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Fantasy ★ ♥ Magical Guardians: Boy Idols! ★ ♥ [Closed]


The Queen Bitch


"We are the stars!"


"We are the heroes!"


"We are fabulous!"


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It’s been a long day. Like all of these days since the whole thing started. Now—Let me start by saying that, this was not exactly what he expected when picturing being…famous. Even now, he couldn’t believe he was here, dressed up like this, surrounded by these people. It was all like a very…too good to believe dream, you know what I mean? And he felt like at any moment, he was going to wake up. It was all suddenly going to vanish, leaving all of his expectations behind. But, fortunately, that wasn’t the case! Seto really WAS inside a fancy trailer with his seven band members, dressed up in stage clothing. Oh, and guess what? They had an agent and everything!

The raven head looked out the window, closing the little red book he was writing in. It was almost pitch black outside, only the few passing lights in the distance confirmed that they were still driving down the road instead of an eternal abyss of nothingness. The moon wasn’t even out, or well, at least he couldn’t see it from where he was sitting. So the outside was just…boring. The inside, well, it had a little bit more life but, they were all tired after their show.

“Alright boys, we are almost at the base. I just want to say again, good job on tonight’s show! We broke the record~” Miss Ayane, their agent, said. She was quite the energetic person alright, always on top of things and not one little detail slipped through her fingers. It got kind of annoying sometimes, because she was also a perfectionist—Like the time she didn’t let the boys out onto the stage because their microphones didn’t have their signature colors. Yeeeaaah....

Seto nodded at her, but didn’t say anything in response. He wasn’t that talkative to begin with, but you bet he kept on top of things as well. Everything that was going on and everything that happened, he wrote it in his 'magical' red book—Or diary. It was a very good way to keep track of his daily activities, and of the others' as well.
“Once we get there, make sure to rest mkay!? Because tomorrow we have a big assignment on our hands. But I’ll give you the details in the morning” With that, she closed her agenda and adjusted her glasses, sitting back down on her seat; The big bus shook a little…probably because of the bad road they were on. It’s been a while now…when they were going to get there?

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/tumblr_ml2iznsfaf1ri1ziio1_500.gif.43af4ab1d33f91849a69f567221de3dd.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114696" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/tumblr_ml2iznsfaf1ri1ziio1_500.gif.43af4ab1d33f91849a69f567221de3dd.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Shi stared up at the sky from laying on top of the trailer, moving slow enough for him to stay up there, not without their agents protest, but he refused to leave the venue of their previous performance until he was allowed to do so and for the sake of 'not causing a scene' was allowed. Watching the stars above him as it continued to drive, his stage uniform slightly messed up from the wind blowing against him, his purple hair blowing ever so gently as his panda hat held it firmly down, his right eye remaining covered, 'So this is my life now?~...' he thought to himself, a smirk spreading across his lips as he let out a small giggle, not hearable over the sound of the trailer moving along.

He didn't exactly seem to 'click' with the other band members, well, at least when he wasn't on stage or some other social event... After all he was essentially the little brother of the group, or at least that's how others saw it, he hadn't seemed bothered by the recent events at all, moving on with his life casually as if nothing had changed. upon hearing Miss Ayane's voice he crawled over and leant over the side of the moving vehicle and poking his head in through a window with a cute and innocent expression- Only to hit his forehead against that of Seto's as the Raven haired boy gazed out the window.

"Ouch!~ Seto, you meanie! Now my head hurts~..." he mumbled pathetically in his childish voice, somehow placing the blame onto his fellow band member, soon re-adjusting and climbing in through the window, his small, flexible, girl-like body easily slipping through, his hat having somehow miraculously staying on his head throughout this experience, you could almost swear it was glued on in some way or another, he sat on his previously empty seat with crossed legs and weakly hitting Seto's arm, face scrunched up adorably, "Apologise!~" he whinged, cheeks puffed out stubbornly, completely ignoring their agents comments about the day to come.



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Nishi Nakazawa, there he was - in all his glory. Well, that's what he liked to think about. He was really just your average boy, besides the fact he was going to become a hit sensation and of course he was more handsome than your average boy. But other than those things he was just like any normal person. He enjoyed relaxing, listening to music and eating food.

