius Develius DragonSlayer57 DragonSlayer57
Titles: Human [Mundane], Hospitaller, Eastern Empire Military F, Abomination Fighter
Language Key: Common | [Terran] |


Optional Soundtrack:
Aparoid Tunnel

Within the ground, Marcus found himself feeling a minute and brief tremor flowing into his body from the soles of his metal feet.

"Tis a bit soon for an explosion. The battle has begun elsewhere..."

Time was of the essence, as the creatures were getting closer and closer. Yet with nerves of steel -- he found what he had suspected. It seemed as though certain tracks were more traveled then others. He made sure to keep these results in mind. Those around appeared to be quite useful when it came to senses. He appeared to be the only man which was. To the small purple creature, he said.

"I believe you to be sneaky. But be careful that you do not get hunted yourself. If you know the way, lead it. I take point as I am prepared to come to blows and deal with ambushes." To be on point and to be the leader were not necessarily the same thing. But with them, Marcus hardly found himself wishing to dilly dally or fight with them too much. The quicker and more decisively they moved, the better.

"It seems they see us." He said, watching as the bugs chittering became loud enough that if they were close enough, they'd be within eyeshot. However, their movements were obscured by darkness. Rather than moving in such a way as to incrimate watching -- he opted to stand his ground. It appeared there weren't as many as he'd thought. But they sounded heavy.

To Hunter, he replied in a derogatory matter, his voice dripping with venomous sarcasm. "How cute." He said. "You think I need more than one hand to launch a good strike."

"I will keep my torch. Those who are able would do well to do the same in this darkness."
He said, reminding him of the conditions in which they fight. The torch was held out. And he rests his spear atop it -- making a "Cross" as the point was ready to be thrust forward.

"You're not very bright, are you. And yet -- you have spirit. Let's see if that Elvish pride holds up." He said, oddly not finding himself desiring to crush the boy's spirit too much. Not when they fought side by side.

"Pray for Victory or glorious death. Here they come."

The battle had begun.


The sound of spear cutting through the air the instant target was in sight. Flickering flames revealed a creature five feet away. And the creature would receive a thrust prepared to hit a creature from ten. Snapping maws would instead receive a nearly sword sized blade shoved into it's throat with force to flip a cart and punch through steel. [Demon Lance Alt]

I seek to keep my torch.

For a moment a spear was dropped -- a sword replacing it, flying out of it's sheath like a lightning strike.


Two strikes. The same motion which had been used to draw a sword was used to cut. Mandible clashed with a blade's edge, as Marcus' hand moved like bronze blur. His sword curved through the air for a second strike -- before coming with intent to split the creature in two from head to thorax. [Henostic Sword x2]

Breathe in. Breathe out. He'd survey the others for a moment with his ears-- keeping his eyes locked on the two targets before him.

Actions: 3/3

HP: 3/3 (D Grade Vitality)
Armor: 2/2 (E Grade Heavy)

1. Demon Lance Alt - Fighting Style: Monster Slayer Spear D, Range F, Super Strength F - An explosive spear thrust, augmented with using the full body's weight to stop or shove opponents. - Grade D - 2 Post Cooldown [Counterattack] [Target Bug 1] (Effectiveness = Str C + Winged Spear D + Ability D = 10)

2. and 3. Henostic Sword - Fighting Style: Skirmishing Sword F, Energized F, Super Strength F, Athletics F, Deflect F - Henosis is to know one's self. And through breathing and practice, Marcus would understand the essence of his body and of breathing, enabling him to launch multiple strikes more potent than basic attacks. Strength is used to stand one's ground and bring whatever is stuck to a halt. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown [Counterattack Combo] [Target Bug 2] (Effectiveness = Str C + Mythic Gladius D + Ability F = 8 + 1 Combo = 9)


F - 0 Posts Remaining
E - 0 Posts Remaining
D - 2 Posts Remaining

Resilient Surprise F
Duration Reduction F

Watching of Reflection

Ambient Vibes

Languages: Common | <Bestial>
Titles: Beast [Mundane], Hunter, Guardian
Interaction: Voider Voider Maverick Six Maverick Six Garbage. Garbage. DragonSlayer57 DragonSlayer57 Develius Develius saxon saxon

Watching of Reflection had disappeared off into the shadows of the ceiling, not illuminated by the torch light as it moved ahead, just a slight distance away from the others to keep itself out of the brunt of the light a torch such as that would be creating. Masking its colourful purple fur with the darkness that still surrounded it.

Yet its hair stood on end, as a tremor echoed through the earth. Shuddering through its body, its turned to look for a moment towards the others to see if they had felt the same.

