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Multiple Settings 1x1 Platonic Roleplayer with many Characters, Plots, and Worlds

Introduction New


Bird of Broken-Wings
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
Hey, I’m Northe.
Disclaimer: I am not here for romance heavy plots. Platonic is not romantic. If I partake in a roleplay with romance between the characters, it is not the main focus, and it will be slow. If you are looking for romance, I am sorry, I cannot help you.

I am always open unless stated otherwise. Please reach out after getting a good idea of what I’m looking for!

I’ll be editing this often and will be replying when I do so. Please contact me through PMs rather than replying.

Anyway, welcome!
I’m well aware this is crazy long, but there’s only a few sections you need to read: What I’m Offering, Who I Am, Who You Are, What I’m NOT Offering, and Other Things to Avoid. Everything else is in depth specifics of genres, plots, themes, and other things. If you read through the above mentioned required reading and then skip to the end and read one plot, that’s cool! If you only read the required reading and come to me with what you are looking for specifically, I’ll weed out all the nonsense and get right to the point! But this is a little introduction to my long winded nonsense…

Also I’ve added tabs and threadmarks now! Look at me, I’m growing! This is just my Ultimate Interest Check.
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Required Reading New
What I’m offering/looking for:
Literate role-plays with an emphasis on storytelling and relationships between characters that develop alongside the plot and influence how the characters themselves change and develop. All characters have flaws, and all characters experience change throughout their story journeys.

  • Who I am:
    • Northe, obviously.
    • I write varying amount depending on who my partner is, from the shortest being two nice sized paragraphs to 3000 words or more. I can adapt, and if you’re willing to put up with me and are eager for something you see, feel free to reach out, we might be able to work something out.
    • I always write my role-plays in third person, and the amount of descriptiveness depends on where and what the characters are doing, as well as my current mental state and timeline. There’s also some dependence on the character I’m playing.
    • I like grammar, but I will never say anything about typos or mistakes unless I can’t figure out the meaning. I’m pretty good at looking at the keyboard and figuring out what key might have been missed, so there shouldn’t be a problem. I tend to write long run-on sentences with lots of commas and clauses, everyone has their grammar struggles. Besides, as long as it’s coherent, nobody cares.
    • I often play multiple characters of different personalities, backgrounds, flaws, and arcs. Sometimes I focus more on one singular main character with the others as more stagnant side characters to fill in the world, while other times, each character has their own perspective and story to follow. This mostly depends on the partner as well. Some people prefer one character each, and I’m cool with that.
    • I usually prefer playing male characters, but I used to play more females. I can go either way, but unless it changes, my go-to will be a male.
    • I play all sorts of types of characters. Humans, Animals, Animal-Humans, Mythical Creatures, Robots/AI, and more. I have varying levels of experience with each, but I’m always willing to learn and try something new out.
    • If you’re wondering about ‘doubling’, I will remind you again that this is a search for platonic relationships, not including love interests. However, if you have a character who you think just really needs a good friend, I can cater to that, depending on what it is. A genuine friend, not a friend with ‘benefits’ or bla bla bla. If you want more details on what I mean by this, feel free to reach out.
    • I enjoy world-building, but I am not the greatest… I will offer brief descriptions for worlds I have already set up to use as a setting, but I’m also open to creating something new to fit with particular characters. If you want a world that allows a fish alien from outer space to meet with a sentient cactus, we can do that.
    • For fandoms, I will most likely not play canon characters. I just don’t do it often and don’t have much experience with it. I might be will to try it out, depending on the context. But I’m totally cool with using a world already built within a fandom and creating characters within the rules. I’ll have an incomplete fandoms list further down.
    • I enjoy OOC chatter, talking and theorizing about characters, coming up with silly nicknames for them, and overall keeping in touch. However, I am terrible at reaching out and starting things. Just know, that even if I’ve been quiet, I’m probably just shy or something.
    • I consider myself to be ‘experienced’, and even if you’ve just heard of roleplaying yesterday, feel free to jump in. I may not know all the terms and applications of things, but I am here to help. I like sharing the things I’ve learned in my (short by comparison to some people here) time role-playing. Everyone’s gotta start somewhere.
    • As for aesthetics, I know some small things about coding, but I’m more worried about readability and accessibility(you’ll see me use accordions later on). I’m often on mobile, and I use light mode. If you change colors of text, just make sure it shows up on a white background.
    • I’m not great with character reference images. I usually draw all mine myself(or use AI), but I usually don’t have an image at all. I’m not confident in my drawing skills, and usually just don’t take the time and effort to do anything about it.
    • I prefer to role-play through private conversations, one set up for OOC and the other for IC. It’s for organization and clear readability.
    • I like to say that I can reply at least once a day, but as my replies get longer and my motivation grows drier, it ends up being longer between each. I’m not going to put a deadline down about posts, because I will likely not adhere to it myself.
    • As for ghosting, all I ask is that you please tell me if you don’t plan to continue. You don’t need a reason, just some indication that you don’t intend to continue.

What I am NOT offering:
Romance based role-plays that focuses on the romantic interest between two characters, no matter who or what the characters are.

