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New Member
Roleplay Availability
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Hello! I’m looking for literate adults (18+) to roleplay Girl From Nowhere with.

For this I’d like to play Nanno, along with a Male oc for yours to make it m/m. If you want we could bring in f/f for Nanno as well, just remember it won’t really be all lovey dovey with her since it would be more manipulation and something more toxic. We can go off the plots made or make a new school together. We can explore different ones too.

Because of the possibilities with this, I ask that you could be more than one character. I will do the same.

If you wanna bring in Yuri, we could totally do that! It would be more interesting. Since I’m gonna play Nanno, you could be Yuri if you wanna add her in.


I only roleplay with adults. 17 and under DO NOT interact.

I’m looking for people who are literate! One-liners and small paragraphs aren't something I’m looking for.

I won’t do smut, incest, nor will I want anything forced. No p*dophilia. I understand Girl From Nowhere is a dark show, but I don’t want to write any of this stuff out.

I expect you to be active. Of course, we all have lives but being completely ignored is never fun. I get if you gotta do something, just please let me know.

Be lgbt+ friendly! The rp won’t be straight and I want my partner to be comfortable with that.

Looking for people who are okay with playing more than one character when need be.

Hope this interests you, feel free to reply if it does.

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