1x1 RP Ideas!!!


Little Remington Winters
Here are a few plot ideas I had for MxM or MxF 1x1 rps. But first the rules:

1. No God Modding.

2. You have to post at least a paragraphs worth of detail in the rp. No One Liners!!!

3. Keep it PG-13

4. Must have a character sheet before rping to be accepted. (I will post the details after the plots)

5. No mary sues or gary stues! (RPers you know what these are please do not make one in my rp)

6. You must post at least once a day and cannot leave the rp hanging for more than two days. I will not tolerate people not giving a good reason to leave the rp hanging. If you have real life issues that are interferring with the rp please let me know via PM and I will put it on hold.

*1st Plot MxM :

A young sophmore student is new to the high school he is attending now and hasn't made any friends since he moved there freshmen year. A senior, who is popular with the ladies, decides to befriend the young boy and they become very close. What will this friendship turn into as they start sharing secrets, fears, and crushes they have? If you are into the Senior x Young Student RP this one is for you. (Contains a lot of romance)

*2nd Plot MxF:

A young girl (college student) is just coming home from a party one night to find that her parents have been murdered in their own home. Upon seeing her parents dead bodies she sees the killer standing there in her parents bedroom and flees her home. She arrives at this mansion where a man not too much older than her lives. What this girl doesn't know that this is the home of the murderer of her parents. He agrees to let her stay with him until she can afford to live on her own. A friendship and possible romance start between these two as she works for him and goes to college, while finding out who this man really is. If you are into a Killer x Maid/Victim RP this one is for you! (Contains: Gore, small violence, and romance.)

*3rd Plot MxM or MxF:

A spoiled rich kid in their twenties is looking for a pet to call their own and not just any pet no. They have found this cute neko (cat in japanese) human who is only just graduating high school. The rich kid is so determined to make this neko human their plaything or slave. The neko is taken against their will by the rich kid's servants or bodyguards to their mansion where the neko finds themselves bound to a chair in a room. The rich kid is in the same room waiting as the guards unblindfold the neko. The rich kid explains that the neko will be their slave or else they will blackmail the neko exposing their secrets for the entire town to see. The neko agrees to do this but something starts happening between the two. They unknowingly fall for each other even though they started to hate each other at first. If you are into the Master Rich Kid (or Mistress Rich Kid) x Slave Neko Human RP this one is for you! (Contains some violence and alot of romance.)

Okay now for the character sheets! Here you go!




Eye and Hair Color:




RP Plot Number: (for whatever plot you choose)

I will accept as many of these different rps as possible! ( Just don't swamp me lol) Please look them over and choose wisely! Overall have fun and comment below if you have your character sheets ready!

Also if you want to do a fandom RP convo me and we will talk more :3
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Name: Kaji Souto

Age: 18

Height: 5'5"

Eye and Hair Color:

Eyes- Gold

Hair- Brown


Kaji from a young age was taught not to trust humans. He is smart mouthed and sarcastic, he doesn't hold back on using his claws or biting. In fact in loves to bite things, he is a bit animal and catlike. He is stubborn and talks back to authority. One would say he just needs to be put in his place, he would say "Go jump off a bridge.". If one could smooth around his rough edges he is loveable and kind, and quite a cuddly cat.


Kaji grew up in a poor household, in a society where humans looked down on Nekos as lesser creatures. He was raised by a kind mother and a strict father. He went to public schools mixed with humans and other nekos. He was constantly bullied by humans and normally stuck with his own kind. When he got to high school he kept to himself most of the nekos found that to be with a human could gain many opportunities. Kaji spat on that idea and kept to himself. He went through high school trying his best to get into an all neko college and open his own fashion shop.

RP Plot Number: 3


Name: Anneliese Beilschmidt

Age: 20

Height: 5'8"

Eye Color: Blue

Hair Color: long blonde hair

Personality: Anne is quiet most of the time and acts like she's the perfect girl for everything. She snooty, mean, and acts like everyone is beneath her in everything done. Deep down she feels alone and really just wants a friend to call her own. She acts like she doesn't care which pushes people away but underneath the hard shell, Anne is a sweet girl with a generous heart.

