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Fantasy 1x1 | Fantasy OCs on a Quest?


Queen of Dragons (no, not that one)
Roleplay Type(s)
Hello. Think I'll throw my hat in for an interest check on a 1x1 with a fantasy setting. I've a little Nymph character I want to dust off and put back out into the world. They were originally part of a 1x1 princely quest thread that unfortunately couldn't take off because of Real Life getting in the way. That was ten years ago. Now, I'd like to try again for this character.

Fantasy setting doesn't have to be Kingdoms and High Fantasy; it can be more modern/urban if desired (I tend to lean urban, myself, but enjoy shaking that up now and then).

Romance is optional. If that wants to be pursued, there's no MxF/MxM/FxF/etc requirement. Heck, it can be an asexual couple being soft and wholesome.
I've never done dark romance, but I'm willing to explore it if--and only if--thorough conversation has been had. I don't have a full grasp on my personal triggers and so there is always the possibility I might discover one or two.

I'm a sucker for demons, werewolves, and dragons.
I'm a sucker for angst and drama. But I'm also a sucker for soft and cuddly.

Having multiple OCs is optional.

Would love to hear from anyone who's interested. I plan for this to stay on RPN in the appropriate forum section for 1x1s. Post coding is not a requirement (I'm certainly not going to utilize it myself). If you do choose to use something, please be aware that I struggle with reading high contrast (aka Dark Mode).

Name: Laomedeia [Lao or Deia are nicknames they respond to]
Age: 173 years old
Gender: Nonbinary | They/Them Pronouns
Race: Wood Nymph
-> Magical: Standing only 5'2" in height, Lao has a very delicate and thin build with wiry limbs and a small chest. Their skin is brown like the bark on the trees they cherish so greatly but soft as if the elements had never touched them before. Their face is oval-shaped with a small nose, full lips, and vibrant hazel eyes. Falling upon their shoulders in waves is brown hair intermixed with leafy-green tendrils; real leaves and flowers grow from their scalp just like the rest of their hair, thin and flexible branches twisting through just the same. Bark-like material - seemingly fused into their skin - runs along their sides and across their chest to cover most of their breasts. Similarly, mossy-green coloring of the same material runs down to conceal the region between Lao's legs and much of their bottom, forming into a pseudo coattail. Sprouting from the back of their slender neck, Lao has two thin branches spiraling down each of their arms to their knuckles. Likewise, branches sprouting from the "coattail" spiral around their thighs. Lastly, from their back, a pair of shimmery green and brown, translucent butterfly wings sprout and flutter.
-> Human: Much like her natural appearance, Lao's human form is small and delicate, possessing the exact same body structure and height. Their hair loses the flowery qualities, becoming a plain wavy brown; "normal" for a human. They dress more "modestly" for human standards, wearing a simple frock made of green and brown cloth with golden hemming. On their feet are plain shoes. All traces of their magical nature are hidden, a necklace with a tree pendant around their neck containing their magical energy.
Personality: Laomedeia is very shy and meek, soft spoken when they actually do talk. Due to their quiet nature, they are very easy to push around and manipulate or simply command. They're easy to intimidate or scare but they are very curious about new and strange things. Lao isn't truly a fighter - too pacifistic. However, if something they like a lot is being threatened, they'll try to defend it if running away isn't an option.
-> Shapeshifting - Limited to three forms: Wood Nymph, Human, and Oak tree. [Active]
-> Plant Manipulation - Capable of advancing, slowing, or otherwise manipulating plant life and growth. [Active]
-> Weapon Manifestation - If needed, Lao is capable of turning any piece of stick into a full staff that can aid in channeling their nature magic and/or be used as a melee weapon. [Active]
-> Venom/Poison Immunity - Lao is immune to all venoms and poisons. However, they are more susceptible to human illnesses from viruses. [Passive]
Other Stuff:
-> They have a very good knowledge about plant life - which ones have healing/curative properties, which ones are bad for your health, which ones will kill you, etc.

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