[1x1] Team TLM


New Member

[WalkingDisaster x Rogue]

Set in a broad outdoor expanse of fields and paddocks of the TLM Training Stables, there is a 30 stall barn. Nestled inside is an indoor arena, and two outdoor riding areas. Riders lead their horses to the crossties for saddling, some sit in the tack rooms cleaning bits and bridles. A wide variety of saddles sit on the racks, both english and western tack. The indoor arena has dressage letters on the walls, and off the side of the barn the equipment shed is full of unorganized jumps, barrels, cavalettis, cones, timers, and poles.

Currently, a lesson is just finishing in one of the outdoor arenas. Hands groom and feed horses, bringing in the lesson horses from the pastures. Another day has just begun.





Horse Info:


--- Merged Double Post ---

Name: Toni Lynn Mawhirter

Age: 32

Appearance: Petite build, but intimidating stature. Carries herself with a lot of authority, an appearance that requires respect but doesn't demand it. Short dark brown hair, normally in a hat, and brown eyes with fair skin.

History/Bio: Got the money to build the stables after some sort of insurance claim against an electrical company for having wires too close to her horse's pasture. Since then she has run the operation successfully, taking on clients and training horses while teaching lessons. She has a dry sense of humor, but is very likeable once you get used to her.

Horse Info: The oldest horse at the barn, Tammio, is the only horse left from her original herd before she moved. Tammio is a grey Quarter Horse. She also owns many lessons horses.

Extra: N/A

Name: Cory Odell

Age: 18

Appearance: Wiry, has muscle but not in excessive amounts. Short black hair, with brown eyes. Not unnatractive but not excessively eyecatching either.

History/Bio: Came to TLM Training as a freshman in high school and has been training there ever since. Works off half of his training money by working for Toni, while earning credit for his Career-Related project in school. Rides inter-discipline.

Horse Info: Callie, a sorrel tobiano paint.

Extra: N/A

Name: Emelia "Em" Coleman

Age: 17

Emhas long, slightyly curled brown hair that she usually pulls back. She is thin and tall, and her eyes are an icy blue, grey from a far.

History/Bio: Em has a wide background in the equestrian arts. Her mother bred Oldenburgers and Hanoverians; and her father was a groom, not being able to ride himself. Her father left when she was very young, and she finds it hard to miss him. When she was seven, her mother gave her a small, lame old horse; a gelding named Blazer. Blazer and Em learned togethor, and after Blazer passed, little Em was devastated. Her mother gave her some time to heal, and then passed the reins of a retired Dressage horse to her daughter. A mare named Cricket. Cricket and Em got along, but there was no attatchment. So, her mother told her that if Em could get Cricket to run a 1.24 mile jumping course, then Em would be rewarded with a weanling that she could train, name and raise herself. So, she worked hard, trying to teach an old horse a new trick. It wasn't easy, and Cricket was stubborn, but they ran the course near-perfectly. Em picked a dark bay, 8-month-old colt, and they have been inseperable since. Training, riding, grooming, Emm grew to prefer her colt over people.

Horse Info: Ashes and Wine, normally called Ash. A purebred Hanoverian stallion, usually up for stud offers, who's expertise and skill lies in Dressage and showjumping. Ash is a handsome solid dark bay with a muscular frame, a horse built for power and grace. This stallion is a ball of fire, and needs a firm, experianced hand to handle him, despite his Dressage background.


Name: Hayden

Age: 18

Appearance: Hayden has messy brown hair, and swampy eyes; not hazel, but not green either. His skin is slightly tanned from always working ouside, and he is well muscled and built.

History/Bio: There isn't much to say. Hayden has been riding at the barn since he was eight years old. He got into pole bending and Western pleasure at a young age. When he was eleven, he decided he wanted his own horse, and has been scraping and saving and working ever since. When he was sixteen, he finally saved enough for a Paint gelding named Double Dog Dare, or Rusty

Horse Info:Rusty
Rusty is an American Paint horse gelding. He was a barrel racer, but was then sold to a Western Pleasure rider. After Hayden bought him, he started training in Pole bending. Rusty is a little over weight, but Hayden is working on building up his mscle.


