1x1's & a few 1x1x1's (MxF and or MxM)


Junior Member
Hello! I'm Kumori but you can just call me Kumo~ ^.^ Anyway I would love to know your name and rp with you wonderful people~! But I have a few tiny rules so just bear with me~.


  • Activity - I'm not really strict on this :/ I know we all have lives...so I won't push you and i hope the same from you.
  • Post Length - 1-2 paragraphs at least ^.^ more is appreciated.
  • Gender roles - Okay so with MxF I'd prefer to play female though if the plot is great enough I may be persuaded to take the male role. Also I love double rp-ing so we can also do that but if we do then I may ask if a little MxM can be mixed into it ^.^
  • Genre's - I'm pretty much cool with anything though right now I'm looking for realistic. No fantasy. Though I may be persuaded if your plot idea is impressive! ^.^
  • Face Claims - Yes I am one of those people! I love FC's so I would appreciate it if we used FC's as our characters and if you want, I can help you find a FC! ^.^
  • Contribute!! - Just as it says~. Don't be a bum and not speak your mind. Any little idea or thought is much help~!!!

* means I'm interested in doing it and I will bold that roles I'd prefer to play ^.^ and remember we can double. Also any of these pairings listed below can be either MxF or MxM.

** mean I'm interested and I have a few ideas to go along with it >:3


Bad boy x Good-Two-Shoes

Prep x Anyone [[ Anyone as in any type of person you can think of ^.^ ]]

Shy girl/boy x Jock x Bad boy*

Fan x Star

Best friend x Best friend

Any pairing ideas would be appreciated!!! ^~^


Okay I lOVE horror and especially horror mixed with romance! The horror rp's will probably be more detailed and I'll probably be really picky xD

Killer x Killers boyfriend** []

Kidnapper x

Again I LOVE horror and would LOVE you if you suggested a horror plot to me >:3 You will be my favorite person ever!! ^.^ Oh and i basically like the simple 'serial killer/murderer' plots :3 or even accidental death ones where a group of friends are now splitting apart because of a deep dark secret!



Divergent* [[Reading the third book currently~ :3 ]]

Supernatural* [[Only at the end of season 5]]

Vampire Diaries* [[i'm in the beginning of season 3]]

Thank You for reading through this!!! I love you all and don't be afraid to suggest you own pairing ideas or plots!! Mine aren't that impressive as you can see so it'll only make me love you more! x3

And remember~! I'm good with double rping and I actually find it fun!!

These are all very interesting idea's. Though unless I'm missing something I don't see 1x1x1 pairings/ideas.
Oh oopsy ^.^ I think there's only like one!

Sorry~ ^.^'' I'm a blonde so you'll have to forgive me.
I want to do MxM Killer x Killer's Boyfriend.. Though I'm not sure I know what a face claim is... I looked it up on urban dictionary and it sorta confused me. Do you use a photo of some one and make that person your character? Or do you just use that photo and then share the name?
xD I didn't know what a FC was at first either. My big brother had to explain to me what it was lol

It's pretty much a Famous or well known persons appearance/picture you use as your characters appearance.

And just Pm me please! ^3^
I'm up for any horror plot. You name it. Or you can PM me and we can make up a brand new one c:

I love to double RP as well, and lucky for you, I play male roles better ^.^ We can have both a MxF couple and an MxM couple.

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