Before continuing onward, a tension brewing in the back of its mind. Yet not wishing to stand still even as Marcus addressed it, seeing as it could not speak nor find the time to write down upon its Wooden board so simply at this very moment.

Its ears shuddered, and began to stand upright. Its tail rising as well, the tension within its hands from the pressure it put upon the spine which it held. The chittering noises began to become louder and louder.

Watching's form beginning to disappear as it raised itself to the ceiling, pushing itself against the tail spine which had been embedded into the ceiling to become almost flat with it. Its eyes which saw through the dark began to make out the horrors rushing into the light.

And only when they became visible in the light was it reminded of what it was facing once more truly, even though it had seen them, alive, dead, burned and whatever else. Seeing the horrible chittenous appearances, as their carapace exoskeleton molded to their skin itself exposed little of the tissue that was underneath. The horrible mandibles stretching out, almost leaving the confines of the mouth itself like a spear such as seen with a dragonfly.

Quickly the confines of the space below began to become increasingly occupied, the creatures charging through without a single moment of hesitation for what could become of themselves, was it an inherent thought in their minds that this was the only possibility of when faced with another creature, or was it a stalwart idea till their last moments they were the predators and people their prey? It clung to the ceiling, observing with certainty that not a single one seemed to have even noticed its presence.

As the bugs had left their backs to Watching, it used the foothold of the one spine currently within the ceiling to create momentum mid air horizontally, jumping forwards and crossing the first six feet with such alone toward the wall, before with as quiet as an approach it could manage crossing the final distance on foot. There was a hesitation in the moment for a second as Watching thought if everyone here could handle themselves, but if that wasn't the case they should have never set foot into this treacherous place. It would protect those which were closest to it first. [1]

Holding the other tail spine within its hand, it's arm stretched outward and in the motion it had set itself in forward thrusted the horridly sharpened bone forward.


The sound of the tail spine cutting through the air, the head pointed up to pierce the larger bug's abdomen, giving only a few seconds to react, if it had even been noticed by now. [2]

But it knew it could not keep itself focused only upon this one, it's shoulder shifted, a large breath flowing through its nose to smell the horrible stench these creatures must carry with themselves now fuming through the space.

The remaining left hand which was unused up until now grabbed ahold of the spine as well, changing the direction of the weight of the weapon, its left foot which had stood firmly upon the ground shifted as it spun together with its body 30 degrees.

Its hands readjusted their grip, pushing the spear downward in but a second, whether causing the insides of the bug's abdomen to gush outward or whether through mid-air has it landed no blow, and then thrusted the head of the spear forwards once more.

Trimmed upon the side of the smaller bug which had stood close enough to Watching of Reflection as it had also chosen to attack Balarius, it struck as the opportunity was laid bare, its mandibles striking forward to bite away at the dinosaur at this very moment. [3]

  1. [Movement Action] - Jumping from the ceiling to the wall and moving forward towards the two bugs attacking Baharius in this moment, who were illuminated by the torch light, as quietly as it could manage. Either taking damage due to the fallen distance no matter what, or not due to avoiding the major impact it could have experienced by just dropping down onto the floor without any second thought.
  2. Spine Lunge [Team-Up] [Surprise] - Stealth {F}, Perception {F}, Darkvision {F}, Tail - Watching of Reflection thrusts a spine held in it's hand, stabilizing its own footing as it juts and steps forward in an uncomfortable position for someone whom was simply bipedal through use of its tail. Grade F - 0 post cooldown. [Attack][Target: Large Bug] [Guardian Title] (Effectiveness = STR C + Tail Spines D + Ability F = 8 + 1 (Team-Up) = 9)
  3. [Attack Action] [Team-Up] [Surprise(?)] - [Target: Small Bug] [Guardian Title] (Effectiveness = STR C + Tail Spines D = 7 + 1 (Team-Up) = 8)

  • Regeneration — 0/0

HP: 3/3 (D grade Speed)
Armor: 1/1 (F grade Natural Light Armor)
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Glacier's Battle Theme

Equipped Titles: [Construct], [Beast], [Glacial Fox], [Ryken Adventurer E], [Snowflake in a Blizzard], [Ryken Adventurer Guild Investigator F]

Interactions: saxon saxon , DragonSlayer57 DragonSlayer57 , Giftvi Giftvi , Develius Develius , Maverick Six Maverick Six , Garbage. Garbage.

"Common" "<Beastial>" "%Analog%"

Glacier raised a paw to the tunnel, feeling the markings of bug movement, before moving to the other tunnel with less markings. "Most curious." Unfortunately, there was not much time for Glacier to ponder or discuss it, as the chittering and scraping of bugs rapidly closed in. Being unsuited for the frontline, he slowly tried to back away, getting behind the stronger ones of the group; he hoped that Marcus & Baharius could handle the brunt of the bugs. "I shall do my utmost... to provide assistance for the fight, as opportunity arises." Glacier told them as he move back.

