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1x1 Search!


Resident Spacecase
Hi there!

Much like everyone else, I'm looking for a few good 1x1s.

I have a few plots in mind, as well as four original characters that can be used in most genres.

Now, I should lay down some rules. boo, boo, hiss, hiss.

  • Please don't lead me on - in essence, don't jump on the "let's do one!" train, plan everything out and then ditch. From about 7 or 8 possible partners, I only have one left (that actually started the roleplay and didn't leave at character creation). I try to do my best to say if I'm bored/done, but sometimes I just can't due to my mental state.
  • Let's develop plots together. I have basic plots, but I like other people's ideas and generally fleshing out a plot more with help.

I lovelovelove these types of genres, and typically blend a lot of them together in a plot to get maximum uniqueness:

  • romance
  • mystery
  • crime
  • supernatural
  • slice of life
  • fandom (just depends on which fandom)

Please contact me if you are serious about starting up with me and if I catch your eye or I match something that you're looking for too!
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Ouuu! Okay! Here's a plot I've been hammering out for a little bit, keep playing around with but it could still use some fleshing out!

Who Are You?

Best Friend x Best Friend

One night at a party/social gathering/school activity, the friends get separated. The next day, Friend A cannot find Friend B anywhere. Turns out that Friend B ended up somewhere public (park, beach, etc) and somehow they lost their memory. Now the friends have to piece together Friend B's life while trying to figure out what happened and peg the guilty party.

It has the components for a crime/mystery/romance, plus a little bit of slice-of-life, but as I said, it still needs to fleshing out.

Maybe. But it would get a little hard to play, as both parties would have to know Friend B's history. In addition, how old would the friends be, and where would they reside?
The history of each character would be something we discuss, and then possibly reveal to readers through a little "Get-to-Know" paragraph before the actual roleplay begins. The last time someone entertained this idea with me, we had it placed in college, first or second year, so somewhere between 19 - 21. And where they'd reside? Anywhere, really. They can even live in a place based off of a real location but changed around.

Please send me a Private Message with the role you'd like, the gender, ideas for the history of your character and between our characters, if you'd like to use a real location or a made-up location, and if you'd like to use a thread or a private message.
A dectective trying to solve the crime of the year, and the force brings on a well-known detective from another city to help and they slowly start to build some kind of relationship as the days pass while trying to find the killer.
@FandomTrash This is the plot I have in mind when I think of supernatural/romance:

Positive vs. Negative

In essence, it's a Demon x Demon roleplay.

He/She is a warrior. He/She is royalty. Each hides a secret from the entire society/the world. The Warrior has the power of Fire, and anything associated with Fire (Sun, Lava, Light, etc) The Royalty has the power of Water, and anything associated with Water (Moon, Darkness, etc). The Warrior serves the Royalty's family in some way, and one day they come across each other and a friendship/romance blooms from there.

We can add in some drama and some issues that arise, plus double up for a possible love-triangle-web, and just having some things that can arise in a pairing like this. It can also be used in most eras (I've done this is a far-away-feudal era and a more modern era).

@AgentFire Great! Any plots in mind, or would you like to come up with one together?

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