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Multiple Settings 1x1 MxF Rp Idea.. :)


New Member
Anyone up for a fantasy Rp? 1x1, prefer men, dominant and possessive men a plus!

My Character, Mara is a Demi-God, fresh to her powers, and still getting used to the god living inside of her. Maybe she runs into your character... A shape shifter, or something else that is old, and powerful enough to be interested in her... insert plot line and quest of our choosing, and we have an RP!! :) let me know if you're interested! I do have other ideas as well! :)

Honestly, I am so ready to dive into a good story, I don't care what it is at this point! lol

your guy happens upon a small craft, floating dead in space and, upon boarding the ship finds nothing but flickering lights, and low life support systems. No crew can be found, but there is a single cryo pod in the cargo area that shows life signs. Taking the pod back to his ship, he will meet Mara, and find out why she was locked away and frozen in space by her people. This is just a general outline.. I thought of it when I read the genre of this forum.... lol let me know if you're interested, and if you have anything to add or tweak!

In the year 2038, a plague killed 99% of the world's population. With the old world gone, technology deteriorated, and by 2200 the tech level was medieval. From there, humanity has very slowly but surely begun to recover. Now, in 2838, the Old World has been almost forgotten, and the new world is that of struggle and sacrifice for most. As a means to survive, some humans have evolved to have superhuman " Powers" that allow them to climb to the top of the food chain. These Powered humans have begun rounding up those without to be used as slaves, or sacrifices. Will you abuse your gifts, and claim the girl as your own, or will you help her bring down the stirrings of your corrupt society? The choice is yours.
Great! move to PM and start? :)
Well, how much do you usually write? I usually do about 3 to 9 paragraphs, but I’d love it if you could do at least two. If that’s fine :o
I’m just not very into one liners, that’s why I’m asking :3
Haha.. No! I am the same. I am detailed, and tend to match my partners.. so, if you're not giving me much to work with, and I have asked you to maybe try a little harder to push the plot forward, and you're not doing it... I will stop putting in effort. Otherwise... I am great! :)

in other words... no, I don't use one liners, and can write anywhere from four to ten paragraphs depending on how much detail i was given, and my level of interest in the RP.