As the sounds got ever closer in the darkness, Glacier switched to his thermal vision, searching the tunnel for their foes. Though he technically could not breath, Glacier tried to imitate it anyway to relax himself. "As a manifestation of the cold..." He went into a slight crouch. "...I will show the painful side of ice." Though his words were confident, Glacier's tone would give away his nervousness.

Then, the bugs made the first move. Glacier watched as heat signature collided with heat signature, screeching & skittering filling his hearing. He watched as they fought, but his attention was soon ripped away from his allies, as another heat signature ran right towards him; it seemed his plans of supporting from a safe position were no more. Preparing for the inevitable melee attack, Glacier held his ground until the bug was just about to strike.

In that short moment, in the low light, Glacier used his thermal vision in an attempt to see the heat of it's pinchers coming towards him. Releasing the tension he'd built up from crouching, Glacier leapt to the side, trusting in his speed and magically enhanced ice to avoid serious injury; and just before landing back on the tunnel's floor, Glacier teleported a few feet backwards, in the hopes of preventing any readjustment of the initial attack hitting him during the dodge [1].

Now with a gap between himself and his foe, Glacier used his magic to rapidly form an icicle in mid-air, drawing on nearby moisture to assist the magic in creating it. Wasting no time, Glacier put a burst of focus in his thermal vision, before sending the hardened, knife-like icicle at the bug [2].

Yet, Glacier knew it would not be enough to take down his foe, which would surely attack a second time if given the chance. Thus, it was fortunate that he already had reinforcements arriving; as soon as the icicle had been sent flying, five shards of ice began grow around him, shifting into smaller Glaciers with small glowing eyes [3]. With the torches of his allies hopefully illuminating the tunnel enough for his Foxes of Ice, Glacier used his thermal vision to point a forepaw at his foe. "%Target is directly ahead. Attack at once!%"

Action [1]: Used Ability [Dodge & Teleport F] (6 Effectiveness | +3 Spe D, +2 Li. Armor E, +1 Ability F)
Dodging bug's attack, then teleporting to provide a 5ft gap between himself and the bug. Thermal vision & nearby torch light to see bug.
Action [2]: Used Ability [Darting Icicle E] (7 Effectiveness | +3 Int D, +2 Comp. Magic E, +2 Ability E)
Firing icicle at bug. Thermal vision & nearby torch light to see bug.
Action [3]: Used Ability [Foxes of Ice F]
Summoning minions. Thermal vision & nearby torch light to see bug, then direct minions towards it.

E Grade Cooldown: 0/0
F Grade Cooldown: N/A

HP: 3/3
Armor: 2/2
Resilient [Fatigue, Incapacitation] E

Dodge & Teleport F
- Teleport F, Energized F, Supersense [Thermal Vision] F - After attempting to dodge an incoming attack, Glacier then teleports up to [10ft] away to regain his footing. In the darkness, Glacier uses his thermal vision to determine the location of friends and foes in a [10ft] radius. - N/A Post Cooldown

Darting Icicle E - [Ice] Affinity E, Componentless Magic E, Energized E, Magic E, Magic Range F, Supersense [Thermal Vision] E - Glacier forms a short, sharp icicle next to himself, before sending it flying at a target or location up to [30ft] away. In the darkness, Glacier uses his thermal vision to determine the location of friends and foes in a [100ft] radius. - 0 Post Cooldown

Foxes of Ice F - [Ice] Affinity F, Componentless Magic F, Energized F, Magic F, Minions [Foxes of Ice] F, Supersense [Thermal Vision] F - Glacier creates up to a total of 5 Foxes of Ice around himself to act as his minions, which he can give orders to. The Foxes of Ice will crumble and dissipate by the end of the round; however, they will respawn beside him upon reactivation of the ability. In the darkness, Glacier uses his thermal vision to determine the location of friends and foes in a [10ft] radius. - N/A Post Cooldown

Foxes of Ice.gif
Heeding Glacier's command, the Foxes of Ice charge forward, jaws open and ready to bite [1]. Though they cannot see in the dark, with the torches from Glacier's nearby allies, and given a general direction to attack by Glacier himself, the five minions attacked with the intention that at least one or two would get a hit [2].

Action [1]: Movement
Charging bug. Guided by nearby torches and Glacier's direction.
Action [2]: Used Ability [Frost-Bite F] (4 Effectiveness | +2 Str E, +1 Nat Weapons F, +1 Ability F)
All five minions attempt to bite bug.