He was living the dream, on his way from a huge concert, breaking records and causing every girl to swoon when they see him. Ok maybe he was getting ahead of himself; just a tiny bit. But anyway, there Nishi was, sat in a comfy chair and listening to music. "Give it to me I'm worth it, baby I'm worth it, uh-huh I'm worth it." The blonde haired boy quietly sang to himself. The song was mainly directed to girls but who cares - he thought it was an amazing song and he could sing it well.

Just as he was beginning to get into the song he heard Shi complain. Taking out his headphones, he looked at the two boys and placed a finger on his lips. "Could you two please be quiet. Some of us are trying to sing.. Something you guys find hard to do." Nishi sassed before letting out a chuckle. He didn't listen to what their agent just said but was now more focused on the other band members.
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Lui yawned and rubbed his eye like some kid in the morning "I almost slipped on stage, I don't think I did very good" he said to himself as he nibbled on his strawberry flavored pocky . He didn't think he did so good since he had no sleep the night before the show . He sighed and put his headphones on as he began to play POKeMON Pearl on his XL Black DS . He was tired but he wanted to stay up . He began to hum under his breath as he walked around in the game . He was just starting in the game since he restarted it, he wanted to have the rush of fun again like when he first started . He listened to Melanie Martinez, one of his favorite artists . Cake was on, one of his favorite songs by her . Lui probably had pounds of food on his, he had them stuffed in his pockets and in his sleeves, he carried food everywhere . He pulled out a lollipop from his sleeve and popped it in his mouth . He stopped and squealed happily "I love this song!" he laughed and blasted his music killed his eardrums, but he didn't care . He giggled and began to sway side to side as he sang along to himself "One, Ttwo, Melatonin is coming for you . Three, four, baby won't you lock the door?" he continued to sing happily as he played his nerd game . He paid no attention to his partners, he wanted to beat the first gym leader already .

Mood: Tired, very bored.

Location: In the trailer

Akihiro was asleep, or trying at least. Performing was tiring, but that was a bit obvious. He had yet to fully take in that he was really an idol now. It was a bit overwhelming, to tell the truth. While it wasn't loud in the trailer, it wasn't silent like Akihiro wanted. He was somewhat picky about his sleeping conditions, and if it was going to be like this the whole ride, he knew he wouldn't be able to rest until it was over. He opened his eyes a little, leaving them half lidded, and sighed softly. The performance had been successful, and the turnout had been surprising. Fame wasn't something completely new to Akihiro, as his parents' names were often heard on orchestra fanatics' lips, but it was never to this extent.

He decided to stop trying to sleep as Shi came off the roof, Nishi started to complain, and Miss Ayane began to speak. Miss Ayane was a very cheerful person, from what Akihiro knew already. He had a feeling that it would become tiresome very quickly, but he did not dwell on it. As Miss Ayane stopped talking, he opened his eyes further, looking around at the rest of his group. Most of them seemed to be occupied, but unfortunately, he had forgotten to bring any of his books onto the trailer. They were sitting in a pile at home. The thought of it almost brought Aki to tears. Tears of boredom, to be more specific, and speaking of bored, it seemed that as the seconds passed, the trailer was moving slower and slower, and it was like they'd never get to their destination. If only he had a book with him. That would make everything better. He sighed again, this time out of boredom rather than tiredness, and begin to wait.

Lui blinked and took his headphones off, he didn't bring his other games . He whined and curled into a ball nibbling his pocky as he pulled his jacket over his head 'Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo!' he thought to himself as he rolled around on his seat . POKeMON Pearl was great but he also wanted to play Smash Bros and even some AOT . He crossed his arms and sighed shoving more pocky into his mouth 'Oh well' he shrugged it off and continued to play POKeMON Pearl . He didn't want to play anymore, he wanted a hamburger . He didn't have one on his so he sat up and ran a hand through his hair "Does anyone have a hamburger? Oh, or even better a cheeseburger?" he asked . He didn't think that the others didn't carry around food since he always did . He waited patiently for a response from his idol friends .


“……..Hmmph” That forehead bump had come out of nowhere, literally hitting him like a brick. Shirokura…did he really come from outside? Until now, Seto couldn’t understand his liking for strange places—Trust me when I say, he was getting to know this boy quite a lot. All of them actually. For example, you hear that little sigh that came out of Akihiro? That meant that he was bored. He always sighed when he was bored; Seto took note of it. Or that chuckle that Nishi let out after his sassing? Yeah, that meant he thought his own statement was clever and was probably complimenting himself for it. Or when Lui feels troubled about something, the first thing he asks for is for food.

