[1st Ed Alchemichals] need an assessment on this charms


New Member
I'm in a mixed Solars - Alchemicals campaign, playing the role of the sole alchemical "traveling incognito" with the other exalts, problem is, well, remaining incognito with 9 motes of internal essence and a high rate of motes comsumption in combat (and I started with Essence 4...)

One of the main points its the drain on personal motes due to installation costs, to try and solve the problem I developed this charm, and i'm not sure how balanced it is this charm - pending ST's approval - :



Cost: None

Installation Cost: none

Duration: N/A

Type: Permanent

Minimum Stamina: 2

Minimum Essence: 3

Prerequisite Charms: None

   Thought to be based off a refinement of the essence pulse cannon battery submodule this Charm consists of a group of thumbnail sized starmetal and jade capacitors affixed to an Alchemical’s Essence reservoir amplifying, trough flux optimization and fluctuations reductions, its base capacity by an additional 5 motes of Internal Essence per installation. Notably Essence granted by this charm results from system optimization and so can't be diverted to fuel installations of charms.

   Exalted cannot have more copies of this Charm installed than half their permanent Essence (rounded down). Advanced Internal Essence Storage Unit cannot be placed in Arrays.

The following charm is a submodule that applied to Trascendent Multimodal Weapon Matrix converts that single copy of the charm in a full fledged artifact - this one's been ST approved - and I'd like both costructive criticism and ideas on a related submodule that permits to "incamerate" essence trough soulsteel's draining effect


Cost: 5 motes / scene

Installation Cost: None

Duration: Indefinite

Type: Submodule

Minimum Dexterity: 4

Minimum Essence: 3

Affixed to:Trascendent Multimodal Weapon Matrix

[speed+0 / Acc +2 / Dam +8L / Def +0 / S 2] + [soulsteel Acc +1/ Essence motes "drain"] stats of reaver daiklave pg 342 EXALTED base manual

   This exotic submodule takes the basic functions of its parent charm and adds the necessary components to implement beamklave capabilities: a single beam-weapon template becomes thus the only configuration awayable to this installation of both charm and submodule: reinstalling the charm won't permit to change the weapon's template.

   Currently ...Ex Umbra's the only known existing sample of this submodule, as no one's able to effectively duplicate the artifact lenses at its core. For practical purposes  submodule and charm could be considered as a single charm weapon... but suspect remains that in fact this charm was part of a matched couple.

   The resulting “charmâ€
Solars and Alchemicals seems a bit of a power difference, but I know little about Alchs. Rather than new charms etc I suggest that you follow Solar creation rules as closely as possible. So you have the same Essence, motes etc. Be prepared for the GM to question areas where you outdo the Solars, you may have to give up something for this.
Interesting stuff.  I love the Alchies, and I can't wait for them to come out in 2e.
I like the Charm set so far. I think the fact that you tweaked the first one so that the extra motes cannot be utilized for other Charm installation helped balance it a bit.

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