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Realistic or Modern 1x1 & 1x1x1 Plots! Take a peek? [FxF & FxM]

Naeva Ami

Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Hello! Welcome! Hey!

Thought I'd switch things up from my usual search, by offering up some plots. The thread won't be fancy, but I hope to at least get my ideas across. Most of what I'll list is written as a 1x1, but I'm completely open to adapting them 1x1x1 roleplays as well if that sparks your interest! I've struggled to find two people who would both stick through planning on such an rp in the past, but eager to give it another go with some dedicated writers in it for the long haul. I would consider a four person roleplay if the desire is strong enough, but primarily looking for 2 or 3 person roleplays at the moment.

Here's some quick deets on both myself, and what I'm looking for in my partner(s):
  • Looking primarily for a FxF roleplays, but also up for FxM. Platonic roleplays are also fantastic, and I welcome them with open arms.
  • I'm in my 20s, and would prefer roleplay partners above 18.
  • I post around 2-6 paragraphs per post on average, but its flexible to my partner's preferences, character count, and whats happening in the rp at the time. I'm looking for someone in the same general range.
  • Happy to play multiple characters, both mains, and sides.
  • I'm trying to be active, but I'm not necessarily consistent. Some times I can be on all day, other times just once a week, but will try to let you know if I forsee any long delays. I don't care how fast or slow you are in your own post frequency. Life comes first, and I understand the writing inspiration isn't always there.
  • Always trying to improve my writing, happy to take feedback.
  • Looking for partners who are willing to plot with me, discuss where to take things, and not just provide passive answers on how to craft our story.
  • If you have any questions or concerns, please do ask.

Now with all that out of the way, its plot time! Some will be more thought out than others, but for all of them I welcome your thoughts, feedback and ideas. This should be a collaborative effort, so I want your input! These plots should be taken as a starting point for discussion, not necessarily a strict guideline. For any plots with specific roles, my preferred role will be character X.

  1. Modern / Royalty / Family
    This story is set in a alternate version of the modern day. Monarchy is the primary form of government for countries across the world, with royalty still very much in power of the entirey of their countries. Most modern technology is present, but there's a distinct 'victorian' influence in fashions, architecture, and traditions. There are hundreds of different kingdoms, but the story is focused on two primarily. Kingdom A, and Kingdom B. The two kingdoms have a long history of conflict. Bitter neighbours with fundamentally opposed views on a great many topics. In the past thirty or fourty years, conflict has shifted from traditional wards, to a more cold war state. Spies, covert strikes, economic manipluation, anything that could harm the other country without being blatantly obvious who the offender was, and without bloodshed where avoidable.

    Kingdom A was thriving, and welcomed the birth of young princess X to the royal family, an event celebrated by noble and commoner alike. The girl was beloved by all, and seen as a symbol of the future. However on her second birthday, the palace is attacked. Initially assumed an assassination attempt on the king and queen, the attack was thwarted. But in the aftermath, its discovered that the young Princess had been kidnapped. Despite tireless searches and diplomatic meetings, she was never found, nor any ransom demands presented. All trace of the girl was gone, and noone had publically taken responsibility.

    Twenty years later, Princess X is living the life of an average commoner in Kingdom B, unaware of her heritage. She grew up in an orphanage for a time, left there by her captors. And while Kingdom A had long moved on from mourning their lost princess, a handful of royal advisors had kept the search up even after so many years. Some looking for an excuse to attack Kingdom B, Some worried about the stolen princess' fate, and some seeking to find her for their own power and political gain. And after seemingly endless searching, they found her. Living in Kingdom B, blissfully unaware of her secrets. Character Y takes it upon themselves (or is assigned?) to be the one to bring Princess X home, to make her into the princess she was meant to be, whether X likes it or not.

    Character Y could be many things, depending on how we want the story to go. Maid, Advisor, Noble, Mother, Father, Older Sibling, all kinds of possible roles. Family roles being platonic of course.