Yeah, he slowly was getting to know them, and it wasn’t even because he talked to them that much. In fact, Seto was probably the most reserved out of all of them…Or well…Observant, would the more appropriate word. But he was always watching.

His eyes glanced back at the pink head, who sat in front of him with a pouty expression and crossed arms…H-he seriously wanted him to apologize?
“No” Seto replied, raising an eyebrow as a smug grin grew on his face. The raven head looked down, taking something out of his pocket—“Why don’t you apologize like a good boy?” And there, in between his two fingers, held in front of him…Was a bar of chocolate.

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Lui frowned and slumped down in his seat . No one seemed to have food . He curled up into a little ball again and whined a bit more before opened up his DS and began to play the game he had quickly grown bored off . He pulled out a bag of chocolate cookies and chewed them up them . He stuffed about 3 in his mouth too frustrated . He was disappointed at himself that he forgot his other games at home and now was only stuff with POKeMON Pearl . He closed the game devise and pouted . He was bored now, a feeling he hated . He continued to eat his chocolate cookies with a heavy feeling in his heart . He wanted to play Kingdom Hearts, that game was fun . Lui pulled out his phone and began to go through his social media, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and more .

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/tumblr_mdrajaozPK1rge4kwo2_500.gif.18c45cb67fd1c5d3d43ddd625d72cd5c.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114731" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/tumblr_mdrajaozPK1rge4kwo2_500.gif.18c45cb67fd1c5d3d43ddd625d72cd5c.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Shi completely ignored the events around him by the other band members, or at least that's how it seemed... Focusing on Seto only, awaiting an apology before suddenly freezing as the boy said no and continued in stating that he, instead, should apologise. The chocolate bar held out in front of his face, The small boy in his panda hat stared at it wide-eyed for a moment before looking up and smiling cheerfully, leaping and hugging Seto, "I'm sorry!!~" he said in a playful manner, snatching the chocolate out of the boys hand whilst in the hug, sitting back down and swaying from side to side as he ate it happily, a look of utter bliss on his face as he giggled innocently.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/tumblr_lw5jfcJVf41qbr6b0o1_500.gif.04be725f01487119533befde424f59ff.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114730" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/tumblr_lw5jfcJVf41qbr6b0o1_500.gif.04be725f01487119533befde424f59ff.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Then there it was, just for a split second, maybe even less, but the 'cute' little boys expression stared at Seto before flickering over the rest of the boys in a rather sinister way, smirk curved on his lips and un-covered eye seeming to almost light up in a metaphorical sense, as if scanning them like specimens, like just for that moment, he was the most superior one there, a strange aura of bloodlust surrounding him. But it happened for such a short time, that if you were to blink you'd already missed it and he'd returned to his normal cheerful self,
"Seto's a meanie!~ Lui's a pig!~ Aki's lazy!~ Nishi's thinks he's a prince!~ Miss Ayane's Bossy!~" he called out mischievously, as if practically asking for trouble.



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Lui threw a cookie at Shi, hitting him directly on his nose . Lui was pouting "At least I don't cause trouble!" he announced and crossed his arms nibbling on his pocky . Shi was a meanie and it seemed like he didn't care about it at all . Lui curled up into a ball again and frowned . He didn't like to be called fat or anything related, probably because it was true and he didn't want to accept it . He covered his ears just in case Shi wanted to say some more mean things about Lui . Lui didn't want to hear it, he didn't want to get bullied on eating o much, it wasn't like he was fat . He was in perfect shape .

The trailer was driving softly into the night. Masa enjoyed those moments of quiet half-light after the madness of a show, although he wished he could have taken a shower and changed into more comfortable clothes before boarding in. The bus sure was going to smell after a while from everyone's lingering sweat, the whole magical boys business not keeping them from being breathing, perspirating young males. That didn't matter much for the bear, who had grown up on the countryside and was used to far rougher living conditions.

Sometimes, he still caught himself thinking that this was all a dream; that one day he would wake up in his tiny one-room apartment and the alarm would be ringing and it would be time to get up and start job-hunting again. Yet every time his alarm rang, it was the main song from their latest EP, and the bed was soft and the room spacious, and it was time to start his day as an idol – of all things. An idol. Him.

