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1x1 Craving {Open~ Ignore Post Count}

Hi everyone! ^^

My name's Mademoiselle, call me Madi if that's too long or come up with something else. So about three years ago? Aproximately. I was going through a bad time and I felt like I wanted to escape. Books provided that to me. While surfing the net one day, I found an RPing site and well, the rest is history.

Lately I have been desperately craving some one on one RPs. Though every time I would sit down and start making a thread, something came up. So I put this off for a little while. Now I have some free time in my hands and I yearn for 1x1 RPs.

Okay, so some rules:

1. All general RP rules apply.

2. I'm looking for someone who can write at least 1 paragraph (5+ sentences). Be descriptive! One liners are NOT acceptable, they make me cringe so don't do them please.

3. Activeness is something I'm not that strict on. I would like some replies daily but if you aren't able to I understand. Also, I would like to be told if you won't be able to post for some days.

4. Grammar is very important! Everyone makes mistakes but please try to write correctly.

5. If you don't want to RP anymore or you don't like something in the RP, please tell me! We can figure so,e arrangement out and if we drop the RP I will feel some kind of 'closure'.

RP related info:

  • I play a female role, my males really are kinda afeminated and I give up on them.
  • If you want to RP through PM, thread or some other type of stuff (Skype, Kik, Y! Messenger, etc) any really is fine by me.
  • I'm a romanticist, romance will be a part of every RP. Though there will be no smut. I'm not against homosexuality, just not really that into it but will try it if you want.
  • I can be quite the forgetful person so if I haven't replied or if you feel like I have forgotten about you, just poke me. Usually I'm not bothered by it. Don't do it repeatedly on a single day or if I haven't replied to you 30 minutes after you wrote, sometimes I can take my time writing.


Ones I prefer will be underlined.

If something's crossed out it is taken

*Star means reserved*:

❁ Supernatural being(vampire, werewolf, demon, etc) x


❁ Rival Prince x

Rival Princess

❁ Pirate x


❁ Knight/Guardsman x


❁ Noble/Royal x servant

❁ Arranged marriage.

❁ Man (Knight, Peasant, King's brother, etc) x

King's fiancée

❁ Bad guy x

good girl

❁ Celebrity x

normal person

❁ Forbidden love

❁ Assassin x Assassin

❁ Assassin x Target

❁ Rival gang members

❁ Soldier of the Red Army x Soviet Girl. {Set in WWII}

❁ Demon x


❁ Guardian Angel x


❁ Post Apocalyptic

❁ Utopian; Police x troublemaker

❁ Greek/Roman/Viking; Royalty/Noble x Slave, Demi-god x Demi-god, Demi-god x human

❁ Greek Demi-god x demi-god

Fandom Roles:

❁Mortal Instruments: Downworlder/Shadowhunter x Downworlder/Shadowhunter/Human.

❁Vampire Academy: Dhampir/Moroi/Strigoi x Dhampir/Moroi/Strigoi/Human.

❁ Marvel- *offspring of hero/villain x offspring of hero/villain* ; offspring of hero/villain x human.

If you have any other ideas feel free to share them.

Send me a PM or reply below if you're interested!

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Hi! I'd like to try the Supernatural being x human or the demi god x demi god. PM me if you want to talk about the details!
Such a wide range and taste, it's kind of hard for me to pick! Well, I'd love to roleplay with you. I just...Have to figure out how to send a PM on this infernal site. Anyway, I have a little information about myself on my profile, and most of it is the sarcastic musings of a teenage boy. I guess when you feel like it you can just drop me a line and we can talk things out? I'll be waiting to hear from you!
Hi there! I've been recently craving a 1x1 roleplay, but have been either too tired, or just busy, to actively search for a partner. But now that I have a little extra time on my hands, I'd love to roleplay with you! From what I've read, I really love your style already, and I would love to take the Arranged Marriage idea, and apply it in modern terms (I can not play in medieval settings for my life). I usually play the male role, which should work out perfect since you play the female role. I usually post two paragraphs, or more, though it depends on my mood, and how much I'm given to work with. I can usually post once a day, or more, but on weekends I usually am off due to family and family activities. I hope this won't be an issue. Anyways, feel free to contact me if you are interested, and we can jump right into it! Thank you for taking the time to read this, hope you have a lovely day/night!

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