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1x1 Rp's (3Nat)


Ello, at the time of this post. I was brand new to the site. But I'm now getting used to the site, and looking into roleplaying portners for some long-term RP's with plenty of fun times in them!

At the Cincinnati Zoo. Two bird nappers stole the rare, but famous White and Gold Macaw from the Wings of Wonder show. Injured from the kidnapping, and doing the escape from the nappers.

When he had escaped, he was no where near the city if Cincinnati. He was actually all the way in Brazil. Not far from the Amazon. The Macaw always dreamed about being in the wild. But when he was actually in the wild, with a injured wing. He did not like it one bit. While in the Amazon walking along the ground.

He came across another White and Gold Macaw, the two were not off to a great start. He barely knew about the water, since he was born in captivity, and always listened to humans. That's how he was captured as well.

This is a story about a mother who had to forcefully abandon her 4 pups in order to survive the harsh life that is in the city.

The young pups then have to go on an adventure through the harsh heart of the city to locate their mother, and hopefully be reignited as a family once again... but there are challenges in the way, and some may have terrible consequences.

In this story, a wolf by the name of Lucas is forced to lead a pack into war after the Alpha Male of the pack is killed in action. Problem is, he has problems with communication, and barely anyone can understand what he is trying to get across most of the time.

When he had first heard about the news of him being the leader. He felt shock, and fear… he didn’t know what he would be able to do. He did the next best thing he could think of, and left the area, everyone left him be for a bit to cope with the news. Upon his time out there, he meets a wolf from the rivaling pack named (Your Wolf).

It almost seemed like she understood him instantly, silently communicating with each other for a while, it was awkward for him. He never had anyone understand him before; at the same time, he was happy about it! She didn’t know what pack he was from, and he did not know what pack she was from. All he knew, was that he found someone important to him. These packs were in the Northern regions of the Appalachian Mountains, The Nova pack, which was the one Lucas was stated in; and the Moncton Pack, which was the pack that (Your Wolf) was in.

In the Moncton Pack, (Your Wolf) was a Sentinel, and a Hunter. She was the leader of both ranks. Which was a bit stressful to her in the very least. Yet, she was also the best the pack had ever had in its 35 generations.

In the Nova Pack, Before Lucas was the Alpha Male, he was the Beta. He was the one selected by the Alpha Male, after the Alpha Female died from disease. With no pups in the future, he was the next in line to take over as Alpha, and continue with the new rising pack, and it’s 4 generations.

All stories begin somewhere. All life originated from someplace. All kings worthy of power came from a god. Gods... There are gods to follow, devils to run from .The good, and the bad.

Through the many years, life has lived on through wars. Wars that spill the ground in lines of blood, and fire. The multiple species of the large continent being at war in which no one knows how it occurred anymore.

A war between Dragons and wolves. It sounds a bit like a suicidal mission with fire breathing mega birds, versus small scroungy wolves, compared them to size wise. It's really not, Wolves are one of the most intelligent species on their world, Owls follow next, and Dragons following behind. These 3 species co-exist, sort of, on a small world.

Dragons are good Ariel fighters,

Wolves are good ground-based fighters, that have extraordinary weapons skills with Bows and Arrows.

Owls are great marksmanship, and weaponry makers

A Great Alliance formed between the Wolves and Owls, with the wolves Intelligence and Owls incredible genius at making metal weapons, and objects. They are able to get the playing field leveled out between them and the dragons.

Basically, a wolf left his pack to find food, and or a new place for the pack to settle, but over his nearly 4 week struggle, and barely finding any food, he was growing weak, and a winter storm nearly kills him due to his weak nature, and almost bone-chilling winds from the storm.

That is, until a healthy female happens to come upon him while she was heading back to her pack. She leads him to a cave, and kept him warm as the winter storm blew by. Once it had blew by, she stayed with him for a while until he was feeling better about standing and such, as he was very weak, and skinny. As she kept spending more and more time with him, heading to her pack during the day but would come up to the cave at night with food and water for him and ending up staying nights and nights with him, they have deep conversations, and get to know each other so well, that they soon are developing feelings for each other...

But, he still has to find a place for his pack to stay, and or more food for the pack, They were in a bad area of the Arctic circle. Mountains all around them, all food was scarce due the pack's large population. The pack thought he was dead, and so he soon found a great area with plenty of life, and no mountains in the way for wildlife to flourish.

The problem is that another pack was already there, and was pretty small. Easy for the pack to take control of, but they were pretty settle with where they are, and He didn't want to just kick them out. So he tries to come up with a way for them to live with the wolves now. Away for the packs to merge so they can live together.

The pack begins to split apart due to the nature of the the two packs merging, and with him and her very close to start dating almost (They've kissed, and done stuff before by now, but never actually dated yet.) they have to stop this before a major revolutionary war happens between the pack, and splits it down the heart of it.

In Juneau, Alaska (The Capital of Alaska) Dogs are being mistreated, and sent all over Alaska. While there, your and my character catch sight of each other just before being placed in boxes, and get shipped to Nome. Finding the same person, they both go on an adventure to get back to Alaska, finding any of the mistreated dogs along the way to stop this war on Dogs.

If you're interested in any story, shoot me a PM with the Title (Or the abbreviated title) telling of your interest, and we can get started!
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No, I can't either. It'll have to wait a few hours or something so I can start pming, in the mean time. Design a character (preferably a female) to work with this.

Update, To save space and a wall of text so you can look at individual RP plots without dealing with loosing your spot, I have updated all of the plots to now have spoilers per plot. This will make it easier to keep track of, and have more in depth plots with this in the future!

Update 2 Added a new plot idea for wolves! -Wilderness Exploration- Please read if interested! (It even comes with an ideal sequel!)

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