Life was weird, sometimes, but Masa took it as it went, aware that there wasn't much he could do about some things. Like riding back to base before taking a shower, or listening to the boys starting to bicker right after Miss Ayane's little speech. They never stopped, did they? Of course, they all got along great, but...

Masa wasn't sure to fit in, if he was to be honest. He was the oldest, and if one forgot his anger management issues, he was the only one with any sort of cute little quirks or weird habits that made the fan go crazy. He was the oldest and, to be honest, the less cute of them all. He was the oldest and... far from being the best singer, and he wasn't sure to be the best dancer ever, no matter how much it hurt him to admit it. No youth, no charisma, no skills – what was he doing here?

When he wasn't dreaming of waking up in his old apartment, he was fearing being told “Sorry, this was a casting mistake”. So he threw himself in the work, training and practising as hard as he could, trying to ignore the lingering awkwardness of a bunch of boys thrown together in one group, forced to act like the best friends ever in front of the public while adapting to a completely new life.

Well, trying to keep a low profile was all nice and great, but there was no way he was going to let them start a bloody food fight when he was trying to have some quiet-down time.

Come on, guys,” he started, his voice sleepy but constant, “let's not start this, okay? We're all tired here. Shi, don't provoke just for the fun of it, and Lui, don't be so easily riled, you know how Shi is. I think I still have some granola bars from before, do you want one?

@Smol bean owo ; @TheHappyPikachu
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Lui quickly plopped down next to Masa and nodded "Yes please" he said . "Thank you" he mumbled covering his face with his jacket . He really had to keep himself from being so offended by being called fat . It was the only thing that offended him though, nothing else offended him . He slouched down and glanced up to Masa "Want a cookie?" he asked sweetly holding up his bag of chocolate cookie bag that he got from a fan . They were really good and he didn't want to just enjoy them himself . He didn't want to start problem with Shi but Shi was being mean right now and he didn't want himself to seem like some baby . Lui rubbed his eye and pouted, he wanted to sleep already ad forget about what Shi had said .

Mood: A little annoyed.

Location: In the trailer

Aki inhaled deeply, stopping himself from responding to Shi's taunts. He should have been used to this by now, but it'd be a lie if he said that he sometimes still was affected by the playful insults. And although he definitely knew he was not lazy, a twinge of annoyance flickered into his mind, causing him to furl his eyebrows, if only for a moment, hoping no one would catch it. Some of the tendencies of his bandmates hadn't exactly settled with him yet, giving him a surprise at least once a day. He hoped the surprises would end up stopping soon, as he'd rather get along perfectly well with them than having to keep guessing about how they acted and what was serious and what wasn't It was all very tricky, and to be honest, Aki was too tired for it. He replaced the annoyed expression he had for a few moments with his neutral one, trying to mask his emotions, but ultimately failing. He should know himself by now, it was no use.

He pulled his phone out of his pocket, a last resort of his. He did not depend on his phone for entertainment most of the time, seeing as he usually had better ways to spend his time, but browsing social media seemed like it would have to do for now, until the trailer reached its destination and they could all go rest until the morning, something proven to be impossible in the trailer.



“…..” Seto blinked; The bus finally came to a stop and miss Ayane stood up almost as if on cue. “Alright boys~ We are here!” The cheerful woman chirped, turning around to exit the vehicle as soon as it stopped. The raven head frowned, taking a look outside—Where were they? This looked too isolated to be a hotel…But you know what? Who cares. Seto still shrugged to himself and stood up, tucking the red book under his arm.

He could hear their agent speaking with some people outside, and the bus shook again, the side compartment opening up so the guards or…whoever they were, could take out the boys' equipment. He followed the woman out, hopping out of the bus with a little smile. Ah, the night air felt good—Hnn! specially stretching! He looked to the side, over to the big building across some gates.
“Welcome to one of our bases boys, you’ll be stay here tonight” One guard said as he approached them, taking a stand beside Miss Ayane, “Mhm, this here is mister Tsukimoto. He’ll lead you all to your rooms” She said, looking down at some papers that were in her hand. “If you need anything you can tell him too. He’ll bring it up to your rooms”

“Whenever you are ready” Tsukimoto said, turning to the band members, waiting for them to get ready to follow him.

