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Fantasy 1x1 me bro I know you won't (No seriously, You Should-New & Looking)


The Realistically Unrealistic
Boy-howdy! I think it's time I get a few things going ( hopefully ah-haha- ). You may call me Fal, and after flitting around looking through other posts, I decided to make one of my own! A few things about me is I'm on EST, I'm 21 and I have a few personal things I need to attend to on occasion- But regardless! Here's the thing! 


  1. Bear in mind I’m still generally unused to forums ( but it seems pretty simple thus far ), so this whole thing is generally “odd” to me; however, I will keep you updated if ever I will have a problem replying or something were to keep me from the RP.
  2. Following in that vein, if the story CANNOT continue for either party if for any reason ( from at least my own perspective for instance or something were to occur ) I will run it by you first and I’d like that same respect in kind.
  3. I am a semi-literate RPer, using around 2-3 good paragraphs if not more to reply ( writing novella threads on Tumblr back when really helped ). I’m flexible with reply length usually, but I WILL NOT work around one-liners whatsoever. A paragraph minimum is preferable. I won’t nitpick your grammar or your English mistakes, we’re only human.
  4. Certain characters of mine- IF NOT MANY OR ALL- will have sensitive and/or viably darker matter to their themes or contexts. Of course, depending on whom they are, I will alert you of which is which beforehand! It must be a given that you are fine with cussing and references to violence, however, as those will be prevalent across the board. 
  5. I have no preferences in reference to age/gender/sexuality with characters; however if there is to be romance and a little more than that, then I’d prefer them to be 18 and over as a general certain comfort. But platonic romanticisms ( hand-holding, brushing hair, sharing a bed with no physicality, etc. ) are a-okay with me too! There’s hardly enough of that as is. Pairings of any kind are more than welcome to be explored here.
  6. If EVER I make something awkward or uncomfortable or hard to reply to whether IC or OOC, and I cannot emphasize this enough… Just communicate that to me. There is no worse feeling than being blacked out.

Plots / Things I am Willing to RP ( everyone loves them pre-disposed ideas ):

  1. Something following in the same vein of the 1996 film DragonHeart; essentially where the Dragon attempts to cleanse the evil from the heir to the throne (and thereby save his life) by giving him half its heart. However, by saving his life, it only managed to fuel the dictator to the kingdom. I DON’T KNOW MAN. I just really love this plot. So maybe… A mythical beast is forced to give over half of its heart to help cleanse the darkness eating the other? Whether it succeeds or not is up to discretion of the storyline of course but — I also think there’s potential for some emotional distress where the beast and the “person” or however can either form a bond and share the light OR destroy one another. JUST ME THOUGH. I ramble.
  2. I really like the notion of uh… Deity/Herald or Successor ( kind of a remodeled version of the teacher student thing I suppose ). BUT THIS ONE IS HIGH FANTASY POTENTIAL HEY-O. Especially if the Deity is forced to extinguish because there is no more faith in it anymore so thus, the Herald/Successor is then thrust into their throne whilst also in mourning. Oops.
  3. Literally anything Fantasy will suit me. You’ve read that so far. Or Space, depending.
  4. Animals, not wholly human characters, supernatural beings ( IE: deities {Loptr, Hekate, etc.} , cryptids/mythological beastlies, I even did personified planets once that was fun — ).
  5. Fandoms ( Kingdom Hearts, Pokémon... Does anyone like Fandoms anymore though? Literally ask me about my fandoms I will talk forever ).
  6. A Knight and his/her Princess/Prince soon to be Queen/King and their bond. UNREQUITED LOVE? OR TRUEST EMOTIONS? Hm. Who knows?
  7. The time-old classic of Heaven and Hell? I'm down for that. 

Things I Won’t RP

  1. Zombies. You’re cool and all, zombies, but not my type of crowd. I’m sorry.
  2. A/B/O settings ( which, thinking back to the rules, I’m sure won’t be allowed here anyhow ).
  3. Slice of Life / College / School settings ( take this with a grain of salt, as I may change my mind if it’s presented correctly ).

That's it I suppose? If you have any questions, comments, concerns like/comment/subscribe or even if you're interested in something to discuss, just drop me a line! I know it wasn't all too organized- But I hope it gave you some sort of indication. ovo;;
Hello!!! I am very interested in roleplaying with you! I love your ideas for roleplay since I love fantasy/Medieval/Mythological roleplay ideas! Yours are really interesting to me and I would love to discuss further with you if possible ^^

Also, if this is alright are you alright with MxM Pairing???
Two, I like number two the best. Lots of potential, lots of 'em.

Say, if you're not uncomfortable with 'unorthodox' characters, please do feel free to PM. 
Hey! You just seem real approachable and funny and I'm interested in multiple threads of what you've presented so I hope we can PM chat when I'm off post lock for being new!
Ooh, pick me, pick me! Wondering if you'd be interested in a loose plot idea I have. PM me please if interested.

And I'm totally into fandoms.
I'd love to work on a DragonHeart rp with you. I've been very interested in doing one myself and think it would be a lot of fun

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