HP: 3/3 [Each]
Armor: 1/1 [Each]

Frost-Bite F [x5]
- Fast F, [Natural Weapons] F, Continuing F - The Fox of Ice in question attempts to quickly reach & bite it's opponent, severely freezing the area of injury. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
There was no greater thrill than the moment a life was extinguished; such precarious destiny cut so finely. He did not know if these bugs had any sense of individuality, or anything to bring to surface amidst their demise. It was extermination, which was much less fun than it sounded. He didn't have the luxury to act carefree; Danger was a rhythm that could change it's beat at any point; He only needed to carry the tune.

A bleak part of him was pleased these cretins heard them, it gave him an excuse to shed the idea of stealth. It was him or them, and that wasn't a choice. A group of the bugs attacking them, one in particular going for his leg. eyes of festering malice illuminated underneath his shades. He couldn't believe how revolting this world could be, such disastrous little bastards shouldn't be allowed to exist. He was more than happy to see them gone.
"I can make no art of you, so I shall simply see you destroyed. All of you!"

He gave the thing exactly what it wanted, launching a kick with the leg it was going off. Barbed wire bursting from underneath his pant leg, whirring like a chainsaw as it attempted to saw the damn thing in half before it even touched him.

Action 1 (+ Movement Action from striker perk): E Grade Attack -
  • Cruel Brushstroke #1: Hiraeth - Fighting Style E [Barbed Wire Physique], Accurate F, Penetrating F, Fast E, Warfare F, Heightened Sense [Sight] - Snare runs toward his target, and attempts an axe kick with his barbed wire leg - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
    [Target Bug 3] (Effectiveness= Str D + Nat Weapons E + Ability E (+7) + 2 Combo: 9]
    Action 2
    : Attack (+1)
    Action 3: Attack (+1)
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| saxon saxon | Maverick Six Maverick Six | Giftvi Giftvi |

Theme: Arachnid Assault

Smelling the surrounding air, Baharius would carefully note the scents coming from each cave. The center tunnel clearly reeked of insect activity, both in putrid scent and chittering noise. The saurian believed this was one of their main routes towards the queen and her brood. Though only a fool would go down the most occupied route without proper manpower and firepower... something which the raid group lacked. It would be better to go through the side tunnels if they wanted to avoid the brunt of their assault, but who knew where it would take them. This whole hive was a giant labyrith. One wrong turn could cost them dearly... both in time and lives.

While Baharius pondered this thought, he'd also feel a tremor reverberate through his padded feet. While faint, the old veteran knew that a conflict had taken place not terribly far. Though whether it was a triumphant start or an ability gone wrong, the saurian didn't know nor care.

For he could now hear the bugs rapidly approaching them as they spoke. And they were more than aware of their presence.

Hiding was no longer an option. Not that the saurian desired to conceal himself. With a snarl, Baharius unsheathed his blade from his sail and squinted towards the rabble coming their way; his grip strengthening in anticipation. While tempting, charging into the darkness was suicide. Marcus made sure to remind them of that. They'll need to stick close to the light like moths to a flame; for their lives depended on it. His bronze armor flickered in the faint torchlight, as the sail-backed saurian stood his ground, waiting for the bugs to get in range.

And that's when he saw them; one small and one large... both charging straight at him with open fangs ready to bite into his scaly flesh. They smelled utterly abhorrent at this range, comprised of putrid bile and ichor of their gross biology and of their victims no doubt. It wouldn't phase Baharius however, as his eyes shifted towards the bigger bug and heaved his great sword at the Big Bug's direction.

Though as he attacked, the creature known as "Watcher of Reflection" would come to assist him, dropping down from the ceiling as it launched deadly spines towards each bug. Baharius would waste no time. With a [Lifting Cleave D], Baharius attempted to cut deep into the big bug's vulnerable underside - right below its sickening mouth - just as it was about to bite him. If he could flip him over onto its carapace or simply stagger him, he might potentially have a clearer shot at its belly. Quickly noticing the smaller bug, Baharius turned to slam his blade down upon him hoping to quickly finish the menial insect in one go before he can commit his sole focus on the bigger one.

