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1x1 + Group Partner Search ~ Always Open + Ignore Post Count~


mighty lil goon

Hello All


Rules That I Request


Be interested in the role-play. I don't mind how long it takes you to post, just don't leave me hanging. Please don't nag me since I'm giving you a free amount of time to reply~ I post at least once a day.

Post more than 2 sentences. It's alright if you have writer's block and post two sentences but I except 3 sentences to 1 paragraph. I'm more of a casual and simple role-player.
Absolutely no one-liners, I will call you out. Also, please try to put effort into your posts. It really bothers me when I have to guess your grammar or if I can be able to fix your paragraph completely.

I play both genders. I'm pretty good with playing
either Male or Female now. My only request is that you have to be okay with playing either genders~

Please be okay with rejection, if I don't like something I'll tell you. I'll be flexible if you are ^^.

Definitely include your ideas! I would love that. Let's think of a wonderful plot together~

When making your character, all I need is a picture (anime or realistic), name, age, and that's it. That is the


Italics are where I can play either part in gender/role of the role-play. Bold is where I have a character for that. These can be Pairings for both MxF. Some I have plots for, the ones underlined. ** are for ones I'd be interested in. Strike through's are ones that I have done or I won't do them anymore.

Quick Update: I took down MxM because I realized it made me look so mean to some people that had asked me about an MxM role-play since I have never done one before! My apologies everyone, I only do MxF For now!

Quick Update #2 (August 12) I now accept FxF types of genres! So now FxF and MxF!

-Wolf x Vampire

Wolf x Human**

Wolf x Wolf

-Vampire x Vampire

-Vampire x Human** (Open for one more!)

-Rockstar Vampire x Human

Genie x Human

-Demon Genie x Human

-Poor x Rich

-Apocalypse Survivor x Survivor

-Apocalypse Survivor x Infected

-Time Traveler x someone in the future**

Detective x Detective**

-Pirate x Victim

-Half-robot/cyborg/humanoid x Human(I have exceptions though)**

-Mental Person x Normal

-Shapeshifter (Like Mystique) x Normal**

-Gang 1 Member x Gang 2 Member (Two opposing gang members fall in love, just to clarify)**

-Shy guy x Crazy/Nice girl (Search Yandere for the definition of the girl)

-Shy girl x Crazy/nice guy (Yandere)**

-Psychopath x Regular**

Psychopath x Hostage (Or someone who owes money, PM me for details)

-Mean rich guy x Nice poor/moderate girl

Celebrity x Regular Person

-Band Member x Regular Person**

-Band Member x Band Member

Celebrity x Celebrity

-Popular x Unpopular (Nerd, shy, etc) (This is open for one more partner!)

-Cancer x Normal

-Orphan x Orphan**

-Cancer/sick orphan x Orphan

-Ghost x Human

-Boss x Employee

-Spouse x Someone in an affair

-Anything supernatural**

Prison Escapee x Normal

-Bullied x Savior**

-Bad past x Normal/Celebrity**

-English Speaker x Person who doesn't speak English

-Teacher x Student

-Drug User x Normal

-Drug user x Drug user

-Serial Killer x Normal

-Serial Killer x Serial Killer

Fandom Pairings

Only putting this down just in case other role-players/writers want to do a Fandom Role-Play. I do have Fandoms for K-Pop so PM if you want to see them. Korean Fandoms will be bolded.

Most of the fandoms will most likely be either OC x CC or CC x CC.

**-The Walking Dead (Available for 1 more rp!)**

-Harry Potter

-Amnesia anime

-Another Anime


Boys Over Flowers/Hana Yori Dango

Coffee Prince

My Unfortunate Boyfriend

-Rooftop Prince************!!!

-To The Beautiful You

-Absolute Boyfriend (Chinese Drama)

-Resident Evil (Games)

-Vampire Knight

-Devil May Cry

-The Last of Us

-Say I Love You anime

-Teen Wolf (Haven't watched this season and half of last season ._.)

-Penny Dreadful**


-Mirai Nikki anime (Either the anime form or the live version works)

-K Project**


-Beautiful Creatures

Very Simple Plot Ideas

Bolded Characters are the ones I'd like to be.

Love Triangle: Either MxFxM or FxMxF. (High School or Modern Setting) (Group Role-Play)

Character A is just an ordinary male/female that goes about their day. While working, they notice that Character B needs help moving in to the apartment next to Character A. Character A helps and gains a relationship with Character B. Little does Character A know their roommate, Character C, also gains a relationship with Character B. Which one will Character A choose to love? Character A or C? Or maybe.. neither?

Love Square: Character A likes Character C. Character C likes Character B,

Character B likes Character D, Character D likes Character A. (High School Setting)(Group Role-Play) (LOOKING FOR ONE MORE ROLE-PLAYER!)