Mara kept her eyes closed for a bit as they walked, trying to calm her heartbeat, and get used to the large number of bodies in front of them. She knew that soon, she would need to step in line with the rest of the people here, and was not looking forward to being surrounded by this many people. She felt Nexus shift, slowing his pace slightly so that her hand slid between his shoulders and over his neck, assuming that he had arranged the position for a reason, she smiled slightly and opened her eyes as he began to explain where they were going, nuzzling her hand soothingly for a moment.
Suddenly, Nexus was gone, the warmth of his fur missing from beneath her hand. Mara knew that he wouldn't have gone far, and that being a shapeshifter, it was entirely possible that she may soon feel the weight of a small mouse in her pocket, or a tiny kitten curled on her shoulder. Even though Mara knew instinctually that he would never just leave her without a warning of some kind, she felt Parvati force herself to the front of her mind, not trying to take over Mara's body, instead it felt almost natural to Mara... Like the goddess had finally taken up the seat Mara had been saving for her.
Parvati's senses adding to her own, Mara gasped in wonder and began to look around her in wonder. She could now see everything around her in sharp detail, each loose stone on the ground at her feet, and the people! Before, Mara noticed almost nothing specific about her fellow travellers, doing her best to ignore them as they walked past her and joined the foot traffic. Now though, each and every individual in front of her was bathed in a slim, swirling pool of dancing colors of light, each aura different that the one next to it.
Mara almost missed Nexus speaking in her ear as she gasped in wonder at the beautiful sight in front of her. But, at the sound of his voice, Mara felt Parvati sigh, relieved to know that Nexus was near once again, though instead of retreating into the back of her mind once more, Mara felt her almost sit back slightly, still there at the front of her mind, sharing awareness with her, and not competing for it.
By now they had reached the moving line of people, the moment he explained the reason he had turned into a fly and crawled into her ear, a tall purple creature slowed down slightly, waving the tentacles on his face, as if motioning for her to step ahead of him in line. The creature smiled at her as she took the place he offered, showing off two rows of sharp and jagged teeth. " Thank you" Mara murmured, offering him a smile of her own as thanks. Her voice came out strange, and it took her a moment to realize that the reason was because it was now two voices, speaking as one. Both her voice, and the deep reverberating tones of the goddess inside of her flowing together to speak at once. She turned around and began walking when the purple creature gave her a startled look upon hearing the dual voices speaking to him at once, he gave a brief nod of his head and took a step back, giving her space to continue walking.
Mara ignored his shock and confusion, focusing instead on the sights around her, soon catching sight of a basin with a bright silver light burning brightly from it's center. After listening to Nexus's description, she murmured " it's beautiful! This is how they distinguish the districts?" Making sure to keep her voice low after the reaction she had received from the creature earlier, also knowing it would appear that she was talking to herself with Nexus curled up against her ear. She had a few seconds to notice a bird of some kind resting on the edge of the basin, but before she could look closer and distinguish what kind, it lifted it's wings and took flight as she passed it.
Upon hearing the cries and shouts of the vendors, Mara remembered that she was only wearing her jacket and pants, knowing that they were still not at the end of their journey, and were about to meet with some of his colleagues, Mara whispered lowly to Nexus, both her voice and Parvati's still mingling together to speak as one. " I need clothes before we leave, I am going to see what I can find quickly since we are here." As she finished speaking, she stepped out of the traffic and straight into the small sea of shoppers, already having to wave off vendors stepping in front of her to show her their merchandise, causing her to quickly scan the area looking for anything promising.
After a few minutes of searching, she caught sight of a man standing quietly next to his stall, a small woman seated next to him pulling a bolt of shimmering gold material up from the floor next to him, measuring off a length to begin working on her next project, a large loom sitting behind them. Pushing away particularly pushy vendor currently waving a large, glittering necklace in her face, Mara made her way to stand in front of the stall, staring at the man in front of her.
He appeared to be human, around her height with dark black hair that fell to his shoulders, and deep brown eyes, a bored expression on his face as she approached, he merely looked her up and down a moment before jerking his head toward the woman next to him and growling rudely at her. " If you're here to buy, tell the girl what you need... Otherwise be on your way" slightly taken back by his attitude, Mara shifted her attention to the woman next to him, only now noticing how young she was. Appearing to be around thirteen, the girl smiled up at her tentatively, holding out her hand and smiling apologetically. " ignore my brother, I do! " she laughed, lifting her eyes to meet Mara's dead on for the first time. Mara was shocked to see eyes strangely similar to her own glowing back at her from the face of the lovely brunette teen. Without hesitation, Mara took the girls hand, intending to introduce herself, only to feel a slight ripple of magical energy cross over her palm at the contact.
Seconds later, the girl gripped Mara's hand tightly and closed her eyes, the energy building slightly against her skin as the girl tilted her head to the side and frowned slightly. After a moment, she let go and opened her eyes, standing efficiently and making her way to the back of the stall, rummaging around for a few seconds before coming back with a large bag, already filled with clothing. " here you are. These have been enchanted already with protective spells, and will stand up nicely for the rest of your journey. A little pricy at ten gold, but you won't find anything better suited for your needs. There's even a few... Undergarments, in the bottom of the bag dear." she explained, pulling the items out of the bag to show Mara a soft brown leather jacket, with a cotton hood attached, a beautiful forest green top with long sleeves, and a cut out over one shoulder almost exactly where Nexus's mark was on her body, and a pair of normal looking jeans, thankfully leaving the discreetly mentioned undergarments for her to discover later. Unsure of exactly how the girl knew what she needed, and how it had already been prepared, Mara just nodded her head " These will be lovely.. Thank you!" Mara smiled, reaching into her rucksack for her money, counting out ten pieces before dropping the pouch back into her bag once more, knowing it was safe once the bag was closed.
After exchanging the gold for her way back into the line of travellers, Mara followed Nexus's directions until he told her that they had made it to Tvette's. " I'm sure I will... Especially if she will rent us a room with a shower!" She laughed, smiling down at the familiar panther once more, walking past the buildings guard and following him inside.

This was my last reply to another RP... if it will give you a reference.

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