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Realistic or Modern 1x1 looking for male charecter


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hey all, I go by Harley, I am a rper in my 20's who was apart of quotev for probably around 9-10 years or so, but with their decision to remove groups i've primary been rping on discord, I have been using iwakuroleplay as one of my sites to find RP partners on, and a friend of mine mentioned they joined this one as well and I figured i'd give it a try
To be entirely honest I'm not sure that I did the best job explaining this, I am writing this a few days after the dream so I'd totally be down to flesh this out more 1x1, I'm also open to adding other elements perhaps like supernatural beings(im a sucker for the spooky season lol)..., that being said I am looking to play the female/G role in this, I am not looking to double up if possible, i also only rp with those 18+ as i am as mentioned, in my 20's
I recently had a dream that I think would be fun to rp, it's fairly slice of life, BxG, where for some reason or another, G ends up staying at B's family home, likely a freind of one of B's siblings, however while the two may know of each other they have never met until now, perhaps he's been in college somewhere else or something but has come back home. Give me a cutesy romance with best friends brother, forced proximity, strangers to friends to more, give me little smiles as they watch the other just being themselfs without realizing they're falling in love, etc...
I am a person who adores plotting, the more the better honestly, I also tend to make Pinterest boards for my characters with sub sections for all sorts of things

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