Backstory: Anne is from a rich family in the city of Berlin, Germany. She has two older brothers named Gilbert (30) and Ludwig (25). The three of them have been raised by a good mother and father til the time Anne hit 16. At that time both parents were dead and left their home to their three children to take care of and call their own. Since then Anne was raised by her brother Ludwig who is a lawyer and taught Anne to never let people push her around. This is how Anne is who she is today and has trouble making friends.

RP Plot Number: 3
Is it alright if I post my character later on because I would really like to role play with you though I wanted to say first ^^ :3 <3
Name: Tyler Saunders

Age: 15

Height: 5'5"

Eye Color: He never shows his eyes though they are a light green, almost yellow

Hair Color:
Jet black


~ Can be very cocky.

~ He does like to cause a bit of trouble.

~ If he does speak it's more or less going to be an insult or comment on how bad you look.

~ He tends to stay by himself though he is rather shy until he gets annoyed.

~ Tyler does act very childish and immature when he gets to know you he can be a bit more mature.

~ When he does get too annoyed he tends to just punch someone or something but e usually just settles for closest thing.

~ It really depends on how he feels like as to how he acts everyday, he's never really set personality.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_11/5lbuoIrsPK.jpg.bde7683d72213bf6215f7c48f4358b00.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="9061" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_11/5lbuoIrsPK.jpg.bde7683d72213bf6215f7c48f4358b00.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Tyler was raised in London until a few weeks before he started the new school he moved to America ((I don't know where specifically)). He was taught to be a boy that could withstand a bit of pain and broken hearts, part of the reason he's very open about what he as to say. His mom never liked England and the people they lived around were too 'Petty' as she put it, never one to take the softies she decided to along with Tyler. The mother and son are actually very well stacked with money, given to them constantly by Tyler's mother's 'friends. Nothing much ever happened except Tyler moving schools 5 times due to the amount of things he broke and people he hit.

RP Plot Number: 1



  • 5lbuoIrsPK.jpg
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I'd love to start an rp with you, I'll get a character sheet up as soon as I get done with my chores. c:
okies c: 
(@EvanLovesYou )


Name: Blake Larsen

Age: 17

Height: 5'11"

Eye Color: Hazel

Hair Color: Short Black

Personality: Blake is manipulative in getting anything he wants from other people. He will toy with peoples emotions to get toward his goal and getting whatever it is he wants from them. Deep down he can be nice and then again he will be nice to get his way so it's best to watch out.

Backstory: Blake is from a middle class family in Denmark. He has a sister but she currently lives with his mother and father. He moved to the US when he was 13 and lives with his uncle Jack. Now he lives in the states, going to a high school that is filled with girls who swarm him and guys who hate his guys because he is a special type of student.

RP Plot Number: 1
Name: Dimitri (Dimka) Nevaria.

Age: 26

Height: He is the height of six foot five.

Eye and Hair Color: His hair is black, and his eyes are a vibrant green with golden flecks to brighten the colour further.

Personality: He is a man that keeps to himself, mostly. He prefers solitude to company, a book to video games and a warm bed to a whore. When you get to know him, you see that he has a darker side to him, a side that not many get to see. He is aslo kind, and sweet. He has some anger problems, but they are not a huge problem.


Backstory: I like keeping their backstory secret as I reveal it little by little as I write.

RP Plot Number: (for whatever plot you choose) 2

Name: Rika Larsen

Age: 23

Height: 5'8"

Eye Color: Blue

Hair Color: Red and long down to her shoulders

Personality: Rika is very outgoing and generous young woman. She is kind to others but when people get on her bad side all hell breaks loose. She is somewhat insecure but is very open to anything regarding adult situations. Rika is very smart and gifted young girl in the arts such as painting and drawing.

Backstory: (Will reveal along the rp as well)

RP Plot Number: 2

(@Sylvan Warrior )
You know... just glancing over all this... well this is my response (the song, not the pictures):


Screw me, I'm a male.

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