Seto quietly looked around at his partners, eyes falling on each of them. Did they think he was mean too? He wasn’t mean. Shi was just being a baby again. Actually…Were they going to have their own rooms? He hoped they slept in pairs or something…Seto hated sleeping alone. It was fun staring at someone at night~
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Lui smiled brightly "Okay!" he said sweetly . He didn't like sleeping alone either . He liked to at least cuddle with someone or just have someone there to warm up the bed . He wondered why Shi wanted to cause trouble . Why would anyone want to do that? Sure it could be fun but it could get annoying as well . He sighed and rubbed his eye tired . He wanted to sleep already . He nibbled on one of his chocolate cookies looking up to the sky . It was fresh and he liked the cool breeze . He looked at all the stars and smiled . He then got lost in throught before he sighed and looked to his idol friends .

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/tumblr_mlltn4hkJf1qzqnxxo1_500.gif.b9b51de149aca8c621910e7575ff3fe1.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114809" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/tumblr_mlltn4hkJf1qzqnxxo1_500.gif.b9b51de149aca8c621910e7575ff3fe1.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Shi smirked at the looks on his band-mates faces after his little 'insults'- well, until he was hit in the nose with a cookie, he fell backwards on the seat and rubbed his nose, quickly eating the cookie in a stubborn manner and giggling, "For a pig you don't have a bad aim!~" he added whilst eating the baked treat. Shi raised an eyebrow, well, the eyebrow you could see at Masa, "But Masy-chan~ It's boring!!" he insisted, flopping onto the older boys lap, soon sitting up on the tattooed band-members lap with knees brought to his chest, poking Aki's cheek, "I'm sorry Aka~ don't be mad." he said innocently.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/original.gif.67091d90417097567d76442985ce062c.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114808" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/original.gif.67091d90417097567d76442985ce062c.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Seto and Shi's relationship. xD )

Soon the trailer came to a stop, causing the pink-haired 'child' to almost be flung off the lap, barely managing to keep balanced before his attention turned to the overly cheerful woman announcing they were here, wherever 'here' was. He slowly crept off Masa's lap like an un-trusting pet of their new home, eventually climbing onto Seto's back and looking at the area around him, glaring at the man in front of them stubbornly as he half-buried his face into the raven-haired boys shoulder, "I don't trust him Seto-chan~… We should steal all his candy, that'd teach him a lesson!~" he mumbled. If you were honest the sight was absolutely adorable, the small boy in his panda-hat clung tighter.



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Masa accepted Lui's cookie with a smile, relieved to see that the boys were still somewhat listening to reason. The important word in that sentence, he reflected when Shi jumped on his laps, was somewhat. Somewhat listening to reason. Not always, not fully, but often enough for life to remain bearable, and the bear couldn't really ask for more, could he?

The dancer didn't have time to answer Shi that the dolphin was already focusing his attention on someone else. With a sigh, he took the cookie into his mouth and handed the mouse not one, but two of his granola bars. Food seemed to be the best way to get Lui to listen to him. Masa had to admit that he would take any means necessary to be the only one doubting the legitimacy of his spot among Gate 8. Learning everyone's quirks and specificities was a foolproof method to manage the delicate balance between their different personalities and the stressful nature of both sides of their work.

Lui's cookie was very good; melting in the mouth yet crunchy and chocolate-y. Masa felt a bit bad: he h had made his granola bars himself, and they were pretty tasty but they couldn't compete with that one chocolate biscuit. He was about to ask where Lui got it when the trailer came to a sudden halt.

Masa's arm came brushing against Shi's back. It was a touch light enough not to invade his privacy but strong enough to keep him from falling, since the poor dolphin had almost been sent flowing through the bus. The bear had acted without thinking but thanked his good reflexes. He listened to Miss Ayane, waiting until Shi left his laps to stand up and step out of the trailer.

The night breeze was refreshing on his face, and he couldn't help but stretch his arms, enjoying this breath of fresh air. He sort of wished they didn't have those guards-roadies around to carry all their stuff for them. He missed the opportunity to do more physical exercise, but once again, some things couldn't be helped.