(I am going to try Western....Yay, I'm going to fail X))
Name: Marella Faire

Age: 17


History/Bio: Marella used to work and ride at a rescue center in another state. Her parents have always been supportive of her hobby and many a time offered to buy a horse but Marella wanted to find the right one. The right one ended up being a skittish mare from who catch from a small foal mill farm. Her name is Catch a Thorned Rose and she is most likely a Hanoverian. Marella switched barns because she wanted a quieter more focused riding experience.

Horse Info: Catching a Thorned Rose is a beautiful jumper but her main focus is Dressage. She is very skittish and she does not respond to a heavy hand. She is still a bit thin but her muscles are building nicely.

Extra: Rose

Name: Jackson Murling



History/Bio: He has been riding at TLM since it was opened he is Tori's cousin and she has always been his trainer. (If that is okay)

Horse Info: His stallions name is Comin' Catcha me or Catcha

Toni left the arena on Tammio, heading for the the barn. She tied the mare up to cool out as a hand came to unsaddle her. She mounted another big bay gelding in preperation for her next lesson, and started warming him up in the big indoor arena.

Cory watched Toni ride as he took Callie out of her stall and tied her in the crossties. He felt like riding english today so he put his black jumping saddle on the mare over a white pad. He re-entere the tack room, wondering where his splint boots went. Lessons kids had been cleaning out boots lately, and he made a mental note to ask Toni if there was any extra sets inside the house.
Hayden walked into the tack room. He needed to find Rusty's bridle - one of the hands had misplaced it. Hayden wasn't mad, just irritated. As he walked in, he saw Cory digging around, probably for Callie's girth, or a second saddle pad. "Hey, Cory," he greeted, walking over to the hooks where the bridles hung. Most had labels, others were marked with different bits and colors. He knit his eyebrows, looking for a light colored Western bridle with a light weight bit....


Em, in her newest pair of tan jodhpurs and a grey sweatshirt, walked ino the large barn. There were too many stalls, but it was good that she could keep Ash away from other stallions and geldings. She sighed and tightened her ponytail, walking over to stall 7, where Ash was standing, chewing his feed. He perked his ears as she walked over to him, nickering through his mouthful. Em laughed and grabbed his black halter off the hook, slipping it over his face and clipping it in before opeing the stall door and leading him out.
"Hey." Cory said, finally settling a black pair of front Legacy sport boots. "You have a lesson today?" He asked Hayden, now looking for a good pair of matching bell boots while he talked. He found them covered in mud and wrinkled his nose a little at them, taking an old rag and trying to get it off, a little irritated by the disorganization of the place today. Of course, maybe if was just him.
"I...I Am not sure," Hayden replied, laughing at himself. "I'll check...You know how bad I am with remembering this stuff." He picked up a bridle that looked like his new one....But it wasn't. It was too worn. He sighed and hung it back up. "Stupid disorganized..." he muttered under his breath. Where the hell was that - wait....There it was. Hayden unhooked it and slung it over his arm. "Do you have one, or are you just working Callie?"

"Yeah, I have a lesson." Cory said. "Toni wanted to do mine early in the morning. Since none of the other clients like mornings." He laughed and walked out to Callie again. "You might be riding in mine." He told her as he started to velcro the Legacy boots onto Callie's front and hind legs, putting the dirty bell boots on the front as well
"Nice," Hayden commented, and walked out to where Rusty was waiting patiently at the crossties. He unclipped Rusty's purple halter, and slipped the bridle over his white face. After he clipped everything into place, he secured the gelding once more. With a sigh, he slung the light leather saddle over Rusty's patchy back.