Other Things to Avoid:
  • Gambling/Games with winners/losers receiving Death(like Squid Games)
  • NSFW Content
  • Plots surrounding and focusing on suicide. It can be present in minor ways, but not the focus or of the greatest importance.
  • Plots that only focus on one character rather than both/all(unless specified being one that I want to play a GM for and lead you and your OC on a wild story)
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Overview of Interests, Pairings & Themes New

  • Overall Genres of Interest:

    Fantasy: A very broad genre of anything that is impossible in our world. Magic, Dragons, Mythical Creatures, and the like. I am always an enjoyer of a fantasy based world.

    Science Fiction: Another broad genre of anything that is not real in our world… but dare I say ‘possible’. Technology based rather than life based. Things like Robots, AI, Aliens, flying cars, and more.

    Supernatural: The one focusing on things you might see in horror movies or urban legends. Ghosts, Spirits, Vampires, Werewolves, Witches, and various things.

    Superhero/Action: Set in a world more similar to ours but with people who have certain abilities or talents. The level of power or influence of fantasy can fluctuate depending on what it is. Emphasizes fights or battles against a Big Bad and potentially training and/or redemption.

    Detective/Mystery: Another world similar to ours with deep problems or mysteries. Emphasizes figuring out something that was previously unknown to the characters and bringing about some change for the better.

    Slice of Life/School: This can fall under many different types of worlds, but is more focused on the day to day of characters and their relationships with one another. There can be a deeper plot that emerges down the line, but emphasizes the flaws and conflicts between the characters as people attempting to come to terms with their mistakes and growing together.

    Reborn/Regression: This can also fall under many different genres and the ‘rebirth’ can come from different reasons depending. It can be a travel back in time regression, it can be a body brought back to life in the future, or a new life restarted over and over. This one requires more planning to figure out how both characters are involved and how it works. It emphasizes change occurring in people and potentially nature vs nurture and how different experiences and small details can change people in big ways.
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Plots New
About the following plot ideas:

There are various ‘types’ of plots I’m going to be advertising under a few different names. Here you can see my definitions of what I mean by each.
Collaborative: While yes, all of the plots are collaborative, these ones require it from both sides. The influence in these plots will come equally from both of us, through the use of main characters and various side characters and NPCs. We should both have an understanding of what we’re doing and throw in our own twists and turns.
My Lead: We will still both have a main character, but I will be the one guiding the plot through side characters and NPCs. Neither you nor your character will know what is about to happen before it happens. Of course, it’s all surrounding your character, so everything my characters and NPCs say revolves around how you react and respond. But I will be the one orchestrating most of the twists in the story.
Your Lead: The same as My Lead but with you in charge. These will pretty much be offered the same as the plots for My Lead but with allowing you to take control if you wish.
GM: These are similar to My Lead, but I’ll also be playing the ‘environment’ as well. I also don’t have a specific main character, but instead might play a couple sides characters.
Fandom: These are set within the worlds of a fandom but have a specific plot I’ve come up with for them. And I mean a decently developed plot. Other things are obviously still open.

  • 1. Fantasy
    Dragon Hunters Inc.
    Welcome to Dragon Hunters Incinerated! We have two goals here; Hunt Dragons and Don’t get Incinerated! This is your Welcome Guide to ensure you know what you’re getting into.
    1. You’re a Dragon Hunter.
    Yes, it’s true Dragons are extremely rare and powerful, but you already knew that. You’re being paid considerable sums of money just to attempt to find one, but if you manage to kill one, that’s when your life changes. That’s what you’re here for, isn’t it? The money. It’s always the money.
    2. You’ll be assigned a teammate.
    Who is it and what their skill level is, it’s hard to say. All duos are teamed up randomly. You might be lucky and be paired with a seasoned veteran, or you might find yourself stuck with a total idiot.
    3. What happens you to and your teammate is out of our hands.
    You didn’t expect us to give you any weapons, did you? Or training, right? You don’t sign up to be a Dragon Hunter without first knowing how and having the tools for it, right? Right?
    4. Oh, by the way, look out for the Draconic Cults.
    These people are crazy, and they’re kind of known for catching, torturing, and killing Dragon Hunters. But you can handle that too, can’t you?
    5. Don’t Talk to the Dragons.
    Just don’t. Okay?
    **Our characters will be Dragon Hunters on their first mission together trying to navigate the violent yet profitable world of Dragon Hunting. Not only must they cross the continent, but they must avoid the Draconic Cults. Not to mention, there seems to be something suspicious about this whole ‘Dragon Hunting thing’. Don’t talk to Dragons, huh? Wait- you mean Dragons can talk?
    Children of Hope
    Six kids are born on the same night, in the same hour, on the same second. Right at the exact same moment, a solar eclipse blots out the light of the sun upon the earth. Strangely, even in locations where an eclipse should have no effect, the light is diminished and darkened. From then on, the sky is covered with clouds and people grow restless and weary. Violence creeps up across the lands like a plague and it seems that the end is growing near. The six children are raised in this harsh environment, their parents, like all parents, do their best to hang on to hope and look towards the world’s governments to extend peace to one another. Years pass by until no one has seen the sun for 17 years(or more or less depending on the age you want the children to be) for all of the clouds that lay across the horizon. That’s when something changes. These six children find themselves in possession of strange powers that materials in all sorts of different ways. As it becomes harder to control the powers and stay hidden from public view, they are pushed into contact with each other and are forced to figure out a way to relieve the world of darkness. They are the bringers of light and they will return hope to the broken lands.

More plots will be added in the future! Each “Ghost of Ships’ Passing” is actually different to reflect how each plot style is laid out. If you’re curious about those you can compare and contrast.
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