it’s been a long time coming…
- One on One
- Off-site
Please read my rules, if you request something that is against something clearly stated in my rules, I will no longer reply. Sorry, I'm tired.
Hello, my name is El (they/he). I am 21 so you must be at least 18 to roleplay with me at all. Please do not engage with me if ur a minor, please please please idk why some kids think I will make an exception for them. NO.
Pairing Options: BxB or BxG (me as girl) BxNB, NBxNB, NBxG (me as girl)
You MAY use a canon character from a fandom you like, as long as you treat them like an OC and give me all their important info.
You are also welcome to make you character long as it works for the rp
I love dark and mature themes for romance so if you have a lot of sensitive triggers, this probably isn't for you. I have a few OCs for myself in mind for possible options for this, but I'd to pick based off the plot we are doing. All characters must be 18+, no exceptions.
Pairing Plot Ideas (bold is my role):
Neighbor x Older single dad next door
College Student x Professor
Quiet Barista x CEO/Celebrity who comes in daily and tips well
Celebrity x Obsessed Fan (either)
High school reunion: two high school exes reunite for the first time after an unhealthy past with each other
New Roommate x Famous Youtuber (either)
FBI Agent x Serial Killer
Dancer x Dance instructor
Mythical Creature x scientist
Celebrity x Celebrity
Stripper x Rich guy that falls in love (possibly mafia?)
...more to come, feel free to come with your own ideas as well!
Celebrity x Bodyguard
Actor x Director
Royal x guard
Rules: I know they may seem excessive. They are here for a reason. I'm not an asshole but again...they're literally all here for a reason.
-You and your character must be 18+
-I am more than happy to be friends ooc. We don't have to, but always open! I know I come off as cold in my ads, I'm just tired of people not reading the rules that are stated very very clearly
-On that note, you're not gonna be nasty ooc, there's no reason for that energy on here babes
-Available writing lengths (Please specify which you are): Non lit (3+ sentences), semi-lit (1+ full paragraph), literate-ish (3-5 paragraphs on faster responses, longer if desired). Quality over quantity.
-You MUST be willing to play side characters and contribute to building the story. It can't be all on me. That's lame.
-You will not spam me several times a day for a reply. Talking ooc is different but if you're pinging me and nagging me for replies, you're gonna get blocked. I'm a full time student with a job, I can't be on every second.
-Private servers and DMs on Discord are okay. DMs on rpnation is okay. I do not rp in threads.
-You must give me some sort of description of your character, including their personality. Their personality is the MOST important part of that. You and I are NOT obligated to roleplay with each other if we don't really vibe with the other's character that we wanted to use. No tea no shade, some people just tend to play certain types of characters, and that's totally fair.
-I do not double for the sake of "I scratch my back if you scratch yours" No tea no shade if that's your thing but, I've found that when we do that, my partner stops putting any effort into my desired roleplay or stops replying to that one all together. I no longer double anymore, please do not ask, this will not change.
Okay I think that's about it. When you DM, please tell me about about yourself: approx age, writing length, ideas you liked, any character you had in mind, etc...
Hello, my name is El (they/he). I am 21 so you must be at least 18 to roleplay with me at all. Please do not engage with me if ur a minor, please please please idk why some kids think I will make an exception for them. NO.
Pairing Options: BxB or BxG (me as girl) BxNB, NBxNB, NBxG (me as girl)
You MAY use a canon character from a fandom you like, as long as you treat them like an OC and give me all their important info.
You are also welcome to make you character long as it works for the rp
I love dark and mature themes for romance so if you have a lot of sensitive triggers, this probably isn't for you. I have a few OCs for myself in mind for possible options for this, but I'd to pick based off the plot we are doing. All characters must be 18+, no exceptions.
Pairing Plot Ideas (bold is my role):
Neighbor x Older single dad next door
College Student x Professor
Quiet Barista x CEO/Celebrity who comes in daily and tips well
Celebrity x Obsessed Fan (either)
High school reunion: two high school exes reunite for the first time after an unhealthy past with each other
New Roommate x Famous Youtuber (either)
FBI Agent x Serial Killer
Dancer x Dance instructor
Mythical Creature x scientist
Celebrity x Celebrity
Stripper x Rich guy that falls in love (possibly mafia?)
...more to come, feel free to come with your own ideas as well!
Celebrity x Bodyguard
Actor x Director
Royal x guard
Rules: I know they may seem excessive. They are here for a reason. I'm not an asshole but again...they're literally all here for a reason.
-You and your character must be 18+
-I am more than happy to be friends ooc. We don't have to, but always open! I know I come off as cold in my ads, I'm just tired of people not reading the rules that are stated very very clearly
-On that note, you're not gonna be nasty ooc, there's no reason for that energy on here babes
-Available writing lengths (Please specify which you are): Non lit (3+ sentences), semi-lit (1+ full paragraph), literate-ish (3-5 paragraphs on faster responses, longer if desired). Quality over quantity.
-You MUST be willing to play side characters and contribute to building the story. It can't be all on me. That's lame.
-You will not spam me several times a day for a reply. Talking ooc is different but if you're pinging me and nagging me for replies, you're gonna get blocked. I'm a full time student with a job, I can't be on every second.
-Private servers and DMs on Discord are okay. DMs on rpnation is okay. I do not rp in threads.
-You must give me some sort of description of your character, including their personality. Their personality is the MOST important part of that. You and I are NOT obligated to roleplay with each other if we don't really vibe with the other's character that we wanted to use. No tea no shade, some people just tend to play certain types of characters, and that's totally fair.
-I do not double for the sake of "I scratch my back if you scratch yours" No tea no shade if that's your thing but, I've found that when we do that, my partner stops putting any effort into my desired roleplay or stops replying to that one all together. I no longer double anymore, please do not ask, this will not change.
Okay I think that's about it. When you DM, please tell me about about yourself: approx age, writing length, ideas you liked, any character you had in mind, etc...
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