HP: 5/5 [Vitality B]
Armor: 3/3 [Heavy Bronze Armor D]
= 8 Total


  1. Lifting Cleave D - [Savage DuneLord D, Super-Strength E, Accurate E, Energized E, Selective E] - COOLDOWN +2 - Baharius sweeps blade upwards to try and lift his target within 10 feet into the air. - [Counterattack], [Team-Up Bonus = Watching of Reflection] - (Effectiveness: Strength C (4) + Giant Great Sword D (3) + Ability D (3) + TEAM-UP (1) = 11 [AGAINST BIG BUG]
  2. Swing Greatsword - Baharius swings his great sword at his target. - [Counterattack], [Team-Up Bonus = Watching of Reflection] - Strength C(4) + Giant Great Sword D (3) + Action (1) + TEAM-UP (1) = 9 [AGAINST SMALL BUG]
  3. Swing Greatsword - Baharius swings his great sword at his target. - [Counterattack], [Team-Up Bonus = Watching of Reflection] - Strength C(4) + Giant Great Sword D (3) + Action (1) + TEAM-UP (1) = 9 [AGAINST SMALL BUG]
Hunter would be listening closely, a faint, almost undescernible sound coming from somewhere. As the bugs chittering grew louder, Hunter turned to face the middle tunnel. The sounds and scuttling reminded him of that first time. It seemed that these guys would be on a whole 'nother level however. His hand tightened on the grip of his hammer as he raised it to his side, preparing for what was to come next, a blazing fire igniting on the once cool metal on the Hammer. The runs ignited to life and glowed an ethereal color.. The bugs scuttled out of the tunnel and hunter watched them, they seemed to be targeting individual people, so in that case.. He looked out and one bug seemed to be rushing towards him, He got into a fighting stance. The thing was huge, the size of a bear. He thought they would be smaller! What the hell would their queen look like! He shook the thought out of his head, steeling himself and ignoring the other fights around him. This was his fight. His hand and body would rotate as he attempted to slam the blazing hammer into the side of the insect, The size of the insect almost dwarfing the weapon entirely. Following this he would weave himself to be in front of the insect, putting his body right in front of the insect and bringing his hammer right down on the insects skull. Well, if it even had one.

1. Rose flame - (Fighting style) Blight (fire) F- Causes a fire to ignite that causes bad 2nd degree burns. Cool to the touch, but very bright. A pink flame-Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown [Counterattack] (Combo) (8)

2. Basic attack [Counterattack] (Combo) (7)

3. Basic attack [Counterattack] (Combo) (7)
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OOC: I took some liberties with the opening narration. Rp will run on a 3 day schedule, so post at least once in the 72 hours. Rounds may go faster if we post faster. Keep in mind advanced rules. Failure to post will be treated the same as a failure to deal with the situation at hand. Ask any questions that need asking, but I can only answer those appropriate to answer during worlds. Conditions for this rp will involve how many bugs are killed and how many participants return alive per faction. Factions with fewer members will receive a bonus throughout the rp to ensure the other factions do not easily outdo them. Assume ability cooldowns always matter for the duration of this rp.
Time: N/A
Weather: N/A
Mentions: DragonSlayer57 DragonSlayer57 Giftvi Giftvi Develius Develius Maverick Six Maverick Six Voider Voider Garbage. Garbage.
TLDR: A force of PC's and NPCS are about to breach the bug hive to create a distraction. Combat is underway!
bug tunnel.jpg

Marcus' spear would quickly pierced through the carapace letting out a screech of pain as the bug reeled back. Though the creature was still standing though it did seem like it was struggling a bit now and was sluggish compared to what it had been moments ago. The second bug that attacked him let out a screech before going limp on the ground without much of a fight. The remaining bug didn't waste anytime however it at went in again for to attempt to pinch him. (E grade attack at Marcus)

Glacier attempted to dodge however the bug was a bit quicker and quickly latched its pinchers around Glacier. However the ice sent toward the bug caused a shriek of pain as its pinchers opened up freeing Glacier from its grasp. (-1 HP from Light armor E (1/2). Though the bug looked a little confused now at the minions that had been summoned unsure of which one to attack as of yet.

Snare's attack were quickly pushed aside by the bug as it didn't seem all that affect closing its pinchers around Snare, while he didn't feel any pain he did feel the pressure against his natural armor as the bug let go and went for another E grade attack. (-1 HP from E grade Natural Armor (1/2)

Hunter's hammer and the bug collied at the same time, sending sparks of embers into the air upon impact. The force forced both him and the bug back 2 ft from one another and the bug quickly went back in for another E grade attack.

The large bug took a defensive posture as Watcher's attack bounced off the bug breaking a spike. (watcher -1 natural weapon HP) However the second attack cut through the smaller bugs defense and with the attack from Baharius the bug was put down. While the larger bug then took another defensive posture, though Baharius' swing placed a nice dent as the bug screeched in pain though it was still standing and then turned towards Watcher and went to attempt and crush Watcher (D grade basic attack)
Watching of Reflection

Ambient Vibes

Point Booster: Attentive Student
Languages: Common | <Bestial>
Titles: Beast [Mundane], Hunter, Guardian
Interaction: Voider Voider Maverick Six Maverick Six Garbage. Garbage. DragonSlayer57 DragonSlayer57 Develius Develius saxon saxon
As the head of the spine it held within its hand broke from impact with the carapace of the bug the little purple critter yielded not. Continuing its attack even as what remained was only a half jagged and blunt end, stabbing it into the bug's side to hear it screech in pain. Yet even through the pain the bug faltered not an inch.

