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Multiple Settings |1x1| Post-apocalyptic/Dark and Gritty/Demon Hunters | Strong female oc wanted


Ain't that ironic

Land of Confusion

A long time ago, there was a great battle between Good and Evil which altered the surface of the earth forever, nearly wiping out all life in the process. Those who survived founded a sanctuary, a new Church, located in the heart of the ruins. It towers high above, serving as a symbol of hope in these dark times, which it still does up to this day.

For many years after the war children found themselves orphaned all over the place. The Founders of the new Church took them in; providing them with food, safety and place to sleep; but the Founders had a plan in mind. These children were considered special, and were simply referred to as The First (of Many), as they were believed to have descended from angels. Over the years the Founders began training them, moulding them and teaching them how to fight back against the evil still plaguing the land.

Many years have since passed, and they are simply known as Hunters these days. They are all said to have descended from these children, The First (of Many), and the blood which flows through their veins is said to have made them both stronger and faster. The men and women who makes it through the intense training regime spends their entire life killing demons in the name of the Church.


Roleplay experience: I have been roleplaying for 14 years give or take. As a result, I am incredibly picky when it comes to whom I choose to write with, it's not first come first served with me. If I feel like our writing style don't match, I will most likely have to decline.

Posting frequency: Depending on the amount of work, my inspiration level and how many roleplays I am involved with at the time you can expect anything from 1-3 replies every week. I am also a very slow typer; the kind that spends a ridiculous amount of time looking over, re-writing and making changes to their reply before posting; as a general rule I won't post anything I'm not a hundred percent happy with. Bottom line is, If you are looking for someone that is capable of dishing out multiple replies every day, every week, you are going to have to look elsewhere.

Post length: My replies ranges between anything from 3 -10+ paragraphs depending on how inspired I am, how much I have to work with and what's happening in the story.

Literacy level: Somewhere between moderate to advanced..?

Roleplay method(s): I am only open for roleplaying through private messages.


The basics: So I am searching for a long-term roleplay with a strong focus on character development and world building. What I want is a casual and fun roleplay, preferably a few paragraphs long (warning, my replies tend to get lengthy the more inspired I am, just a heads up), with a lot of drama and action. Also, I have a thing for the dark, twisted and downright strange, so don't say I didn't warn ya. This ain't gonna be no sunshine story. There will be gore, heartbreak and there definitely will be violence.

Also, I'm not merely looking for someone to roleplay with for a couple of weeks, I wish to find a long-term partner to talk and discuss ideas with.

In need of: A strong-willed, stubborn and independant female. The kind of woman who stands her ground no matter what. She has to be strong both mentally and physically. (Also, the character I will be using is in his mid 30's, soI would prefer if yours was around the same age.)

Setting: The setting for the roleplay is post-apocalyptic. Basically, the world as we know it is no more, its all ruins more or less. Not to forget about all those demons lurking in the shadows...

Plot: Back in the days MC and YC used to be partners. Despite their differences, they fell in love, and even made plans to get married. But then one day, MC disappears without as much as a trace during a mission, leaving YC heartbroken. In the years that follow, more Hunters are reported missing, only to be found brutally murdered several days later. YC has spent the past years trying to get to the bottom of this, and while out hunting one evening, she manages to track down and capture what she believes is the killer.. only to discover its MC--- her long lost love. Where has he been all these years? Why hasn't he reached out to YC? Is he the one responsible for the murders?

There are a lot of bitterness, unanswered questions and unresolved issues. What once was is no more and all that appears to be left is resentment.


* Someone who is preferably 20+ years
* Someone with basic knowledge of the English language
* Someone who uses correct capitalization, punctuation and grammar
* Someone who enjoys world building, realistic relationship progression and character development
* Someone who pulls their own weight, contributes and helps move the story forward
* Someone who can write multiple characters
* Someone who can communicate their ideas and concerns about a roleplay
* Someone who enjoys talking outside the roleplay
* Someone who doesn't godmod, metagame or powerplay
* Someone that is patient and who doesn't mind waiting a few days between replies

Drop me a private message if interested.
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