After Ash was in place, Em walked over to the tackroom. The two midwestern cowboys were tacking up thier horses. Em couldn't help but sneer a bit....She was a bit opposed to Western. Last time she went Western trail riding, she was 11....
What do I do with my other hand? Okay, but.....Why is it called a saddlehorn and not a palmer? WHat do you mean I'm not supposed to be so straight? Yee-ah...Never again. She pursed her lips and walked into the tack room, gathering togethor Ash's saddle pads, girth, bridle and saddle. Somehow,a lot of girls considered this a heavy load. Em saw it as her whole life in her hands.
Cory finished up with Callie's boots and slipped the D ring snaffle into her mouth. The jointed outhpiece had a copper roller, and the barn echoed with the sound of Callie ringing it aorund with her tongue, flapping her bottom lip as she did so. "Dork." Cory teased her, ruffling the mares mane and leading her to the mounting block.

Toni sat astride the big gelding in her reining saddle taking a nod to the kids as they walked by. "Everybody get mounted and in the arena as soon as you're done." She told them, referring to the kids in her first lesson. "On a tight schedule today as always."
Marella crawled up the long winding driveway her huge white trailer rumbling softly behind her. She could hear the sound of Rose shuffling around in the trailer and knew the mare was most likely distressed. The vet had put her on a slight sedative but Marella was sure the mare had sweat it off. As she parked the truck and got out Rose let out a sharp whinny the reverberated making the metal walls vibrate. Climbing up onto the tire hub Marella peeked into the dark box, all she could see was the whites of the mare's eyes and a whole lot of foam. After further inspection she saw that the blanket was also soaked through.
Toni heard the sound of the truck and trailer and she waved to Marella as she parked and took her horse out of the trailer.
Em sighed and tightened Ash's girth, then unrolled the stirrups, only to roll them back again. Tight, neat stirrups was a fetish of hers. She loathed it when the stirrups hung lazily while she tacked up her horse. Smiling at her newest work of tack, she grabbed Ash's bridle off the hook, taking off his halter. She didn't usually rush to grab him - he was well-trained, and usually stood still for her. But, today, he was restless. Em guessed it was the weather, or maybe some of the mares were already in heat. She hung on to a handful of his mane as she slipped the bridle over his face, securing it into place as Ash grappled with the bit, chewing on it and rolling it around in his mouth.
Marella smiled at the woman who waved at her before looking around for a main office. She was new to the beautiful training facility and needed to set up her equipment. Rose was in serious need of a rub down and she had hoped to get a short ride in this afternoon. She looked down at her boarding contract and saw the stall number and name of the barn. Sighing she set in search of the barn and quickly found it. THere was a huge bay stallion getting tacked up be petite woman with brown hair. Marella smiled softly before turning around to get Rose.

Backing the mare out of the trailer took seconds since the dapple grey wanted out. Rose was wearing a white irish knit with blue lettering on the hind quarters and four tall backing boots. She snorted loudily bumping Marella's shoulder forcefully, the golden chain on the lead line jingled. Sweat still foamed on her neck plastering the grey mane, turning it a darker shade almost black. They set off at an awkward prancing high stepping half walk half jog. Rose's elegant head was high in the air black nostrils flaring so you could see the tiniest bit of pink.
Em swatted Ash's stone-hard shoulder, a chuckle escaping her lips. Ash snorted and danced in place, swishing his tail and chewing the metal. The dark-headed girl smiled and grabbed the reins, hanging on to the leather underneath his chin. She saw a girl unloading a grey mare, and cokced her head. Lo and behold, Ash saw her too. He perked up his ears and whinnied, his tail held high. The general way he held himself up was gushing confidence, iminating self-glory. Em smiled and shook her head, rolling her blue-grey eyes at him. "You guys are all the same," she told him, and started walking.

