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1x1 partner search


New Member
Hello my name is Craig and I am looking for a partner to have a multitude of roleplays with. I am open to many different roleplay ideas and I encourage an open discussion OOC. I encourage this so that I can grow a connection between my partner and myself. I say that I am open to any form but please no rushed romance, it just feels dry and doesnt give time for the characters to grow.

Here are some general rules, there are not much but still worth looking at.

  • Please tell me if you cannot reply or will be busy. I am flexible with my time but I dont want to just hang around waiting for someone with the chance of a reply.
  • I would prefer the person to be 18+ However I am flexible with this rule depending on what we Rp
  • Please no God Modding. I am open to sharing characters that arent my main but no taking full control.
  • Please respect limits. If you are or I are uncomfortable with a topic or you think its a grey area, talk about it. There is no need to step on eggshells.
  • Have fun!

I have some ideas of some roleplays I would like to do. However not many at the moment. (Side note, I am still very new to this site, so i am still learning how to make posts)

Slice of life (here are some ideas, they can be both male or male and female.)

  • Lost long friends. (This can have some good plot points, i.e. one of our characters could experience a tragic event and make them radically different. )
  • Siblings/step siblings. (This is straight forward, it could be a straight forward rp or if you so wished could have a forbidden romance aspect)
  • Colleagues (I think this would be quite comical, mainly because of the Office.)
  • Team mates. (I think it could have quite the turbulant storyline.)
  • Strangers who become quite close. (This idea is more leniant towards having a romance rp, however anything could happen really.)


  • Demon x Demon
  • Demon x Angel
  • Demon x Human
  • Vampire Lord x New Blood
  • Vampire x human
  • Vampire x Werewolf
  • Witch/wizard x Familiar
  • SuperHero x SuperVillain
  • Super VIllain x Normal Person
  • Ninja x Pirate (why not)


  • Supernatural
  • Lord of the rings/Hobbit
  • Dr Who
  • Prince of Persia (I loved the games growing up and I think it could be interesing to do)
  • Marvel
  • DC (just no superman!)
  • Pokemon
  • B.E.C.K (I love this manga)
  • Bleach
  • Holyland (manga, however I will understand if nobody has heard of it)
  • Darren Shan (Demonata or Vampire Saga)

*New Idea!!! Well Kinda XD*

I am working on a story about certain humans who have an animal spirit living within them. These people have the ability to transform into that animal by any percentage (for example if yc had the spirit of a deer, they could turn into a deer or just grow antlers). However for this idea to work you have to create a personality for not just your character but the spirit that lives inside. This is so that their could be a comedic or serious monologue if the story needs it. However please refrain from going for wolves. I think they are amazing creatures but it would mean yc is essentially a werewolf. If you are interested in this idea please message me.

I hope to hear from someone soon :)
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Hey! I am very interested and you seem like the awesome type to RP with. Please inbox me or reply if you are too.
Hey there, I'd love to do vampire x human or demon x human, I have some plot ideas as well. PM me?

hello! I was interested in doing some sort of long lost friends plot, if you're still looking ^^
I adore the idea of a Vampire x Human/Werewolf - however, I prefer the 'vampire' role. Also, a LoTR role play would be amazing as well.

I'm comfortable playing a male or female of any sexual orientation, as I have in the past. 

I'm also open to Witch/Wizard x Familiar, if the others are taken.
I'd definitely be interested in any of the demon plots/ideas. I have plenty of demon characters, as they're my favorite to play. That being said, the ones I mostly use are one of my personified 7 Deadly Sins; each of the Sins has a character based off of it, and my favorite to play is named Maelle (lust). 

Feel free to PM me :)

If you're still open to it, I'm imterested in the Marvel roleplay. I'm willing to PM  you if you're still looking for someone to roleplay it with you. 
Heeeeey, how likely is it for you to ditch any given roleplay? Also, how often are you planning on posting? I have a fantasy rp that I need someone to play with! If you are frequent, give me a sampler?
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