The bug pouncing forward as to pierce its mandibles into the flesh of Baharius.

Visibly the critter's body almost recoiled entirely from what stood in front of it. The heft of weight and strength these enormous monstrosities, whilst not unmatched by what it had faced before at all, yet these very same creatures numbered within the thousands.

Yet that chilling screech halted entirely. As another sound same with that abrupt silence.


The wrought iron weapon, whose weight could be felt from each swing, carved through the upper body region of the smaller bug. Carapace cracked and splintered, as the muscle and tissue underneath buckled and split from the force behind it. Blood and other viscera scattered across the space, covering the floor beneath. The body itself lurching forward for a moment midst its attack towards Baharius.

It's momentum stopping entirely, as the corpse collapsed down upon the ground, a horrible thud audible from the mass of it all.

Quickly oozing out of its body whatever had remained inside still.

Yet the fight was far from finished, the head of the purple critter twisted, it's eyes widening as the larger monstrosity of a bug whose colossal size dwarfed even Baharius slammed down it's body weight to bring down upon Watching of Reflection, the critter moved forward rather then recoiling back in fear, or standing still from fear.

As it observed Marcus, who had pierced through the bug with his spear, horribly wounding it within a single quick strike, before with brute strength slashing through its body below the neck.

Given little time as it stood below the main body of the large bug, and grabbed a hold of a spine sticking out of its tail, dislodging it entirely out in one swift motion.

As the bug lurched downwards, lowering itself not to crash down upon the critter with its pinchered arm, nor to constrain and tear into its body with its pincher. But rather using its heft to crush till viscera remained below it.

Watching of Reflection's body lowered itself, as it body posture strangely mirrored that of Marcus as he had held his spear, the momentum as his shoulder had lurched forward but now upwards. The moment as the spear pierced the air, to lengthen the distance as long as its arms would allow it.


The sound of as the head of the spine pierced through the air, its head trained upon the carapace and muscle closest to the joint of one leg which Watching of Reflection's eyes had trained themselves upon, trained upon where it had the least thick carapice a blow which could fell a normal bear struck forward. Simulatenous as whatever attacks which could hamper its attempt came from Baharius who wielded their weapon of horrifying lethality.

Yet keeping to its own unique style, as the rest of its body had lurched backwards to an extent that would have given it little support, but was supported still through the usage of its tail, which remained firm even under its body weight.[1+2+3]


1 + 2 + 3.
Spine Lunge [Team-Up(?)] [Combo] - Perception {F}, Stealth {F}, Tail - Watching of Reflection thrusts a spine held in it's hand, stabilizing its own footing as it juts and steps forward in an uncomfortable position for someone whom was simply bipedal through use of its tail. Grade F - 0 post cooldown. [Counterattack Combo][Target: Large Bug] (Effectiveness = STR C + Tail Spines D + Ability F + Combo (2) + (Team up with Baharius(?)) = 11)


Regeneration — 0/0

HP: 3/3 (D grade Speed)
Armor: 1/1 (F grade Natural Light Armor)
Weapon: 2/3 (D grade Natural Weapon)
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Glacier's Battle Theme

Equipped Titles: [Construct], [Beast], [Glacial Fox], [Ryken Adventurer E], [Snowflake in a Blizzard], [Ryken Adventurer Guild Investigator F]

Interactions: saxon saxon , DragonSlayer57 DragonSlayer57 , Giftvi Giftvi , Develius Develius , Maverick Six Maverick Six , Garbage. Garbage.

"Common" "<Beastial>" "%Analog%"

Glacier let out a short yip as the bug caught him with it's pincers, the force causing his outer layer of ice to audibly gain some cracks. Fortunately, his icicle stunned it and bought him time to return to a safer position. Meanwhile, Glacier's minions had managed to begin engaging his foe, overwhelming it's decision-making with numbers; it's indecision would be it's death. Never slow when freezing.

