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Multiple Settings 1x1 Roleplay Partners Needed! (Always Open)


New Member
Heya! I'm Sammy, a lover of roleplay and hoping to find someone who shares that.

For my criteria of roleplays;

First of all, I'm under eighteen. I don't mind roleplaying with anyone under or over that, but I know some can feel uncomfortable knowing that I am a minor. If you have an issue with that, then it's best we don't RP. If your fine with it then we should be good!

I'm fine with one-liners, so go ahead! If you wanna write a bunch, write a bunch. If you wanna do a line or two, do a line or two. I don't mind either. I find myself doing either longer or shorter lines, usually around two-six. I always do third person, too. If you'd like to do first-person then go ahead.

I prefer to do roleplays that are very adventure or character-based. For example, a pirate and a prisoner. Maybe the characters are running from the law. Maybe they are trying to save the world. That sort of thing, where I can get a thrill of something. I don't like things that are too magic-based or spooky based, like if the characters are wizards or some animal-human hybrid. I'm okay if the magic is on the down-low, I guess, like if it's more casual? I dunno. I prefer things to at least seem more on the realistic side.

As for subjects I'm not okay with, I'm fine with anything. I like to keep roleplays not based on dark subjects, but instead, have those bad subjects mentioned or maybe included for some time. I don't like sad endings, weird as it may sound, so I'd prefer it if any characters that have this issues (e.x. rape, suicidal tendencies, self-harm,) they recover or seem to be at least trying to get better. Recovery, if you will. I don't like to write NSFW. I'm okay with suggestive things and romance, but not blatant NSFW.

I'm fine with whatever gender your character is or whatever their sexuality is. My character will probably be LGBTQ in some way. I'm okay with the characters getting into a relationship if it fits, too. My characters are usually under eighteen, however, so they probably won't. Please don't try and get them into a romantic relationship if they are a minor and your character is too old. It makes me uncomfortable. Play flirting is fine.

I think that's it! I'd like to both roleplay with you and at least have some causal talk outside of the RP. It makes me feel more comfortable. Message me if you're interested!
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Hello there! Welcome to RpNation <3. I see that you're also under eighteen, so I guess we already have one thing in common. I wanna ask a few questions.

What fandoms are you into?

What kind of adventures are you into? Escape? Rescue? Journeys?

Do you prefer a 1 on 1 roleplay or a group roleplay?
Hello! I would love to talk to you more about rping! Im not sure how to send a privet message yet but if you're okay with it I would like to talk more about maybe a plot idea. :)

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