1x1 ideas, anyone? :] Long term.


New Member
Hello! I've been really itching to roleplay the last week, and haven't really had any response on some other sites I frequent so hopefully someone will be interested! I don't really have any plot ideas, but we can work out the details later. I like to play FxM but if push come to shove, I don't mind FxF or MxM.

Here are some of my pairings:

Themes (not limited too though):Romance, Drama, Action, Suspense/Mystery, Crime Life, Fantasy, etc.

  • Alien x Human (kinda have a plot, but kinda not.)
  • Game Maker x Experiment (I have a plot, I just don't know the exact details. Just the big picture lol.)
  • God x Human
  • Scientist x Experiment
  • Vampire x Vampire (or Human.)
  • Strangers (might have an idea or two. )
  • Enemies

Fandoms, Anyone?

  • Doctor Who
  • Harry Potter
  • Hunger Games
  • Divergent (Insurgent)

Please do not hesitate to suggest something! I would love to try out anything! :]

Also, anyone can roleplay with me! Just send me a PM or reply to this thread

Well, I can tell you're aiming for a romance XP

I've only been part of one romance rp before, but I'd be willing to take part in one. No ideas at the moment though, I'm in a bit of a rush to get to class, but I'll come up with something when I've got more time.
That's great! It doesn't necessarily need to be romance, although it is always a bonus. One of my pairings, the game maker and experiment isn't a romance. Lol. If that counts for anything? What sort of things do you normally RP? :D
I am interested as well but that is only if you are still looking... I would like to try a romance too.
Um to be honest I really like your ideas! We could try building off something really basic. And if you don't mind I would like to rp as a male (even though I am female) because I have not tried it yet... but you can look at my blog of one of my characters. Ryo Inozuka is my main. I think he would be perfect for a romance.
Yes! As many people can reply and I would like to roleplay as much as possible. I have to go to work soon and will need to see what type of roleplays you guys would like to do. :D
I am cool with anything however i would like to try romantic action... and it'd be cool if it took place in the future
I would love the idea of a romance story. Maybe a romance/drama/action or even with mystery/suspense for a vampire/werewolf romance.

I also would love to do a Harry Potter one. Maybe a story involving first year Slytherin and Hufflepuff teaming up for something and then being friends and maybe more?
[MENTION=2313]Krissy[/MENTION] If i'm not too late, I'd love to do a suspencey romance between a vampire and a human. :)
Nope, not late at all. :D Would you be the vampire or human? What would your character be like? Man or woman? Etc.

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