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Multiple Settings 1x1 Search (always open)


Unlucky Member
Hello, GrumpyTomato here. I'm not necessarily new to role-playing, but it's been a while since I have been able to find someone willing to be as invested as I am, so I came here.
I won't specify my age, but I can drive and I have a job. Take your guesses.
I do normally like to respond often, though if I need to be absent for an extended amount of time (about a Week+), I will make sure to inform you.
I am most invested in canonxcanon with MxM, taken from personal life. I mostly do fandom, and I am more than willing to do crossovers.
If you need to be absent for a week+ or are no longer interested, please tell me. I will not be angry in the slightest. If you dip without warning, I won't be angry either but I would prefer a warning.
I am willing to go through pms on this website, or something that would be more convenient for you.
If I don't respond, and you think I have forgotten, feel free to nudge me a little to get my attention.
Grammar and spelling aren't huge, as long as the text is decipherable.
I don't expect novels, but I also don't expect one-liners. At least a paragraph is desirable (5 Sentences) but if you really can't think of anything, 2-3 sentences will be okay.

My favourite settings/aus are definitely Modern day, fantasy, and the age of monarchy.
I am most comfortable with MxM, but I do FxF and MxF on rare occasions
I am definitely more of a fluff/romance type person that loves a cheesy story line, though I am also open to hurt/comfort, mystery, and adventure.
I am more than willing to allow you to pick the AU/Setting if you'd like! I like most anything and I want to make sure you enjoy the experience as much as I do.
Both romantic and platonic relationships are cool!

~RP Info~
Feel free to suggest ideas to me! If it's something I'm unsure of, I'll still give it a try. Who knows? I may like it.
My list of fandoms and characters often changes, but I will list the things that I'm craving as of now (major cravings in italics):
-Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild: Link, Ganon, Hylian!Sidon, Hylian!Revali
-Kid Icarus/Uprising: Palutena
-Fire Emblem: Ike, Lucina, Corrin, Robin
Shippings that I crave, but are not necessary (who I'd prefer to play in Italics):

Again, you do not have to choose from this list, and crossovers are welcome and encouraged.
Ideas I'm craving:
-There's a blizzard outside so let's just cuddle and drink tea by the fireplace
-Every time I'm your barista, I write gradually worsening pick-up lines on your cup
-I was too short to reach the handles on the top of the bus, so I had to hold onto your arm.
-Breakfast in bed/ resting together through the morning
-Valentines day (it's almost here!)
-I didn't mean to break all those dishes, my king! I didn't think they would be that heavy.
-A mission with him/her?! You've got to be kidding me.
Questions? Don't hesitate to ask!

Again, feel free to suggest something you'd like to do! xoxo

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