Character A is a quiet and shy person that isn't really noticed by her crush, Character C. Character C is more of the popular, athletic type that usually pays attention to mostly sports and the other popular people. Nothing else really. However, Character C likes Character B. Character B is a preppy, artist/cheerleader/anything preppy person that bases their work or thinks a lot about their crush, Character D. Character D isn't really popular but keeps to themselves and is usually rude to others due to being cranky a lot, they like Character A.

Are You Sure You're Who You Say You Are?

FxM) (Suspense/Horror/Yandere Plot)

Character A and B meet online. Character A opens their heart to Character B, saying and showing who they are. While Character B says who they are but really aren't. Character B has a huge grudge against Character A because of something they did in the past. Of course, Character A has no memory of it and wouldn't suspect anything. Sooner or later, Character A and B agree to meet each other. Little does Character A know, Character B sets up a plan to do something to Character A.

(Basically, this plot can be changed for anything. For a Yandere situation, Character B can take Character A and keep them. Or they can stalk them and try to have Character A's social life cut off. For a Horror, it could be Character B taking Character A. For suspense, it could be Character B stalking Character A and tries to confront Character A in a violent manner.)

I'll Take Care Of You

(MxF, FxF**) (Plot can be changed)

Character A and B are apartment neighbors. Character A tries their best to stay happy but falls into a deep depression and mental breakdown after being reminded of their childhood. Character B is a book writer (can be changed) who then meets Character A. Character A of course, tries their best to look happy in front of Character B. Time goes on and the two start to love each other. However, Character A is drifting away from being so upset. Sooner or later, Character B finds out.

Character A soon finds out that they have a disorder that makes them forget important traumatic events. Which is starting to make them forget about their past and maybe even up to today. Character B finds out on accident and decides to stay with Character A to take care of them, not knowing how bad the disorder would get. Not knowing if they will be forgotten.

(Yes.. This is pretty sad ;-; Anyway, if Character B would be an author in the role-play, I would put down that Character B starts writing a book only for
Character A that is filled with all the memories they have made and also the ones that Character A told Character B about.)

I Didn't Want To Work With You

(MxF, FxF) (Based off of Resident Evil Kinda cx)

Character A is an agent that goes out to countries and saves people. Ex: President's daughter, senator, saves a city from parasites, etc. Meanwhile in a case they were in, they were partnered with a good friend. They were close to each other, and Character A did like them. However, their partner died while saving Character A in a mission. Once Character A got back, they were distraught and so upset that they demanded never to be partnered with anyone again. That lasted for a couple of years until their new mission to stop an outbreak from occurring. Now, they are partnered with Character B and is miserable. They don't want to get close with them at all so they wouldn't have any emotional attachment. However, time passes by and Character A and B are close. Soon, Character A and B develops feelings for each other. Character A is afraid though to like them, afraid that they would lose Character B like last time. What will happen? Will events from the past occur? Will this strictly professional relationship become something more?

Do We Really Hate Each Other?

(MxF) (Can be a double)

Character A and Character B are in rich families that are forced into an arranged marriage. Both of the characters like other people but have to marry each other. Character A and B hate each other and constantly fight all the time and never agree with each other. Sooner or later, they have to go on a trip with each other but Character B's lover joins them secretly. While the two (three) of them are there, Character A gets into an accident where Character B saves them. After a while, the two characters start to fall for each other. However, Character A is on the fence with breaking up with their lover. Will this arranged marriage work out? Will one of the Character's get kicked out of the family if they really don't want to be apart of the arranged marriage? Will Character A and B be miserable in the relationship? Or will a beautiful relationship blossom?

Please comment below if you can't PM, want to do a group role-play, or just want to get my attention ^^.

PM me if you want a rather personal/less crowded discussion for a role-play.

Thank You For Reading All



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Hi there! I’m interested in doing the genie x human, or the ghost x human with you, if possible! :3

( P.S. That cat in the end of your post was so cute! *o* )
Haha thank you. If you can, send me a Pm. Maybe we can discuss everything and try to start a role-play.
I am highly interested!! I love the "Are you sure you're who you say you are?" Plot and any of the pairings 1-13 or 15-27!!

Fandoms I'm interested in are Harry Potter, The Walking Dead, Twilight, Vampire Knight!!

You're thread is highly, highly, highly one of the best i've seem. The suggestions and rules are perfect!!

Haha thank you very much. I try to get to the point and not beat around the bush. I can do any of those.

PM me if you can and maybe we can discuss everything.
@Shimakage Thunder

Meisaki said:
@Shimakage Thunder
Pleas PM me and let us see what we can work out ^^ <3
Hi! If you're still looking, I'd be interested in...

Shy guy x Crazy/Nice girl

Orphan x Orphan

Psychopath x Hostage


Are You Sure You're Who You Say You Are?

That Shy guy x Crazy/Nice Girl pairing looks good from here. It sounds like something fun.

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