  2. Alternate Reality / Modern /Mirror World
    One day character X wakes up, and nothing is the same. Not even themself. Its all similar, somewhat familiar, but twisted, changed, and new. For everything that seems the same, two other things are different. Their life, their family, their friends, everything's shifted. A new world, a new reality. Character Y is X's lover, only X doesn't know that. In X's reality, they're friends/enemies/coworkers/etc. But here? They're together, and madly in love. For X, her life is turned upside down and she struggles to adjust. Is this new reality better than her own? Worse? Does she want to go back to 'normal'? For Character Y, their lover is suddenly a different person. Similar, but different. Do they need help? What's wrong with them?

    ALTERNATIVE 1: Character Y believes Character X's story and confusion,believing they're from a different reality. Unsure what else to do, helps X learn to live in this new life, and to fill in her alternate self's shoes.

    ALTERNATIVE 2: Every time Character X falls asleep, she takes up in the world she wasn't in perviously. Flipping each night from her world, to the mirror world. Living the same day, in two different lives, one after another. Character Y is in their life in both worlds, but in different ways, with a different life of their own.

  3. Fame / Idols / Friendship
    Character X and Y are long time friends. They do everything together, share every secret, and support one another through thick and thin. Now in their early adulthood, they're busy trying to find their place in life, and who they want to be. Y is big into the celebrety and idol scene. Following fashion, fame, and music religiously. For a time, Y wanted to become a singer herself, but never had the voice for it. X however, has a fantastic voice, but hates singing, and knows nothing of the industry. Partially as a prank, and partially to prove to X that she does have a good voice, Y records her, and uploads it to the internet. Y expects to get a dozen people saying how good X is, but they wake up the next day to find that it has blown up into a small viral sensation.

    Y sees her chance at the idols life, by living through X, and turning her best friend into the next big celeb. Whether convinced, forced, or tricked, X works with Y to become a singer, model, and star in her own right, with Y becoming her agent and tutor.

  4. Business / Fashion / Partnership
    X is a young marketing professional fresh out of college and quickly making a name for herself with small local clients. She's successful, passionate, and hard working. Through a referal, she's given a massive opportunity to work with a large fashion agency, make a ton of money, and propel her career. Problem being, she feels unprepared personally, professionally, and organizationally. In order to cope, she puts out an ad to hire an assistant. Someone to work part time for cheap to handle her emails, organization, and finances. During her interviews, she meets Y. Y is a seasoned personal assistant, having worked for multiple CEO's. She's kept a pretty high stress, long hours work life, and is looking for some more work-life balance. As a result, she wanted something smaller scale. Meeting X, Y sees something that inspires her, and sees potential in X. An unpolished diamond. Y proposes that shes hired on as a personal assistant, and life coach for X. To take charge of X's whole life to make improvements, reorganize her, and transformer her into the professional, fashionable businesswoman that she needs to be in order to be successful, and present herself properly to her new client. Y sees it as a bit of a pet project, while being a job that allows her more flexibility, fun, and a chance to build someone up from nothing, to further her own career.

    Potential for romance to build as they interact in every aspect of X's personal life, or help eachother's seperate romance lives.

  5. Runaway / Fresh Start / Big City
    X and Y are loose friends. Whether online, or in person. They're not extremely close, they don't have a long history. But they do get along well, and have found eachother to be understanding, empathetic, and a shoulder to lean on. Whenever there's need to vent frustrations they turn to eachother. For months they'd fantasized about just running away from their lives and starting over. Talked about how crazy it would be, how irresponsible it would be, and how liberating it could be. One night after sharing their frustrations of especially rough days, one suggests they actually do it. They actually run away. Throwing caution to the wind, they agree on a plan. To take what money they have, leave without notice, and meet up in a big city together to start fresh. New names, new looks, new identities. Start from nothing and reinvent themselves together.

