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Fantasy [ 20+ only ] the court's shadow ⸺ original singleset mfw (you play f)


aspiring cryptid ♡ s/her
Roleplay Availability
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hello all, my name is shelby but you can call me bebe for short. i am a tad bit new to the site as i'm testing out other roleplay communities following quotev's downfall so i apologize ahead of time if i'm a bit rusty in trying to figure out how this community in particular operates. anyhoo, some important info to know about me is that i am 24 years old, afab (she/her pronouns) and am a veteran roleplayer of a little over 10 years who likes to average anywhere from 1k - 3k words per reply. i am extremely passionate when it comes to thinks like worldbuilding and plotting, with a keen interest in really fleshing out the worlds i roleplay in with lore, culture, godly pantheons, background characters, kingdom layout and history - so on and so forth &. i would really appreciate roleplaying with people who are equally as passionate if only so i'm not expected to do all the hard-work all the time haha. please note that i do work a full-time job that i put a lot of hours into so my availability to chat and reply to the roleplay may be a bit wonky sometimes as obviously work is a bit of a priority for me. if the occasional slow reply is a problem for you i would not recommend pming me for a roleplay as there may be times when i'm so burnt tf out that i would rather eat glass than try to sit down and write up some 2k word response lmao. in turn i am a very patient partner who doesn't mind waiting for good replies!

that said! i am going to kick off my roleplaying journey here with a very specific plot that has been on my mind for a while now. it an original concept that takes place in a historic (fantasy) medieval kind of setting and will require real faceclaims, preferably ones of actors and actresses in period-accurate attire as i do have a bit of a neurotic pet peeve when it comes to trying to roleplay a period piece with someone and i put in effort to find a faceclaim that fits the vibe while they bust out random generic pinterest girl no. 5. as the thread title mentions this will be singleset meaning ideally there will be no doubling up as i do really only play male characters (in this case i would be playing muse b and you would be playing muse a) though i don't mind the idea of adding depth by fitting another couple into the world somewhere - perhaps tossing in some other noble, servant, guard, spy, or whatever else there is but i would also prefer to play the male half of that pairing as well so if you want to play two female characters that's cool with me but if not we can just stick to just the one couple ⸺ anyway, the plot is a bit convoluted but to summarize it in very basic terms muse a is a noblewoman, muse b is a knight, and muse c is the newly crowned king. the three used to be best-friends growing up until muse b's father (the lord commander) killed muse a's father (the hand of the king) in his attempts to overthrow muse c's father (the late king) leading to all three of them being separated. years later the king dies mysteriously from poison and muse c is crowned only to quickly establish himself as being extremely paranoid of his court. he calls upon muse a and muse b, thinking neither can or will betray him, and reunites the trio... only to immediately piss them both off by betrothing himself to muse a and subjecting muse b to being little more than a glorified bodyguard. and so, despite some initial tension given their history, muse a and muse b end up turning to one another for comfort. initially to gossip without being accused of treason but it eventually gets a bit out of hand following a drunken and impulsive kiss and a night of mistakes. despite knowing that they'd likely be executed if caught they continue to pursue their budding relationship in secret... and, in the process, get tangled up in the chaotic web that is the king's dark court. basically king's fiance and king's bodyguard are having a secret affair while the kingdom goes to shit and they kind of feel bad about it because they don't want to hurt the king since they know he is / was / could be a good man and they really want to have faith in his ability to rule the kingdom but a recent bout of madness is getting the best of him and he's turning into a real prick so they'll probably stop feeling bad about it sooner or later. now obviously the plot can be altered and tweaked if desired and i am more than happy to discuss any suggestions or changes partners may have whether it be for character backgrounds, intentions, or the addition of other features such as wanting to add a more high-fantasy spin with dragons and magic. as long as we can make it make sense i'm game in giving it a go!

the full version / initial draft of the plot can be found here ⸺ muse a and muse b were childhood friends raised alongside the heir prince, muse c. muse a being the daughter to the hand of the king and muse b being the son of the lord commander. as childhood and teenagers the three were all but inseparable - studying together, journeying together, and getting into trouble together. as they grew up their different duties pulled them apart but the three would still find time to see one another and remained close well into their teenaged years... that is until an unexpected betrayal would shatter the foundations of their lives forever. muse b's father, the lord commander, would attempt to take the throne for himself and though his attempts would be thwarted he still managed to deal a fatal blow the hand of the king, muse a's father, before his apprehension. the king's hand only surviving long enough to witness the execution of the traitorous commander at the hands of the king himself before eventually succumbing to his wounds. suffice to say the trio's friendship would dissolve not too long after - muse b, though found to have no knowledge of his father's traitorous intensions, would be sent away to join the ranks of the knights at the border wars while muse a, to honor her father's sacrifice, would find herself elevated to the rank of noblewoman though that in itself turned out to be more of a burden than a reward as she found herself at the mercy of the court's whims. and, as for muse c, he found himself engrossed with the growing responsibilities of the kingdom's heir in light of growing civil and outside conflicts. now, years later, things have begun to change. the late king has succumbed to a mysterious poison and muse c find himself taking the throne not knowing who he can and cannot trust. none, that is, save his old friends though their reunion is far from a joyous one. desperate, paranoid, and uncertain muse c is far from the once proud and honorable heir to the throne they both knew and though muse a and muse b have changed drastically it's not long before the new king oversteps his authority and makes an enemy out them. starting with his betrothal to muse a. though the heir has always had thinly veiled affections towards the hand of the king, even in their youths, the audacity of this decision still leaves muse a seething with anger knowing that there is little that she can do about it given her status and expectations as a noblewoman. and muse b, in turn, is in no happier a place when he discovers he is expected to act as the king's personal bodyguard right in the heart of a court that still despises him for the actions of his traitor father despite the years he has tried to clear his name as a knight of the kingdom. simply put - muse a and muse b are both miserable and though they want to have some faith that muse c will eventually pull himself together to become the good king he was destined to be their faith in their old friend dwindles by the day... and that's not even to mention the strange tension between the two of them after having not faced one another since the deaths of their fathers. however, despite an initial bout of hostility due to their now-clashing personalities, the two eventually begin to find a sort of haven in the other. finding they can speak their minds to one another about their unfortunate circumstances and the ongoing state of the kingdom without fear of being accused of treason - but when a wine-fueled kiss leads to an impulsive night of passion the two find themselves falling right into the grasp of a dangerous love-affair. to be caught would mean death at the hands of the troubled muse c and yet they find themselves unable to deny their hearts this one little comfort after their years of turmoil. but keeping their budding relationship soon proves to be much more difficult than anticipated and as tensions in the new king's court grow they find themselves caught in the middle of a conspiracy much bigger than anything they could of ever anticipated.

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