1x1- The Endless Battle~ Treso and Jingles Private RP


New Member

The battle takes place in a lush green forest at night. This night won't turn to light though. It stays dark. The dark itself is an enemy, some go blind unless you stay focused, and don't let it take hold of you. In the forest there is a dark clearing. Large rocks stick out of the ground and the rest of the clearing is covered in rough ground. Around the arena the following weapons are on the ground:

Bow and arrows







Hunting Gun


What's Going To Happen:

To enemies meet in the clearing for a battle. It's meant to end one of them quickly. Or both. But the forest is special. You die, and you come back to life. Yet you still feel pain for every blow, every hit...before it turns to endless pain...never death.

The Characters:

Name: Giovanni Montecchi (Played by Treso)

Gender: Male

Age: 27

Appearance: He has a height of 170cm,is slightly tanned,and has russet-brown hair which is beginning to tinge with grey. He has blue eyes and sports a stubble. He's slightly built but agile.

Personality: Giovanni has this air of nobility around him,and it even carries over to when he's in battle. He can be a bit cocky during battles,but that's just him enjoying one.

Others: He prefers sword-related fights (but he will still battle all the same).

Name: Dark Wood (Played by Jingles)

Gender: Male

Age: 22

Appearance: He has a height of 159cm, has very tanned skin, his hair is jet black and goes down to the intersection between his head and neck. His eyes are a glowing blue, closest to turquoise. Very athletically built, strong muscles, large, but not overweight.

Personality: Tends to put an edge of humour into himself, and makes sarcastic comments. He is very serious during battle. Dark likes to battle viollently.

Other: He is best at the pistol and bow and arrow.
'This better be worth my time,Wood!'

Giovanni stood up from where he was crouched,surveying the clearing before him. There wasn't anyone in sight as of yet; weapons were strewn all over the ground,ranging from blades to firearms. Clucking his tongue in slight disapproval at the lack of a sabre,he took a step forward into the clearing after checking one last time for signs of life.

"All right,Wood. I'm here," he called,scanning through the darkness. "You better not jump me."

Again,there was silence. Giovanni folded his arms and waited,listening out for the footsteps of his opponent.
Wood heard Giovanni's voice calling out and immeadietly slowed down. Slowly he walked, careful not to rustle the crunchy leaves. Wood stumbled over a few roots in the dark but was silent all the same. Eventually the figure of Giovanni came into view. Wood knew he had to move first. He dashed into the clearing without pause and grabbed a pistol. He fired a round of bullets at Giovanni. As he shot them, he laughed.
The rushed rhythm of footsteps came all of a sudden,and Giovanni quickly turned around. He wasn't fast enough to distinguish the blur,but he did witness the pistol get swept up.

"You chea-" Giovanni stopped mid-sentence as he saw the muzzle flash.

He dove to the side,surviving most of the bullet barrage. One managed to graze his shoulder,sending searing pain through them. Growling,he leapt forward,aiming for Dark's legs.
Dark jumped up and nearly avoided Giovanni as he came flying by. It took his feet out and Dark landed on his back. Dark helped himself up. "Hey bud, I still got the pistol." He hummed absently and fired some more bullets at Giovanni, laughing in an evil manner. Dark stepped backwards as he shot.
He had anticipated that jump. But the thing was,Giovanni wasn't aiming to knock Dark down; he was aiming for the dagger that had been ahead of his opponent. Wow,that was a bonus for him.

With a roll that,again,narrowly avoided the bullets,the Montecchi swept up the dagger and stood up.smiling innocently at Dark. "I know,my good sir...which is why I think a step ahead."

In the blink of an eye,the dagger was gone from Giovanni's hand,flying through the air and an inch away from the barrel of the pistol.
Dark saw it coming, all to fast. He threw his now bullet empty pistol at the dagger and it slowed it down. The dagger slashed against Dark's arm thanks to the tip of the pistol. Dark grabbed the dagger and leaped at Giovanni, dagger raised.
"Seriously,Wood?" the Italian muttered,taking another step back.

He braced for impact. The sudden force that forced him even further back startled him for a moment,but Giovanni knew he couldn't waste much time. He snapped his hand out to grab Dark's hand that wielded the dagger,giving the shorter man a knowing smile.
Dark laughed even harder when Giovanni's hand snapped out to grab the dagger, and passed it to his other hand. Dark being shorter easily landed below Giovanni. Dark looked quickly at both of Giovanni's leg's and drove the dagger at one, laughing at the same moment.
Giovanni's misjudgement cost him valuable time as he realised his error. With the dagger no longer in the hand that he was aiming for,Giovanni quickly thought of stepping back further. Unfortunately,he wasn't fast enough.

The dagger missed the stab,but it managed to give him a cut in the shin. Hissing in pain,Giovanni sneered at Dark,bringing an elbow down upon his cranium.
Dark crumpled to the ground in pain, but managed to get back to his feet before he lost conciousness. His vision swam before him. Dark ran as fast as he could to a bow, some arrows, and matches on the other side of the clearing. He lit the arrows on fire, and sent 5 of them flying towards Giovanni to hopefully surround him.