  6. Runaway / Fresh Start / Small Town
    Y lives in a small town where everyone knows everyone else. There's few secrets, there's little change. Their traditions, values, and beliefs are strict and time honored. Its an abundantly happy town with a huge community spirit. Y is happy too, but longs for something new. Something different. A little bit of shake-up. Then X arrives. A city girl looking to escape her life and start over. No plan, no possessions. Just trying to find a place for a fresh start. Y immediately gravitates to her, as the new 'shiny object' in town, and makes it her job to help X fit in, teach her their ways, and make her one of them. Problem being, Y starts to fall for the new girl, and that's not right, is it?

  7. Chosen Utopia
    In the far future, humanity has created a commercialized utopia. A colony of individuals specifically vetted or scouted to be the utopian society of humanity. The most advanced technology available, the most extravagant comforts, luxurious meals, everything is carefully engineered to be 'perfect'. This includes the residents. To begin with, residents are chosen from applications, or from those scouted specifically to join. Candidates are evaluated and scored on a number of factors including intelligence, health, empathy, skills, and compliance. Utopia isn't for the smartest, or kindest people. Nor is it for the richest. Each factor is carefully balanced to ensure all residents are able to contribute to society with minimal social risk, and compliant to order. Within the utopia, noone has to work, cook, clean, or perform any task they don't want to. Robots or outside suppliers handle it all. Though many do take on such tasks to follow their passions, relax, or enjoy themselves.

    Socially on earth, most everyone wants to live in utopia. Striving to be 'worthy' to join the elite. To become 'perfect', as all those in utopia clearly are. What isn't publicly advertised, is that Utopia is not only a carefully engineered environment, but the people are too. Everyone is refined, enhanced, or in many cases completely changed upon becoming a resident. They are made 'perfect' in mind, body, and appearance. All in order to make utopia as flawless as possible.

    Story focuses on X and Y, who are scouted to join Utopia as part of an experiment. To test new 'recreation' technologies and techniques on real people and see if anyone can be 'perfected', or if the rigorous selection process is still needed after all. Are X and Y willing to give up everything to be perfect, and live in a perfect society? Will they thrive in their new lives, or long for what they once had?

    X and Y could be siblings, friends, lovers, etc.

  8. Found Family / Fresh Start / Platonic
    Less of a plot, more of a setup? Needs some discussion and planning to flesh things out.

    Four characters between the ages of 15-24 come together from different backgrounds/lives. They have no money, no belongings, no family. Whatever their reasons, they're starting over with nothing but hope. Despite dismal personal situations, they each have some optimism, and that's what brings them together. They all have different skills, knowledge, and personalities that mesh well to help eachother out. Together they form a new family, build a new home, and support eachother through the trials of life.

    Can be light and fluffy, or dark and grim, or a mixture! This would be a non-romantic rp, focusing on family dynamics. Though romance with additional side characters is always an option.

  9. Business / Fashion / Inheritance - NEW!
    Y is a total fashion queen, working for a rather successful fashion agency as an executive assistant to the CEO. She'd had the job for a few years, is very good at it, and has the complete faith of her boss. The boss, an older woman battling illness, has to step down due to health reasons. In the process, its the boss' strict instruction that company ownership and control should transfer to her granddaughter, X. X could be on good terms with her grandmother, or they could be very far removed, depending on where we want the setup to go. But in either case, X has no experience in running a business, and is unsuited to the position. Although it seems foolish, Y respects her former boss' wish, and works to set grandaughter up a the new CEO. Seeing how unprepared X is, Y makes it her personal mission to help Grandaughter become a competent and successful businesswoman just like her grandmother. Either X gets it together, or Y will take over herseslf. One way or another, they're determined to make the business thrive. Will they be unwilling allies, or a wholesome team working together?


And that's that! The plot list will probably grow overtime, but this is what I've got for now. If anything interests you, please reach out! I'd love to hear your ideas, or even if you have plots of your own that you think I may enjoy, based on what I've presented here. I hope you'll give me a shot!
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Hi! If you're still looking I'd be interested in either the Alternate Universe or Runaway in the Big City plots!
Hi! If you're still looking I'd be interested in either the Alternate Universe or Runaway in the Big City plots!
I could fit another! Would love to try thr Alternate Universe. Please shoot me a message and we'll chat.

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