(A craptastically short post for y'all....>.<)
(I like it anyways ;)Marella smiled as the mare set off at her awkward gait. The packing boots were Rose's least favorite when it came to tack. If Marella left the mare in them for long enough Rose would slowly chew them to bits. As they entered the huge barn Rose caught scent of the stallion and flattened her ears. She obviously had something against the opposite gender but Marella hoped she would get over it.
Corey walked Callie around the warmup pen and watched the others, smiling and waving at the girl with the grey mare, guessing they were new. Callie raised her head over the rail and whinnied a greeting to the newcomer, chestnut tail swishing in interest, ears pricked forward. Corey chuckled slightly at this and popped her head gently back down, asking her to focus again.
Marella waved shyly trying to get a handle on Rose. The mare wasn't the most social able of creature but surprisingly she nickered to the mare. Walking into the barn Marella clipped her into the cross ties and began the lengthy process of grooming the mare. First came the boots followed by the Irish knit. Grabbing a sponge and bucket out of the trailer Marella began to wipe the mare down getting rid of all the brown and white foam. A half hour later she finished and rose was comfortable in her new stall. With a sigh Marella walked back to the trailer wondering how she was going to get her heavy tack trunk out of the back.
Ash whinnied at the two mares, swinging his tail and trotting in place. Em smiled and rolled her eyes, leading him on, despite his clear deciation for the mare's attention. That Cory guy was out with his mare...English tack? She swallowed a laugh. She had once paid money to get a barrel racer in an English saddle - one of the funniest things she had ever seen. Em was the type who tought people should just pick a discipline, instead of ruining the skills in the other one - like show jumping. With a sigh, she walked Ash to the arena, who was still being a flirtatious snob of a stallion.
Cory picked Callie up to a beautiful, flowing extended trot. The mare was a lesson horse and therefor had a lot of versatility in her years, being ridden by many differant riders before finally beight bought by Cory. Cory was on his high school's equestrian team as a senior; He had won the versatility medal very year since he was a freshman. He focused on his equitation, knowing Callie would do her job.
Marella climbed into the trailer, sidestepping the "presents" Rose had left for her. She entered the small storage space turning on the flashlight hanging from the ceiling. She worked for everything she owned, unless it was some kind of gift, and Marella just couldn't afford a fancy trailer with full electricty or even lights for that matter. Glancing around the cramped quarters she realized the hardest part would be moving her wooden tack trunk. That was a gift but it was more of an heirloom. The trunk had originally just been for clothes but her grandfather had refurbished it turning it into a beautiful home for her equipment. "Well i better just get to it," Marella sighed opening the side door on the trailer. The metal door swing out awkwardly squeaking rustily. Yet another amazing feature of the trailer was the storage room door only opened from the inside.
Em mounted Ash and walked him to the center of the arena. It was empty, except for about five six-foot jumps she had set up earlier. In her mind, she set up a tight-turn course, and tapped Ash into a warm-up. When his muscles were loose, and legs ready, she tapped him into a canter, circling the arena twice before she jumped the first fence. As Ash seemed to step over it gracefully, Em leaned forward in the saddle to go with his movement, her fingers in his mane. Em prided her self over how high she could jump, and the fact that she looked pretty doing it. Only a great rider could do that, and Em had it down perfectly.

(This flow like shit. >.< Bleh...I'll bring Hayden back in my next post =))
Cory could feel Callie try to drop her shouler to the inside and instantly picked her up with his indirect rein, lifting her with the bit and his legs, picking the shoulder and pushing her hip to the inside so she wouldn't throw her weight on her forehand. He whoaed her, taking a moment to step her up into the bridle and soften her mouth in the roller snaffle.
Jackson plodded into the barn rubbing Catcha's head as he walked past the stallion. He would ride his own horse later but for now he was supposed to exercise some horses for other clients. He checked his calender that hung above his tack box, just two rides today and they were both younger horses who only needed light work. He grabbed the pink halter of the first filly he was going to ride. Daisy, she was actually sired from his own stallion, her full name was Catcha Daisy. She was a Paint Arab cross with golden spots mixed with a sharp white.
Toni watched the kids start to ready their horses and then brought her bay gelding to the center of the ring, fixing some of the forelock that tuk itself out frizzily from the bridle. "Alright, everyone bring your horses around the rail at a working trot tracking left..." She commanded.

Cory looked at her and then obeyed, moving Callie around the rail left, bumping her up into the bridle with his legs and steadying his hands.

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