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Multiple Settings 1x1 Roleplay


New Member
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Hi! I’m Peek. I’ve seen a lot of cool ideas on here, but I’m super new to forums and super anxious to respond to people since I’m so new and kind of lost.

I’m open to just about anything under the sun! Whatever you want to rp as long as we click and interact well!

Examples of Some Ideas I Have:

Eldritch Horror: I’d be looking for someone who is willing to establish a lore type world for two characters to interact in with a western timeline plagued with Eldritch horrors beyond comprehension. It would mostly be something like cowboys dealing with Eldritch horrors and trying not to lose their sanity as their world is flipped upside down and left in pieces. Most detailed scenario of the ideas I have that I can think of.

Slice of Life: Literally what it says. Modern, Victorian, Medieval, Supernatural, Crime, Whatever.

Medieval Fantasy: Two characters meet together in some medieval timeline, maybe in a tavern or something. They become friends and plan to explore together for some time. What happens happens!

Monster Hunters: Something about this just always made me excited. Monster Hunters as the idea, not the game! I used to have a DnD character for a monster hunter campaign and it was so fun. Maybe two characters join a guild or create something to hunt monsters and explore together? Who knows.

If these don’t interest you, please still feel free to reach out if you’re interested in something kind of low stress and feel that I could be similar in style to you!

I usually write semi-lit to novella, really depending on the person. I almost always make male ocs, but you can make anyone you want. I’m not necessarily looking for romance, I’m more of a what comes along will be what happens. I do, however, want to focus on the character aspect. I love delving into what makes a character tick!

I also like to talk! Since I’m so new to forums as a whole, I’m looking for someone who can help me get a little settled in and stuff and won’t mind helping me when I am confused and lost (because I will be). You can PM me or respond here I don’t mind!

A little about me, I’m 19, looking for someone above the age of 16 or preferably 18, and I love wildlife! I love to collect oddities, like to fish and read, and I listen to just about any music under the sun. If you feel scared or nervous to reach out to others due to high standards or something similar, I feel you and invite you to reach out too!

TLDR: if you’re looking for a low stakes but literate rp focused on character interaction with a lot of detail and enthusiasm, and you think I might be the kind of person you want to talk to, feel free to respond! As long as you’re willing to help me learn to navigate a forum! I’m more of a “make things as you go that suit the roleplayers” person than someone with a strict idea of what should happen in a roleplay.

Interested Genres: Slice of Life, Apocalyptic, Horror, Western, Fantasy, Medieval. Open to All Types.
Hi! I’d be very willing to try out most of these genres and ideas you have (minus monster hunter)! It’d be good to have an RP with a more ‘make up as you go’ feel to it as well

Lower or higher stakes, im willing to talk about and help!

I’ll also try to help you out w navigating this site as we go along!
Hi! I don’t know how many people I can accept separately for these things lmao. But I’d be super interested to see what could happen! I’m really not here to be picky about what people do in roleplays, since it’s not really that deep (we’re all just here to have fun)

I’d love to have someone help me in navigating how this works! And to see how we could bring our ideas together. I have so many thoughts all the time about random things, it would be cool to explore some of them in this sort of format.

If you have any particular ideas or suggestions (about an rp or anything else really), I’d love to hear about them!
Hi! I’d be very willing to try out most of these genres and ideas you have (minus monster hunter)! It’d be good to have an RP with a more ‘make up as you go’ feel to it as well

Lower or higher stakes, im willing to talk about and help!

I’ll also try to help you out w navigating this site as we go along!
Idk if I replied to you or just the thread in general or if I was supposed to but ^^ just reaching out to see if you’re still interested!

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