He nodded to Mister Tsukimoto in agreement and waited for him to show the idols their rooms.
He didn't think that his chocolate cookie would actually hit Shi- at all . He thought the cookie would land on his lap or maybe just bounce off his panda hat that Shi wore most of the time . Lui smiled nibbling on the granola bars that Massa had given him . He thought they were good, most likely better than he could ever make them . He thought all food- most food was tasty and he would eat them without a second thought if it in't a vegetable . He raised his hand curiously and tilted his head shyly . "Are we going to share rooms with someone? Because if we are, I call sharing rooms with Masa" he said smiling brightly as he turned to Masa . Masa was probably one of the nice ones in the group- well more like the one that has actually talked to him besides Shi . The others didn't pay much attention to Lui, not even much of a glance . They probably thought he was annoying now whining about food and stuff that doesn't matter . Lui didn't think much the big guy, or more better known as the guard right now . He looked like any other guard out there . He shivered when a breeze came and wrapped his jacket around him to try and fight the cold away until it was time for them to get inside . He looked to the other boy idols and waited for their answer, he was pretty sure everyone was read to get some sleep, some rest after the show .
Iwata Shou


For a good bit of time, he was briefly spared from the hellish cluster of activity brought on by the other band mates. He was lost in the world of a book, one specifically about the history and use of the Chinese fiddle - an Erhu. Whenever the use of notes were mentioned, Shou would start humming a light tune, matching each piece he read to a pitch in his head. At some points, his fingers would perform the patterns of the strings against the smooth book cover. If he could play a plethora of instruments, what was one more, right?

Eventually, his train of thought and calm processing was brought to a halt. Lifting his gaze - the rest of him still seated at the table - blue orbs scanned the interior of the bus, focusing briefly on Nishi and his music, then the bustling activity of Shi and Seto. It brought a small smile to his lips for a short moment, disappearing soon after so he could simply return to his usually cool demeanor. Around that moment was when the bus came to a stop and Miss Ayane informed the group of what was in store for the night. Listening diligently, Shou proceeded to close his book and stand up, waiting for the agent to finish her speech before following everyone out of the trailer.

Mister Tsukimoto seemed friendly enough, and the light blue haired individual almost couldn't wait to hunker down for the night. Almost. He could stand to be up for a while longer, really, but not for too long. Pausing, he took yet another look around and take into consideration all of the commotion brought on by the others. The noise and the chaos weren't all that bad; though he was more of a calm person, Shou sort of enjoyed the clamor. But would you look at that - Seto minding his own business.

The older male brought it upon himself to approach, giving Seto's shoulder a light, phantom-like pay. Shou never had that big of a presence, and appearing out of nowhere was kind of his specialty.


Mood: Tired

Location: Outside of the the trailer

Aki yawned as the trailer slowed to a stop, grateful that it had arrived to its destination not long after he had became bored. It wouldn't have been much fun to sit in the trailer, bored out of his mind. He stood up, and waited for Ayane to stop talking before walking out of the trailer. At the moment, he didn't care much about the accommodations that they had been given, sleep really being the only thing on his mind. Who could blame him? It was natural for him to be tired after a performance. He raised an eyebrow at the mention of sharing rooms. While he loved his privacy, he didn't exactly have a problem with sharing rooms. It would save space after all.

"I don't have a problem with sharing rooms, not sure if that's the plan though," He responded, the first sentence that had come out of his mouth after the performance. He cast a questioning glance at Tsukimoto, nonverbally asking for confirmation. Just after that, he yawned again, showing his sleepiness off again.



Jeez…this kid—He was so energetic sometimes, that Seto seriously couldn’t keep up. But he was just so fucking adorable, that he didn’t mind it half of the times. Plus, he kinda liked Shirokura…even if the guy could be a little bit…too clingy and a bit whinny. Half of the times, he just let Shi do whatever he wanted. Jump on his back, cling on his arm, talk to him—Whatever it was, Seto didn’t mind. It was nice that him, and the rest of the boys, actually made an effort to interact with him. So here he was, holding Shi up as the boy clung onto his back. Sigh…What are you going to do, right?

"I don't trust him Seto-chan~… We should steal all his candy, that'd teach him a lesson!~" The raven head raised an eyebrow, glancing to the side so he could glance at Shirokura’s face over his shoulder, “He’s just going to take us to our rooms, it’s ok” Was all he said before turning to see the man again, who was now turning around and leading them across the field, towards the building’s entrance. Some other men followed the group, carrying their luggage. “Good night, boys! Rest well!” Miss Ayane exclaimed, waving at the group from the bus.

