1980's Law and Order New Orleans

With Yama, I want to try playing lawful neutral in a different sort of way. Because he has no empathy, he has no morality based on other people. He chooses his actions based on what he deems righteous. He strives for balance more than anything. For instance, he would not flinch at killing someone who has killed another, as that restores a balance. He would destroy the finances of an abusive capitalist to restore balance in that sense. However, he would not save a drowning person unless they were thrown in the water. if they fell in by themselves, he sees their death as just. What I don't want to do is have him the the zany crazy guy. One could have a conversation with him and never suspect that he thinks he's a god. I don't wanna pull a Dusk and try to make this about Yama's quest for ascendance.

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