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Multiple Settings 1x1 - MxF - new in town;


New Member
Hello! My name is Cait. I am fairly new to this site ("fairly new" as in, literally a few hours ago), but I am not new to the role playing game. I have been inactive for several years, but am now looking to get back into it as a creative outlet again -- and maybe make a few new friends along the way.

I am a very laid back role player, but I do ask for quality, modest grammar use, and cleverness. Everyone makes mistakes and takes some liberties with literacy, but please do not send me "(s)he shrugged" when I just sent you at least a paragraph, mk? My post style is to engage your response to mine so that we can get a nice volley going. That may involve dialogue or context and nuisances in the sentence rather than directly telling you what happened and how you should respond to it... because what's the fun if we constantly know what is going to happen or where this rollercoaster of prose will take us?

Now that my novel is out of the way, here's a more streamlined version:
- I do not have any limits, except those put in place by this site.
- I would like to role play over PM, but would be willing to over thread if you create it (like I said, still new... so learning)
- I role play MxF and prefer female, but will happily double as well.
- Romance is not required and, if at all, would hopefully happen naturally. But, as you will see from some of my "cravings", there may need to be a little involved xD
- Please be at least 18
- Speaking of, our characters should be at least 18 as well
- Have fun! Role play no longer floating your boat? Let me know! It'll be no hard feelings. I will give you the same courtesy.
- I will be on fairly regularly and reply quickly when I am active, but do work an 8-5/M-F job and have the occaisional social life. That being said, if I intend to be inactive for more than a day or so, I will let you know.
- Also, while there will be some fantasy genres listed in my cravings, I am not looking for any furry/anthro fluff. Thanks!

- Angels / Demons
- Vampires
- Hunter x Hunter // Hunter x Monster
- Best friend x Best friend // Roommates
- something Hemlock Grove-esque?
- something involving a Witch/Warlock school? Harry Potter meets Magicians?
- work setting rivalry?
- Assassins or Secret Agent style missions

I am open to hearing your original plots as well! Just let me know what you have cooking and I can let you know if it is something I would like to commit to :)

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