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(1x1) (M or F) Elemental Fantasy Rp


Four Thousand Club
Hi, I'm Techie. I'm just getting back into rping again and I wanted to dive back into my original project I've been working on. It's a large scale idea but these rps I'm doing is solely 1x1 as of right now. Don't know in the future, but one step at a time :) . I'm looking for someone that is interested and committed to finishing a story with me. And maybe be a part of this world I'm creating now and in the future.

  • Volna, our world that still is not fully explored thanks to the dangers that sweep across it. Ezma, the land that is under our feet and held by many that feel their bloodline is superior or those their people deemed worthy of leadership. Many nations growing and others already established and hidden from the chaos in the outer world.

    Our story begins in a time where it is said The Attunement occured. It was said that within the large ancient forests of Uialthum, inside the ruined hallowed rune stone halls of Sh'atonai, the energies that surrounded us were mingled with. Four Disciples felt their presence and sought their power. Each were granted a bond, a sigil of oath.

    An oath that pairs the element and the mage attuned to it. An oath that nulls their use of their opposite; Fire vs Water, Earth vs Air. They can use the others fairly well but have the most strength with their respective element. These four are powerful yet struggling to control their newly found powers.

    Within the halls, a few were touched by the unknown and felt the ripple between their world and what they called the Veil. There were three other elements that no one had sensed before them. They each had a name for what they felt, ultimately perceived as: Arcane, Life, and Death.

    One had felt as if they were superior to the others, while the one who didn't feel their presence was humble. Soon they were to figure out how far one would go to be close to a deity.


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