1x1 RP anyone? [Inactive]

jpark96 said:
Awesome! Do you have anything specific you wanted to do?
Not really; whatever's fine; though fantasy sounds cool! Also, (ahhh thank you for answering me! =D ) One question though--how old is your female character? Bc I want to make sure my male character is old enough haha =P
xXxKateKaysxXx said:
Not really; whatever's fine; though fantasy sounds cool! Also, (ahhh thank you for answering me! =D ) One question though--how old is your female character? Bc I want to make sure my male character is old enough haha =P
Yeah we can work something out with fantasy, though my character would be a human, if that's alright? And she's 18!
jpark96 said:
Yeah we can work something out with fantasy, though my character would be a human, if that's alright? And she's 18!
Yeah, sure, that's fine! Is it alright if mine's an elf? =3c
jpark96 said:
That's cool, I've never rp-ed with an elf before so this should be fun :) How old is he?
Ahh thanks! =3 Well, physically he would be around 19 or 20, but he looks like 16 (he's kinda baby-faced =P) In reality, he's about 100 years old. Does that work? =D
Well, I'm not really sure how to incorporate the elf since I've never done it before... x) do you mind starting?
Ah. Um...okay. Forgive me if this is bad!


Elwin was never one to lose things, but today was an exception, apparently. His faithful dog seemed to have run off, hence his walking around in circles for the past hour. His short red hair spiked up in the front, similar to his trademark elven ears, and freckles dotted the space underneath his twinkling blue eyes. "Snow....come here, boy!" He whistled, but no answer came. He should have taken a break, but he willed himself not to.
It's not bad at all, don't worry! (:


Ariella was on an afternoon jog when she was stopped short by an unattended dog. She slowed down to a walk, approaching the animal carefully. Making sure it wouldn't run off, she squat down to its level and gently pet its head. "Hey buddy, where did you come from?" Assuming the dog belonged to someone, she willed to find that person and bring them their dog back. She began walking around the area, looking down occasionally to make sure the dog was following beside her.
Elwin called out the dog's name again, louder this time. "Snow! Snow, come on, boy! Snoow!" He sighed and his shoulders slumped. "Where in the world could that troublemaking mutt have run off to?" he mumbled to himself, running a bare hand through his quiff exasperatedly. Finally he made his way out onto the road again, in hopes the white terrier had done so as well. "Snow...!" he called again. He was getting worried now. Snow had run off before, sure, but never for this long. "Snow, where are you?"
Ariella turned her head this way and that way in hopes of finding the owner. Just as she was about to turn around and go back the way she had come, she saw someone in the distance frantically searching for something and calling out a name she could vaguely hear. Picking up her pace, she approached the male, tapping him lightly on the shoulder. "Sir, is this little guy perhaps your dog?" She lifted one brow in question, her hand gesturing to the white dog beside her.
"Huh?" Elwin turned to the human girl, then grinned as he laid eyes on the mischievous dog beside her. "Why, yes! Snow, where on earth have you been?" He squatted down to pet the small canine, who yiped gleefully. The elf rose and grinned again. "Thank you so much for finding him for me; he's always running off and I thought I'd really lost him that time! I'm Elwin. You've obviously already met Snow." The dog barked and wagged its tail happily, the pink tongue flopping out of his mouth. "You are?" he smiled, extending his hand.
"No problem, I'm happy to have helped!" Ariella grinned widely at the male before her. "It's nice to meet you Elwin, and Snow of course. I'm Ariella." She gently shook his extended hand.
"Ariella..." he repeated. "Nice name!" he grinned. "...You ever have a dog, you know how tricky they can be..." he smirked playfully at the Terrier at his feet.
[QUOTE="Antlered punk]I'm open :)

PM me and we can work something out! 

xXxKateKaysxXx said:
"Ariella..." he repeated. "Nice name!" he grinned. "...You ever have a dog, you know how tricky they can be..." he smirked playfully at the Terrier at his feet.
"Thank you, I quite like your name as well, Elwin. I've never heard anything like it." she looked down at the cute dog. "I've never actually had a dog unfortunately... Always wanted one though!"
The elf laughed gleefully. "Thanks," he beamed, "and Snow seems to like you; I think you'd be good with one! Why haven't you ever gotten one before?" he questioned, sticking his hands in his pockets.
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