Giovanni let his opponent scramble towards some bow and arrows,holding in a squawk of surprise as he watched Dark light the arrow tips on fire. Time was not lost as Dark immediately loosed the arrows,but Giovanni knew otherwise. With his opponent still dizzy from the blow on the head,the path of arrows weren't entirely true. Even so,one managed to hit its mark,and it set the dried leaves behind him on fire.

"ARRRGGGHH! You devious,twit!" he cried as he began hopping around in pain,frantically patting his pant sleeve to put out the fire. "You did this the last time!"

(yay for a cartoonish scene xD )
Dark broke out laughing, but by this time his head was feeling better. He grabbed the only sabre in the clearing and as Giovanni scrambled in pain, he shot an arrow straight at him, this time not at fire. He aimed carefully, right for the heart.
How ridiculous he must be looking right now! Absolutely ridiculous! Giving a grunt of approval as the last of the flames puffed out,Giovanni heard the soft hissing of another arrow.

'Really,Dark? REALLY?' he thought bitterly.

Without much thought,Giovanni ducked and rolled forward,heading straight for Dark.
Dark was rather surprised at such a smooth dodge, but he picked up the sabre, and stood there, pointing it at Giovanni. "Why aren't you dead yet?" Dark questioned with a comical raise of his eyebrows. "Here, let me kill you. Lets make sure you reach your fate now." He chuckled.
"Why aren't you dead yet?" was what came from his opponent.

Giovanni smirked. "Because a gentleman allows others to go first!"

With that,he managed to close the distance between Dark and him. In a split second he kicked out his legs,one aiming for the wielding hand,the other for his opponent's chin. It was a kick that could crack a jaw if Giovanni wanted to.
Dark knew all to well what was about to happen. The fist made instant contact and again the clearing became a blur. However, he adjusted his sword just before everything started to fade. Giovanni was about to kick his leg right into the sabre. Dark almost laughed as he fought for conciousness.
The Italian's expression changed quickly from one of victory to one of pain and shock.

"You-!" his sentence was cut as the cold metal penetrated his shoe and slashed his foot; the sudden pain sent him scrambling into a nearby bush,hidden from Dark's view. That despicable twit...How dare he? Giovanni peered out of the bush,watching his opponent laugh with himself.

It wasn't long before he spotted the hunting rifle nearby. "Woe is you,then."

Swiftly snatching the nearby hunting rifle,he trained his sights down between Dark's eyes,smirking.

"Say cheese,cazzo!" he mumbled,firing a round.
"Holy----" Dark screamed as he dove for safety behind a bush as well. His head was again healing. Dark shook with terror. "That scoundrel!" he muttered. Suddenl, his hand brushed upon something very cold. Metal. It was an axe. Dark peered over the bushes and threw the axe straight at the gun.
Giovanni didn't waste time; he cocked the rifle as quickly as he had fired,and looked through the sight. Oh,how he paled when he saw the axe flying in his direction.

"You bastard...!" he seethed as he fired another round before rolling into the darker regions of the forest,his movements silenced as the axe went straight into a tree trunk with a loud thunk.
Dark was out of the way of the shots before Giovanni even shot them. He laughed, but was dissapointed that Giovanni's head was still attached. Dark picked up the weapon closest to him, and that happened to be a sword. "Hey dude you like javelin?!" he yelled out. Dark took a match from earlier, lit the sword on fire and hurled it at Giovanni. "Hey dude, I suggest you get out from near those trees!" he called as the sword drew nearer to Giovanni.
'Thank you very much for passing me the sword,boy!' Giovanni thought as he silently weaved his way through the undergrowth,watching emotionlessly as the flaming sword struck the tree that he once taken refuge behind. 'And that match won't last forever...'

At that moment,a gust of wind rushed in from the north,blowing out the flame.

The clearing was dark once again.
Dark scowled in madness. "Classic it is" he muttered, grabbing a near by dagger. The darkness outlined Giovanni's figure but it was still hard to see. Dark suddenly had an idea. Carefully, he carved the figure of himself in a tree, and lit a match so it looked rather much like the dark outline of him. Then slowly, he crept to Giovanni.
'Sigh,if only my brother was here. He would love to strategise.'

Giovanni studied his opponent's movements,but as he watched,he realised he could hear the sound of scraping bark. It wasn't long before he noticed another match lit up. He raised an eyebrow curiously. Something wasn't right with the actions that followed the lit match - Dark was standing far too still. Then he saw it; a shadow creeping towards the shrubline.

'A decoy to fool me? Oh,you sad,sad sod.' Giovanni smirked,flinging the knife he had secretly picked up. Dark would soon feel an immobilising pain in the back of his knee.
Dark walked steady until he heard the scrape of metal. A knife. Dark readied his dagger. Then he thought. He had a better idea. Pulling the last match from his pocket he lit it and threw it at Giovanni. "Voila" he muttered.

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