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New Member
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Greetings, fellow roleplayers!

My goal is to make new friends and use roleplaying as a way to bring to life and enhance my OCs! I do work so I may not always be so quick to get online.

All the information you will need can will be down below! I sure hope we can be partners!

About me
I speak english and only english.

I don't double

I’m still pretty new to RP Nation so I’m still learning everything there is to know!

-therefore, rp will be done strictly here in PMs

I am an artist so LOOK OUT!
If I really grow attached to the roleplay, best believe I'll be making some fanart!

I only do 1x1 rp in PMs
I write descriptive, in third person, and in past tense

I do try to match my partner's writing length though it’s typically at 2-4 paragraphs if necessary.

Must be 18+ in age

Never been a fan of ghosting. Don't msg me acting all excited, spending hours planning, hyping me up, and then just ditch me right before we begin. I understand being busy, however communication is key! If you want to end the rp or if you know the next few days will be busy in your personal life, just say so!

Please take your time and use proper grammar when we're roleplaying. I don't usually mind but when it gets to the point that I can't understand you, that could be a problem. Mistakes are understandable, I make them too.

When we rp I'm never going to ask for a whole page long but please at least 2-4 paragraphs would be wonderful! I've had people in the past reply with a 3 worded sentence and it tends to get boring pretty easily.

I do like fandoms, but I am an even BIGGER fan when it comes to your original characters and your original fandoms. Please take note that while I can make a few expectations, I personally don’t rp as any fandom characters. I much prefer sticking to my own since acting out someone else's character isn't quite as enjoyable.

I am not at all sensitive to darker themes. In fact, I LOVE them. I encourage staying true to the nature of the character. I prefer slow burn romance.

I have no problem with swearing so long as you stay mature about it. Gore, angst/trauma, and phycological/verbal/physical abuse are always welcome when done right.

I don't have a problem with my OC being moved by your character in ways such as, their hand being held, kissed, being punched, or dragged in a certain direction, etc. So long as you don’t control the way my OC is thinking or what action they are taking outside of an unpreventable force.

On that note, I understand loving your OC, but this is not a one-sided rp. It's not just about you. I've had countless rp partners in the past who would only ever talk about their OC in ways that were completely irreverent to the plot. They had absolutely no care whatsoever for my OCs and instead the entire rp was just a set up to display their characters and their fictional world. So yeah, if you're interested in rping with my OC, then be interested in my OC.

Even if I don't have an OC that can fit the plot or your OC's best interest, PLEASE don't ask me to just make a new one or even suggest it.

Preferred Troupes
Romance is a MUST
(otherwise Found Family)


MxF or MxM

Opposites Attract
Enemies to Lovers
Forbidden Love
Human x Nonhuman
Rich x Poor

Preferred Settings
Modern Fantasy
Post Apocalyptic
Slice of Life
Realistic/Modern MUST include criminal activity

Preferred Fandoms
OC fandoms

the environment either your OC or mine reside in that pairs well with the preferred settings listed above.

Hazbin Hotel / Helluva Boss
Vox x my OC
Baxter x my OC
Blitz x my OC
Husk x Angel

Eyeless Jack x my OC
Jeff x my OC
Slenderman x my OC (found family)
Fandom OC x my OC
Hoodie x my OC
Masky x my OC
Laughing Jack x my OC

Main OCs
(Key word: MAIN. Trust me, I have a lot more OCs as well as side characters that may accompany the main OCs listed below!)

Feel free to communicate with me for any changes even during the roleplaying. I think that's important! I love interacting with my rp partner so don't be shy!

If you’re interested, please send me a PM!
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