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1x1 Partner Search x3


Senior Member
OK, yay! I'm in a state of mind where I want to RP. I mean, I want to RP it up!!!!

Now then, before I start talking, just gonna say it.. You. Are. Awesome!! Yes, you right there. You are super duper awesome c';

Moving along, I suppose I shall cut to the chase. I want somebody with grammar and spelling that makes sense. We all make mistakes, so I'll understand when it happens, but we can keep it to the minimum. Because you're awesome.

I can go anywhere from 1-5 paragraphs, so you got a nice range. C:

I'd like to do a couple, but I'm fine with just one plot. I'm not picky either, but... One plot I want to do will involve my own take on a species. C: I've been told they're cute, but you can judge for yourself hehe.

Lastly, romance is optional. I can do with, or without. But I only do MxF plots, because I'm terrible at rping women, and rping dudes with dudes. Sorry, bros, you're still awesome though.

Ooh, one more thing. //hugs for all// :D

(Bad Puns Removed: 1)

I guess you could say, I'm burning to RP x3

Hiya! ☺

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