1x1 Vampire Romance rp

I had an idea for a vampire romance rp and I was hoping to find someone that might be interested in rping. Basically I'd rp as the vampire guy, Ryuu and then whoever decided to join in would play as the human girl, you can choose what her name and appearance is.

For the storyline, I thought it'd be cool if Ryuu was forced to serve forever in _____'s debt for saving his life or something like that. Ryuu doesn't care for the girl at first, he's really against the whole "servant for life" thing...but of course they eventually fall in love. Maybe not for a long while, but eventually.

Let me know if you had a different idea or wanted to tweek the story in someway.
Alright, I just think that the storyline should be changed a bit but I'm not really sure what to change. Any ideas? Or do you not care?
I'd take away the forced servitude, and make it something to do with a vow. Perhaps, the village they live in has a vow between vampires & humans that says that if the humans harm the vampires, they must serve them for a certain amount of years, and the same with the vampires. Perhaps, he broke the vow and must serve her for a year, or leave the safety of their village.
Alright, alright that sounds pretty good. But how should he harm her? Like drinking her blood or would some accident violent thing be better?
That's completely up to you - you know your character better than I do! What's within his temperament for him to do?
Okay! Well Ryuu is a rather grouchy or stubborn guy when he's in his best mood. Though he gets really upset easily and sometimes will go through mini rampages, mostly just knocking over furniture and breaking items. He's kind of a loner so he doesn't get along very well with others so he hurts people without even trying sometimes. The worst he's ever done was kill a human village by lighting a view houses on fire. Anger issues sometimes, but he's an okay guy once you're used to him.
Perhaps she and her friends were tormenting him from across a street and he lost it and ran after them? My character fell over, and he was found standing over her angrily.

My character - Alexandra - is a bit of a rebellious child. She's never liked being known as the rich girl in town, but she's sort of stuck with it after she inherited her parents money. She's also a bit weak when it comes to peer pressure, which is why she joined in tormenting the vampire.
I like it. :) Sounds good to me.

Want me to start the rp or is there something else we forgot to discuss? Oh, what should the rp title be?
Titles aren't something I'm great with... Sorry! But yes, let's start! Also, what time zone are you in?
Alright, I'll post it up in private rp's now

Ummm....I'm not really sure. ^^' I feel stupid admitting that but, it's 10:06 where I am..if that's what you were asking
That's fine - I'm not sure of mine, either. It's 4:05pm on Wednesday here in Australia! I'll scamper over to the private RP now.

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