"Are we going to share rooms with someone? Because if we are, I call sharing rooms with Masa" Tsukimoto blinked, turning around when he heard one of the members ask that question. “Oh no, each one of you will be getting your own rooms.” The man said and turned around again. His answer made Seto frown a little, clicking his tongue in annoyance. Aaaaww…Was he going to have to sneak out again? Whose room should he sleep in tonight? Last time, it was Kiyo’s and let me tell you, that guy sleeps like a log. He didn’t even notice Seto there. Maybe…Shou’s? Yeah…perhaps. Shou was the one that he least knew of, mainly because he had such little presence in the group—Like he isn’t even there. Still, Seto noticed him. But finding out more didn’t hurt.

The group was led across the main lobby and towards a desk, where a woman bowed down and greeted them with a smile,
“Good evening. Here for the rooms?” She asked, making Tsukimoto nod. She then turned around and took out eight keys from a drawer, handing it to the man. “Thank you” He said, and then turned towards the eight boys. “Alright, here are your keys. You’ll find the rooms upstairs. The numbers are on the tags. Your bags will be brought up to you in just a moment”
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Lui sighed and shrugged smiling, oh well, that was fine . He stretched and smiled brightly, he was ready to sleep- that's what most would say . He just might stay up and play video games . He waited patiently for his tag and key so he could pull an all nighter . If they had to share rooms he would have had to sleep . He didn't get sleep thought he was with anyone last time, he spent his time pulling an all nighter when that happened . He made sure to keep everything low so his idol friend could sleep peacefully . Lui rubbed his eye, on his cheek was a lipstick stain he was too lazy to smear off by a fan . She got past the security and planted a big kiss on him . He sighed and began to smear it off, he wondered if anyone else would stay up as well . Lui looked down and ate a cookie, maybe he could play something on his laptop, he made sure he brought it along with everything needed like his charger .
(Depression can go fuck itself, I'm going to try and reply as much as I can)



Nishi didn't really take notice of the other members on the bus after what he had said to Seto and Shi. He had just gone back to listening to his music. Nishi didn't really mind the other boys - everyone here was unique in their own way. They were all on the same level but Nishi didn't think that; he believed he was better than the other boys at singing and just being a person in general. Tons of girls liked him so this totally meant he was the best one, right? Yea not really, his mindset could be pretty arrogant at times but he never really took notice of it.

Upon noticing the bus stop and everyone follow Miss Ayane out the bus, he quickly snapped out of his own little world. Taking the headphones out of his ears, Nishi followed the other boys off the bus and stood behind them quietly. He wasn't really in the mood for talking with anybody and just wanted to sleep.

The place they were staying was rather outstanding, if Nishi was honest. Not something your average group of band members would stay in - most would just stay in a normal apartment but they were staying in a 'base' - as the man named Tsukimoto said. The fact they were staying in their own rooms made Nishi rather relieved; all he wanted was to get into a room and fall asleep without anybody bothering him. Seeing Tsukimoto hold out the boy's keys, Nishi grabbed his and began walking off in the direction of his room.
After another days filled with work, the blonde finally felt relieved once he was in the trailer. Seriously. He felt one of these days he would be blinded by the flashes from the cameras. His jaw had also begun to feel sore as he kept up his smile for most of the day. Ugh thank god it's finally over

Not wanting to deal with the other members drama for the next couple hours or so he took the chance to sit in the corner. Learning early on they were ridiculously loud he was fully prepared, and plugged in ear buds, and an eye mask giving off the vibe to not bother him. Like that he slept the entire trip. Generally he was a light sleeper so when the bus came to a stop, and feeling a nudge on his arm he woke up easily.

Yawning he took off his eye mask, and dangled his ear buds on his ear, and followed the other members in order to get his room. When it seems like they were going to share rooms, Kiyo grimaced. Although he did not mind staying in the same room with some of them, there were quite a few he'd rather not share with. Luckily they all had separate rooms.

Without hesitation he went on and grabbed a key from the man's hand which had the number 1 etched on it, and twirled the key chain around his finger until he reached his room.

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