Glacier could feel the connection to his minions fading, requiring constant attention, lest they dissipate entirely. He poured concentration and mana into it, strengthening the invisible tether and allowing them to persist for another few, crucial moments. However, due to also needing constant direction, Glacier once again commanded them in analog, his core brightening & dimming in tandem with his speech. "%The bug is designated as a priority hostile. Attack at will, my foxes of ice!%" [1]

The duel currently seemed to be going in his favor, yet that was no excuse to remain still; it would only serve to make the flow of battle straightforward, counteracting Glacier's style of combat, and benefitting his target. Keeping the heat signature of the bug in his sights, Glacier took a bunch gathered mana and let it out in a burst of teleportation, reappearing 10ft in a different direction. With a new angle of attack, and minions keeping the enemy occupied, he hoped to make himself even harder of a target. [2]

Forming a second, deadly-sharp icicle next to himself, Glacier took his first real pause to focus on thermal vision, and to take proper aim at his opponent. While his foxes of ice did their best to bite and gnaw, providing a superb distraction, the true strike would be made at range. Satisfied with the planned trajectory, Glacier sent his icicle darting through the stale tunnel air, towards center-mass of the bug. [3]

Action [1]: Used Ability [Foxes of Ice F]; Command Minions
Glacier recasts ability to keep summoned minions in the fight; commands them to attack the bug.
Action [2]: Used Ability [Teleport w/ Thermal Vision F]
Glacier teleports to a different position 10ft away to keep the bug disoriented in the fight, using thermal sense to himself keep track of the bug.
Action [3]: Used Ability [Darting Icicle E] (12 Effectiveness | +3 Int D, +2 Comp. Magic E, +2 Ability E, +5 Minion T.U.)
Glacier fires icicle at bug from new position. Thermal vision & nearby torch light to aim. Team Up with minions.

E Grade Cooldown: 0/0
F Grade Cooldown: N/A

HP: 3/3
Armor: 1/2
Resilient [Fatigue, Incapacitation] E

Foxes of Ice F
- [Ice] Affinity F, Componentless Magic F, Energized F, Magic F, Minions [Foxes of Ice] F, Supersense [Thermal Vision] F - Glacier creates up to a total of 5 Foxes of Ice around himself to act as his minions, which he can give orders to. The Foxes of Ice will crumble and dissipate by the end of the round; however, they will respawn beside him upon reactivation of the ability. In the darkness, Glacier uses his thermal vision to determine the location of friends and foes in a [10ft] radius. - N/A Post Cooldown

Teleport w/ Thermal Vision F - Teleport F, Supersense [Thermal Vision] F - Glacier teleports up to 10ft. In the darkness, Glacier uses his thermal vision to determine the location of friends and foes in a [10ft] radius - N/A Post Cooldown

Darting Icicle E - [Ice] Affinity E, Componentless Magic E, Energized E, Magic E, Magic Range F, Supersense [Thermal Vision] E - Glacier forms a short, sharp icicle next to himself, before sending it flying at a target or location up to [30ft] away. In the darkness, Glacier uses his thermal vision to determine the location of friends and foes in a [100ft] radius. - 0 Post Cooldown

Foxes of Ice.gif
Amount: 5

Action: Used Ability [Frost-Bite F] 5x Team Up w/ Glacier
All five minions attempt to bite bug.

HP: 3/3 [Each]
Armor: 1/1 [Each]

Frost-Bite F [x5]
- Fast F, [Natural Weapons] F, Continuing F - The Fox of Ice in question attempts to quickly reach & bite it's opponent, severely freezing the area of injury. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown


| saxon saxon | Maverick Six Maverick Six | Giftvi Giftvi |

Theme: Arachnid Assault

As the bug reached out to strike him, the great saurian stepped forth with a determined glare, as Reflection tried to soften him up with its weapon. Like a guillotine, Baharius' massive great sword slammed right down on the smaller bug with a reverberating CA-THUNK! It's exoskeleton creased and shattered instantly as viscous bug blood gushed from the injury was coupled with a dying distorted screech. One down... five or so more to go. Acknowledging the Watching's assistance, the saurian gazed over at the dark-purple entity and nodded firmly. "Stand strong." Baharius announced in a gravelly tone before focusing his attention back to the battle at hand.

Now seeing the larger bug approaching them, Baharius readied his strike as he watched Reflection's attack bounce off the bug's studier carapace. His blade struck true, though it only dented the giant arthropod's hardy exoskeleton. Even so, it was clear that he caused it visible pain, judging by the terrible screech of agony it emitted. While not the splitting strike he hoped, the saurian figured it would have a much more developed shell regardless. In order to take this one down, he'd need to focus on striking its leg joints or flip it on its back to expose its vulnerable underbelly. Expecting it to retaliate, the spined saurian began readying its counter once more-

Yet the large bug would instead skitter ominously towards Reflection, despite it not dealing any actual damage. Perhaps its predatory instincts considered it as easier prey. Nevertheless, Baharius would leap into action, not wishing for his allies to fall here. With a bellowing war cry, the saurian swipes his blade at the giant bug's legs - attempting to halt its movement. It would be easier to deal with it once its rendered stationary. He'd then swing a second time, again trying to cut off another leg or two, before raising his massive sword over his head in an attempt to cut off its beady-eyed head.

