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Fantasy 1x1 Medieval fantasy adventure plot!


Bisexual Panic
"Got a hole for a heart and a tongue like a knife"
A massive city, undecided on the ongoing civil war has never been more of an oasis for adventurers. But, also a haven for thieves and bandits coming to hijack the trades to the two sides of the war the city is supporting. The Queen refuses to chose a side despite the war being for her throne, she believes it is pointless but to support the people in her hold who haven't deflected she is willing to sell weapons, armor, and rations to the two armies. The entire kingdom is strained, the Court is on edge and panicking, trying to keep themselves squarely neutral in the war while keeping up the gold income for their hold. The Queen is grieving the loss of one of her children and all of her decisions are weighed down. Her living child, and heir to the throne, feels they must prove themselves to the kingdom before taking the title from their mother. The Advisers and thanes object to this, but they are set.

Confident they can find a way to end, or at least lessen, the war they leave. Not before running into a smooth talking, snake oil salesman in the market district of their own city. Something about them catches the heirs eye. Whether it was their charm, physical strength, or just the strange feeling that they haven't seen them before (Despite knowing most of the market sellers,) it draws their attention. Maybe not in a good way, perhaps they want to get rid of them to protect their people from their tricks, or maybe they want to learn more themselves. Whatever the motive they get tangled with someone they shouldn't have but still have their personal mission to accomplish.
I'm looking for two different players, both for 1x1 with me, however. I want to do two versions of this! One where I play the heir, and one where I play the thief! Parts of this plot can be revised for whatever you'd like! Perhaps you want something different with the heir's life, or the war, we can discuss changes like this totally!
I do have fleshed out characters for me to use in either place so don't worry about that!
Romance is a possibility but won't be like... confirmed in the start I suppose? Like, it'll be something we build up to as the characters get to know one another and maybe find something there but it's never totally out of the window or planned from the start! We can discuss the possibility of course but I won't say outright if the characters will or will not get together. I may comment on how they could, or how I could see them, but that can change.

There will also be a lot of characters added in as we go along! If I play the thief there's the Thieves guild characters and other characters I may want to add, for the Heir there's the court, other royals, guards, stuff like that!

In both places I will add more characters who may come and go or may stay throughout and you are free to do the same!

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