-[1x1] Dragon roleplay


Junior Member
In this world there would be dragon riders, and the dragons and humans form a life long partnership. The riders are of course human and a secret that is kept my the riders is that dragons can change into human forms to hide among man.

Humans are just lucky and happen to stumble upon dragon eggs, and when they hatch a bond is formed almost instantly.

I was thinking of something along the lines of there being a group of drake and humans who are trying to take the world by force and have divided the land into two kingdoms. The free towns and the Kingdom of Dracos. The only hope for the free towns are the few riders that have sided with them, but their numbers are starting to dwindle and it's our characters choice to help them or crush them and assert the rule of Dracos.

A rough plot, but should be fun. I would like to play a female character, although I don't care if I play the human or drake.
Sounds sort of interesting... The plot is a little confusing but I kinda get the gist of it. I could play the male character if you want. It sounds like a fun rp ^^
This looks brilliant! I adore the concept, and you have my full and complete interest. I am perfectly happy playing a male, female, dragon, or drake, according to what it is in particular you want.

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