HP: 5/5 [Vitality B]
Armor: 3/3 [Heavy Bronze Armor D]
= 8 Total


  1. - 3. Swing Greatsword - Baharius swings his great sword at his target. First two swipes at its legs; third at its head. - [Team-Up Bonus = Watching of Reflection] - Strength C(4) + Giant Great Sword D (3) + Action (1) + TEAM-UP (1) = 9 [AGAINST BIG BUG - LEGS --> LEGS --> HEAD]

Marcus Banecroft
Interaction: Giftvi Giftvi Voider Voider Garbage. Garbage. Develius Develius DragonSlayer57 DragonSlayer57
Titles: Human [Mundane], Hospitaller, Eastern Empire Military F, Abomination Fighter
Language Key: Common | [Terran]


Optional Soundtrack:
Aparoid Tunnel


A gush of bug blood painted the floor. The insects' pained screeches were accompanied by the satisfying sound of heavy carapace crashing against the floor. Marcus merely turned to the following bug, utilizing a natural exhale to grant two words the creature was unlikely to understand.

"You're next." The creature came forward, injured from the strike it received. Snapping maws would find itself deflected by a biting sword strike. Another strike came -- seeking to knock aside whatever might come as steel sought to strike into the bug's eyes. [1 and 2. Henostic Sword] As quickly as the sword appeared, however, it disappeared in favor of the spear.

Marcus turned, keeping his wits about him as he searched for a target. Glacier had been struck but had summoned an assortment of foxes. The large bug proved resilient before the combined might of Baharius and Watching. Hunter clashed with the creature, his strike matching its force. "Hit it harder, elf." He said, giving Hunter relatively simple advice in the heat of the moment.

Within those few fractions of a second -- he looked toward the patchwork-looking man. He seemed worse for ware and was probably the only person who didn't have any assistance. He was also his ally, and thus preferable to be preserved. Wielding his torch in one hand and spear in the other, he took aim at the creature. The creature was quite large and would thus make for a large target. Not only this, but it was high up in the air, so much so that it might make for a good target. If he misses, he might be more apt to hit the ceiling than snare himself. Not only this, but it was simply a large target. He began to angle his spear upwards.

I'll use it's height to my advantage.


The sound of the air itself parting, to make way for his blade. It began with the explosive movement of the back foot. A pivoting of the hips. The back aided the arms. The body's power would be focused unto the tip of an armor-piercing spear as the blade surged forward to find purchase into the creature's side. [3. Stinger]

Success would mean the bug would feel a jutting pain in its side -- as the armored knight sought to gut it, still several feet away.

"Strike it." He said to Snare, words ever brief amidst the heat of battle.

Actions: 3/3

HP: 3/3 (D Grade Vitality)
Armor: 2/2 (E Grade Heavy)

1 and 2.
Henostic Sword - Fighting Style: Skirmishing Sword F, Energized F, Super Strength F, Athletics F, Deflect F - Henosis is to know one's self. And through breathing and practice, Marcus would understand the essence of his body and of breathing, enabling him to launch multiple strikes more potent than basic attacks. Strength is used to stand one's ground and bring whatever is stuck to a halt. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown [Counterattack Combo] [Target Bug 2] (Effectiveness = Str C + Mythic Gladius D + Ability F = 8 + 1 Combo = 9)

3. Stinger Assault
- Fighting Style: Monster Slayer Spear F, Reach F, Energized F, Super Strength F - Marcus grips his spear at the very end, his strength enabling him to handle it as though it were a rapier and launch a thrust from 10 feet away. Can be used rapidly. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown [Effectiveness = STR C + WINGED SPEAR D + Ability F + Reach Bonus (1) = 9] [Target:Snare's Bug] [Team Up]


F - 0 Posts Remaining
E - 0 Posts Remaining
D - 1 Posts Remaining

Resilient Surprise F
Duration Reduction F

Hunter watched as the thing clung against his weapon of choice, drawing sparks from the metal, and flinging the creature. As it went in for another strike hunter saw his torch lying on the ground, burning away uselessly. Wait… He'd launch a basic attack at the insect, watching it skitter backwards and rush to attack where he was once more, before throwing the flaming ball onto the insect as it attempted to approach him once more, letting it light the insect alive. He’d then pick up his hammer and bat it against the insect to fling it across the cave.

1. Basic attack

2. Throw torch onto insect

3. 1. Rose flame - (Fighting style) Blight (fire) F- Causes a fire to ignite that causes bad 2nd degree burns. Cool to the touch, but very bright. A pink flame-Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown (8)
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