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Fandom ʟᴏᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴀɴᴅ ʟᴏᴀᴅᴇᴅ (ᴄᴏᴅ: ᴍᴡ2 ɪɴᴛᴇʀᴇsᴛ ᴄʜᴇᴄᴋ)


Living, but not laughing or loving
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Hello There!

My name is Echophobia, but please call me Echo or Wicked!

I'm creating this thread to put out an interest check for a Call of Duty; Modern Warfare 2 roleplay! I have been playing the remake and my muse is quite high right now! Before I get too ahead of myself, I do have a few rules set in place that I need to mention.
1. I am in my 20's, and I would strongly prefer partners 18+. If you are a mature writer at 16, I have no qualms, but I'll have to draw the line there for my own comfort!
2. For original character threads, I only do MxM. Playing female characters is not the easiest for me unless they are canon characters! If we are doing a fandom roleplay, I strongly prefer doubling up! I always have male OCs, but if you want a female romantic interest, I can do that!
3. Please try to be semi to advanced lit! I love writing, and the more you write, the more I have to go off of! It makes for a much easier time!
4. I love talking and plotting OOC! I can be quite the chatter bug, which is another reason I love Discord! I normally just make servers for roleplaying to keep everything nice and tidy!
5. I do my best not to Ghost people, so I ask that you do the same! I am a full-time worker with mental health issues, so there may be times I fall off the grid, but i'll always try to let you know! I am also Ghost friendly!
6. PleAse have decent grammar and sentence structure. I am not a grammar ass but if I can't read it then we have some problems, Huston.
7. Please try to respond decently! I am always ready to go, but I understand people have lives! I can be a quick responder, and while it's nice having a partner who is too, it isn't necessary! Just give me a little bit of a heads up! I always try to update my partners if something comes up, and I normally put together a lil schedule of when I'll be most active!

With the rules out of the way, I'm going to let you know who I am looking for and who I feel I can play most confidently below! This would be my first time writing for any of the COD boys, so I might not be to-the-tee canon for a few posts until I can get the hang of them!

Any character with an * mark is someone I have an OC/Plot in mind for! Underlined characters are the ones I am craving the most!

Liutenant Simon 'Ghost' Riley*
Captain John Price*

Sargent John 'Soap' McTavish

Liutenant Simon 'Ghost' Riley
Kate Laswell
Operator Gary 'Roach' Sanderson

That is about everything! Please send me a Private Message if you are interested! Thank yall for reading and I hope we can create a beautiful roleplay together!

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