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Deleting Forums in a roleplay

Hello, my question today concerns how to delete forums in a roleplay I am making. For instance, if I wanted to remove the default Character forum, how would I go about doing that? I'm sure it's obvious and I've just overlooked it, but I have been searching for a little while and can't find the delete button.
I asked Wizard about this very early this morning and he said it was something that required an admin contact thread because only admins can delete boards. I can link you to the conversation if you'd like. 
You should be able to edit it to something you do want, if that works better for you.
What Kaerri said should be most convenient. I just renamed my "Characters" forum into something similar albeit with more flavor.

I am going to take a leap and assume that you do need a forum for character sheets in a roleplay.

If that's not the case, you can always hide forums from sight by changing the "See Forum" option in the permissions. This'll make it as good as gone, and you always have the option of restoring it on a moment's notice *woof*

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